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Issue 24 - 30 July 2013

Articles - Chaperones

1. Readers panel. When protection is unwanted
By Hopkins, Craig; Gayle, Elsie; Drake, Linda; Szczepanska, Sue. Nursing Standard. 5/8/2013, Vol. 27 Issue 36, p26-27
Should patients have the right to refuse the offer of a chaperone when undergoing an intimate examination?[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

2. Clinical digest. Too few acute trusts have implemented chaperone policies
Nursing Standard. 9/29/2010, Vol. 25 Issue 4, p17-17
: The article reports on research which was conducted to investigate whether patient chaperoning policies in Great Britain which had been initiated in 2004 for patient safety were being complied with. Researchers sent questionnaires to medical facilities between 2005 and 2008. They found that only a small majority of medical facilities in England have a chaperone policy in place and that the lack of a policy may lead to legal repercussions in the future..

3. Chaperones and intimate physical examinations: consultant practice and views on chaperones
By Moores, Karen L; Metcalfe, Neil H; Pring, David W. Clinical Governance 15.3 (2010): 210-219.
The purpose of this paper is to determine if recommendations from the General Medical Council (GMC), Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and Ayling Inquiry with regard to chaperoning are observed in the hospital setting by consultants performing intimate physical examinations, and to ascertain consultants' views on the availability, nature and role of chaperones.

4. Patients' wishes must come first after male nurse intimacy ruling
By Parish, Colin. Nursing Standard 20.41 (Jun 21-Jun 27, 2006): 14-6.
Andrew Moyhing's employment tribunal victory is relevant for all nurses and patients, say experts. NHS organisations can no longer insist that male nurses are chaperoned when carrying out intimate procedures on female patients after a ruling by the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) earlier this month. The case of Andrew Moyhing, who qualified as a nurse but has never practised as one, centres on an incident in which he was to carry on an electrocardiogram (ECG) on a female patient. As the procedure would have involved Mr Moyhing touching the patient's breasts the ward staff insisted he have a female chaperone with him

5. Violence in the consulting room: A multifactorial strategy for prevention and harm minimisation
By Mills, Ross. Australian Family Physician 37.10 (Oct 2008): 851-3.
: Workplace violence in the medical setting should be approached in the same manner as any other occupational health and safety issue. The hazards need to be identified, the risk quantified and appropriate steps to minimise the risk taken.
This article discusses a prevention strategy to increase the barrier to patient initiated violence, and suggests steps that can be taken after an assault to assist the clinician or staff member involved

Articles - Insomnia

6. Melatonin Prolonged Release: In the Treatment of Insomnia in Patients Aged =55 years
By Lyseng-Williamson, Katherine A. Drugs & Aging. 2012, Vol. 29 Issue 11, p911-923
Melatonin prolonged release (PR) 2 mg is approved for the treatment of primary insomnia characterized by poor sleep quality in patients aged =55 years in the EU and elsewhere. Patients may receive treatment with melatonin PR for up to 13 weeks. Production of endogenous nocturnal melatonin, which helps regulate circadian rhythm, may be decreased in older adults. Administration of melatonin PR 2 mg 1-2 h before bedtime mimics the natural secretion pattern of melatonin, thereby leading to improvements in the circadian regulation of the sleep-wake cycle. In older adults, melatonin PR 2 mg had no effect on psychomotor functions, memory recall or driving skills during the night or the next morning relative to placebo, and was associated with significantly less impairment on many of these tasks relative to zolpidem 10 mg alone or in combination with melatonin PR 2 mg.

7. Pulse Clinical
Pulse. 10/24/2012, Vol. 72 Issue 35, p25-27
: The article presents several questions & answers related to medical topics including treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity (ADHD) disorder, minimization of insomnia associated with stimulant drugs and correlation between ADHD and substance misuse..

By Gilsenan, Irene. Nursing Older People. May 2012, Vol. 24
Issue 4, p14-18
: The article discusses practical strategies that nurses can use to help alleviate insomnia in older people in care homes. It cites the assessment of sleep routines and practical strategies that can improve the sleep of a person as important factors of nursing care as poor sleep in hospitals can increase length of stay. It also mentions steps that nurses can take to promote a good night's sleep including the examination of medications that patients are taking..

Articles - Nurse Researcher [Journal]

9. Case-study research in context 
By Taylor, Ruth. Nurse Researcher 20.4 (Mar 2013): 4-5
Ruth Taylor examines the flexibility of one approach and how it can help boost readers' understanding of pertinent issues
One of the strengths of case-study research (CSR) is that it is context-specific but has scope for applicability across other arenas (Simons 2009). When written well, CSR allows readers to reflect on and analyse the findings from a study to determine its applicability to their own situation. But, CSR is a genre with numerous approaches available to the researcher

10. How case-study research can help to explain implementation of the nurse practitioner role 
By Sangster-Gormley, Esther, PhD, RN. Nurse Researcher 20.4 (Mar 2013): 6-11.
To discuss how case-study research was undertaken to explain the implementation of the nurse practitioner role in a Canadian province. In Canada, the nurse practitioner role was only recently introduced and one of the last provinces to implement it was British Columbia. At this time, no studies of the role's implementation in the province had been published and, although nurses refer to case studies more frequently in their research, the literature lacks concise explanations of the methodologies involved in creating them. A case study of the implementation of the nurse practitioner role, including participant interviews and document review

11. Rigour in qualitative case-study research 
By Houghton, Catherine, RGN, MHSc, PhD; Casey, Dympna, RGN, MA, PhD; Shaw, David, PhD, CSci; Murphy, Kathy, BEd, MSc, PhD.
Nurse Researcher 20.4 (Mar 2013): 12-7
: To provide examples of a qualitative multiple case study to illustrate the specific strategies that can be used to ensure the credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability of a study. There is increasing recognition of the valuable contribution qualitative research can make to nursing knowledge. However, it is important that the research is conducted in a rigorous manner and that this is demonstrated in the final research report

12. The internet as a medium for health service research. Part 1 
By Walker, Dawn-Marie, BSc, MA, MSc, PhD. Nurse Researcher 20.4 (Mar 2013): 33-7.
:  To enable readers to make an informed decision about whether online research methods (ORMs) are appropriate for their studies. Using an ORM is an innovative way of collecting data and many research designs, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups and ethnography, can be conducted online. There are many potential benefits that can be conferred on traditional research procedures when implemented via the internet, for example economy and convenience, as there are no travel or postal requirements. Depending on the data sample, participant access can also be increased by using an intemet method, as it is possible to reach a large geographical span. The Internet can also offer full anonymity, if appropriate, and for some marginalised groups, such as those with mobility or communication difficulties, the intemet is an inclusive method for their participation. The first paper in this series, Walker (2013), introduced ORMs in general and outlined what needs to be considered when ascertaining whether an ORM is appropriate for the specific reearch needed, including ethical, validity and sampling issues

13. A comparison of survey methods in studies of the nurse workforce 
By Reitz, O Ed, PhD, MBA, RN, NEA-BC; Anderson, Mary Ann, PhD, RN. Nurse Researcher 20.4 (Mar 2013): 22-7.
: To compare and contrast postal and internet surveys in studies of nurse workforces. There is little research that examines the advantages and disadvantages of different surveys in studies of nurse workforces. Previous studies that used different approaches to disseminate surveys. There are advantages and disadvantages to using postal or internet surveys for nurse workforce studies. Factors researchers may wish to consider in selecting survey methods include research topic, costs, coverage, timing and the characteristics of potential respondents.

14. Enabling research cultures in nursing: insights from a multidisciplinary group of experienced researchers 
By Wilkes, Lesley, RN, PhD; Jackson, Debra, RN, PhD. Nurse Researcher 20.4 (Mar 2013): 28-34.
: To identify characteristics of enabling and disabling research cultures. 'Research culture' is a term that is taken for granted and seldom defined. However, the need for an enabling and sustaining culture for conducting research is emphasised in nursing and other disciplines. The characteristics of this culture have been suggested but no empirical research has apparently been conducted. Experienced interdisciplinary researchers (n=72) responded to a qualitative questionnaire to determine the key characteristics of a positive and enabling research culture

15. The use of focused ethnography in nursing research 
By Cruz, Edward Venzon, RN, MSc, PhD, DDM; Higginbottom, Gina, PhD, MA, Postgradip(Ed), BA, R. Nurse Researcher 20.4 (Mar 2013): 36-43
To provide an overview of the relevance and strengths of focused ethnography in nursing research. The paper provides descriptions of focused ethnography and discusses using exemplars to show how focused ethnographies can enhance and understand nursing practice. Orthodox ethnographic approaches may not always be suitable or desirable for research in diverse nursing contexts. Focused ethnography has emerged as a promising method for applying ethnography to a distinct issue or shared experience in cultures or sub-cultures and in specific settings, rather than throughout entire communities

Journal - Table of Contents

16. From Emergency Nurse NZ - Winter 2013
Shorter stays in emrgency departments national research project (SSED NRP)
16B. Emergency department patient prescriptions: How accurately do we record ethnicity data?
16C. Alcohol related emergency department attendance: Palmerston North study
16D. New Zealand medical assistance team (NZMAT) inaugural training course
16E. Position Statement: Clinical Nurse Specialist - Emergency Department
16F. Position Statement: Patient Handover - Emergency Department


17. 21st Annual Conference of the College of Emergency Nurses New Zealand
: Oct 18-19, 2013
Venue: Rutherford Hotel Nelson
More information:

18. Perspectives on Mental Health and Addiction: Seeing ‘recovery’ through a different lens
Australia Faith Community Nurses ASS   2013  Conference
Date: 26-27 Sept, 2013
More information:

News - National

19. Mental health workers 'falsified hours'
STUFF - 31/3/2013
Carers of New Zealand's most mentally vulnerable patients have been caught falsifying figures amid accusations of neglect. Documents obtained by the Sunday Star-Times reveal staff at a major mental health provider were ordered to overstate the number of hours spent with clients. The company receives taxpayers' money to provide support for the mentally ill, but last year failed to clock-up enough "one-to-one" time with clients at one of its district health board contracts.

20. New mothers spending less time in hospital
ODT - Tue, 30 Jul 2013
The Southern District Health Board is playing down figures showing new mothers are on average spending less time in Dunedin Hospital despite funding to allow longer stays. The board said the funding targeted those who needed extra time and support.

21. New Crown monitor for health board
ODT - Tue, 30 Jul 2013
Former ACC chief executive Jan White, of Wellington, has been appointed Crown monitor of the Southern District Health Board, replacing Stuart McLauchlan, who has retired from the role.

22. Migraine sufferers push stigma aside, use Botox for relief
TVNZ - July 25, 2013 
.A cosmetic procedure popular among Hollywood stars can now be used to supposedly cure chronic migraines

News - International

23. Doctors urged to ask patients about cellphone use while driving
Calgary Herald - July 29, 2013
Studies show there is a huge increased risk of crashes or near-crashes while reading and sending text messages.Photograph by: ,“Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you use your cellphone when you drive?” As evidence mounts that talking and texting on cellphones while driving may increase the risk of crashes by up to 23-fold, the nation’s family doctors are being urged to ask patients during routine physical exams whether “they or their loved ones currently engage in this activity.”

24. Health service bullying culture needs a remedy
The Age 28/7/2013
A tribunal has ruled the alleged bullying of a manager at the Institute of Psychiatry was improperly dealt with by the Health Ministry, which unlawfully sought to have the woman undergo psychological assessment and wrongfully barred her from returning to her job

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