Delivery methods
Face-to-face or on Zoom, MS Teams, WhatsApp or Messenger video-call.
Type of Supervision provided
- RN
- BHSc Nursing
- PG Dip HSc Nursing
- Professional Supervision for Nurses at Massey University
Current role/title
Professional Supervisor and Health and Well-being Therapist
Supervision enables issues to be confidentially discussed, processed and reframed. With perspective and clarification, emotions related to the issue can be discharged, enabling clarity and direction.
Catherine has held management roles in health care which include quality and development and operational management in aged care, Homecare and Public Health. Catherine has also held RN roles in aged care and primary health.
Catherine has been a provider of professional supervision since 2018. Catherine currently provides supervision to enrolled nurses, registered nurses and healthcare assistants, nurse practitioners and interns who work in the community, primary healthcare, aged care, hospice, NGO’s, the tertiary health sector and corrections. She also works with clients as an alternative health and well-being therapist, providing support, coaching, listening and healing to clients.
Catherine writes: "Nurses are managers, managing and negotiating relationships using their therapeutic nursing expertise with a wide range of people including their own managers, peers, medical staff, patients and the healthcare community. This enables their patients to receive appropriate care and treatment. In fast paced working environments, staying on top of complex situations and dynamics can be challenging. Staying in alignment with our own values, ethics, energy and purpose is a critical component of self-care and job satisfaction."
CV available on request.
Fees are negotiable and payable via internet banking.
Contact details:
Text please to 027 459 9394
[email protected]