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Issue 4 - 20 February 2013

Books available for borrowing NZNO members are welcome to borrow these books, for a period of 4 weeks. 1. Flexible work practices in nursing ICN - Published 2012 This paper seeks to provide an overview of the advantages and disadvantages associated with flexible work practices from the...

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Issue 4 - 20 February 2013

Books available for borrowing NZNO members are welcome to borrow these books, for a period of 4 weeks. 1. Flexible work practices in nursing ICN - Published 2012 This paper seeks to provide an overview of the advantages and disadvantages associated with flexible work practices from the...

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Issue 3 - 14 February 2013

Articles - Heart Disease 1. Delaying help for a heart attack could be especially deadly for women Harvard Women's Health Watch. Jan 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 5: p1-8 Abstract: The article discusses how the delaying of help for a heart attack can be especially dangerous for women resulting in...

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Issue 3 - 14 February 2013

Articles - Heart Disease 1. Delaying help for a heart attack could be especially deadly for women Harvard Women's Health Watch. Jan 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 5: p1-8 Abstract: The article discusses how the delaying of help for a heart attack can be especially dangerous for women resulting in...

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Issue 2 - 1 February 2013

Articles - Nursing Inquiry Dec 2011 1. Ideas with impact By Thorne, Sally. Nursing Inquiry. Dec 2011, Vol. 18 Issue 4: p277-277 Abstract: The author relates that citation index assesses the worth of a piece of writing while the impact factor measures the quality of a journal. 2. Challenges...

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Issue 2 - 1 February 2013

Articles - Nursing Inquiry Dec 2011 1. Ideas with impact By Thorne, Sally. Nursing Inquiry. Dec 2011, Vol. 18 Issue 4: p277-277 Abstract: The author relates that citation index assesses the worth of a piece of writing while the impact factor measures the quality of a journal. 2. Challenges of...

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