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Issue 30 - 9 Sept 2013

Get the latest NZ nursing research

Do you want to keep up to date with the latest NZ nursing research, that’s relevant to your teaching, your practice or your study?
NZNO’s own research journal Kai Tiaki Nursing Research. The fourth issue - just off the press - is topical and the biggest yet, with five strong  peer-reviewed articles.
Two research studies glean new information about the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake. One looks at the effect of the disaster on Nurse Maude’s vulnerable community clients. The second takes the educator’s viewpoint – what impact did  the quake have on staff and students of a bachelor of nursing course?
Another article looks at the value of critical care outreach nurses and the early warning score tool, while a meta-study tries to find whether support for palliative care nurses leads to better quality of care. Finally, why do Maori nurses smoke and what would make them stop? The first part of a two-part study examines the conflicted roles of smoker and health-care role model.
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Articles - Cultural Competence  

1. Organizational cultural competence in community health and social service organizations: How to conduct a self-assessment
By Olavarria, Marcela, BA; Beaulac, Julie, PHD; Bélanger, Alexandre, MA; Young, Marta, PHD, CPSYCH; Aubry, Tim, PHD, CPSYCH. Journal of Cultural Diversity 16.4 (Winter 2009): 140-50
:  The purpose of this paper is to review the extant literature with a specific focus on: (1) identifying the key standards that define culturally competent community health and social service organizations; and (2) outlining the core elements for evaluating cultural competence in a health and social service organization. Furthermore, issues related to choosing self-assessment tools and conducting an evaluation will be explored.

2. Self-Assessment of Cultural Attitudes and Competence of Clinical Investigators to Enhance Recruitment and Participation of Minority Populations in Research
O'Brien, Richard L; Kosoko-Lasaki, Omofolasade; Cook, Cynthia T; Kissell, Judith; et al. Journal of the National Medical Association 98.5 (May 2006): 674-82
Reduction of health disparities in the United States is a high priority. One means of effecting such a reduction is to enrol persons of groups that are subject to health disparities in clinical trials. One barrier to minorities enrolling in clinical research is distrust of the medical establishment based on past abuses and perceived discrimination. We hypothesized that another barrier is a lack of investigators' understanding and skill in effectively communicating with members of minority cultures. We therefore assessed the cultural competency of faculty and staff involved in clinical care and research at Creighton University Medical Center (CUMC).

Articles - Journal of Cultural Diversity

Hwang, Wei-Chin, PhD; Myers, Hector F, PhD. Journal of Cultural Diversity 20.2 (Summer 2013): 57-65
  Forty-six African American, 36 Caucasian Americans, and 43 Latina women were recruited and interviewed about their beliefs about their illness and their help-seeking. Results indicated that Latinas were significantly more likely than Caucasian Americans to believe that their illness was caused by traditional reasons (e.g., energy imbalance). African Americans were more likely to use spiritual resources (e.g., prayer, church) to deal with their problems than Caucasian Americans or Latinas. Caucasian Americans were more likely to use lay help (e.g., self care, friends and relatives) than Latinas. No ethnic differences in stigma for depressive illness were found. However, the belief in psychological or magico-religious-supernatural causes was associated with increased stigma, but medical and traditional causes were not.

Gross, Barbara, DNP, ARNP; Anderson, E Faye, DNS, RN, NEA-BC; Busby, Steven, PhD, FNP-BC; Frith, Karen H, PhD, RN, NEA-BC; Panco, Christine E, MSN, ARNP. Journal of Cultural Diversity 20.2 (Summer 2013): 75-79
Hypertension is the leading cause of coronary artery disease and stroke. African- Americans experience a more rapid progression of cardiovascular disease and end-stage organ failure resulting in nigner mortality rates compared to other ethnic groups. A culturally sensitive education program focusing on lifestyle changes and medication adherence was implemented with African-American patients in a community clinic.

Melillo, Karen Devereaux, PHD, ANP-C, FAANP, FGSA; Dowling, Jacqueline, PHD, RN, CNE; Abdallah, Lisa, PHD, RN, CNE; Findeisen, Mary, PHD, RN; Knight, Margaret, PHD, PMHCNS-BC. Journal of Cultural Diversity 20.2 (Summer 2013): 100-104.
: Despite modest gains in ethnic and racial minority representation in the nursing profession, the current nursing workforce does not mirror the U.S. population. Efforts to increase and maintain baccalaureate-prepared minority nurses to begin to reflect the diverse population needing culturally responsive, high quality care is a continuing goal of nursing education and practice. The Bring Diversity to Nursing (BDN) project describes the University of Massachusetts Lowell's success at pre-entry, retention, and graduation of minority and educationally and economically disadvantaged students. The resultant graduation and practice of BDN students as professional nurses can contribute to addressing health care needs and reducing health disparities in the Lowell and Lawrence communities and beyond.

Articles - Reflective Practice

6. Models for reflective practice
Ashby, Carmel. Practice Nurse 32.10 (Dec 15, 2006): 28,31-32
: Using a model helps us to see the incident from different perspectives instead of focusing on our own reaction to it. Having a format for reflection also helps us to maintain the practice of reflecting.4 Such use of models is often referred to as 'framing' an experience, or using different 'lenses' to view it from different angles.

7. Guiding students through reflective practice - The preceptors experiences. A qualitative descriptive study
By Duffy, Anita. Nurse Education in Practice 9.3 (May 2009): 166-75.
Nurse Education in Ireland has experienced a significant change over the last 10 years. As a consequence staff nurses must be prepared to support student learning and enable student learners obtain an optimum educational outcome, thereby enriching the students' clinical placement. 'Reflective time' has been included in the rostered year to enhance the consolidation of theory and practice. The nurse preceptor can facilitate students to reflect on their practice through guided reflection. This study presents the experiences of seven preceptors towards guiding student nurses through reflective practice in the clinical practice area.

8. Work Engagement, Moral Distress, Education Level, and Critical Reflective Practice in Intensive Care Nurses
By Lawrence, Lisa A. Nursing Forum 46.4: 256-268
The purpose of this study was to examine how nurses' moral distress, education level, and critical reflective practice (CRP) related to their work engagement. The study is relevant to nursing, given registered nurse (RN) documented experiences of job-related distress and work dissatisfaction, and the nursing shortage crisis. A better understanding of factors that may enhance RN work engagement is needed.

9. Chapter 5: Nursing practice that promotes and motivates critical thinking
By Cohen, Shelley. Marblehead: HCPro, Inc, 2007

After reading this section, the participant should be able to discuss the role played by managers and educators in promoting environments that support critical thinking Maintaining momentum. Once nurses have finished with orientation, the journey to critical thinking becomes more subtle. After spending time and money to teach nursing staff about critical thinking skills, you probably have high hopes for seeing these skills translated into improvements in patient care.

Journal - Table of Contents

10. From Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, August  2013
Evaluating patient presentations for care delivered by emergency nurse practitioners: A retrospective analysis of 12 months (Pages 89-95)
10B. A critical discussion of the concept of recovery for mental health consumers in the Emergency Department. (Pages 96-102)
10C. Exploring staff willingness to attend work during a disaster: A study of nurses employed in four Australian emergency departments. Pages 103-109)
10D. Nurse practitioners treating ankle and foot injuries using the Ottawa Ankle Rules: A comparative study in the emergency department (Pages 110-115)
10E. Management of health care services for flood victims: The case of the shelter at Nakhon Rajabhat University Central Thailand (Pages 116 -122)

Conferences & Seminars

11. 3rd Australasian Compensation Health Research Forum
10–11 October 2013
Venue: Swissôtel Sydney, 68 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
More information:

12. New Zealand Healthcare Summit 2013
2 & 3 October 2013
Venue: Aotea Convention Centre Auckland
More information:

News - National

13. Caffeine withdrawal like a long hangover
JENNA LYNCH Last updated 05:00 07/09/2013
The Kiwi obsession with coffee and energy drinks is terrifying a nutritionist who says we don't yet know the full impact over-consumption of these products has on our health. A stroll down Victoria St, and through the nooks and crannies of the central city, will tell you many things about the culture of Hamilton

14. Sick baby's mother upset by hospital's meal rule
NZ Herald - Monday Sep 9, 2013
The mother of a sick baby in hospital was told she didn't qualify for meals because she wasn't breastfeeding. The woman, who did not want to be named, said she would complain to the Waikato District Health Board over its policy.

News - International

15. 3 deaths may be tied to synthetic marijuana in Colorado
CNN) -- Three people in Colorado may have died after smoking synthetic marijuana, state health officials fear. The Colorado Department of Public Health has launched an investigation into an outbreak of illnesses at hospitals that may be tied to the dangerous substance. "Initial reports show approximately 75 people who reported smoking a form of synthetic marijuana may have been seen at hospitals in the Denver metro area and Colorado Springs beginning in late August," said Dr. Tista Ghosh, interim chief medical officer for the state, in a written statement. "Several individuals were in intensive care and three deaths are being investigated as possibly associated."
CNN News - September 7, 2013

16. Rudd goes on dummy run to announce a Tassie health hub
Federal Election 2013 - September 4, 2013
Karl the medical simulation dummy grimaced in what appeared to be existential, if not physical, pain. Karl was simulating acute respiratory distress for the benefit of nursing students at the University of Tasmania. The students were simulating a training exercise for the benefit of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who observed them through one-sided glass. A mob of cameras, journalists and curious campus onlookers observed him

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