NZNO Nursing Supervisor Profiles

Supervisors’ names are arranged in alphabetical order by surname. NZNO cannot recommend or promote any particular supervisor.

Please review the profiles to find the supervisor that best suits your requirements and then make contact directly.

This information was last updated on 1 November 2023.

Colette Blockley

Colette Blockley

A firm believer in the effectiveness of supervision

More details


Colette is based in Dunedin and regularly travels to Invercargill.

Delivery methods

Face-to-face and virtual supervision meetings.

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual
  • Small groups

Most recent role/title

Nursing Lecturer

Relevant Qualifications

  • RN
  • MA
  • Dip Grad Teaching (tertiary)
  • Trained as a professional supervisor with Margaret Morrell.


As a nursing lecturer for over twenty years, Colette has extensive experience supervising both students and staff in a wide variety of settings. She has also worked overseas (South Sudan, India, Chile and Scotland) and has experience in palliative care and acute hospital settings; in particular emergency, paediatrics, neonatal intensive care. CV available on request.


$140 per hour, negotiable in extenuating circumstances.

Contact details

[email protected]
027 465 8030

Lorelle Bobsien

Lorelle Bobsien

Openness, innovation, empowerment, effective communication, critical reflection

More details


Great Barrier Island

Delivery methods

Mobile, FaceTime or Zoom, with face-to-face meetings available on Great Barrier Island.

Type of Supervision provided

  • Individual


Prior to relocating to the Barrier, Lorelle has been fortunate to have been nursing for over 30 years. She has a background of Respiratory Medicine, Oncology, and Community Nursing including Community Child Health and Sexual Health. She has held senior roles as a Nurse Educator and more recently Coordinator of the Nurse Entry to Practice Programme for Auckland District Health Board.

Current role/title

Not supplied

Relevant Qualifications

  • RGON 1975
  • Post Graduate Diploma “Professional Supervision” July 2014 (Merit)

Costs and CV available on request.

Contact details

[email protected]
021 243-9774

Linda Bougen

Linda Bougen

Clinical supervision is invaluable for those who want to enhance their skills, whilst complementing their personal wellbeing.

More details


Somerfield in Christchurch, travel by negotiation. Linda also has a home-based clinic.

Delivery methods

Face-to-face or online via Zoom or Facebook Messenger.

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual
  • Group


  • Registered Nurse
  • Diploma in Naturopathy
  • Cert Adult Teaching
  • PG Cert Supervision papers
  • Diploma in Health and Wellbeing (work in progress)

Current role/title

Owner, Headline Professional Supervision


Linda has experience in supervising people at all levels of their profession, including managers, nurses, teachers and caregivers. To engage supervisees in valuable supervision sessions she uses Role Theory Model, a fun personalised supervision workbook, a good dose of NLP methodologies, and other supervisory models.

Costs and CV available on request.

Contact details

[email protected]
027 416 8921

Matt Broadway-Horner

Matt Broadway-Horner

The flexi approach – a collaborative learning journey

More details



Delivery methods

Face-to-face or online via WhatsApp, Facetime, Zoom or Teams.

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual
  • Group of six where the same people share ongoing supervision
  • Group of six where people can come and go, as long as six people attend.


  • Registered Nurse NZ and in the UK
  • BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies
  • M.Sc Applied Psychology
  • Post Grad Cert Professional Supervision
  • Certificate in GRIT coaching and mentorship
  • IAPT accredited psychological therapies clinical supervisor
  • Nursing and midwives professional supervisor training with Waitemata DHB
  • Allied Health supervisor training WDHB 2023
  • Clinical supervision, teaching and facilitated learning
  • University of East Anglia (UK) Senior fellow – Advance HE
  • Certified Global Nurse Consultant with the International Nursing Council
  • PDRP assessor
  • Senior Nurse Portfolio holder.

Current role/title

Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora Nurse Consultant


Matt bases his supervision on reflective practice and brings in evidence-based models as indicated to suit individual requirements. He knows how to use the Restorative Professional Supervision method created for both midwives and nurses in 2017 that enhances professional development, personal growth and links into quality improvement.

Growth and learning, as well as self-care needs, are key areas explored within the supervision space, which is designed to be a supportive and secure environment for professional development.

From a professional and practice perspective Matt encourages considerations of:

  • Ethical and professional standards
  • Nursing council competencies
  • The Code of Conduct for registered nurses, midwives, and HPCA
  • The principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

From a quality perspective he provides a clear structure of normative application of organisational values and professional expectations of both the nursing profession regulatory bodies and core professional development. This aids the normative growth of nurses within their chosen fields of expertise and its translation to the healthcare business. In turn this ensures evidence-based practice takes place.

Matt is keen to support you in your professional growth through supervision and enable you to develop critically conscious practice and strategies to manage workplace demands and stress.


Fees range from $65 per person for group sessions up to $220 for individual sessions.

Fees vary depending upon session length and the type of supervision and support required.

CV available on request.

Contact details

[email protected]
027 286 9674

Catherine Cameron

Catherine Cameron

Confidential Supervision for clarity and direction

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Delivery methods

Face-to-face or on Zoom, MS Teams, WhatsApp or Messenger video-call.

Type of Supervision provided

  • Individual


  • RN
  • BHSc Nursing
  • PG Dip HSc Nursing
  • Professional Supervision for Nurses at Massey University

Current role/title

Professional Supervisor and Health and Well-being Therapist


Supervision enables issues to be confidentially discussed, processed and reframed. With perspective and clarification, emotions related to the issue can be discharged, enabling clarity and direction.

Catherine has held management roles in health care which include quality and development and operational management in aged care, Homecare and Public Health. Catherine has also held RN roles in aged care and primary health.

Catherine has been a provider of professional supervision since 2018. Catherine currently provides supervision to enrolled nurses, registered nurses and healthcare assistants, nurse practitioners and interns who work in the community, primary healthcare, aged care, hospice, NGO’s, the tertiary health sector and corrections. She also works with clients as an alternative health and well-being therapist, providing support, coaching, listening and healing to clients.

Catherine writes: "Nurses are managers, managing and negotiating relationships using their therapeutic nursing expertise with a wide range of people including their own managers, peers, medical staff, patients and the healthcare community. This enables their patients to receive appropriate care and treatment. In fast paced working environments, staying on top of complex situations and dynamics can be challenging. Staying in alignment with our own values, ethics, energy and purpose is a critical component of self-care and job satisfaction."

CV available on request.


Fees are negotiable and payable via internet banking.

Contact details:

Text please to 027 459 9394
[email protected]

Louise Chan

Louise Chan

Passionate about empowering individuals to bring their best selves

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Horowhenua to Wellington

Delivery methods

Face-to-face or via Zoom.

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual


  • BNurs (Hons) Mental Health (RMN) – University of Birmingham, UK
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Law (GDL) – Manchester Law School, UK
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing – Massey University, NZ Trained to provide supervision under Dr Fiona Howard (Clinical Psychologist, now with University of Auckland)
  • Refreshed training with the Te Pou Professional Supervision programme in 2018 and in 2022.

Current role/title

Nurse Practitioner Intern / Mātanga Tapuhi Intern


“Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don't want to.” - Sir Richard Branson, 2014

Louise’s mental health nursing background includes working throughout Aotearoa and England; adult inpatient and community, older adult inpatient and community, Mental Health ED (across the lifespan), crisis and acute, clinical nurse specialist and nurse educator roles, clinical education (tertiary institutions), various management and leadership roles, recently Associate Director of Nursing. Louise has been supervising clinicians since 2007, both within Te Whatu Ora and privately.

Costs and CV available on request. Costs are variable depending upon requirements.

Contact details

[email protected]
022 016 6339

Ruth Cochrane

Ruth Cochrane

Live and work with awareness and to be the best we can with vitality, courage and authenticity

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Delivery methods

Face-to-face or via phone, Zoom, FaceTime or similar.

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual
  • Groups
  • Workshop settings.


  • RN
  • Postgraduate Certificate (Advanced) in Professional Supervision
  • Formal training in Role Therapy.

Current role/title

Ruth currently runs Jumpsuit Consulting, a private business that provides Professional Supervision, education and support.


My specialty interest encompasses all Nurses working in clinical practice. I believe that support for health professionals working in new, innovative or more autonomous roles is essential for their development. Supervision provides supervisees with opportunities to explore clinical and system issues and to develop functional and rewarding relationships with their clients, colleagues, and families. I assist the supervisee to examine their philosophical beliefs and the impact that these have on their practice with clients.

Costs and CV available on request.

Contact details

[email protected]
021 449 968

Mandy Davis

Mandy Davis

Supporting staff to find solutions while exploring their own wellbeing and selfcare

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Tauranga and the wider Bay of Plenty (Whakatane/Rotorua)

Delivery methods

Face-to-face and nationwide online.

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual
  • Group
  • Peer supervision
  • Cultural safety / cultural identity


  • New Zealand Comprehensive Registered Nurse
  • RN Preceptorship and Coaching
  • Graduate Diploma in Not-for-Profit Management
  • DAPAANZ Accredited Supervisor
  • New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching
  • Post Graduate Certificate Professional Supervision
  • International Cert in Life Coaching

Current role/title

Professional supervisor, Training and education, Life Coach. 20+ years in Mental Health and Addictions Sector.


Through reflection, narratives and strength-based/solutions focused discussions, Mandy facilitates a process to support staff to find solutions or outcomes to issues or challenges, while exploring their own wellbeing and selfcare.

Mandy has more than 20 years’ experience within the Mental Health and Addictions sectors. She has also experienced community case management, review of competencies and clinical skills, dementia care, gender diversity and the LGBTQ+ community, Domestic Violence, the education sector, family issues and concerns as well as engagement, outcomes, and ethical or challenging worldviews. She is able to maintain an understanding within a Te Ao Māori world-view while working within Kaupapa Māori organisations.

CV and costs available on request.

Contact details

[email protected]
027 270 4462

Gerda de Kleijne

Gerda de Kleijne

Clinical reflection, professional pathways development, and building burn-out resilience

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Huntsbury, Christchurch

Delivery methods

Face-to-face and online via Whatsapp etc.

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual

Current role/title

Gerda currently works as a registered Nurse in a 7-bed peer-led alternative acute mental health facility called Te ao Mārama. Te ao Mārama falls under the Pathways NGO.


Gerda is an experienced supervisor and has worked with staff in the non-profit, health and wellbeing sectors since commencing supervision during the 1980s. Gerda has over 20 years' experience as a Duty Nurse Manager in the Te Whatu Ora, Specialist Mental Health service and over 10 years as a Person-Centred Counsellor in the NGO sector.

Gerda provides clinical, reflective, role development and goal orientated supervision. She prioritises the needs of the supervisee.


  • Registered nurse mental health
  • Bi-annual supervision two-day supervision refreshers


Fees are $115 per 50/60 minutes session.

Lower fees are negotiable for lower income supervisees who don’t have an employer who reimburses. More information available on request by email or phone/video call.

Contact details

[email protected]
027 422 7444

Lindy Elliot

Lindy Elliot

To live and work with awareness and be the best we can with vitality, courage and authenticity

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Avonhead, Christchurch, travel by negotiation.

Delivery methods

Face-to-face and online via Zoom, FaceTime etc.

Type of Supervision

  • Individual
  • Group
  • Workshops


  • RN
  • Trained in role theory supervision
  • Postgraduate diploma in Gestalt Psychotherapy

Current role/title

Lindy currently runs Jumpsuit Consulting, a private business that provides Professional Supervision, education and support.


I believe mental health depends on the wholeness of mind, body and soul. My work as a supervisor and therapist emphasises this, along with the self-awareness through which choices become available.

Costs and CV available on request.

Contact details

[email protected]
021 453 450

Rachael Evans

Rachael Evans

Your time - Your learning space - Your journey

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Delivery methods

Face-to-face or across Aotearoa via Zoom or Teams.

Type of Supervision provided

  • Individual
  • Group


  • Registered Nurse NZ
  • BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies
  • Master of Philosophy in Nursing
  • Post Grad Cert Professional Supervision
  • Certificate in coaching and mentorship
  • PDRP assessor
  • Senior Nurse Portfolio
  • Certificate of Proficiency (Te Kākano 1)

Current role/title

Te Whatu Ora Waitematā Associate Nursing Director Primary Health Care/Professional Supervisor


Rachael bases her supervision on reflective practice and brings in evidence-based models as indicated to suit individual requirements. Rachael is keen to support you in your professional growth through supervision and enable you to develop critically conscious practice and strategies to manage workplace demands/stress. Rachael works across all contexts and levels of nurses including those working with prescriptive authority, executive leaders, and managers.

Costs and CV available on request.

Contact details

[email protected]
021 163 4897


Hamilton, Waikato

Delivery methods

Annette prefers to provide face-to-face supervision in her own home or in yours.

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual


  • RN
  • MSN

Current role/title

Currently providing professional supervision for Mental Health and Addictions.


Annette's specialty areas of interest are Mental Health and Addictions, Aged Care and Nursing Education.

Costs and CV available on request.

Contact details

027 693 8342
07 853 5037
[email protected]

Graham Holman

Graham Holman

Clinical and Professional Supervision for registered nurses and leaders

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Delivery methods

Face-to-face, online

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual
  • Group


  • Mental health nursing training, United Kingdom, 1997
  • MNurs (Hons), University of Auckland, 2017
  • PG Cert in Professional Supervision, WINTEC, 2020

Current role/title

Senior Lecturer, University of Waikato – Te Whare Wananga o Waikato (since February 2021)


Graham completed his mental health nursing training in the United Kingdom in 1997. He has been living in Aotearoa New Zealand since 2000, and working in a variety of nursing related roles in Auckland and Waikato.

He has operational leadership experience in clinical and NGO settings, across the lifespan. His clinical experience is mostly related to working in acute services in both community and inpatient settings.

Graham has been providing professional and clinical supervision since 2015, and he also contracts supervision for himself monthly.

CV and Professional Disclosure Statement available on request.


On enquiry. Graham's rates generally start at $100 per 60 minute session for individual supervision.

Contact details

[email protected]
021 229 4628

Dianne MacDonald

Dianne MacDonald

Protecting your professional practice, promoting potential, projecting performance

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Delivery methods

Face-to-face, Zoom or phone. Open to dicuss other suitable options.

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual


  • Registered New Zealand Nurse (BN), 2006
  • Post Grad Certificate in Supervision, NMIT & WINTEC, 2015
  • CAIRA (Pastoral supervision), 2020 and Annual Practicing Certificate 2024
  • Designated Senior Level RN PDRP.

Current role/title

Professional Supervisor - Nursing Supervision (Private Practice)

Tapuhi Arahanga (Clinical Nurse Leader) Te Piki Oranga


Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou Katoa
Ko Riley toku maunga
Ko Okaramio toku awa
I whanau ai ahau i Waiharakeke
Ko Michael Harris raua ko Jeanette Leslie oku matua
Ko Dianne MacDonald toku ingoa
Ko Bryce MacDonald toku hoa tane
Ko Quinn ta maua tamatane
Kei te noho matou ki Whakatu i Te Waipounamu
Tena koutou, tena tatou katoa

Dianne is experienced in primary care and community nursing and has spent her career in Māori health. She currently holds the Position of Tapuhi Arahanga at Te Piki Oranga Whakatu, where she supports a multidisciplinary team. She is also on the clinical governance committee, and enjoys working with students and newly graduated nurses. Dianne works part time in this role, which is balanced with her private practice as a professional supervisor.

Dianne supports, guides and challenges supervisees. Supervision frameworks are used to explore thoughts, beliefs, situations, and behaviours. She encourages sessions to be supervisee led, providing confidential space for discussion to gain clarity on issues, share successes, set goals and monitor wellbeing. Sessions are linked to nursing or practicing competencies.


Available on request.

Dianne offers a free half-hour “Meet and greet” session where the two of you can clarify what you want from supervision, to learn about each other and discuss a contract.

Contact details

[email protected]
022 164 7280

Ros McIntosh

Ros McIntosh

Suporting good clinical care, safe practice and the ability to sustain genuine compassion in our work.

More details



Delivery methods:

Face-to-face or remote - Zoom, teams or similar.

Types of Supervision provided:



  • RN
  • MPallAgedCare - Masters in Palliative Care in Aged care
  • Supervision Skills for Health and social service professionals (L5)

Current role/title:

Professional Supervisor/ RN


I have a special interest in providing supervision for nurses/support workers who are working in the areas of palliative care, aged care, or dementia services. I have both clinical and education experience in these fields. Much of my learning/teaching focus has been on communication and its role in the provision of care. This continues to be an area of interest for me. 
My supervision sessions are based on a reflective model - reflection on practice is one of the best ways to learn. “The best teachers are not outside of us – they are inside.” I am looking forward to working with supervisees who are willing to look honestly at their own practice, their contribution to the workplace and embrace new learning. 

CV available upon request.


$110 per 60 minute session
Payment by Internet banking or invoice to organisation.

Contact details:

[email protected]

Cherene Neilson-Hornblow

Cherene Neilson-Hornblow

Pou Whakahaere - Cultural & Clinical, Rongoā Māori, Supervision, Corporate events

More details


Lavender Creek Farm, Te Horo

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual
  • Group
  • Workshops and events

Delivery methods

Face-to-face at the Farm or in another negotiable space, or online via Zoom or Skype.

Current role/title

Mental Health, Forensics, Intellectual Disabilities (30 years experience)


  • MA Applied Nursing
  • Dip Nursing
  • PG Dip
  • NESP
  • BN
  • PG Cert HSc
  • PG Dip Bicultural Supervision
  • Expert Nurse
  • ACC Accredited Rongoā Practitioner
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Bicultural Professional Supervision Te Wananga o Aotearoa
  • Introduction to Supervision Clinical Advisory Services Aotearoa


Nga mihi ki a koe
Ko Cherene Neilson-Hornblow ahau Ko Ngāpuhi mea Ngāti Porou te Iwi

Whatever is impacting your hauora, wellbeing and spiritual connection – let us explore those issues.

I currently work in private practice and provide cultural, clinical, professional supervision. I also provide corporate services and training workshops, consultancy and project management. We embrace Te Ao Māori through Rongoā Māori, Tāonga Pūoro, Te Taiao, Maramataka, Matauranga and the natural world to recognise change for Mana Motuhake.

CV and references available on request.


  • By negotiation
  • Payment by internet banking or invoice to organisation.

Contact details
[email protected]

020 4100 5072

Jannine Nock

Jannine Nock

Fostering a safe environment for holistic and reflective practice

More details


Jannine is based in Wellington.

Delivery methods:

Face-to-face and virtual supervision meetings.

Types of Supervision provided:

  • Individual
  • Peer group
  • Workshops - Team building, Trauma-informed care and Workplace wellbeing.

Most recent role/title:

  • Workforce Delivery Lead
  • Professional Supervisor

Relevant Qualifications:

  • RCpN BN MA (Hons)
  • Post-graduate certificate in Forensic mental health
  • Post-graduate certificate in Advanced Nursing Practice
  • Post-graduate certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
  • Post-graduate Diploma in Health (Distinction)
  • Clinical Supervision Training for Supervisors 


Tena koe, Thank you for checking out my supervision profile.

I am a RN with over ten years of experience in general nursing, forensic nursing, military nursing, AOD nursing, CAMHS nursing, and now as a workforce delivery lead.

My approach to supervision is strengths based, collaborative, and safe. When it comes to practice, I draw from a variety of modalities to suit the needs of the supervisee. I have a particular interest in trauma-informed care, perinatal mental health and culturally responsive care.

I offer an introductory 15 minute call/Zoom so that you can decide whether I am the right supervisor for you.

Costs and CV available on request.

Contact details:

[email protected]
027 307 8447

Debbie Penlington

Debbie Penlington

Supervision designed to support you and your wellbeing in the important work you do

More details


Churchill Building, 45 Grey Street, Tauranga CBD.

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual - using a combination of different models which are selected in consultation with each supervisee to meet their specific needs.

Delivery methods

My preference is to meet face-to-face or online via Zoom or Skype, but I'm happy to use other methods as requested.

Current role/title

Supervisor and Counsellor in private practice.


  • RN
  • BA (Nursing)
  • MEd
  • Grad Dip Career Development
  • MCouns
  • PG Diploma in Supervision (Distinction)
  • Full member NZAC


I have always had a very strong interest in supporting, mentoring and developing others, so I decided a natural progression to this would be to undertake a qualification in supervision. It was one of the best decisions I have made, and I thoroughly enjoy the supervision I do with colleagues from a broad range of practice areas and disciplines including nursing.

I don’t see myself as the expert sitting in judgement, I see my role as a supervisor as facilitating a process in which the supervisee can reflect upon the process and content of their work; explore self-care strategies for enhancing their resilience and grow both personally and professionally.

My specialties and areas of interest are:

  • Nursing leadership, management and education
  • Trauma
  • Grief and loss
  • Palliative care.

Please don’t hesitate to give me a call if you have any queries or would like to discuss how I work. I look forward to hearing from you.


  • $125 per 50 minute session
  • Generally no charge for phone / email support between sessions.

Contact details

[email protected]

027 824 7518

Lori Peters

Lori Peters

Cultivating a collaborative partnership that empowers you to reach your full potential.

More details


Whangārei, Northland. Travel by negotiation. IRD travel rates apply.

Delivery methods

Face-to-face or via Zoom, MS Teams, WhatsApp or Messenger.

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual
  • Groups

Most recent role/title

  • Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
  • Primary Mental Health Coordinator
  • Professional Nursing Supervisor
  • Health Improvement Practitioner (HIP)
  • Private Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher

Relevant Qualifications

  • MSc Nurse Practitioner
  • BSc Nursing
  • BSc Molecular Biology/Biochemistry
  • Certificate in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Certificate in Motivational Interviewing
  • Certificate in Polyvagal Theory
  • Yoga Alliance (RYT 200) Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher
  • Certificate in Professional Nursing Supervision from College of Nurses Aotearoa


I strive to cultivate an environment where supervision transcends the traditional hierarchical structure and transforms into a collaborative partnership that empowers you to reach your full potential.

My approach is based in reflective practice. I will guide you through introspective exploration, encouraging you to examine your values, experiences, decisions, and outcomes. Through this process, you will develop a deeper understanding of yourself and your practice, leading to continuous improvement, increased self-awareness, self-compassion, and a commitment to lifelong learning.

My goal for working with you is to utilize all my diverse skills and over 30 years of experience to create a dynamic, supportive, and culturally safe environment where you can thrive, continually enhance your practice, and uphold your values and the standards of the nursing profession. I look forward to meeting with you soon.

Costs available on request. First half-hour session is free where we can clarify goals and learn about each other.

CV available on request or via Linked In.

Contact details

[email protected]
021 197 7727

Lois Roberts

Lois Roberts

Professional Supervision for your growth and development in the work environment

More details


Greater Wellington

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual
  • Group

Delivery methods

Online via Zoom, Skype, phone or face-to-face.

Current role/title

ICU Expert Nurse, June 2019 to date


  • Certificate in Supervision (2012)
  • Post Grad Papers (Post Grad Dip Equivalent) 2000-2006
  • NLP Practitioner 2000
  • BN 1998
  • Reg RN 1998
  • Cert in Community Work
  • Cert in Training and Development
  • Counselling Skills training with Presbyterian Support Services


Lois provides supervision for nurses by applying a formal process of professional support and learning that enables individuals to develop knowledge and competence, assume responsibility for their own area of expertise and practice and enhance protection and safety of care in many issues they may encounter through their work.

Her supervision offers practical support and motivation towards achievement of personal goals, use of solution focused methods to resolve work problems, Conflict Resolution and debriefing.

Lois is passionate about helping and supporting others to find solutions and resolve any issues they have encountered.

A vastly experienced Expert Nurse, Lois has also worked for Victim Support, Wellington Police.

Contact details

[email protected]
021 743 890

Costs available on request. Please call directly for further CV information.

Michelle Rohleder

Michelle Rohleder

A supportive, protected space that promotes safe, ethical practice and emphasises self-care.

More details


Waikato. Will negotiate travel to other areas however there will be a mileage fee if travel is outside of local area.

Delivery methods

Online or by phone. In person/kanohi ki te kanohi by arrangement.

Type of supervision provided

  • Individual
  • Group

Current role/title

Professional Supervisor/Registered Nurse


  • Registered Nurse
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Supervision


My supervisioni specialty areas are Kaiawhina, Primary Health Care, Department of Corrections, nursing in a Kaupapa Māori environment, school clinics, youth health, emergency nursing, inter-sectorial supervision, and in-house Introduction to Professional Supervision workshops for organisations/managers and/or supervisees.

I work with health professionals throughout Aotearoa either individually or in group supervision. I enjoy supervising Nurse Practitioner interns and Nurse Practitioners and working with nurses in leadership roles or on graduate and postgraduate pathways.

I was one of the inaugural co-facilitators/convenors of the Midland Mātanga Tapuhi (Nurse Practitioner) Group and Midland Designated RN Prescriber Group.


By negotiation.

Payment by Internet banking or invoice to organisation.

Contact details

021 492 015
[email protected]


Kathy is based in Hamilton, New Zealand.

Delivery methods

In person or online via Teams or Zoom.

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual
  • Small groups

Most recent role/title

Professional Supervisor/Coach

Relevant Qualifications

  • RN
  • BN
  • Masters of Health Practice (AUT)
  • Certificate in Supervision Skills for Health & Social Service Professionals (Unitec)


Hi, I’m Kathy, an experienced Registered Nurse, Supervisor and Coach based in Hamilton, New Zealand. I have worked in healthcare for over 30 years as a registered nurse in acute settings, specializing in both neonatal and adult intensive care. I moved into nursing education and leadership roles in the early 2000’s, where I have gained incredibly valuable skills.

I have worked with people from all age ranges and walks of life. The skills I learned through working with health professionals led me to start my own supervision and coaching business. I am a trained life and abundance coach, health coach and Supervisor for Health and Social Service Professionals. And I bring to this over 20 years managing, coaching and mentoring people in the many roles I have held.

I love helping people to develop action plans and achieve their goals to enable them to shine and succeed. I found my passion when working with nursing students completing post graduate studies, and I have successfully mentored many nurses through these sometimes challenging experiences. As your supervisor I will respect you, listen to you, encourage you, and inspire and motivate you to the best you can be.

Costs and CV available on request.

Contact details

[email protected]
027 457 5019

Liz Sherrington

Liz Sherrington

Collaboration, empowerment, participation, respect, and appreciative inquiry

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Delivery methods

Face-to-face or via Teams, Skype on request.

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual
  • Professional
  • Inter-professional

Current role/title

Professional Supervisor/Registered Nurse independently facilitating Professional and Inter-Professional Supervision.


  • Registered Comprehensive Nurse
  • Bachelor of Nursing
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Palliative Care
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences Palliative Care
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Supervision


"Nau te raurau, Nāku te raurau, kā kit e kete. With your input and my input the basket will be full." (McKenna 2008).

Liz has 30 years of clinical nursing practice experience. She has practiced in a variety of clinical practice areas within New Zealand and Australia.

Liz provides Supervision that is inclusive for all professionals, cultural practices/Tikanga with a focus on a Reflective Learning model, Strengths- Based model, Narrative (Kōrero), Restorative process, and Supervisee led Supervision.

She holds a special interest in Hospice/Palliative Care nursing and experience in inpatient multidisciplinary team setting and community Aged Care Liaison Nurse role.

She has provided support, education, and mentorship to Undergraduate, International, and Residential Aged Care nurses in the delivery and facilitation of Hospice/Palliative Care fundamentals and practices.

CV available upon request.


$100 per session GST inclusive.

Payment is requested to be made in cash at time of session, or invoiced to the Supervisee's Employer/Organisation.

Contact details

[email protected]
0210 319 386

Sarah Stonier

Sarah Stonier

Reflectively supporting and resourcing practitioners to protect and develop their professional practice.

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Delivery methods

Online via Zoom and Teams.

Type of Supervision provided

  • Individual professional

Current role/title

Approved assessor and professional supervisor for Nursing Council of NZ, Professional Supervisor in private practice


  • RGN (UK)
  • Dip (Psychology)
  • PG Cert (Professional Supervision) 2017


Sarah offers professional supervision as a process of reflective learning to support and resource practitioners to protect and develop their professional practice.

Costs and CV available on request.

Contact details

[email protected]
021 101 5309

Louise Sue

Louise Sue

Caring and professional support to enhance your overall performance.

More details


Christchurch CBD and North Canterbury

Delivery methods

Face-to-face and online via Zoom, Google Meet etc

Relevant Qualifications

  • Registered Nurse
  • Masters in Nursing – Thesis
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Supervision

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual
  • group

Current role/title

Louise provides professional supervision part-time from rooms in Christchurch CBD. She also works part-time as a clinical nurse specialist in adolescent and young adult cancer.


Louise is a caring and approachable professional passionate about supporting clients to live their best lives alongside a successful and fulfilling career. With over 20 years of nursing experience in oncology, youth health, sexual and reproductive health and palliative care, she is adept at navigating high-pressure healthcare environments. She is very aware of the toll that complex patients, situations and team dynamics can take on a person's well-being.

Louise provides a safe and confidential space for you to explore and reflect on your professional practice. Her supervision approach is tailored to your individual needs, ensuring that you receive personalised and effective guidance and support. Through this reflective practice, you can gain insights, identify assumptions, develop new strategies, and enhance your overall performance.

Contact details

[email protected]
027 395 6006

Costs and CV available on request.


Esther Vallance

Esther Vallance

Enhancing nursing practice in New Zealand through professional supervision, professional mentoring and nursing education.

More details


Esther is based in Aidanfield Christchurch.

Delivery methods

Face-to-face and virtual supervision meetings.

Types of Supervision provided

  • Individual
  • Peer group
  • Workshops - Team building, Debriefing, and Workplace wellbeing.

Most recent role/title

Professional Supervisor

Relevant Qualifications

  • RCpN BN MA (Hons)
  • Certificate in Adult Teaching
  • PDRP Expert and Senior Level
  • Clinical Supervision Training for Supervisors (1&2)
  • Role Theory for Professional Supervisors (1&2)


As a professional supervisor for over twenty years, Esther's background in Medical and Surgical Nursing, Managerial and Operations’ roles and Nursing Lecturer in both undergraduate and post graduate education, has led to extensive experience with Nurse Practitioners, Nursing Education and Study Coaching, including PDRP coaching.

Esther says: "I work with nurses all over New Zealand and across all sectors of Healthcare - Managers, Team Leaders, Experienced Nurses, New Graduates as well as Student Nurses. Over the past eight years I have worked with nurses on their NP Intern pathway. I work to support nurses to improve their practice, their resilience, reduce their anxiety and work alongside nurses in their career development and goals." 

Costs and CV available on request.

Contact details

[email protected]
027 223 1310

Jane Wulff

Jane Wulff

Holistic, reflective professional supervision with a Christian component if desired

More details


Nelson region

Delivery methods

Face-to-face and remotely via phone, email, Zoom, Messenger, and WhatsApp from anywhere around New Zealand.

Types of Supervision provided

Not supplied

Current role/title

Professional Supervisor, and currently works as a Transition Chaplain for Nelson Hospital.


  • RCN
  • PG Cert (Supervision) 2017
  • MA (Applied Nursing)
  • CAIRANZ Supervision License


Jane has worked in Public Heath, Hospice, Residential care, and Parish Nursing Nelson Hospital.

Costs negotiable. CV available on request.


[email protected]
021 541 848