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Issue 19 - 21 June 2013

50 Years after the Equal Pay Act, Parity Eludes Us

March 18, 2013
By Beth Pearsall, Freelance Writer, San Diego, California
Fifty years ago, President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act, which requires employers to give women and men equal pay for equal work. At that time, women were paid 59 cents for every dollar men were paid. Today, that figure is 77 cents. Although we have made significant strides since 1963, true parity continues to elude us

Articles - Cytopathology [Journal]

1.  Public awareness and cervical cancer screening
By Davies, P. Cytopathology. Jun 2012, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p143-145
An introduction is presented in which the editor discusses various reports within the issue on topics including women's preferences for the management of low-grade Papanicolaou smears, colposcopy, and cervical cancer screening..

2. The pathology clinic - pathologists should see patients
By Manek, S. Cytopathology. Jun 2012, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p146-149
This invited review describes why and how a pathologist should talk to patients in order to enhance the patient care pathway. The pathologist-patient interaction should become a natural extension to multidisciplinary team decision making, and also become the forum in which patients are helped to understand important aspects of their conditions and the pathological basis for their treatment plans. The pathologist is often best placed to sieve through this information and offer the patient the relevant detail necessary to understand the condition and the management pathway. 

3.  Which women default from follow-up cervical cytology tests? A cohort study within the TOMBOLA trial
By Sharp, L.; Cotton, S.; Thornton, A.; Gray, N.; Whynes, D.; Smart, L.; Waugh, N.; Duncan, I.; Cruickshank, M.; Little, J. Cytopathology. Jun 2012, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p150-160
; A cohort study within the TOMBOLA trial Objective: To identify factors associated with default from follow-up cervical cytology tests.
Results: For the first surveillance test, risk of non-attendance was significantly higher in younger women, those without post-secondary education, and non-users of prescribed contraception. Factors significantly associated with late attendance for the first test were the same as for non-attendance, plus current smoking and having children. The most important predictor of non-attendance for the second surveillance test was late attendance for the first test (OR = 9.65; 95% CI, 6.60-16.62). Non-attendance for the second test was also significantly higher among women who were younger, smokers and had negative cytology on the first surveillance test. Late attendance for the second surveillance test was higher in women who were younger, smokers, had children and attended late for the first test.
Conclusions: Women at highest risk of default from follow-up cytology tend to be young, smoke, lack post-secondary education, and have defaulted from a previous surveillance appointment. Tackling default will require development of targeted strategies to encourage attendance and research to better understand the reasons underpinning default

4. Women's preferences regarding options for management of atypical, borderline or low-grade cervical cytological abnormalities: a review of the evidence
By Sadique, M. Z.; Legood, R. Cytopathology. Jun 2012, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p161-166
  Objective -  To review the evidence on women's preferences for and valuation of alternative management pathways following identification of low-grade cytological abnormalities as part of routine cervical cancer screening. The aim was to identify empirical studies evaluating women's preferences regarding alternative management pathways and to compare the impact of alternative elicitation methods on results. . Results: Where quality of life data were elicited directly from patients that were undergoing management of low-grade abnormalities utilizing direct elicitation techniques such as WTP, general preference questionnaires and the Euroqol, the studies tended towards a preference in favour of HPV testing (and colposcopy referral if HPV positive) rather than repeat cytology. In contrast, where studies included the general population and presented hypothetical scenarios of treatment pathways, and explicitly tried to incorporate assessment of process utility, the evidence indicated a slight tendency to favour repeat cytology. Conclusion: Consideration of patient preferences in the management of low-grade cytology is important for designing screening protocols. The reviewed studies indicate that potentially different conclusions may be drawn depending on the elicitation methodology and selection of participants in the research.

Articles - Reflective Practice

5. Work Engagement, Moral Distress, Education Level, and Critical Reflective Practice in Intensive Care Nurses
By Lawrence, Lisa A. Nursing Forum. Oct-Dec 2011, Vol. 46 Issue 4, p256-268. 14p
The purpose of this study was to examine how nurses' moral distress, education level, and critical reflective practice (CRP) related to their work engagement. The study is relevant to nursing, given registered nurse (RN) documented experiences of job-related distress and work dissatisfaction, and the nursing shortage crisis. A better understanding of factors that may enhance RN work engagement is needed. 
RESULTS. There was a positive direct relationship between CRP and work engagement, a negative direct relationship between moral distress and work engagement, and CRP and moral distress, together, explained 47% of the variance in work engagement. Additionally, in the neonatal intensive care unit, a positive direct relationship between increased educational level and CRP was identified, with a suggested negative relationship between increased education level and moral distress.

6. Reflection or 'pre-reflection': what are we actually measuring in reflective practice?
By Hays, Richard; Gay, Simon. Medical Education. Feb 2011, Vol. 45 Issue 2, p116-118
: In this article the authors discuss issues on the concept of reflective learning in the context of basic medical education. They question whether reflective practice is a skill that can be learned and measured in the element of medical competencies. They assert that most educators consider the importance of reflective practice and recommend on the need for further research in understanding and measuring reflective practices.

7. Social media: a new frontier in reflective practice
By Brown, Andrew D. Medical Education. Aug 2010, Vol. 44 Issue 8, p744-745
: In this article, the author discusses aspects of social media and its impact on medical students and professionals. He says that online environment such as Facebook™ and Twitter™ are designed for interactive applications while allowing medical students to nurture cognitive questioning and mindfulness. He adds that medical educators can help develop medical professionalism understanding by creating special courses to create reflective practice communities on social networks..

8. Musings on reflective practice as a grand idea
By Sellman, Derek. Nursing Philosophy. Jul 2010, Vol. 11 Issue 3, p149-150
: The author ponders on the concept of reflective practice in nursing. He claims that reflective practice is one of the significant ideas adopted by nursing and other healthcare practices. He argues that reflection is based on a respect for autonomous choice and of voluntary work. He also reflects on teaching the idea of reflection to nursing students

Articles - Documentation

9.  Encouraging nurses to develop effective electronic documentation
By Procter, Paula; Woodburn, Ian. Nursing Management - UK. Oct 2012, Vol. 19 Issue 6, p22-24
: This article is the first in a series that explores the growth in the use of, and reliance on, information management systems in health and social care. Its aim is to help nurses understand how effective information management systems can improve their practice. Problems faced by nurses in the past, when they have been required to use these systems to record, store and retrieve information, tended to be generated by poor or inappropriate systems. The series offers examples of how the vital role that nurses play in increasingly information-intensive healthcare environments can be developed. This first article sets the scene and considers the health and social care information agenda in light of the Department of Health (2012) information strategy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

10.  PT Resources. 6 Tips to Selecting the Right Documentation System for Your Practice
By Mcmullan, David. PT in Motion. Oct 2012, Vol. 4 Issue 9, p10-10
The article provides 6 tips to physical therapists for selecting the right documentation system for their practice. Documentation system can reduce scheduling challenges In addition to allowing physical therapists to capture and manage more complete and accurate clinical data. The 6 steps include knowing exact practice requirements, vendor viability, understanding the cost of ownership, training, knowledge about its regulatory compliance and knowledge about its return on investment (ROI)..

11.  Agreement in documentation of symptoms, clinical signs, and treatment at the end of life: a comparison of data retrieved from nurse interviews and electronic patient records using the Resident Assessment Instrument for Palliative Care
By Steindal, Simen A; Sørbye, Liv Wergeland; Bredal, Inger Schou; Lerdal, Anners. Journal of Clinical Nursing. May 2012, Vol. 21 Issue 9/10, p1416-1424
: Aims and objectives. To assess agreement between data retrieved from interviews with nurses and data from electronic patient records (EPR) about hospitalised patients' symptoms, clinical signs and treatment during the last three days of life.
Background. Patient records have been used to map symptom prevalence in dying hospitalised patients. However, deficiencies have been found regarding nursing documentation. To our knowledge, this is the first study to assess the agreement between nurse interviews and patient electronic records during the last three days of life in a hospital. 
Results. The agreement between the two data sets ranged from poor to good and was highest among symptom variables, including pain, dyspnoea, nausea and the clinical sign falls. In contrast, several clinical variables ranged from poor to fair levels of agreement. The majority of the treatment variables ranged from moderate to good levels of agreement.
Conclusions. Data from the EPR on symptoms (e.g., pain, dyspnoea and nausea) and treatment variables appeared to be reliable and trustworthy, but the data related to fatigue, dry mouth, bloating and sleep interfering with normal functioning should be interpreted carefully. Relevance to clinical practice. This study contributed to knowledge of agreement between data from nurse interviews and electronic records on symptoms, clinical signs and treatment of dying patients in last three days of life.

12.  Teaching Home Care Electronic Documentation Skills to Undergraduate Nursing Students
Although there is general consensus that nursing students need knowledge and significant skill to document clinical findings electronically, nursing faculty face many barriers in ensuring that undergraduate students can practice on electronic health record systems (EHRS). External funding supported the development of an educational innovation through a partnership between a home care agency staff and nursing faculty. Modules were developed to teach EHRS skills using a case study of a homebound person requiring wound care and the Medicare-required OASIS documentation system. This article describes the development and implementation of the module for an upper-level baccalaureate nursing program located in New York City. Nursing faculty are being challenged to develop creative and economical solutions to expose nursing students to EHRSs in nonclinical settings.

Journal - Table of Contents

13. From Nursing Standard - Volume 27, Issue 41, June 2013
Two hundred would-be nursing students to take part in HCA pilot; Care home manager is NI's top nurse [Geraldine Brown]
13B. MP asked to release report into husband's death; Bariatic suit used to improve care; Students draw on the experience of trainee teachers
13C. Menu planning sees nurses serve up healthy food; Call to raise profile of district nurses following sharp decline in numbers
13D. Nurses form pressure group to call for mandatory minimum staffing; Pay body takes note of Nursing Standard readers' views
13E. Researchers try to discover why people use A&E as a first resort; Nurses advise on theatrical production
13F. Alcohol addiction referrals help reduce emergency admissions
13G. Are NHS trusts finally getting the message about safe staffing levels
13H. Teaching social skills is the way to keep young people from smoking; Patients with established gout fail to improve after taking vitamin C supplements; Childhood abuse history is a possible risk factor for overeating in adult life; The over-use of antibiotics can be reduced significantly by educating prescribers
13I. Spiritual expression [A manifesto for spirituality in health care]
13J. I give staff time to care
13K. A healthy way of learning [New ways to improve older people's care]
13L. the bias that lives on [Discrimination in recruitment persists in the NHS]
Leadership styles and theories
13N. Medication management in patients with dysphagia: a service evaluation
13O. Anaphylaxis: diagnosis and treatment
Preventing depression
The whistleblower's gamble


14. Generalism: the heart of health care
The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners Conference for General Practice 2013
Date: 11-13 July 2013
Venue: Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington
More information:

15. Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand (HSRAANZ)
‘Doing better with less: Enhancing health system performance in difficult times’.
Date: 2–4 December 2013
Venue: Wellington
More information:

News - National

16. Tight budgets threaten health jobs
ODT - Thu, 20 Jun 2013
Auckland health workers face the prospect of job losses as district health boards grapple with a tightening supply of money from the Government. Leaders of the Waitemata and Auckland District Health Boards are openly talking of the possibility of cutting jobs, although not as their main way of making Government funding stretch to cover growing demand for health services

17. Samuel L Jackson: Men need to speak up about health issues
NZ Herald - Wednesday Jun 19, 2013
Samuel Jackson has thrown his voice behind men's health.Photo / AP Samuel L Jackson has urged men to be more open about their health problems in an attempt to tackle cancer.
The Pulp Fiction star, who is fronting a new UK charity called One For The Boys, believes men should talk more about the disease and other illnesses. "Guys don't talk about their health issues, unless they've got a sprained ankle," says the 64-year-old actor.
"We'll talk about our injuries but we won't talk about our illnesses, so I think it's time we do that

18. Kids suffering as poverty strikes hard
Auckland Now - 20/06/2013
An unacceptable level of poverty-related illnesses in West Auckland classrooms has prompted calls for more school nurses. The KidsCan charity says six children at one intermediate school had to be given enemas due to poor nutrition. Chief executive Julie Chapman says health services need to be brought back into schools in a meaningful way. "Some schools aren't seeing a public health nurse as often as others." The organisation supports 10 West Auckland schools and provides food and basic hygiene items to low-decile schools that are part of their programmes. The packs includes tissues, hand sanitizer, head lice treatment and Bandaids.

News - International

19. RCN Publication: Better medicines management. Advice for nursing staff and patients 
Publication code: 004 393
Publication date: 22 April 2013
This leaflet includes some headline tips for clinicians with a view to optimising the use of medicines and avoiding wastage. Included is a tool to help clinicians assess their effectiveness in talking to patients about medicines as well as a tear-off guide for patients with tips on how to avoid waste and get the most from their medications. The poster is designed to raise awareness of medicines wastage and promote the role both nurses and patients play in reducing waste. (004 404) This project is supported by
Download at this link:

20. Administering subcutaneous methotrexate for inflammatory arthritis. RCN guidance - new edition 
Publication code: 004 377
Publication date: 28 March 2013
ISBN: 978-1-908782-35-9
This evidence-based guidance has been developed to help support practitioners in the safe and confident administration of subcutaneous methotrexate for a number of rheumatological conditions, in a variety of health care settings, community environments and at home. The publication contains separate guidance for adults and children, and covers some key areas such as risk management; supply, storage and disposal; and patient education and training. It also has a comprehensive framework to help patients administer treatment at home
Download at this link:

19. Diabetes: Excess deaths well down, study indicates
BBC News - 20 June 2013
People with diabetes need to check their blood sugar regularly.The extra risk of dying for people with diabetes has fallen sharply since the mid 1990s, research suggests It found in 2009 people with diabetes were 1.5 times more likely to die than those without it in a given period - down from two times as likely in 1996.
The study, in journal Diabetologia covering millions of Canadian and UK patients, concludes this may be due to better treatment and earlier diagnosis

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