NZNO Membership Committee

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Membership Committee - Nov 2024

L-R Wendy Alexander (VIce Chair) Wendy Tantrum, Karen Durham, Noreen McCallan, Michael Deibert, Anne-Maree Wagg  (Chair), Jennie Rae and Bianca Anderson.

Absent Jade Power and Rochelle McKelvie


The NZNO Membership Committee is a standing committee established under clause 23 of the NZNO Constitution.

The committee is accountable to NZNO members and its general purpose is to bring a membership perspective to the Board.

The committee are made up of:

  • one representative from each region
  • two College and Section representatives
  • two representatives from the National Student Unit, and
  • NZNO's the President and Vice President.

The committee encourages members to get in touch to share their views and concerns that need attention.

Contact the Membership Committee

  • To activate the Enquiry Form enter your first name below, and then tap or click outside the box.

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Meet the Membership Committee


Representative Portfolio
Anne-Maree Wagg Chair and College & Sections
Wendy Alexander Vice-Chair and Central
Jade Power Tamaki Makaurau/ Greater Auckland
Jennie Rae College & Sections
Karen Durham Greater Wellington 
Michael Deibert Midlands 
Noreen McCallan Te Matau a Māui/ Hawkes Bay
Wendy Tantrum Top of the South
Bianca Anderson NSU Chair
Rochelle McKelvie NSU Vice-Chair


Anne-Maree WaggAnne-Maree Wagg

Chair and College and Sections Rep

I began my nursing career at Waiariki Polytechnic in 1986. Since qualifying,I have worked in Quality and Improvement, Health and Safety and Theatre. The last two decades has seen me predominately working in the perioperative area.

I am currently employed as a perioperative nurse in a private health care facility, that specialises in plastics, cosmetic and vascular surgery. 

I have a passion for Infection Prevention and Control and was instrumental in growing the facilities IPC Committee. I now sit with pride on the IPCNC committee. I also have a passion for advocacy, and believe putting the patient at the centre of decision making is paramount.

I am now looking forward to representing Colleges and Sections on the Membership Committee. 

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Wendy AlexanderWendy Alexander

Vice-Chair and Central Representative

Hello, my name is Wendy Alexander.

My journey as a Registered Nurse began 15 years ago at Taranaki DHB where I started on the stroke/­ rehab ward and. I began as a NZNO Ward Delegate one year later and now I’m a night nurse on the medical ward where I continue to be a Delegate and a Health and Safety rep. These lead me to opportunities including:

•       NZNO Co-Convener TDHB

•       National Delegate representative

•       Regional Council member and

•       Membership Committee (MC).

Being active in these committees gives me the understanding and ability to pass information on to members around projects that NZNO endorse. Being able to share information between members of the MC is also a great way to get perspective on issues that affect the whole nursing vocation.

I look forward to representing NZNO members the best I can on issues concern, and as a group we can discuss together.

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Jade PowerJade Power

Tamaki Makaurau/ Greater Auckland

Hi, my name is Jade Power and I work as a Registered Nurse for Te Whatu Ora at Starship Hospital. I completed my New Graduate year in 2023, and I am one of the workplace delegates for my ward. I have been actively involved with NZNO since 2020 when I first began my nursing degree both as a student representative and a health care assistant. I am very honored to represent you all on Membership Committee (MC). 

My roles include:

  • Te Toka Tumai (Auckland) National Delegate
  • Greater Auckland Regional Council member
  • Greater Auckland Region Membership Committee Representative

Previous roles:

  • Chair and Vice-Chairperson of the National Student Unit (2020-2022)
  • Otago Polytechnic National Student Representative (2020-2022)
  • MC National Student Unit Representative (2020-2022) 
  • Nominee for NZNO Board of Directors (2022) 

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Jennie Rae

College & Sections

Profile to come

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Karen Durham

Greater Wellington

Profile to come

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Michael DeibertMichael Deibert


Kia ora

My name is Michael Deibert and I’m excited to represent the Midlands Region. I’m also thrilled to represent my fellow
Healthcare Assistant (HCA) & Kaiāwhina on the Membership Committee as we are an important yet small group within the
overall NZNO membership.I migrated from the US where I worked in healthcare since 2011. I’m a clinically trained Paramedic,
however due to various factors I’ve found myself working in NZ as a HCA in a non-clinical role. I currently work at the Waikato Regional Renal Centre in Hamilton, which is ironic after years of transporting patients to & from dialysis!

As a NZNO I’m an active delegate at Waikato Hospital and with the Midlands Regional Council. I am part of a HCAs & Kaiāwhina group who stood up to demand better representation for our role, both by our employers and within NZNO. I am currently the interim Co-Chair of the HCA Oversight Committee where our goal is to undertake this Kaupapa with NZNO’s support, and now I am on the Membership Committee, I feel that my fellow HCA & Kaiāwhina have an even stronger voice within NZNO.

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Noreen McCallanNoreen McCallan

Te Matau a Maui/ Hawkes Bay

Kia ora

My name is Noreen and I am delighted to be nominated as Te Mata a Maui's Membership Committee Representative. I have lots to learn and hope to have lots to contribute too. I’ve been active in nursing unionism since 1981 and with NZNO since 1987 when I arrived in Hawkes Bay (HB) from Ireland, with my partner Chris who is also a nurse. We have three beautiful children; Finbar, Seamus and Ruaridh. 

I am currently the HB national Delegate Representative and also Co- Convenor for the Delegate group. 2022 has been a busy year and doesn’t look like getting any less so. With that in mind, kia kaha and slainte to my NZNO colleagues and comrades 😊

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Bianca Anderson

National Student Unit - Chair

Profile to come

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Rochelle McKelvie

National Student Unit - Vice-Chair

Profile to come

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Committee vacancies

  • Northland/ Te Tai Tokerau
  • Canterbury/ Otutahi
  • West Coast/Te Tai Poutini
  • Southern 

For more information on these roles, click the:

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Membership Committee Documents

Members can also log in to read:

You will need your NZNO membership number to log in. If you can't find it, call us on 0800 28 38 48 during office hours.

  • Presentation - One Member, One Vote
  • One Member, One Vote - FAQs
  • Regional Convention feedback on One Member, One Vote