NZNO Library

NZNO Library Current Awareness Newsletter

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Issue 40 Library e-newsletter - 14 Dec 2017

Happy New Year to you all 15 January 2018 - The NZNO Library has reopened and we look forward to hearing from you. Articles - AlterNative Journal [2017] 1. Māori nurses’ experiences of the Nursing Entry to Practice Transition Programme Donna Foxall, Rachel Forrest,...

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Issue 39 Library e-newsletter 8 Dec 2017

  Vodafone Email Accounts - Closed as at 30 Nov 2017 ** Please let us know your new email address ** Articles - Surgical Mesh 1. The mid-urethral sling: current issues By Haines, Morgan; Kobashi, Kathleen; Rashid, Prem. Australian & New Zealand Continence Journal. 01/12/2017, 23...

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