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Issue 23 - 23 July 2013

Get Thru - Earthquake Preparedness

- Before an earthquake
- During an earthquake
- After an earthquake


Articles - Disaster preparedness

1. Building Capacity for Community Disaster Preparedness: A Call for Collaboration Between Public Environmental Health and Emergency Preparedness and Response Programs. (cover story)
By Gamboa-Maldonado, Thelma; Marshak, Helen Hopp; Sinclair, Ryan; Montgomery, Susanne; Dyjack, David T.
Journal of Environmental Health. Sep2012, Vol. 75 Issue 2,
Partnerships among local public environmental health (EH), emergency preparedness and response (EPR) programs, and the communities they serve have great potential to build community environmental health emergency preparedness (EHEP) capacity. The results indicate that KIs were highly confident in their workforces' efficacy, ability, willingness, and motivation to directly engage local communities in EHEP. Best practices to combat organizational and systematic barriers to community EHEP outreach were identified.

2. Disaster Preparedness: When Your Community Needs You Most. (cover story)
By Meyers, Susan. Trustee. Oct 2007, Vol. 60 Issue 9, p8-11
This article discusses the role of hospital trustees in disaster preparedness initiatives of hospitals in the U.S. According to the author, trustees have a duty to ensure that the mission of the hospital will be achieved by preparing for disasters. She cites cases of many hospitals that were not able to cope with the impact of Hurricane Katrina. In addition, the author indicates the lessons learned by the hospitals about the importance of disaster preparedness.

3. Disaster Preparedness Is a Full-Time HR Job
By Gurchiek, Kathy. HR Magazine. Jan 2006, Vol. 51 Issue 1, p26-34
The article reports on the role of human resources (HR) management's involvement in their organization's disaster preparedness plans, based on the Society for Human Resource Management survey report released on November 22, 2005. The role depended largely on the size of the organization. The activities most commonly cited by HR professionals as part of their organization's communication plans are enumerated. Majority of HR professionals polled said their organization had contingency plans that would allow operations to continue in the event of a disaster..

4. Development and evaluation of 'disaster preparedness' educational programme for pregnant women
By Yasunari, T.; Nozawa, M.; Nishio, R.; Yamamoto, A.; Takami, Y. International Nursing Review. Sep2011, Vol. 58 Issue 3,
: The objective of this study is the development and evaluation of the usability of an educational programme that teaches disaster preparedness to pregnant women. Methods: This intervention study examined an intervention group that attended an educational programme and a control group that did not. The subjects were pregnant women in their second trimester. The programme was developed with prior studies and evaluated by self-administered questionnaires that asked about disaster preparedness.

5. Disaster preparedness for children with special healthcare needs and disabilities. 
By Murray, John S. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing. Jul 2011, Vol. 16 Issue 3, p226-232.
: Ask the Expert provides research-based answers to practice questions submitted by JSPN readers.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

6. Association of Community Health Nursing Educators: Disaster Preparedness White Paper for Community/Public Health Nursing Educators
By Kuntz, Sandra W.; Frable, Pamela; Qureshi, Kristine; Strong, Linda L. Public Health Nursing. Jul/Aug2008, Vol. 25 Issue 4, p362-369
The Association of Community Health Nursing Educators (ACHNE) has developed a number of documents designed to delineate the scope and function of community/public health nursing educators, researchers, and practitioners. In response to societal issues, increased emphasis on disaster preparedness in nursing and public health, and requests from partner organizations to contribute to curriculum development endeavors regarding disaster preparedness, the ACHNE Disaster Preparedness Task Force was appointed in spring 2007 for the purpose of developing this document. Task Force members developed a draft of the document in summer and fall 2007, input was solicited and received from ACHNE members in fall 2007, and the document was approved and published in January 2008.

Artices - Supervision

7. Supervision provides a sense of professional satisfaction
By Jackson, Debra. Nurse Researcher. Jan 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 3, p44-44
An interview with Debra Jackson, associate head at the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Development, professor of nursing at the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Health, University of Technology, Sydney is presented. When asked about which achievement is the most satisfying, she refers to supervision of research higher degree students. She also offers tips that would help someone new to nursing research..

8. Clinical supervision: a review of the evidence base
By Wright, Jane. Nursing Standard. 9/19/2012, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p44-49
This article examines the concept of clinical supervision in nursing and considers how it is defined. It reviews the evidence supporting clinical supervision and discusses whether the introduction of clinical supervision may have been an example of a nursing 'fashion' or 'fad'. It also discusses whether reflection, as part of clinical supervision, has drawbacks as well as benefits. The author concludes that clinical supervision was implemented by the nursing profession without a sound evidence base.

9. The process, logistics and challenges of implementing clinical supervision in a generalist tertiary referral hospital
By Brunero, Scott; Lamont, Scott. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Mar 2012, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p186-193.
Clinical supervision (CS) has been identified within nursing as a process for improving clinical practice and reducing the emotional burden of nursing practice. Little is known about its implementation across large tertiary referral hospitals. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the implementation of clinical supervision across several different nursing specialities at a teaching hospital in Sydney, Australia. Using a model of nursing implementation science, a process was developed at the study site that facilitated the development, implementation and evaluation of the project. After a 6-month study period, the CS groups were postevaluated using a survey tool developed for the project.

10. An online training resource for clinical supervision
By McColgan, Karen; Rice, Catherine. Nursing Standard. 2/15/2012, Vol. 26 Issue 24, p35-39
This article describes the development and evaluation of an online clinical supervision resource. Technology-based learning is on the increase and is viewed as an excellent resource that offers flexibility to managers, educators and students. However, by creating a more flexible approach to training, nurses may feel under pressure to conduct and complete this training outside of their normal working hours. This article reports on the findings and explores the issues surrounding implementing an online training programme for registered nurses.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

11. Structured Reflection on the Clinical Supervision of Supervisees With and Without a Core Mental Health Professional
By Binnie, James. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. Sep 2011, Vol. 32 Issue 9, p584-588
: This paper reflects on particular aspects of the author's supervisory relationships. A reflective framework was used to aid the process. The issue explored the factors involved when supervising supervisees without a core mental health professional background are explored; in particular, the factors of accountability and responsibility. To aid reflection, relevant literature was explored. Foundational/generic competencies that are typically acquired during professional training can be gained in other ways. Supervisors should spend time with all supervisees, not just those without a core mental health professional background, to learn more about their background, assumptions, and prior experiences. Through the reflective process the author learnt how, as a supervisor, there needs to be a constant process of learning and adaptation.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

12. Front-line managers as boundary spanners: effects of span and time on nurse supervision satisfaction
The article explores the influence of nurse managers' staff number, time in staff contact, operational hours and transformational leadership practices on nurse supervision satisfaction in Ontario. Staff nurses have satisfaction rating of above the midpoint of the scale range on average but higher than staff in private, information and government sectors. Higher leadership scores of nurse managers were linked with higher supervision satisfaction scores..

Articles -
International Journal of Nursing Practice.

13. The Asian Research & Collaboration Center for Nursing & Cultural Studies in Japan
By Mochizuki, Yuki; Iwasaki, Yayoi; Masaki, Harue. International Journal of Nursing Practice. Jul 2012, Vol. 18 Issue Supp S2
The purpose of this paper is to describe current cultural issues in Japanese health-care services that have resulted from the increased immigration. Also described is the establishment of a new academic research centre that will focus on culturally appropriate nursing care. There are many health-care issues in Japan caused by a shortage of health-care workers and disparities in access to health care. The major issues are an increase in the number of foreign patients, foreign nurses and care workers.  In response to dynamic demographic and health-care changes in Japan, we launched the Asian Research & Collaboration Center for Nursing & Cultural Studies at Chiba University Graduate School of Nursing.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

14. Factors influencing Thai parent-child interaction in a rapidly changing industrial environment
By Chivanon, Natchanan; Wacharasin, Chintana. International Journal of Nursing Practice. Jul 2012, Vol. 18 Issue Supp S2,
This paper explores factors influencing parent-child interaction of parents with children age 13-36 months old and working in the industrial setting in the eastern region of Thailand. An ethnographic study was conducted with 22 families. The factors influencing parent-child interaction include the parental knowledge about child development, their intention and time availability. Other influences noted were economic burdens and support from parents, the factory and the community. These findings provide a greater understanding of the factors influencing parent-child interaction among Thai families with young children. Also, the findings may be useful in the development of effective interventions and/or guidelines that improve the quality of parent-child interaction.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

15. Comparing child-care values in Japan and China among parents with infants
By Mori, Emi; Liu, Chunyan; Otsuki, Eliko; Mochizuki, Yoshimi; Kashiwabara, Eiko. International Journal of Nursing Practice. Jul 2012, Vol. 18 Issue Supp S2, p18-27
The purpose of this project was to identify parental child-care values in Japan and China. The mean scores for 'Negative impressions of child-care' and 'Need for support from others in the parents' environment' subscales for Japanese fathers were significantly lower than for Chinese fathers. Japanese parents believed that mothers were responsible for taking care of their children. This was an obstacle to getting support from people outside the family. Chinese couples believed that parents should share housekeeping and child-care, and obtained public and private support from their community. Findings suggest that parents of infants need community and health-care support. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

16. Cross-cultural research: Challenge and competence
By Clark, Mary Jo. International Journal of Nursing Practice. Jul 2012, Vol. 18 Issue Supp S2, p28-37
Increasing globalization, population diversity and health disparities among non-dominant cultures necessitate cross-cultural research. Research with other cultures is fraught with challenges that must be addressed by the competent cross-cultural researcher. Areas for consideration include choice of research foci, ethical concerns, cultural adaptation of research measurements and interventions, participant recruitment and retention, strategies for data collection and analysis, dissemination of findings and perspectives of time. Approaches to dealing with these challenges are addressed, with an emphasis on community-based participatory research.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

17. Effects of familiar voices on brain activity
By Tanaka, Yuji L; Kudo, Yumi. International Journal of Nursing Practice. Jul 2012, Vol. 18 Issue Supp S2, p38-44
This study aimed to examine the extent to which a familiar voice influences brain activity. Participants were nine healthy female volunteers aged 21-34 years old (with a mean age of 25.78 ± 4.04 years). Brain activity was recorded during periods of silence, familiar and unfamiliar voices. Electroencephalographic data were collected and analyzed using a frequency rate set at 5 min. To account for emotional influences imbedded into the contents of the voice stimuli, both the voice of a familiar family member and the voice of a stranger were used to record a well-known Japanese fairy tale, 'Momotaro'. Results revealed that listening to familiar voices increased the rate of the β band (13-30 Hz) in all four brain areas (F3, F4, C3 and C4). In particular, increased activity was observed at F4 and C4. Findings revealed that in study, participants' familiar voices activated cerebral functioning more than unfamiliar voices.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

Journal - Table of Contents

18. From Neonatal, Paedetric and Child Health Nursing, Vol. 16 No. 1 - March 2013
Guest Editorial
Emotional labour and caring for infants who are not expected to survive
18B. Neonatal palliative care nursing: workign with infants on the cusp of life - a thematic review
18C. Prevalance of assigned primary nurses in a neonatal intensive care unit during the period 1998 - 2007
18D. New perspectives on the contribution of digital technology and social media and young people: a state of the art review


19. Stephen Shore Seminars
Success with Autism: Using our Strengths for Achieving a Fulfilling and Productive Life - Just like Everyone Else
Locations and Dates
Auckland 31st July 2013
Wellington 2nd August 2013
Christchurch 5th August 2013
All seminars will run from 9am - 1pm
More information:

News - National

20. Age Concern welcomes plans
ODT - 23 July 2013

Plans to build a new $15 million retirement village in Oamaru are being welcomed by Age Concern, as a much-needed boost to care facilities. A proposal put forward by the Waitaki District Health Service Trust to build a retirement village containing 21 villas of up to three bedrooms, 12 apartments, and 40 rest-home care beds on a 8ha site on Hospital Hill will be discussed by Waitaki district councillors next Wednesday

21. Thousands of submissions expected on Bill
ODT - Tue, 23 Jul 2013

Dunedin businessman Grant McLauchlan is heartened by the support he has received nationally from businesspeople also opposed to planned changes to the Government's employment law. Earlier this month, Mr McLauchlan, the managing director of Crest Cleaning, decided he had to do something to protect businesses like his which were in danger of being forced into an unworkable situation

News - International

22. Skipping breakfast linked to heart disease
Skipping breakfast could raise the risk of heart disease, according to a new study

23. 'No excuse for delay on plain cigarette packaging, say campaigners
Ministers have ''no excuse'' to delay plans to sell cigarettes in plain packs, health campaigners said after a new study found that tobacco sold in standardised packaging is ''less appealing'' and makes smokers ''prioritise quitting''.

24. Greens raise stakes on paid parental leave
The Australian Greens believe their new paid parental leave policy, which is nearly identical to the coalition's, puts pressure on Labor to come up with a better scheme. Under the Greens plan a newborn baby's primary carer would be given their regular wage plus superannuation for the first six months. This would be capped at wages of $100,000 - meaning someone earning more than this would only get $50,000 gross while on parental leave

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