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Issue 179 - 27 April 2011

NOISE AWARENESS DAY - 27 APRIL 2011 Noise Harms More Than Our Ears Experts agree that continued exposure to noise above 85 dBA, over time, will eventually harm hearing. In general, the louder the sound, the less time required before hearing will be affected. Articles - International Journal...

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Issue 178 - 18 April, 2011

Easter without the calories Extravagant Easter eggs, some with a calorie intake so high it would take 26 hours of jogging to burn off, have been criticised by nutritionists. Registered dietician Fiona Boyle, of Food Solutions, advises choosing quality over quantity when it comes to Easter eggs....

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Issue 177 - 13 April 2011

Articles from Nursing Ethics 1. Guest editorial By Nortvedt, Per. Nursing Ethics, 03/01/2011, Vol. 18 Issue 2: p147-148 Abstract: The author discusses the normative challenges in ethics of care, and refers to the 2010 interdisciplinary workshop on 'Ethics of care' organized by the Center for...

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Issue 176 - 5 April 2011

Articles on Palliative Care/Nurses Caring for Family Members 1. This man is dying and, as a sign of new times in palliative care, he's decided how he will go Sunday Age, The (Melbourne), 10341021, Apr 03, 2011 Abstract: Ron Lennox has terminal cancer. With wife Jo, he tells Gary Tippet how...

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