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Issue 4 - 20 February 2013

Books available for borrowing

NZNO members are welcome to borrow these books, for a period of 4 weeks.

1. Flexible work practices in nursing
ICN - Published 2012

This paper seeks to provide an overview of the advantages and disadvantages associated with flexible work practices from the perspective of organisations and nurses. Necessary conditions for successful implementation are also considered, with examples of some helpful resources available to guide employers and employees in the identification, implementation and evaluation of flexible work practices.

2. The nurse's social media advantage: How making connections and sharing ideas can enhance your nursing practice
By Robert Fraser. Published 2011

Social media has reached into every profession - and nursing is no exception. These changes can be challenging, but this book explains how social media impacts patients and the health care community and why nurses need to be at the forefront of this new technology.

3. Quick team-building activities for busy managers: 50 exercises that get results in just 15 minutes.
By Brian Cole Miller. Published 2004

Supervisors, managers, and team leaders have 50 team-building activities to choose from. 
Exercises include:
- Building new teams and helping teams with new members
- Dealing with change and its effects: anger, fear and frustration
- Recognizing individual efforts and team accomplishments
- Finding creative ways to work together and solve problems 

Articles - Nursing Ethics journal

4. Challenging care deficits: Showing, telling and teaching
By Gallagher, Ann. Nursing Ethics. Feb 2013, Vol. 20
Issue 1, p3-4. 2p
The author discusses initiatives to improve healthcare ethics and tackle care deficits. In this context she describes an address by Archbishop Desmond Tutu of the Tutu foundation which reinforced the dignity of the nursing profession. She also discuses her experience of an ethics of care conference in Utretcht organized by Professor Frans Vosman and colleagues.

5. Respect in the care of older patients in acute hospitals
By Koskenniemi, Jaana; Leino-Kilpi, Helena; Suhonen, Riitta. Nursing Ethics. Feb 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 1: p5-17. 13p
The aim of this study was to describe the experiences of older patients and their next of kin with regards to respect in the care given in an acute hospital. Based on the analysis, the concept of respect can be defined by the actions taken by nurses (polite behaviour, the patience to listen, reassurance, response to information needs, assistance in basic needs, provision of pain relief, response to wishes and time management) and next of kin (support, assistance and advocacy) and by factors related to the environment (appreciation of older people in society, management of health-care organizations, the nursing culture, the flow of information and patient placement). The information will be used to develop an instrument for assessing how well respect is maintained in the care of older patients. .

6. Talking about suicide: Confidentiality and anonymity in qualitative research
By Gibson, Susanne; Benson, Outi; Brand, Sarah L. Nursing Ethics. Feb 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 1, p18-29: 12p
While it is acknowledged that there is a need for more qualitative research on suicide, it is also clear that the ethics of undertaking such research need to be addressed. This article uses the case study of the authors’ experience of gaining ethics approval for a research project that asks people what it is like to feel suicidal to (a) analyse the limits of confidentiality and anonymity and (b) consider the ways in which the process of ethics review can shape and constrain suicide research. This leads to a discussion of the ways in which ethics committees assess and monitor qualitative research more generally and some preliminary suggestions for how this might be improved. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER].

7. The importance of moral sensitivity when including persons with dementia in qualitative research
By Heggestad, Anne Kari T; Nortvedt, Per; Slettebø, Åshild. Nursing Ethics. Feb 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 1, p30-40. 11p
The aim of this article is to show the importance of moral sensitivity when including persons with dementia in research. The article presents and discusses ethical challenges encountered when a total of 15 persons with dementia from two nursing homes and seven proxies were included in a qualitative study. 

8. The importance of moral sensitivity when including persons with dementia in qualitative research
By Heggestad, Anne Kari T; Nortvedt, Per; Slettebø, Åshild. Nursing Ethics. Feb 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 1: p30-40. 11p
The aim of this article is to show the importance of moral sensitivity when including persons with dementia in research. The article presents and discusses ethical challenges encountered when a total of 15 persons with dementia from two nursing homes and seven proxies were included in a qualitative study. Our main argument in this article is, therefore, that moral sensitivity is required in addition to the traditional research ethical principles throughout the whole process of observing and interviewing the respondents. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Articles - Safe Staffing

9. Achieving safe staffing for older people in hospital
By Hayes, Nicky; Ball, Jane; Nursing Older People, 2012 May; 24 (4): 20-4
Nicky Hayes and Jane Ball present the results of a survey that reveals the complexities and pressures of caring for this group of inpatients on wards today.

10. ICN workforce summit: safe staffing threat
By THOMAS, LEE. Australian Nursing Journal. 01/11/2012, Vol. 20 Issue 5, p21-21. 1/2p. 2 Color Photographs.
The article reports on topics which were discussed at the 18th International Council of Nurses (ICN) workforce summit, which was held in 2012 in Ottawa, Canada. Topics included nurses' working conditions, nursing legislation and regulation and nurses' wages. The event was attended by nurse leaders from across the globe..

11. Orange nurses take a stand
Lamp. 01/10/2011, Vol. 68 Issue 9, p16-19
The article reports on a 2011 decision which the Orange Base Hospital branch of the New South Wales Nurses' Association made to vote to enforce safe staffing in hospital wards by closing beds. A discussion of increased staffing levels which were seen at the hospital after the vote and bed closures is presented..

12. Set up a Workplace Campaign Committee. (cover story)
Lamp. 01/10/2010, Vol. 67 Issue 9, p16-17
The article discusses how members of the New South Wales Nurses' Association (NSWNA) can establish a Workplace Campaign Committee (WCC) for the promotion of a safe staffing campaign for mandated nurse-to-patient ratios within the local community for. Topics include how WCCs can help coordinate outreach to local communities and garner the needed public support..

13. Managers reject campaigner's call for mandatory staffing levels
By Duffin, Christian. Nursing Standard. 2/6/2013, Vol. 27 Issue 23, p7-7. 3/4p. 1 Color Photograph
The article reports on statements which were made in 2013 by several leaders of Great Britain's National Health Service (NHS), including Dean Royles of NHS Employers, in which the leaders indicated that they felt that the introduction of safe staffing ratios would do nothing to improve the standard of care delivered in hospitals. The statements were made in response to comments which Julie Bailey of the group Cure the NHS made concerning the need for minimum staffing levels in NHS hospitals..

14. Strategic thinking
By Waters, Adele. Nursing Standard. 3/14/2012, Vol. 26 Issue 28, p16-19. 4p. 3 Color Photographs
Nurse managers explain to Adele Waters how they are dealing with the requirement to cut costs while ensuring safe staffing levels at all times. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

15. Safe staffing saves lives
By Armstrong, Fiona. Australian Nursing Journal. May 2006, Vol. 13 Issue 10: p22-22
The article reports on the benefits provided by the decision of the International Council of Nurses to focus on safe staffing for the 2006 International Nurses Day. The provision of an adequate number of educated nurses has a significant effect on positive patient outcomes. Evidence shows that safe staffing leads to increased recovery times, reduced risk of falls and a decline in rate of pneumonia. It also influences job satisfaction and less burnout for nurses..

Journal - Table of Contents

16. From Primary Health Care: the RCN Community Health Nursing Journal, February 2013, Volume 23, Number 1
16A. New service model aims to improve quality of care [Action plan is full of intentions but can the dwindling number of district nurses deliver?]
16B. Time to quit smoking; Performance targets raise practical difficulties [Problems, including an emphasis on medication rather then support, are pointed out by nurses]; Rise in STIs predicted following removal of 48-hour rule
16C. Sharing experiences to help improve family relationships [Report on a focus group that helps vulnerable women change the way they interact with their children]
16D. Investigation into the quality of precsribing carried out by community matrons
16E. Building a health visitor workforce
16F. Research News [Group sessions cause stress for dementia carers]
16G. Research Focus [Vitamin D deficiency]
16H. Managing a patient's diabetic foot ulcer
16I. An evaluation of detoxification regimens to inform practice
16J. Public health nurses in Finland help to prevent postnatal depression
16K. Lipids explained: screening to treatment


17. Medical Law Conference
25 - 26 March 2013
Venue: Wellington
More information:
18. Patient Safety in the Health Sector conference
Issues from the coal face | Moving towards Zero Harm.
27 March, 2013
Venue: Wellington
More information:

19. Procurement & Contract Management in the Health Sector conference
Date: 29 - 30 April, 2013
: Auckland
20. Developing a Clinical Governance Framework for Healthcare Providers conference
Increase quality and performance of healthcare through better governance 
: 15 - 16 October, 2013
Venue: Wellington

News - National

21. TV watching linked to bad behaviour
ODT - By John Gibb - Tue, 19 Feb 2013
Children and adolescents who watch a lot of television are more likely to become involved in antisocial and criminal behaviour as adults, a University of Otago study indicates. One of the study co-authors, Associate Prof Bob Hancox, said the research showed the issue of excessive television watching needed to be ''taken seriously''. Researchers found the risk of a criminal conviction by early adulthood increased by about 30% with every hour children spent watching TV on an average week night
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22. Irreparable harm to children's bodies: expert
ODT - By John Lewis on Tue, 19 Feb 2013
News: Dunedin | Ministry of Education | Ministry of Health
A ''depressing lack'' of health prevention strategies in New Zealand schools is causing irreparable damage to children's bodies, which will cost taxpayers millions of dollars in the years to come, a musculoskeletal specialist says. However, the Otago Primary Principals' Association believes it is a wider issue for communities to help tackle, not just schools.
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News - International

23. Chewing the fat over new health guidelines
The Age - February 19, 2013
AUSTRALIANS are being urged to choose the right kind of fats, cut down on sugary drinks and avoid adding salt to food, in new national dietary guidelines. The National Health and Medical Research Guidelines are the most authoritative source of information on nutrition, a reference for health professionals, policymakers and educators and the subject of intense debate and lobbying by the food industry, health campaigners and academics
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24. Study seeks to explain high stillbirth rates among aboriginal peoples
The Canadian Press February 19, 2013
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