NZNO Library

NZNO Library Current Awareness Newsletter

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Issue 4 Library e-newsletter: 10 Feb 2017

Articles – Prostate Cancer 1. Clinical edge: Prostate cancer diagnostics: Finally some clarity? Brown, Matt Medicus, Vol. 56, No. 5, Jun 2016: 40-41 Abstract: The clinical landscape for prostate cancer diagnostics is unrecognisable from even five years ago, due to controversies in...

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Issue 3 - Library e-newsletter: 3 Feb 2017

Books added to the NZNO Library: June 2016-December 2016 NZNO members can borrow these books for 4 weeks. Please provide a street address when requesting items, as they will be couriered out to you. 1/ Body economic:  why austerity kills Recessions, budget battles, and the politics of...

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