National Student Unit

With you from the beginning, strengthening your future

NSU Committee

On this page:

The National Student Unit (NSU) is unique, and exists to serve the interests of all student members of NZNO. It is the only nursing student representative group in Aotearoa New Zealand, and is the major political voice for nursing students today. 

The National Student Committee aims to be made up of:

  • 2 student representatives from each school of nursing in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • 1 Māori tauira (Te Runanga Tauira, TRT)
  • 1 other student.

Student representatives on the National Student Committeemust be enrolled in an undergraduate nursing/midwifery course, or a programme leading to an initial New Zealand nursing/midwifery registration. Qualifiying courses include Enrolled Nursing.

Te Runanga Tauira (TRT) contribute a Māori student nursing perspective to the NSU Committee. This helps the National Student Committee to uphold the kaupapa and objectives of Te Rūnanga O Aotearoa, NZNO.

National Student Unit representatives link into wider NZNO structures in two ways:

  • Locally by attending NZNO regional council meetings and
  • Nationally as members of the NZNO Governance structures Te Poari o Te Rūnanga o Aotearoa, and the NZNO Membership Committee.

To learn more about how the National Student Committee works please see:

FREE NZNO membership for full-time students

Student membership fees:

  • Full-time students in the BN, midwifery or enrolled nurse programmes: FREE
  • Students on Competency Assessment Programme (CAP) courses: $52.70 each year

Advanced Choice of Employment (ACE)

ACE is the online application process for all NZ Nursing Graduates to apply for Nurse Entry to Practice (NETP) or Nurse Entry to Specialist Practice (NESP – Mental Health and Addiction Nursing) graduate programmes nationwide.

If you have any queries about NETP/NESP and/or the ACE application process, please contact your NZNO NSU Rep at your School of Nursing. Alternatively, call NZNO on 0800 28 38 48 to talk with your Professional Nursing Adviser.

ACE Contact details

National Nursing Student Survey 

The 2023 survey covered four areas of interest and concern selected by the NSU Committee, which were:

  • Student finances
  • LGBTQIA+ community needs
  • Challenges for Māori and Pacific tauira
  • Students’ mental wellbeing.

Previous survey results

Update for NZNO student members: The Voluntary Student Membership Act and how it will affect you

Whakaora i a tātau mahi!

Why is it important to retain your membership of your student association?

The Voluntary Student Membership Act (officially known as the Education (Freedom of Association) Amendment Act 2011) was passed by Parliament in 2011.

It had important implications for students and the support they could expect to get from students associations in future.

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