This page is only a snapshot of the NZNO Library collection. The majority of our collection is not listed here, so please contact us if you require books on a specific topic and/or aspect of nursing practice.
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- Current NZNO members can usually borrow NZNO Library books for 4 weeks.
- You will have the option to renew, unless someone else is waiting to read the same book.
- You will need to provide your current postal address, so that books can be couriered out to you.
April 2024 - December 2024
Power to win: The living wage movement in Aotearoa New Zealand [HD 4924 MCI]
Autographed copy
McIntyre, Lyndy
Otago University Press, 2024
Documents the history of the Living Wage Movement from its beginning in 2011 to the present day. The living wage movement is grounded in the fundamental belief that all New Zealanders should be paid enough to meet their needs, enjoy their lives and participate in society. Yet, from the 1980s, with the gap between rich and poor growing and poverty increasing, more and more workers could no longer afford to aspire to this quality of life.
Standing in the sunshine: A history of New Zealand women since they won the vote [HQ 1865.5 CON]
Coney, Sandra
Viking, 1993
An illustrated social history of New Zealand women since they won the vote in 1893. New Zealand had the distinction of being the first country in the world where women's struggle for the vote resulted in success. This book explores all aspects of women's lives from 1893 to 1993, turning up new and unexpected moments in New Zealand women's history.
Using research instruments: A guide for researchers [H 62 WIL]
Wilkinson, D., & Birmingham, P.
Routledge, 2003
Offers a practical guide to the most appropriate use of research instruments. It provides examples of instruments used in actual projects by practising social and educational researchers.
July 2023 - March 2024
Bringing culture into care: A biography of Amohaere Tangitu [WZ 100 TAN]
Haami, Bradford
Huia Publishers, 2019
Profiles and traces the career of the former Director Regional Maori Health for the Tauranga and Whakatane hospitals, who in 1987 became the first Bicultural Parent Liaison Officer at Princess Mary Hospital, Auckland.
Collaborative and indigenous mental health therapy Tataihono: Stories of Maori healing and psychiatry [WA 305.KN4 NIA]
NiaNia, Wiremu., Bush, Allister & Epston, David
Published in 2017
Examines a collaboration between traditional Maori healing and clinical psychiatry, each chapter recounting the story of one young person and their family's experience of Maori healing from several perspectives.
Conversational wisdom: Strengthening human connection through the power of conversation [HM 1206 COS]
Cosgrove, Emily & Hope, Sara
Published in 2023
Conversation: the heartbeat of our organisations. Right now, we’re at risk of losing the art of doing it well. We need to radically change how we talk to each other, to create workplaces where people feel they belong and can thrive. This book will help you understand how to grow your conversational wisdom to create more inclusive and collaborative environments and to make work more meaningful.
The history of Nurse Maude: Leading community nursing and homecare in Aotearoa New Zealand, vol. 1 1896-1989 [WZ 100 MAU]
Allan, Vivienne
Published in 2024
Profiles Emily Sybilla Maude, the early Christchurch district nurse, who founded the district nursing service that was to become the Nurse Maude Foundation.
Nursing theorists and their work [WY 86 ALL]
Alligood, Martha Raile
10th edition, 2022
Traces the evolution of nursing theories from the philosophy of Nightingale through conceptual models to the middle-range theories of the present. Covers all the major theorists of the 20th century and considers the future of nursing theory.
Reference only items
Please contact the NZNO library if you are in Wellington and would like to come and look at them. We welcome visitors by appointment.
Back to the front: The experiences of Elsie Grey, a New Zealand World War 1 nurse
Holms, J G M
Published in 2023
Profiles the author's great-aunt, who served as a military nurse at NZ No. 2 General Hospital, Walton-on-Thames, at NZ No 1 Stationary Hospital at Hazebrouck, and later at Wisques during the First World War, and who kept a diary of her experiences. The book is filled with photographs, diary and letter excerpts, and drawings done by Elsie. Notes her association with NZ nurses, Katherina Woodward and Clara Cherry. Covers her post-war nursing in Hawaii during the influenza pandemic, where she met the Prince of Wales during his visit in 1920, before her return to NZ and public health nursing for the Education Department in Auckland.
This item is reference only. Please contact the NZNO library if you are in Wellington and would like to come and look at this item.
My experience in the war of 1914-1918 and people that I met [WZ 100 HUN HIST]
Hunter, Christina
Published in 2021
Donated to the library by Christina Hunter's great-nephew Don Hunter, who had the manuscript printed.
Nurse staffing in the operating rooms -- no longer behind closed doors [WY 161 TAY THESIS]
Taylor, Bronwyn
University of Auckland thesis, 2021
There is no agreement in the literature on what is considered to be safe nurse staffing in the operating rooms (ORs). There is no research exploring decision-making on nurse staffing resources in Aotearoa New Zealand (AoNZ) ORs, no published data on models of care used to staff AoNZ ORs and limited information available on what factors are being used to support nurse staffing decision-making. Aim and Questions: To identify key factors senior perioperative nurses consider when making decisions about nurse staffing and skill-mix.
July 2022 - May 2023
Diversity and cultural awareness in nursing practice [WY 107 DIV]
Edited by Beverley Brathwaite
2nd edition, 2023
Explores all aspects of nursing practice through the lens of diversity and cultural awareness, fully updated with new content, including the impact of Covid-19, LGBTQIA+ issues and ageism.
Experiences of health workers in the COVID-19 pandemic: In their own words [WC 506.7. BIS]
Bismarck, Marie; Willis, Karen; Lewis, Sophie; Smallwood, Natasha
Routledge, 2022
Shares the stories of front-line health workers during the second wave of the pandemic in Australia.
Growing rural health = Tipu haere tuawhenua hauora: 30 years of advocacy and support in Aotearoa [WA 390 ROS]
Ross, Jean., Kemp, Tania. & London, Martin
Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network Inc, 2022
Backgrounds the formation of the New Zealand Rural General Practice Network thirty years ago and describes its transition into the Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network. Reflects on the challenges and rewards of working in rural health from the perspectives of the members of the Network, in order to inform future rural health service provision and workforce planning.
The introduction of nursing education at Carrington Technical Institute [WY 19.KN4 SHE]
Sherrard, Isabelle
Published in 2023
Backgrounds the transfer of nursing education from hospitals to technical institutes as a result of the Carpenter Report in 1971. Provides a history of the first year of the Carrington Technical Institute, which opened in 1986. The author, an NZNO Award of Honour recipient, backgrounds her role as Course Supervisor at Carrington and profiles the other early staff members. Interviews 7 of the initial intake of nursing students.
Life time: The new science of the body clock, and how it can revolutionize your sleep and health [QT 167 FOS]
Foster, Russell
Penguin Life, 2022
Explains the relationship between sleep and the circadian rhythm, and how the biological clock governs when we should eat, sleep, work, and take medication. Explores the implications of shift work for health.
Nursing a radical imagination: Moving from theory and history to action and alternate futures [WY 86 DILL]
Dillard-Wright, Jess., Hopkins-Walsh, Jane & Brown, Brandon
Routledge, 2023
Brings together radical perspectives from an international selection of authors who attend to the history of nursing and related institutions, examining the assumptions, ideologies, and discourses that shape the discipline and its place within healthcare. Explores the impact of this context on contemporary nursing while considering alternative visions for the future.
January - June 2022
New Zealand Nurses: caring for our people 1880-1950
Wood, Pamela
Published 2022
Author Pamela Wood’s New Zealand Nurses draws on a wealth of nurses’ personal stories to identify the values, traditions, community and folklore of the nursing culture from 1880 – when hospital reforms began to formally introduce ‘modern nursing’ into New Zealand – to 1950, three years after New Zealand severed its final tie as part of the British Empire.
Still Counting: Wellbeing, women’s work and policy-making
Waring, Marilyn
Published 2018; Reprinted 2020
Thirty years ago Marilyn Waring’s groundbreaking book Counting for Nothing was released. Waring explained, through meticulous economic analysis, how the success of the global economy rests on women’s unpaid work. Today, many people hope that the shift to a wellbeing approach - moving beyond narrow economic indicators when assessing New Zealand’s progress - will mean women’s work is finally valued fairly.
The Right Girls: A history of the training of Registered Nurses at Palmerston North Hospital School of Nursing 1895-1986
Dr Wendy Maddocks & Nyle Maddocks-Hubbard
Published 2022
Senior Lecturer, Dr Wendy Maddocks from UC’s Faculty of Health, was in the very last hospital based trained nursing class at Palmerston North Hospital, graduating in 1986. As a lockdown project, Wendy started researching the history of the hospital-based training of registered nurses at Palmerston North Hospital.
April 2021 - September 2021
Health advocacy: A communication approach [W 85 MAT]
Mattson, M. & Lam, C.
Published in 2016
Explores the processes and strategies involved in creating a health advocacy campaign to guide current advocates in how to advocate for policy change.
Helen Kelly: Her life [HD 6935.5 KEL]
Macfie, R.
Awa Press, 2021
Recounts the life of the first female president of the Council of Trade Unions., intertwining her life with the history of the trade union movement in NZ.
Nice racism: How progressive white people perpetuate racial harm [HT 1521 DIA]
Diangelo, R.
Beacon Press, 2021
Challenges the ideology of individualism and explains how the author justifies generalising about groups in order to challenge racist attitudes.
Tikanga: Living with the traditions of te ao Maori [DU 423 TIP]
Tipene, F. & Tipene, K.
Harper Collins, 2021
Shares how the authors bring the traditional values of tikanga Maori into day-to-day living.
Workplace bullying: A costly business phenomenon [WA 440 NEE]
Needham, Andrea W.
Edited by Tim Bentley, Bevan Catley, Natalie D'Souza
Revised edition, 2019
In this revitalised edition of Workplace Bullying by ground-breaking New Zealand human resource expert Andrea W. Needham, we take a hard look at a very dubious workplace practice. Corporate abuse. Mobbing. Workplace bullying. Call it what you will, the outcome is still the same - staff who become demoralised, and lose trust and confidence in your organisation; staff who leave.
October 2020 - March 2021
1/ Roth's companion to the Privacy Act 2020 [WX 173 ROT]
Roth, P & Stewart, B
LexisNexis, 2021
The Privacy Act 2020 repeals and alters the Privacy Act 1993 in many key respects. In particular, the legislation introduces significant new obligations and liabilities for agencies, including a tougher enforcement regime. This text is drawn from the authoritative publication Privacy Law and Practice.
2/ Nation dates: Timelines of significant events that have shaped the history of Aotearoa New Zealand [DU 420 MCG]
McGuinness, Wendy
McGuinness Institute, 4th ed. 2020
Nation Dates presents timelines of significant events that have shaped Aotearoa New Zealand as a nation. The fourth edition includes four new timelines: Political Agreements, New Zealand Wars, Government Net Worth and COVID-19.
3/ Holistic nursing: A handbook for practice [WY 86.5 DOS]
Dossey, B M & Keegan, L.
5th ed., 2009
Guides nurses in the art and science of nursing holistically, offering ways of thinking, practising, and responding, both personally and professionally to patients to enhance their psychophysiology.
4/ Hamric and Hanson's advanced practice nursing: An integrative approach [WY 128 TRA]
Tracy, Mary F & O'Grady, Eileen T
6th ed., 2019
Explores how Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) are prepared, collating the latest trends and evidence of APRN competencies and roles. Stresses the benefit of APRNs as direct care providers and leaders.
5/ Bioethics: A nursing perspective [WY 85 JOH 2019]
Johnstone, Megan-Jane
7th ed., 2019
Addresses the ethical challenges, obligations and responsibilities nurses will encounter in practice. This edition examines the bioethical issues in health care with a focus on patients' rights, cross-cultural ethics, vulnerability ethics, mental health ethics, professional conduct, patient safety and end-of-life ethics.
6/ Patient advocacy: A communication approach [W 85 MAT]
Mattson, M & Lam, C.
Published in 2016
Explores the processes and strategies involved in creating a health advocacy campaign to guide current advocates in how to advocate for policy change.