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Issue 14 - 17 May 2013

Researching a health topic related to Children/Young People?

Articles: -
Child Poverty & Children's Health Services

1.  Child well-being through different lenses: why concept matters.
By Axford, Nick. Child & Family Social Work. Aug 2009, Vol. 14 Issue 3: p372-383
‘Well-being’ has entered policy rhetoric in children's services in the UK and other Western developed countries as a companion to other buzzwords of recent years. In order to improve children's well-being, we need not only a better understanding of what it is and how services can improve it, but also the ability to measure child well-being in order to evaluate success. This paper explores conceptually and empirically the ‘lenses’ through which child well-being is often viewed. It considers the relationships between these perspectives, the added value that each one brings and the implications for services.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

2.  Services for children: emerging as a genuine priority within health policy at last?
By Wood, R. Child: Care, Health & Development. May 2009, Vol. 35 Issue 3: p289-292
The author reflects on the quality of children's services in Great Britain. She believes that there have been attempts to improve these services within the country's health policy by increasing the amount of parent support and by the government's commitment to eradicate child poverty by the year 2020. The author suggests that despite these improvements, the number of generic health policy developments shows the lack of overall attention given to children's needs..

3.  Development of the role of public health nurses in addressing child and family poverty: a framework for action
By Cohen, Benita E.; Reutter, Linda. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Oct 2007, Vol. 60 Issue 1, p96-107
The purpose of this paper is to invite dialogue about how public health nurses could best address child and family poverty. Their current role is reviewed and a framework for expanding this role is presented.
Background. The negative health consequences of poverty for children are well-documented worldwide. The high levels of children living in poverty in wealthy industrialized countries such as Canada should be of concern to the health sector. What role(s) can public health nurses play in addressing child and family poverty? 
Findings. Numerous nursing scholars have called for public health nurses to address the causes and consequences of poverty through policy advocacy. However, this role was less likely to be identified in professional standards and competencies, and we found little empirical evidence documenting Canadian public health nurses’ efforts to engage in this role. Public health nurses’ roles in relation to poverty focus primarily on assisting families living in poverty to access appropriate services rather than directing efforts at the policy level. Factors associated with this limited involvement are identified. 
Conclusion. Given more organizational support and enhanced knowledge and skills, public health nurses could be playing a greater role in working with others to make child and family poverty history.

4.  Behavioral and Socioemotional Outcomes Through Age 5 Years of the Legacy for Children Public Health Approach to Improving Developmental Outcomes Among Children Born Into Poverty
By Kaminski, Jennifer W.; Perou, Ruth; Visser, Susanna N.; Scott, Keith G.; Beckwith, Leila; Howard, Judy; Smith, D. Camille; Danielson, Melissa L. American Journal of Public Health. Jun 2013, Vol. 103 Issue 6: pe1-e9
We evaluated Legacy for Children, a public health strategy to improve child health and development among low-income families.
Methods. Mothers were recruited prenatally or at the birth of a child to participate in Legacy parenting groups for 3 to 5 years. A set of 2 randomized trials in Miami, Florida, and Los Angeles, California, between 2001 and 2009 assessed 574 mother-child pairs when the children were 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60 months old. Intent-to-treat analyses from 12 to 60 months compared groups on child behavioral and socioemotional outcomes. Results. Children of mothers in the intervention group were at lower risk for behavioral concerns at 24 months and socioemotional problems at 48 months in Miami, and lower risk for hyperactive behavior at 60 months in Los Angeles. Longitudinal analyses indicated that children of intervention mothers in Miami were at lower risk for behavior problems from 24 to 60 months of age. Conclusions. Randomized controlled trials documented effectiveness of the Legacy model over time while allowing for implementation adaptations by 2 different sites. Broadly disseminable, parent-focused prevention models such as Legacy have potential for public health impact. These investments in prevention might reduce the need for later intervention strategies.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

Articles - Mortality [Journal]

5.  Childhood parental bereavement: the risk of vulnerability to delinquency and factors that compromise resilience
By Draper, Ana; Hancock, Maggie. Mortality. Nov 2011, Vol. 16 Issue 4: p285-306
 In previous research, it has been established that a child who has experienced the death of a parent is vulnerable to a variety of concerns, including grief, distress and dysphoria, particularly in the first year following the death. In addition, one in five parentally-bereaved children is likely to develop a psychiatric disorder. As Kemshall argues, the growing body of evidence linking delinquency in adolescents to previous traumatic life experiences, such as parental loss, with a large number of children affected every year makes this is a very important area for research. This paper considers the effects of parental bereavement in childhood, and is part of a wider study exploring the future for children who experience a parent's death.

6.  What is spirituality? Evidence from a New Zealand hospice study
By Egan, Richard; MacLeod, Rod; Jaye, Chrystal; McGee, Rob; Baxter, Joanne; Herbison, Peter. Mortality. Nov 2011, Vol. 16 Issue 4: p307-324
Spirituality is increasingly understood to be important in healthcare provision, as seen in policy, guidelines and practice across many Western healthcare systems. Definitions of spirituality remain controversial, despite their importance for consistency in research and practice. This paper reports on the definition findings of a nation-wide New Zealand (NZ) study (2006–2008) that examined understandings, experiences and ways to improve spiritual care, primarily focused in hospices. Across both studies the majority view held that spirituality is a useful, important, inclusive and broadly defined concept. NZ is a secular country, yet there is clear evidence that spirituality is important at the end of life. These findings add weight to the international trend for spirituality to be further investigated and attended to in healthcare.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

7.  Mass death and mass illness in an isolated Canadian town: coping with pandemic influenza in Kenora, Ontario, in 1918–1921
By Marion, Nicole; Scanlon, Joseph. Mortality. Nov 2011, Vol. 16 Issue 4: p325-342
In 1918–1920, pandemic influenza spread across Canada and around the world, striking in three separate waves. The majority of existing research on the Canadian experience during the second and most deadly wave of the epidemic suggests that there were enormous difficulties in dealing with the dead. While it seemed likely that Kenora, an isolated Northern Ontario community, would have faced the same challenges, this was not entirely the case. There were changes in death rituals: for example, church services were banned so that funerals had to be held in homes or at gravesides. Surprisingly, though the death rate in Kenora during the peak would reach nearly 30 times normal, the handling of the dead does not seem to have become a significant issue.

8. The lives of corpses: Narratives of the image in American memorial photography
By Fernandez, Ingrid. Mortality. Nov 2011, Vol. 16 Issue 4, p343-364
Our world and history are literally ‘grounded’ on the dead. However, scholarship on the representation and meaning of the corpse is a relatively new, and still marginal, field of study. Have the dead bodies of our fellow human beings disappeared from view or are they too much with us? If we move beyond traditional categories of identity construction focusing solely on living matter, we might find such a phenomenon as the oppression of the corpse and its exclusion as a form of waste. The corpse resists this imposed segregation through a narrative intrinsic to its existence in time, testifying to the overwhelming presence of the shadow, the other side of life.

9.  American Jewish approaches to contemporary ethical issues in medicine: the case of organ retrieval from brain-dead donors
By Baeke, Goedele; Wils, Jean-Pierre; Broeckaert, Bert. Mortality. Nov 2011, Vol. 16 Issue 4, p365-379
World wide, hospitals have to deal with a considerable shortage of organs for transplantation. Since the brain death criteria were issued by the Harvard Medical School in 1968, most organs are retrieved from heart-beating brain-dead donors. Judaism stresses the huge value of human life, as human beings are created in God's image, and the commandment is to save and preserve life. There is, however, considerable debate in Judaism on the acceptability of using organs retrieved from heart-beating brain-dead patients and it is disputed whether the extraction of these organs should be considered murderous. 

10.  Sociology, mortality and solidarity. An Interview with Zygmunt Bauman on death, dying and immortality
By Jacobsen, Michael Hviid; Davies, Douglas J. Mortality. Nov 2011, Vol. 16 Issue 4: p380-393
An interview with sociologist Zygmunt Bauman is presented. When asked on the relevance of death to sociologists, he says that there would be no philosophy without death and sociology as well. Bauman believes that the real focus of his interests in his book Mortality, Immortality and Other Life Strategies was to reveal social facts as products of human strategies. He adds that people desire for prolongation of life and postponement of death and not eternity when dreaming of immortality..

Journal - Table of Contents

11. From International Nursing Review, March 2013, Volume 60, Issue 1
Nursing and Health Policy Perspectives
Solidarity and sustainability: ICN Wellness Centres for Health Care Workers
11B. Nurses' collaboration for policy development: equity and access to health care
11C. Learning from education
International Perspectives
ICN launches new phase of TB/MDR project; Health care equity, access theme of 2013 ICN Congress in Melbourne, Australia; nurses address workplace issues at ICN Asia Forum
Literature Reviews
. A structured policy review of the principles of professional self-regulation
11F. Health Technology Assessment in nursing: a literature review
11G. Searching for collaboration in international nursing partnerships: a literature review
Policy Development
. Healthcare context and nursing workforce in a main city of Angola
11I. International partnerships and the development of a Sister Hospital Programme
11J. Nurses' engagement in AIDS policy development
New Zealand nurses' perceptions of the continuing competence framework
11L. What is a nurse? Is there an international consensus?
What's in a name? The importance of definition and comparable data
Concept Analysis
. The relevance of globalization to nursing: a concept analysis
11O. Globalization: grasping the concept within the context of nursing
. Needs of South African adolescents orphaned by AIDS: evidence from photography and photo-elicitation
11Q. What is the process of a comprehensive mental health nursing assessment? Results from a qualitative study
11R. Beyond the tradition: test of an integrative conceptual model on nurse turnover
11S. Job satisfaction and leaving intentions of Slovak and Czech nurses
11T. Job satisfaction among immigrant nurses in Israel and the United States of America

Conferences & Seminars

12.  Future Healthcare Workforces: Supporting the next generation of healthcare leaders
Featuring practitioner insights from local and international healthcare professionals, Future Healthcare Workforces gives you the chance to learn how your peers are tackling the challenges of looking after a dedicated workforce within this complex system.
18 - 19 Jun, 2013
Venue: Rydges Hotel, Auckland
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13.  Rotorua GP CME 2013
Held in conjunction with the NZMA. The programme will provide a general practice update, with short, sharp and to the point clinical content, including key take home messages to change practice behaviour immediately.
Date: 20-23 June 2013.
Venue: Energy Events Centre, Rotorua.
More information:

14.  Elder Law for the Health Sector
Elder law is a potential legal minefield of rights, responsibilities and obligations for health professionals, managers and carers in the elder care sector. This comprehensive 2-day training course will ensure that you have the knowledge and tools needed to comply with the many different Acts and legislation that come into play when dealing with elderly patients and residents
Date: 2 - 3 Sep, 2013
Venue: Auckland
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News - National

15.  Budget 2013: Family caregivers will get minimum wage
NZ Herald - Friday May 17, 2013

16.  Reduce Facebook's nuisance factor
A lot of what happens on Facebook is probably not that interesting or relevant to you. For example, you don't need to be told every time someone you've never heard of comments on your friend's new baby pictures. In the notifications menu - accessed by clicking on the little icon of the world in the top left of the screen - you can hover your mouse over notifications and click the X that appears to turn them off, such as notifications about posts from a particular person, their photo albums or pages. If you click on Settings you can also fine tune whether you get notifications from groups you've joined or when you're tagged in photos

17.  Kiwi nurse awarded highest honour for aid work
NZ Herald - Monday May 13, 2013

A New Zealand nurse has been awarded the highest international honour for nurses, the Florence Nightingale Medal. Gisborne nurse Janet Askew has been awarded the medal by the International Committee of the Red Cross for her work on aid missions in Sudan, Indonesia and Iraq

18.  Re-enacting quake could help kids deal with trauma - study
NZ Herald - Monday May 13, 2013

19.  Allergy education key to staying safe
ODT - Mon, 13 May 2013

Peanuts scare former All Black Kees Meeuws, but an allergy specialist says many parents needlessly worry. Mr Meeuws said his daughter Eva (11) was 2 years old when she started getting rashes and breathing difficulties. ''We couldn't figure out what it was,'' Mr Meeuws said, speaking on the eve of Allergy Awareness Week, which begins today

News - International

20.  Health care workers sickened by new virus
CNN: May 16, 2013

Two health care workers in Saudi Arabia were sickened while treating patients with a dangerous new virus, the World Health Organization said Wednesday. The health care workers were exposed to patients with the novel coronavirus, or nCoV, the WHO said in a statement Wednesday. One is a 45-year-old man who is currently in critical condition after becoming ill May 2, and the second is a 43-year-old woman who became ill on May 8 and is in stable condition. The woman has a co-existing health condition, the organization said.

21.  Palliative care will ‘continue as it currently does,’ despite nursing cuts AHS says
Calgary Herald: May 14, 2013

The nurses’ union, Alberta Liberals, and a patient advocacy group are disputing Alberta Health Services’ claims that patients in the end stages of life will receive the same level of care despite recent nurse layoffs. Twenty-four of the city’s 50 registered nurses in palliative home care learned Monday they were being laid off and that changes would be made to the way they delivered services
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