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Issue 2 - 1 February 2013

Articles - Nursing Inquiry Dec 2011

1. Ideas with impact
By Thorne, Sally. Nursing Inquiry. Dec 2011, Vol. 18 Issue 4: p277-277
The author relates that citation index assesses the worth of a piece of writing while the impact factor measures the quality of a journal.

2. Challenges of patient-centred care: practice or rhetoric
By van Mossel, Catherine; Alford, Maxine; Watson, Heather. Nursing Inquiry. Dec 2011, Vol. 18 Issue 4, p278-289. 12p
: This article explores how medical oncologists explain treatment options to patients, how people hear and understand what they are told, and what factors influence their decision making pertaining to treatment when cancer has recurred. Interviews with oncologists reveal features of their day-to-day practice that could be considered characteristic of patient-centred care. We decided to explore the literature on patient-centred care
and patient choice to see how it could inform analysis of the day-to-day practices present in the interviews.

3. Understanding medication safety in healthcare settings: a critical review of conceptual models
By Liu, Wei; Manias, Elizabeth; Gerdtz, Marie. Nursing Inquiry. Dec 2011, Vol. 18 Issue 4: p290-302
  Communication can impact on the way in which medications are managed across healthcare settings. Organisational cultures and the environmental context provide an added complexity to how communication occurs in practice. The aims of this paper are: to examine six models relating to medication safety in various hospital and community settings, to consider the strengths and limitations of each model and to explore their applications to medication safety practices. The models examined for their ability to address the complexity of the medication communication process include causal models, such as the Human Error Model and the System Analysis to Clinical Incidents Model, and exploratory models, such as the Shared Decision-Making Model, the Medication Decision-Making and Management Model, the Partnership Model and the Medication Communication Model. The Medication Communication Model provides particular insights into possible interactions between aspects that influence medication safety practices.

4. Deconstructing child and adolescent mental health: questioning the'taken-for-granted'...
By Bradley, Stephen K; Carter, Bernie. Nursing Inquiry. Dec2011, Vol. 18 Issue 4, p303-312
We present a critical deconstructive reading, seeking to problematise 'taken-for-granted' assumptions in child and adolescent mental health (CAMH). The start point for this critical reading is conventional 'history-telling' within CAMH. The aim is not to take issue with the detail in such histories but to critically examine the texts, so as to highlight constructions that structure the presentation of conventional histories and possible purposes that such constructions may serve. The argument is that such conventional histories leave key questions not just unanswered, but unconsidered - a tendency that can be seen throughout the CAMH literature more generally. Therefore, we then pursue critical discussion of how 'taken-for-granted' constructions of CAMH enabled psychiatry to successfully expand its power and influence to establish hegemony over 'problem children'.

5. Gender, sexuality and the participatory dimensions of a comparative life history policy study
By MacDonnell, Judith A. Nursing Inquiry. Dec 2011, Vol. 18 Issue 4: p313-324
: In this paper, I explore how a critical feminist lens was a crucial element in creating a participatory policy study which used a qualitative design and comparative life history methodology. This study focused on Canadian nurses' political practice related to advocacy for lesbian health. Findings show that the combination of the gender lens and life history approach offers potential to create knowledge in ways aligned with health-promoting and emancipatory outcomes.

6. A discursive exploration of the practices that shape and discipline nurses' responses to postoperative delirium
By Kjorven, Mary; Rush, Kathy; Hole, Rachelle. Nursing Inquiry. Dec 2011, Vol. 18 Issue 4: p325-335
Although delirium is classified as a medical emergency, it is often not treated as such by health care providers. The aim of this study was to critically examine, through a poststructural, Foucauldian concept of discourse, the language practices and discourses that shape and discipline nurses' care of older adults with postoperative delirium (POD) with a purpose to question accepted nursing practice. The study was based on data collected from face-to-face, in-depth, personal interviews with six nurses who work on an acute postoperative patient care unit.

7. Living with an adult family member using advanced medical technology at home
By Fex, Angelika; Flensner, Gullvi; Ek, Anna-Christina; Söderhamn, Olle. Nursing Inquiry. Dec 2011, Vol. 18 Issue 4: p336-347
  An increased number of chronically ill adults perform self-care while using different sorts of advanced medical technology at home. This hermeneutical study aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of living with an adult family member using advanced medical technology at home.

8. Morbidly obese patients and lifestyle change: constructing ethical selves
By Knutsen, Ingrid Ruud; Terragni, Laura; Foss, Christina. Nursing Inquiry. Dec2011, Vol. 18 Issue 4, p348-358
  In contemporary societies, bodily size is an important part of individuals' self-representation. As the number of persons clinically diagnosed as morbidly obese increases, programmes are developed to make people reduce weight by changing their lifestyle, and for some, by bariatric surgery. This article presents findings from interviews with 12 participants undergoing a prerequisite course prior to bariatric surgery that is intended both as a preparation for further (surgical) treatment and as a tool to empower individuals regarding lifestyle changes. In this study, we investigate how power operates by looking at how the participants position themselves throughout the course. Findings reveal how participants construct their ability to act in line with norms of lifestyle change. They do this by positioning themselves as both included group members and as 'morally' acceptable individuals. Despite some resistance, the participants tend to glide into the role of 'good patients' acting in compliance with the aims of the course in their hope and striving for new positions as 'normal-sized'. The intention in the course is to empower individuals towards lifestyle changes. The findings provide a basis to question whether these kinds of courses create new forms of compliance and dependency. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Articles - Cataracts/Eye Care/Eyestrain

By Svensson, Helene Fries; Svensson, Ola K. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. May2001, Vol. 33 Issue 3: p133-136
Ergonomic measures have been found to reduce load-related trouble from the neck-and-shoulders during visual display unit (VDU) work. An important question is the height at which the screen should be placed to give the lowest possible load. Should it be placed at eye-level or below? The aim of the present study was to investigate whether there was any difference in external loading moments of force about the C7-T1 segment when the VDU-operators had a viewing angle of 20° below the horizontal plane as compared to 3 ° above the horizontal. Eight secretaries were videofilmed in the sagittal plane in the two work postures during simulated work. The loading moment was calculated from the film. It was significantly lower at viewing angle 3° above the horizontal than at 20 ° below the horizontal, both at the beginning (1.3 vs 2.2 nm) and at the end (1.4 vs 2.1 nm) of the film sequences (p < 0.05). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

By Douglas, Linda; Berry, Sarah. Nursing Children & Young People. Jun 2011, Vol. 23 Issue 5: p14-20
: It is common for children in paediatric intensive care units (PICUs) to have impaired ocular defence mechanisms. The authors discovered inconsistencies in eye care practice in their PICU and found that there were no clinical guidelines available to promote evidence-based practice and prevent corneal complications. This article describes the issues involved and the development of a guideline that is now in use. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

11. Clinical digest. Cataract surgery cuts fracture risk for people aged 65 and over in the year post-operation
Nursing Standard. 9/5/2012, Vol. 27 Issue 1: p14-15
: The article discusses research which was reported in the article "Risk of Fractures Following Cataract Surgery in Medicare Beneficiaries" by V. Tseng et al. and found that cataract surgery in people aged 65 and over cuts their risk of fracture for a year after the surgery..

12. Update on cataract surgery and replacement lenses
Harvard Health Letter. Apr 2012, Vol. 37 Issue 6: p6-7
The article focuses on the use of high-speed lasers in cataract surgery. It states that ophthalmologists have been using such laser for sometime to perform the LASIK surgery in reshaping the cornea so people will not need to wear eyeglasses. It mentions the insights of eye surgeon Bradford J. Shingleton on the difference of such surgery over the conventional surgery..

13. Supporting patients undergoing cataract extraction surgery. (cover story)
By Hardy, Joanne. Nursing Standard. 12/9/2009, Vol. 24 Issue 14, p51-56
  A cataract is an opacification, or clouding, of the lens of the eye, causing a deterioration in the clarity and brightness of vision, which may reduce quality of life. Surgical removal and artificial replacement of the opacified lens is the only treatment option available. This article discusses the patient's experience of treatment and highlights the role of the nurse in pre and post-operative care. A review of the anatomy of the eye is included and, as nurses have a vital role in supporting patients undergoing surgery, the cataract extraction operation and its potential risks and complications are described briefly. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

14. People who take beta blockers more likely to need cataract surgery
Nursing Standard. 9/23/2009, Vol. 24 Issue 3: p16-17
The article discusses research results from Australia showing a link between the use of anti-hypertensive medication and the long-term incidence of cataract development and cataract surgery. According to the author, researchers found a borderline association between anti-hypertensive medication use and the presence of nuclear cataracts and found that beta blocker use was a significant predictor of the need for cataract surgery..

Journal - Table of Contents

15. From The Outlet: New Zealand Stomal Therapy Nurses, November 2012
Chairperson's report [Judy Warren]
15B. Getting to the bottom of the matter: Anal discharge and fecal diversion
15C. WCET Adelaide Conference Report

Conferences & Training

16.  Breastfeeding: from science to skills
Annual conference for health professionals, also available online, CERPS apply. International and local speakers are acknowledged experts on specialised topics of interest to everyone involved in caring for women and babies, and in public health
Date: 2nd   to  16th March 2013
Venue: Hobart, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth , Australia

17. The International Centre for Nursing Ethics, 14th annual conference
The Centre for Quality and Patient Safety Research (QPS) Deakin University in collaboration with The International Centre for Nursing Ethics (ICNE) are pleased to announce the 14th ICNE conference to be held 16–17 May, 2013 in Melbourne, Australia
Date: 16th to 17th May 2013
Venue: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

News - National

18. Call for cyber-bullying controls
Rotorua coroner Wallace Bain is repeating calls for laws to be urgently set up to control cyber bullying in light of another teenager taking her life after she set up a Facebook page targeting herself.
ODT - 31 Jan 2013

19. Adverse drug events claimed five patients
Stuff - 29 Jan 2013
Prescribed medication led to the deaths of five people in New Zealand hospitals between March 2010 and February 2011, a study has found. Research by the Canterbury, Counties Manukau and Capital and Coast district health boards has found 353 people were harmed by medication-related problems during that period

20. New Norovirus Variant in New Zealand
Ministry of Health - 17 January 2013
The GII 4 Sydney 2012 variant has been seen in Australia, Japan, and the United Kingdom amongst other countries. New Zealand had an increase in notifications of Norovirus outbreaks in the latter part of last year, with most notified outbreaks in October, November and December having been laboratory confirmed as due to the Sydney 2012 variant.

News - International

21. Sweet nothings: soft approach is only feeding obesity rise
The Age - February 1, 2013
Australia's leaders need to boldly intervene to improve public health. It is a grotesque ad. A smiling boy sitting in a restaurant swallows 16 satchels of sugar. The punchline: you wouldn't eat 16 packets of sugar, so why would you drink it? Because that's how much sugar there is in a 600ml bottle of soft drink.
Read more:

22. Dangers of toxic hip implants used in Britain kept secret for years
the Telegraph - 31 January 2013
A company sold toxic hip implants used in thousands of operations in Britain knowing for at least three years that they were potentially dangerous, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.

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