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Issue 31 - 24 August 2015

Articles - Canadian Journal of Public Health 1. Advocacy: It's not a dirty word, it's a duty/Le plaidoyer pour la santé* : ce n'est pas un gros mot| c'est un devoir  By Hancock, Trevor Canadian Journal of Public Health106.3 (Mar/Apr 2015): E86-E88. Abstract: Advocacy is included as a core...

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Issue 30 - 17 August 2015

Articles - Nursing Philosophy, Jul 2014 1. Moving forward in nursing By Sellman, Derek. Nursing Philosophy,  Jul 2014, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p155-156. 2p Abstract: The author reflects on the changes in the nursing industry wherein the organization or institution gives an indication of the...

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Issue 29 - 10 August 2015

Articles – Meningitis 1. Meningococcal meningitis outbreaks By Capriotti, Theresa, DO, MSN, CRNP, RN; Long, Meghan. The Clinical Advisor : For Nurse Practitioners18.5 (May 2015): 32,34,41-42,44 Abstract: Each year, clusters of meningitis break out in the United States, particularly in...

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Issue 28 - 31 July 2015

Articles - International Journal of Nursing Practice, August 2015 1. Editorial: Working well? Studying the nursing workforce By Lin Perry. International Journal of Nursing Practice, August 2015, Vol. 21, Issue 4 (pages 337–338) Abstract: This edition has a strong focus on the nursing...

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