NZNO Library

NZNO Library Current Awareness Newsletter

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Issue 11 - 21 July 2021

This issue includes:

  • Books held by the NZNO Library
  • Articles: Nursing Management [RCN Journal], June 2021  |  Patient Falls  |  Safe Staffing  |  Shift Workers and Effect on Health
  • Events: Bullying: Complaints, Investigations and Resolution  |  Trust - Why Your Team Performance Relies on it and How to Build it
  • News: National and international

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Issue 10 - 14 July 2021

This issue includes:

  • Books held by the NZNO Library
  • Articles: Covid-19: Health Workers; Maori and Pacific People  |  Hand Hygiene  |  Primary Healthcare [RCN journal] - 01 June 2021
  • Events: Trans Health Symposium  |  Privacy Officer Toolkit Workshop
  • News: National and international

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