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Issue 19 - 21 June 2013

50 Years after the Equal Pay Act, Parity Eludes Us March 18, 2013 By Beth Pearsall, Freelance Writer, San Diego, California Fifty years ago, President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act, which requires employers to give women and men equal pay for equal work. At that time, women were...

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Issue 19 - 21 June 2013

50 Years after the Equal Pay Act, Parity Eludes Us March 18, 2013 By Beth Pearsall, Freelance Writer, San Diego, California Fifty years ago, President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act, which requires employers to give women and men equal pay for equal work. At that time, women were paid...

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Issue 18 - 18 June 2013

Books available for borrowing NZNO members can borrow these items for a period of 4 weeks. 1. From green to gold: Nurses and comrades Compiled and edited by Patricia Isa A collection of nursing memories, career pathways, life stories, and other topics of interest. celebrating 55 years of...

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Issue 18 - 18 June 2013

Books available for borrowing NZNO members can borrow these items for a period of 4 weeks. 1. From green to gold: Nurses and comrades Compiled and edited by Patricia Isa A collection of nursing memories, career pathways, life stories, and other topics of interest. celebrating 55 years of Green...

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Issue 17 - 10 June 2013

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Events in New Zealand- Saturday June 15     Books available for borrowing Issued to NZNO members for a period of 4 weeks. 1.  Making Strategic Planning Happen: A...

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Issue 17 - 10 June 2013

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Events in New Zealand- Saturday June 15     Books available for borrowing Issued to NZNO members for a period of 4 weeks. 1.  Making Strategic Planning Happen: A Simple and...

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Issue 16 - 4 June 2013

Articles - Nicotine replacement 1. Readers panel. 'I want to quit but don't tell mum' By Hopkins, Craig; Esegbona-Adeigbe, Sarah; Baldwin, Moyra; Drake, Linda. Nursing Standard. 3/13/2013, Vol. 27 Issue 28, p26-27 Abstract: Should child smokers be given nicotine patches without their parents'...

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Issue 16 - 4 June 2013

Articles - Nicotine replacement 1. Readers panel. 'I want to quit but don't tell mum' By Hopkins, Craig; Esegbona-Adeigbe, Sarah; Baldwin, Moyra; Drake, Linda. Nursing Standard. 3/13/2013, Vol. 27 Issue 28, p26-27 Abstract: Should child smokers be given nicotine patches without their parents'...

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