What a delegate does
Delegates are key to NZNO’s success. Whether you represent NZNO, Te Runanga, students or a college or section, your job involves leading, listening, communicating, problem solving, negotiating, recruiting, advising, mentoring and educating.
It’s a challenging job but you don't have to do it alone; you'll have support from NZNO staff and other delegates. At the same time, you get to decide how you want to take on the delegate’s role and responsibilities.
Delegate education
NZNO’s delegate education programme is required for all delegates. It's based on the organising approach, and designed to give you the tools and confidence you need to organise your workplace. Get more details below.
If you want to further your involvement in the wider union movement, NZNO has access to advanced delegate training through the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (NZCTU).
Delegate aims
As a delegate you will:
- Work to build collective and collaborative strength in your workplace.
- Represent all NZNO members at your workplace.
- Represent the views of the majority of NZNO members at your workplace (not just your own).
- Encourage other members to get involved and work towards NZNO's aims at work.
- Remember that your workmates, other NZNO members and delegates in other workplaces are also working towards NZNO's aims, together.
Delegate rights
- You have the right to represent NZNO. You have been elected as a delegate to protect the rights of all members and ensure that your collective agreement is upheld.
- Your employer cannot choose to work with some delegates and not others. Members choose their delegates, not the employer.
- You have the right to recruit new members and activists. Signing up new members is a big part of being a union delegate. We know that your workmates are more likely to join NZNO if you ask them.
- You have the right to organise your co-workers and they have the right to show support for NZNO. Unless there is a specific dress code clause in your agreement, that support can be shown by wearing badges etc.
- You have the right to be consulted if the employer is considering making changes in the workplace affecting members’ jobs or income. Ideally you should be consulted first, to give you time to come to a position on the changes and how they affect members.
- You should be able to discuss change with your employer and members, as you may come up with better ideas. After all, it is the members who do the job and are therefore more likely to see ways that the work can or can’t be done differently.
- You have the right to distribute information. Use whatever means is appropriate to do this. You may wish to talk with people, you may be able to secure an NZNO slot on the agenda of the weekly staff meeting, produce a simple newsletter or use a special NZNO notice board. You could make use of special NZNO folders or communication books.
- You have the right to represent members and raise issues with the employer to reach solutions.
NZNO delegate and member education:
NZNO's education programme is part of the union’s commitment to empower its members to positively influence their working lives and build union power.
Priority is given, in the first instance, to NZNO delegates to assist them in their delegate role and to enable them to positively influence the working lives of members at the workplace. However, it is important to note that these courses are available to all NZNO members who have been identified as potential workplace leaders.
EREL: The education sessions listed below are Employment Relations Education Leave (EREL) approved course and union members are entitled to be paid for attending whether the day falls on a roster day on or a rostered day off. Please refer to EREL Rights for Union Members and EREL members FAQ for further information.
The current delegate (and selected member) EREL education sessions provided are outlined below:
Union 101 – understanding the basic function of unions
The role of the NZNO delegate
Delegate rights
Mapping your workplace
Developing organising committees
Identifying the widely felt, deeply felt and winnable issues
Organising conversations
Overcoming barriers to participation
Organising around health and safety issues
Being an Active delegate
Review Foundations
Understanding the principles of union organising (the organising diamond)
Identifying and mentoring leaders
An overview of the bargaining process
A ‘deep dive’ into your collective employment agreement
Natural justice and the disciplinary process
Organising conversations (continued)
If you would like to receive an invitation to these education session’s please contact either : Your workplace NZNO delegate , your local NZNO organiser, or call the NZNO member support centre on 0800 28 38 48