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Issue 16 - 4 June 2013

Articles - Nicotine replacement

1. Readers panel. 'I want to quit but don't tell mum'
By Hopkins, Craig; Esegbona-Adeigbe, Sarah; Baldwin, Moyra; Drake, Linda. Nursing Standard. 3/13/2013, Vol. 27 Issue 28, p26-27
Should child smokers be given nicotine patches without their parents' consent? [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

2. Young Adult Smoking Cessation: Predictors of Quit Attempts and Abstinence
By Diemert, Lori M.; Bondy, Susan J.; Brown, K. Stephen; Manske, Steve. American Journal of Public Health. Mar 2013, Vol. 103 Issue 3, p449-453
: We examined young adult smoking cessation behaviors, coding cessation behavior as no attempt, quit attempt (< 30 days), or abstinence (= 30 days) during follow-up from July 2005 through December 2008, observed in 592 young adult smokers from the Ontario Tobacco Survey. One in 4 young adults made an attempt; 14% obtained 30-day abstinence. Cessation resources, prior attempts, and intention predicted quit attempts, whereas high self-efficacy, using resources, having support, and low addiction predicted abstinence, indicating that young adult smokers require effective and appropriate cessation resources.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

3. Smoking cessation What works?
By Galloway, Mandy. Practice Nurse. 10/12/2012, Vol. 42 Issue 15, p16-20
: The article focuses on the anti-smoking campaign launched by the British Department of Health in October 2012. It is aimed at encouraging eight million smokers from quitting their cigarette habit for one whole month. Smoking is associated with 100,000 premature deaths in Great Britain. Information on motivations for smoking is provided, along with strategies for reducing the desire to smoke..

Articles - Bowel Cancer

4. Bowel cancer screening aids early detection
By BRILL, DAVID. Australian Doctor. 05/04/2013, p2-2 (1/3p)
The article reports on the benefit of bowel cancer screening program in Australia in the diagnosis of earlier-stage cancers..

5. Practice nurses key to bowel cancer campaign success
By Duffin, Christian. Primary Health Care. Dec 2011, Vol. 21 Issue 10, p6-7 (2p)
: The article looks at efforts being made in Great Britain to encourage earlier detection of the symptoms of bowel cancer (BC). The charity Men's Health Forum has studied why men are reluctant to do BC screening and found that men generally had poorer health outcomes than women. The Department of Health has launched television and radio advertising, and posters to increase awareness of the importance of an early consultation with a general practitioners or practice nurse..

6. How sharp can a screening tool be? A qualitative study of patients' experience of completing a bowel cancer screening questionnaire
By Pugh, Wendy; Porter, Alison M. Health Expectations. Jun 2011, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p170-177 (8p)
: There is evidence to suggest that the Patient Consultation Questionnaire (PCQ) is a reliable tool to predict symptomatic left-sided colorectal cancer. While previous research has examined the sensitivity and specificity of the PCQ as a tool, it has not addressed patients' perspectives. To examine qualitatively patients' perspectives on ease of use of the PCQ, and their attitude to completing it..  A greater understanding of patients' perception of the role and function of the PCQ may help clinicians to interpret responses to the form more accurately.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

7. Bowel cancer
Pulse. 9/23/2009, Vol. 69 Issue 30, p30-33 (3p)
: An interview with colorectal surgeon Ian Daniels is presented. When asked about the environmental factors that led to the development of bladder cancer, he reveals that low fiber vegetables, processed and red meats and high content of animal fat diet can be precipitating factors that predispose a person to acquire bowel cancer. He also claims that colorectal cancer can be developed with increasing age since it is sporadic..

8. Public perceptions of communicating information about bowel cancer screening
By Woodrow, Chris; Watson, Eila; Rozmovits, Linda; Parker, Ronald; Austoker, Joan. Health Expectations. Mar 2008, Vol. 11 Issue 1, p16-25 (10p)
: The National Health Service has recently begun the introduction of a Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (BCSP), offering biennial screening to men and women aged 60–69 years. This study aimed to explore public perceptions regarding the communication of information designed to facilitate informed choice in relation to this new screening programme. 
Conclusions:  There is some variation in the type of information favoured by those eligible for bowel cancer screening. This may present challenges for the provision of information aiming to facilitate informed choice in the BCSP. Flexible approaches to information provision that recognize the perceptions of patients may be required.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

Journal - Table of Contents

9. From Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal, April 2013
District nurse is named compassionate nurse of the year [Matthew Hodson]
9B. Consequences of radical public health reform in England
9C. Infants in Scotland to benefit from new law
. Who will take the blame? [Roy Lilley argues that the Francis report must not taint the future]
. Diary of upcoming events; On the web (Sexual health information; Inflammatory bowel disease)
Quality of life not improved by telehealth; GPs delay diagnosis of tuberculosis in Somali patients; Inhalators prove effective in smoking cessation; Prescribing for patients at risk of stroke is not systematic
Neuromodulation in continence management
Chlamydia screening in a primary care setting
9I. Medicines optimisation
9J. Patient and public involvement in prison health care
9K. Outbreaks of infection in community settings: the nursing implications

Conferences & Seminars

10. 1st Australasian Mental Health and Addiction Nursing Conference.
This is the first time that mental health and addiction nurses have hosted a joint conference in Australia or New Zealand.
Conference theme
: 'Close to Home' [the title of an iconic 1970s New Zealand television programme] was chosen because it captures our hopes and dreams for the future of mental health and addiction nursing.
Date: 19-21 June 2013
More information:

11. Māori health research writing workshops - HRC's Māori health research team
Half day writing workshops tailored to the HRC application process.
The workshops will provide information on the funding available for Māori health research, including the annual funding round, career development awards and other Māori health research funding opportunities within the HRC. The workshops are also aimed at encouraging and assisting Māori community organisations and new and existing health researchers to prepare funding applications for the 2013/2014 HRC funding round, Ngā Kanohi Kitea initiative, and the Career Development Award Programme.
Further information: Stacey Ranginui:

DATE: 12 June 2013
VENUE: Beavan Lecture Theatre
7th Floor of the University of Otago
Christchurch Building
Deans Avenue
TIME: 10am-4pm             

: 19 June 2013
VENUE: Waipuna Hotel & Conference Centre
58 Waipuna Road 
Mt Wellington
Auckland 1062
TIME: 9am-4pm

: 26 June 2013
VENUE: Te Rau Matatini
Level 4, Greenock House
39 The Terrace
Wellington Central
TIME: 9am-4pm

News - National

12. Campaign to raise awareness of 'silent killer'
One News - Friday May 31, 2013

With Queen's Birthday weekend marking the launch of Bowel Cancer Awareness Week, New Zealanders are being urged to test for bowel cancer from the comfort of their own throne

13. Grief over cancer death 'beyond devastation'
Stuff - 4 June 2103

Watching the love of your life deteriorate from a healthy mother in her prime to a bed-ridden cancer patient is the "worst experience in the whole entire world", a Christchurch father says. Andy Evans nursed his high-school sweetheart up until her last breath and said it was "absolutely gut-wrenching".

News - International

14. Actor Michael Douglas' throat cancer throws spotlight on HPV, cause of some oral cancers
The Guardian newspaper published an interview in which Douglas noted HPV can be one cause of oral cancer. Others are tobacco and alcohol. Doctors have known for some time that a sexually spread virus can cause some types of oral cancer. But actor Michael Douglas' comments on his own throat cancer in a newspaper story Monday threw a spotlight on a subject not often discussed.
And it raises a lot of questions:
—What virus can cause oral cancer?
HPV, the human papillomavirus. It's best known for causing cervical cancer and genital warts. It also can be spread by oral sex, and men are more susceptible than women. It is a growing cause of certain types of oral cancer — those in the upper throat, at the base of the tongue and in the tonsils

15. Study suggests commonly used class of antibiotics linked to kidney damage
Calgary Herald - 3 June 2013

TORONTO - A new study says commonly used antibiotics called fluoroquinolones appear to increase a user's risk of developing kidney injuries. The study says people taking the drugs have double the risk of developing kidney problems while they are on the medication than people who aren't taking these drugs.
The authors say that in actual numbers that means an additional case of kidney injury for every 1,529 people taking oral fluoroquinolones


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