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NZNO Library Current Awareness Newsletter

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Issue 158 - 27 October 2010

New books added to the NZNO Library Collection These books can be borrowed by NZNO members for a period of 4 weeks.The books are couriered out to you, so please supply your street address when you request any items.  We ask that you return these items on or before the due date. 1/ The...

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Issue 157 - 22 October 2010

First Labour Day celebrations The first Labour Day celebrated the struggle for an eight-hour working day. Parades in the main centres were attended by several thousand trade union members and supporters. New Zealand workers were among the first in the world to claim the right to an eight-hour...

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Issue 156 - 15 October 2010

Stand up for your workers rights National Day of Action - 20 October 2010 To find out more speak to your delegate, organiser, local NZNO office or go to:   Articles 1. Nurses addressing the challenges of chronic illness: From primary to palliative care. By Patricia...

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Issue 155 - 8 October 2010

Articles 1.  EDITORIAL WEEKEND ADMISSIONS TO CRITICAL CARE WHY DO MORE OF THESE PATIENTS DIE? By Alspach, JoAnn Grif. Critical Care Nurse, Oct 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 5: p10-12 Abstract: A recent issue of Chest included a report by Cavallazzi et al that systematically examined the literature for...

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Issue 154 - 1 Oct 2010

Articles 1. Education and Professional development By Cook, Mike. Journal of Nursing Management, Jul 2009, Vol. 17 Issue 5: p519-522 Abstract: An introduction to the journal is presented, the focus of which is education and professional development for nurses. 2. The times they are a...

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