Frequently asked questions

Answers to common questions the New Zealand Nurses Organisation receives from members and the general public are below. These answers are guidelines only, and are not intended to replace professional advice.

Please note: we often receive requests for information outside the scope of our organisation, so some links point to external websites.

Topics on this page:

Membership basics

You can join NZNO by completing the online application form.

NZNO is both a professional association and trade union, one of the biggest and strongest in New Zealand because of our active membership. Become a member of New Zealand's largest health union and professional association to:

  • access support with collective agreement bargaining
  • know your voice is being heard
  • take advantage of opportunities for further education
  • receive the latest nursing news and information
  • access information and advocacy
  • receive free legal advice
  • get assistance with Employment Agreements
  • join special interest groups to advance your practiceaccess the Members Only area of NZNO websiteshape health sector and nursing policyparticipate in NZNO's research programme.

Get more information about the benefits of joining NZNO.

We may still have you in our database. If so, we can update your details and you won't need to reapply.

Call us on 0800 28 38 48 option 2 to restart your NZNO membership.

Plastic Membership cards are no longer issued. To request confirmation of membership which includes your NZNO membership number please contact our Membership Team at [email protected] or 0800 28 38 48 option 2.

That’s OK. We can search for your membership by name and then confirm it's you by checking your personal details (such as your date of birth and address).

Please contact our Membership subscription team at [email protected] or 0800 28 38 48 option 2 to request confirmation of membership.

To resign or change your Section or College membership you can:

  • Notify the relevant Section or College
  • Contact our Membership Support Centre on 0800 28 38 48.

RNZNC NZNO members have access to all of NZNO's professional services and may participate fully in the professional activities of NZNO.

They are not entitled to industrial representation, nor to participate in any industrial membership activities of NZNO.

The subscription for RNZNC NZNO members is the same as the subscription for members of other unions affiliated to the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions.

Yes you can, for a “not in practice” reduced subscription. And you will still receive online access to the Kaitiaki Nursing New Zealand journal so you can keep in touch with happenings in the nursing profession.

Get more info on reduced NZNO Membership Fees

Your resignation must be made in writing (e.g. by letter, fax or email). We cannot accept resignations over the phone as we are required to maintain a paper trail for audit purposes.

Membership fee rates

  • Members who have declared their income less than $36,000 gross per annum.
  • Members who have declared their income less than $26,000 gross per annum.
  • Those on parental and full time postgraduate study leave, members not in nursing practice, unwaged, enrolled bridging students working part-time, members of another union affiliated to the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions.

Contact [email protected] to apply for reduced fees

Not as such, but we do have a reduced rate for those with a total income of less than $36,000 gross per annum – see below for details:

  • Members who have declared their income less than $36,000 gross per annum.
  • Members who have declared their income less than $26,000 gross per annum.
  • Those on parental and full time postgraduate study leave, members not in nursing practice, unwaged, enrolled bridging students working part-time, members of another union affiliated to CTU.

Contact [email protected] to apply for reduced fees

Learn more about NZNO Membership Fees

You pay the membership rate which goes with your qualifications. So you'll pay either the Registered Nurse membership rate or the Enrolled Nurse membership rate.

You may retain your membership by paying a minimum membership fee. It costs $50.80 per annum, or $99.93 per annum if you wish to retain online access to the Kaitiaki Nursing New Zealand journal.

NZNO offers a Maternity Leave rate of membership for members on full Maternity Leave and we'll continue to provide access to online Kaitiaki Nursing New Zealand journal. You will need to contact us on 0800 28 38 48 option 2 and provide us with the dates you start your Maternity Leave and the expected date you are returning to work.

Paying your membership fees

Yes, you can pay your quarterly, half yearly or annual invoice of membership fees using Mastercard or Visa by contacting us.

Please make any request for a refund in writing, and note the following:

  • You are responsible to ensure appropriate membership fees are paid to NZNO
  • NZNO will provide a refund of membership fees up to a maximum of 12 months at the discretion of the Business Manager
  • There will be no refund if you do not cancel your membership in writing (for example if you are going overseas etc.)


First you need to ask your payroll administrator to cancel your existing deduction authority.

When that's done, to change your payment method from salary deductions to direct debit please contact the membership subscription team on 0800 28-38-48 option 2 or email [email protected] and provide your everyday bank account number for direct debit and we'll enter your bank details onto your membership file.

  • Your direct debit will come out on the 20th of each month
  • You can pay it monthly, twice monthly (this is not fortnightly – fixed deductions on 14th and 28th of each month), quarterly, half yearly or annually.

No, you must call us on 0800 28 38 48 option 2 and ask us to remove your bank account number from our records. You also need to call us if you have changed your bank account number.

If you are resigning your NZNO membership we need your notification in writing (e.g. letter, fax or email).

You will not automatically receive a receipt for your membership payment.

However you can contact us for a receipt or to request a proof of membership letter so you can provide this to your employer when/if required.

If you are a casual worker your payments to NZNO may be irregular, and this could be the reason you have received the letter. In this case you need to choose another method of payment. Please call the Membership subscription team on 0800 28 38 48 option 2 to discuss your options.

If you are not a casual worker and you have received a letter please call us so we can find out what the problem is and solve it for you.

You can pay your fees the following ways:

  • Credit Card: available for annual payments only
  • Direct Debit: monthly withdrawals made by NZNO from your private bank account. A Direct Debit form MUST be completed to set this up.
  • Automatic Payments: an Automatic Payment authority advises your bank to make regular payments to NZNO. It is your responsibility to set up your Automatic Payment with your bank.
  • Invoice: An invoice can be created and emailed out for members paying 3, 6 or 12 months ONLY. Formal invoices are not currently available for any other time periods.

No, it is not possible to back-pay the membership fees or to back-date your membership status.

NZNO services including indemnity insurance will not cover you for the period in which you were non-financial.

Reduced membership fee rates only apply for a year at a time and do not automatically renew. You must re-apply for a reduced membership fee each new financial year.

Your personal information

Email us at [email protected] or call 0800 28 38 48 (Option 2).

No. Just call 0800 28 38 48 (Option 2) or email [email protected] and we'll update your membership record.

Please note that your website login details may change to reflect your new name. If you have any problems logging in just contact us as above.


The information collected by NZNO is used in its membership systems, and to establish your membership for the purposes of the 2000 Employment Relations Act.

As Kaitiaki has now moved to an online only publication, contact details and other relevant personal information about members and paying subscribers is passed onto companies who manage the Kaitiaki Nursing New Zealand website, provide membership benefit packages and undertake research and development contracts specific to NZNO business, under agreements which ensure it is kept confidential and not used for any other purpose.

Invitations to participate in approved research projects are always sent directly from NZNO; your contact details are never passed to external researchers.

NZNO research information will be used to advance the member goals for political, professional and industrial campaigns. All other information is kept confidential within NZNO.

You are entitled to have access to, and request correction of any personal information about yourself held by NZNO and/or the companies who manage the Kaitiaki Nursing New Zealand website.

If you have any queries about your rights under the Privacy Act or about the personal information held by NZNO about you, please contact:

NZNO Privacy Officer
PO Box 2128
Wellington 6140
Phone: 0800 28 38 48

Your website login

If you can't remember your website login contact the Member support centre 0800 28 38 48 or [email protected]  and do two things:

  1. Check that your email address is correctly recorded
  2. Ask for your membership number, and if you enquire by email please remember to include your address or DOB, in case there is another member with a name similar to yours.

Please note that NZNO cannot tell you what your password is, but once you have your membership number and your email address is correct you can choose the forgot password option.

To choose a new password

  1. Go to the Login screen (link below)
  2. Click the purple Forgot password button at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Enter your NZNO membership number in the box and click the Reset my password button.
  4. An email will be sent to you immediately, which contains a password reset link. Find the email, open it and click the link to go to a page where you can choose your new password.

If you do not receive the email this means you do not exist on the NZNO website, so you need to Register instead. On a desktop PC or Mac you will see the Register link next to the Login link at the top of your screen, and on a mobile device you'll find it at the bottom of the main menu.

Go to the Login screen now

To do your first NZNO website login you need two things:

  1. Your NZNO membership number
  2. The exact same email address you used when you signed up to NZNO.

On a mobile device: Tap the main Menu button, go down to the Register link and tap it.

On a desktop PC or Mac: Click the Register link at the top of your screen.

Follow the on-screen instructions to register yourself on the NZNO website and choose your password. When you have done this you will be logged into the website.

If you don't have an email address or you have difficulty getting registered please call the Member support centre on 0800 28 38 48, option 2.


NZNO resources and support

To access to online Kaitiaki you will need to:

NZNO produces a variety of publications and resources to keep members informed and up to date about current issues.

Most publications are available to members as downloads in PDF format. They are sometimes also available in hard copy.

If there is a price on a hard copy publication, it is usually reduced for members.

View NZNO Publications


NZNO offers several sources of funding in the form of scholarships and grants. It administers others such as the Nursing Education and Research Foundation (NERF) and the Gretta and Harry Hamblin Trust.

Get more information about scholarships and grants, including eligibility criteria and application forms

Workplace issues

The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) helps get New Zealanders and visitors back to everyday life if they’ve had an accidental injury.

Visit their website to find out what injuries they can cover and how to make a claim.

Visit the Employment New Zealand website for information about Parental Leave.

Your Sick Leave rights are legislated by the Holidays Act 2003.

Visit the Employment New Zealand website for information about Sick Leave.

Members should be guided by Clause 6 - Hours of Work of the current DHB MECA.

If you want more information please see the Library resource list Shiftwork and Rostering .


Before you respond to the Nursing Council’s letter, email [email protected] and ask to be put in contact with the NZNO Competency Review Advisor.

The Competency Review Advisor will help you respond to the Nursing Council's letter. If the Council decides to proceed with the competency review, NZNO members are eligible for support through the competence review process including:

  • Help with submissions
  • Support through the competency review hearing
  • Follow-up support to meet any requirement that are made a result of the review.

Nursing pay rates

Primary Health Care nursing staff pay rates are detailed in the Primary Health Care MECA.

Download the latest Primary Health Care MECA.

Public Sector pay rates and District Health Board salary scales for nursing staff are detailed in the DHB/NZNO Nursing and Midwifery Multi-Employer Collective Agreement.

Download the latest DHB MECA.


Please contact your local NZNO office as many factors determine pay rates including the geographic area where you work, your qualifications, your role, your experience and your professional development.

Contact your local NZNO office

Coming to New Zealand to nurse

NZNO does not provide assistance to nurses seeking work in New Zealand.

However in response to many queries about this topic we have provided Information for Internationally Qualified Nurses

All overseas applicants for New Zealand registration are required to successfully complete an English language assessment. (Note that applicants from Australia are exempt from being required to successfully complete an English language assessment, under the Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition Act (TTMRA) 1997.)



We do not recommend specific agencies but we have put together information for nurses considering using an international immigration agency.

Information for internationally qualified nurses.

Nursing overseas

NZNO is not able provide assistance to New Zealand nurses wishing to work overseas.

However in response to many queries about this, we have provided contact details for many of the overseas nursing bodies.

No. In April 2006 NZNO ceased offering membership benefits (including indemnity insurance) for members whose primary place of work and/or study is outside of New Zealand.


Nursing Council of New Zealand

NZRN five pointed star
The Five Pointed Star

The designer of the Five Pointed Star was Mrs Grace Neill, who was appointed assistant inspector of hospitals in New Zealand in 1895. Mrs Neill successfully campaigned to have the State Registration for Nurses Act passed into law as The Nurses' Registration Act on 12 September 1901.

New Zealand is the first country in the world to legally require nurses to be registered.

The star encloses a red cross as an emblem of the blood and the Cross of Christ. The white background stands for the purity expected in the life of a nurse; blue stands for honour and loyalty, and gold for charity. The medal was designed as a symbol of service in the alleviation of suffering.

Mrs J.J. McNab and Mrs G.M. Sides of Timaru designed the creed.

NZNO is not involved in the issuing or renewal of annual practising certificates. Please direct enquiries relating to nursing registration and practising certificates to the Nursing Council of New Zealand phone 04385 9589.

NZNO doesn't issue replacement nursing medals.

Contact the Nursing Council of New Zealand or phone 04 385 9589 to order your replacement.