Medicines - Guidelines and information

Welcome to NZNO's medicines information page. Here you will find the most up to date information and guidelines pertinent to medicines administration and management. Please contact NZNO on 0800 283848 for further information or email [email protected].

Links to useful websites re medicines

New Zealand Formulary - this website provides the most up to date information on clinically validated medicines information and guidance on best practice.

PHARMAC - New Zealand's pharmaceutical management agency

PHARMAC Seminars - this webpage provides information on PHARMAC's seminar series offered in Wellington. A range of different topics are offered. Specific seminar content from the November 2014 seminar on dementia is available here.

Health Quality and Safety Commission - the HQSC provide a number of very useful resources on medicines administration including medicines reconciliation and the high risk medicines campaign. This link will take you directly to their medication safety page.

Pharmaceutical Society - professional association for pharmacists.

Links to useful publications and resources

Current consultations

Regular consultations regarding medicines are undertaken across the sector by various organisations including PHARMAC, the Ministry of Health and Nursing Council.

It is essential we have a say in medicine related consultations as nurses are often the most affected by changes in medicines policy.