The Choo
sing Wisely campaign is a global initiative designed to spark conversations among patients, physicians and other health professionals about appropriate tests and procedures.
Just because tests and treatments are available, doesn’t mean we should always use them. Some tests, treatments and procedures have side-effects and some may even cause harm.
Choosing Wisely is facilitated in New Zealand by the Council of Medical Colleges, and its partners include the Health Quality & Safety Commission and Consumer NZ. It’s endorsed by a number of colleges and societies including NZNO and the New Zealand College of Midwives. NZNO supports Choosing Wisely because of its clearly stated focus on health literacy, specifically shared decision-making patient advocacy, information and education. We want to work closely with NZNO members, supporting them to respond appropriately when patients ask nurses about the tests, procedures, prescriptions and other treatments that have been recommended.
The campaign encourages health professionals to develop recommendations about tests, treatments, and procedures that health care professionals, patients and consumers should question. Each recommendation is based on the best available evidence.
These recommendations are not prescriptive but are intended as guidance to start a conversation about what is appropriate and necessary. As each situation is unique, healthcare professionals and patients should use the recommendations to collaboratively formulate their own appropriate healthcare plan together.
Learn more about Choosing Wisely
Hutt Valley DHB radiology initiative leads to better use of patients’ time
One of Hutt Valley District Health Board's latest Reshaping the rules initiatives has streamlined the ordering of duplex scans, leading to better use of patients’ time, more timely referral to vascular services and less duplication.
The Hutt DHB’s radiology department has arranged for a clinical nurse specialist in wound care to have requesting rights for duplex scans, for patients needing vascular services.
Clinical Nurse Manager Karen Blair says when a standard Doppler measuring the ankle brachial pressure index is not able to be completed or for those patients assessed as having arterial insufficiency, there is benefit in having early access to a radiological investigation such as a duplex scan.
Reshaping the rules is an initiative led by the DHB’s chief medical officer Sisira Jayathissa. It has aspects of the Choosing Wisely campaign but goes beyond just clinical aspects of care, and looks at anything that might be preventing good patient care.
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