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Research assistance
The NZNO library offers assistance to current NZNO members. We can provide books, journal articles, health and nursing publications, RCN & ICN documents, links to useful websites and references to other material.
To make a request use the NZNO Library Enquiry form on this page or email [email protected]
When you make a request please tell us:
- Your email address and contact phone number(s)
- Your topic request
- How the information will be used e.g. a presentation to staff
- What information you already have
- When you need the information by
- Any other limits e.g. only New Zealand articles
- Currency of material required e.g. only articles written within the last 5 years.
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Open access NZ health journals
The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health (ANZJPH)
This journal is concerned with public health issues. The research reported includes formal epidemiological inquiries into the correlates and causes of diseases and health-related behaviour, analyses of public policy affecting health and disease, and detailed studies of the cultures and social structures within which health and illness exist.
Emergency Nurse New Zealand Journal
L.O.G.I.C: The official journal of the College of Primary Health Care Nurses, NZNO
Journal of Primary Health Care (JPHC)
New Zealand Medical Journal
The New Zealand Medical Journal (NZMJ) is the principal scientific journal for the medical profession in New Zealand. The Journal has become a fundamental resource for providing research and written pieces from the health and medical industry.
Open-access after registering an email address and creating a password.
Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand
The Journal is an official publication of the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ), a professional organisation of New Zealand nurses, which includes Nurse Practitioners New Zealand (NPNZ)
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Searching for a NZ thesis
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Tips for students
- Consult your course text and supplementary course material
- Search your institution's library catalogue and online databases such as Ebsco (CINAHL)
- Approach the institution's library reference staff for training and guidance
- Search online journals/databases on the NZNO website
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Useful resources
In their hospital library, members employed by a DHB can find up-to-date and reliable sources of information; relevant to their clinical, management, educational and research needs
Organisations such as the Heart Foundation, Cancer Society, Diabetes NZ may also be able to provide you with information.
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