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Issue 9 - 9 April 2013

Books available for borrowing

NZNO members can borrow these books for a period of 4 weeks.

1.  A guide to good survey design
Statistics New Zealand
Revised July 1995

2.  Nurse prescribing [second edition]
Edited by Jennifer L. Humphries & Joyce Green
Published in 2002

3. The six value medals: The essential tool for success in the 21st century
by Edward de Bono
Published in 2005

4. Tradition & reality: nursing and politics in Australia
By Brigid McCoppin & Heather Gardner
Published in 1994

Articles: - Public Health Nursing

5.  Essentials for Publishing Program Evaluations
By Abrams, Sarah E. Public Health Nursing. Jan/Feb 2012, Vol. 29 Issue 1: p1-2
The author describes certain fundamentals on publishing program evaluations based on her learning experience. She discusses the importance of planning of public health interventions, program design process and quality assurance. The author states that strong program evaluation includes fiscal, policy and statistical analysis. Also discussed are ways in which policies can be utilized to evaluate programs in the perspective of a public health nurse.

6.  Are Lead Risk Questionnaires Adequate Predictors of Blood Lead Levels in Children?
By Dyal, Brenda. Public Health Nursing. Jan/Feb 2012, Vol. 29 Issue 1: p3-10
Abstract: Objective
: To evaluate the accuracy of the verbal lead risk assessment tool in identifying the presence of measurable blood lead levels (BLL) in children.
Conclusions: The verbal lead risk assessment did not accurately predict measurable BLL in children. Universal BLL screening for children is necessary to identify low levels of lead so that parents and caretakers of children can be notified and assisted in identifying and eliminating sources of lead exposure..

7.  Benchmark Attainment by Maternal and Child Health Clients Across Public Health Nursing Agencies
By Monsen, Karen A.; Radosevich, David M.; Johnson, Susan C.; Farri, Oladimeji; Kerr, Madeleine J.; Geppert, Joni S. Public Health Nursing. Jan/Feb2012, Vol. 29 Issue 1: p11-18
Abstract: Objectives
: Benchmark client outcomes across public health nursing (PHN) agencies using Omaha System knowledge, behavior, and status ratings as benchmarking metrics. 
Conclusions: There were consistent patterns in benchmark attainment and outcome improvement across counties and family home visiting studies. Benchmarking appears to be useful for comparison of population health status and home visiting program outcomes.

8.  Perceptions of Self-Esteem in a Welfare-To-Wellness-To-Work Program.
By Martin, Carolyn Thompson; Keswick, Judith L.; Crayton, Diane; LeVeck, Paula. Public Health Nursing. Jan/Feb2012, Vol. 29 Issue 1: p19-26

9.  Mobile Outreach Strategies for Screening Hepatitis and HIV in High-Risk Populations
By Zucker, Donna M.; Choi, Jeungok; Gallagher, Emily R. Public Health Nursing. Jan/Feb 2012, Vol. 29 Issue 1: p27-35.
Abstract: Objectives
: To screen, counsel and offer hepatitis A and B vaccination for subjects at high risk for hepatitis C virus (HCV) and HIV, and determine any relationship between risk factors and HCV positivity. 
Conclusions: Targeted outreach to hard to reach groups is effective in providing access for those at high risk for HIV and HCV infection. A mobile outreach strategy can focus needed resources for a variety of groups in a community.

10.  Does Similarity in Educational Level Between Health Promotion Volunteers and Local Residents Affect Activity Involvement of the Volunteers?
By Murayama, Hiroshi; Taguchi, Atsuko; Murashima, Sachiyo. Public Health Nursing. Jan/Feb 2012, Vol. 29 Issue 1: p36-43
Abstract: Objectives:
This study examined whether similarity in educational level, as a socioeconomic background factor, between health promotion volunteers (HPVs) and residents in the district where HPVs work encourages the volunteers' involvement in providing activities. 
Conclusions: It is important to consider similarity in educational level, as a socioeconomic status factor, between HPVs and the districts in which they will work when recruiting new members and when allocating HPVs to work areas..

11. Use of an Emergency Preparedness Disaster Simulation With Undergraduate Nursing Students
By Kaplan, Barbara G.; Connor, Ann; Ferranti, Erin P.; Holmes, Leslie; Spencer, Linda. Public Health Nursing. Jan/Feb 2012, Vol. 29 Issue 1: p44-51
This is a report of an educational strategy to prepare nursing students to respond to disasters. The strategy includes an emergency preparedness disaster simulation (EPDS) implemented in a school of nursing simulation lab using patient simulators, task trainer mannequins, and live actors. 
avaged .

Selected Articles on Alzheimers

Access downloadable information sheets at this link

12.  Adverse Outcomes After Hospitalization and Delirium in Persons With Alzheimer Disease
By Fong, Tamara G.; Jones, Richard N.; Marcantonio, Edward R.; Tommet, Douglas; Gross, Alden L.; Habtemariam, Daniel; Schmitt, Eva; Yap, Liang; Inouye, Sharon K. Annals of Internal Medicine. 6/19/2012, Vol. 156 Issue 12, following p848-856.
Abstract: Background
: Hospitalization, frequently complicated by delirium, can be a life-changing event for patients with Alzheimer disease (AD).
Objective: To determine risks for institutionalization, cognitive decline, or death associated with hospitalization and delirium in patients with AD.
Conclusion: Approximately 1 in 8 hospitalized patients with AD who develop delirium will have at least 1 adverse outcome, including death, institutionalization, or cognitive decline, associated with delirium. Delirium prevention may represent an important strategy for reducing adverse outcomes in this population.

13.  Treatment of Alzheimer Disease: The Past, the Present, and the Future
By Gauthie, Serge. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Oct 2011, Vol. 56 Issue 10: p577-578
: The author reflects on the treatment of the Alzheimer disease. He states that when cholinesterase inhibitor (ChEIs) first became available, family doctors were allowed to prescribe these medications and they are following evidence-based guidelines for diagnosis and treatment common to all interested physicians..

14.  Pharmacological Treatment of Alzheimer Disease
By Massoud, Fadi; Léger, Gabriel C. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Oct2011, Vol. 56 Issue 10:  p579-588
Abstract (English):Objective:
To review the different pharmacological approaches to the cognitive, functional, and behavioural manifestations of Alzheimer disease (AD). Methods: We searched and critically analyzed the most recent relevant literature on pharmacological treatment of AD.
Conclusion: Pharmacological options are presently available for the symptomatic treatment of AD. These treatments provide mild but sustained benefits. Before disease-modifying approaches become available, optimizing the use of the available treatment options is crucial.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

15.  Personality Changes in Patients With Beginning Alzheimer Disease
By Pocnet, Cornelia; Rossier, Jérôme; Antonietti, Jean-Philippe; von Gunten, Armin. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Jul2011, Vol. 56 Issue 7:  p408-417
Abstract (English):Objective:
To investigate personality traits in patients with Alzheimer disease, compared with mentally healthy control subjects. We compared both current personality characteristics using structured interviews as well as current and previous personality traits as assessed by proxies.
Method: Fifty-four patients with mild Alzheimer disease and 64 control subjects described their personality traits using the Structured Interview for the Five-Factor Model. Family members filled in the Revised NEO Personality Inventory, Form R, to evaluate their proxies' current personality traits, compared with 5 years before the estimated beginning of Alzheimer disease or 5 years before the control subjects.
Conclusions: Group comparison and retrospective personality evaluation are convergent. Significant personality changes follow a specific trend in patients with Alzheimer disease and contrast with the stability generally observed in mentally healthy people in their personality profile throughout their lives. Whether or not the personality assessment 5 years before the current status corresponds to an early sign of Alzheimer disease or real premorbid personality differences in people who later develop Alzheimer disease requires longitudinal studies.

Journal - Table of Contents

16. From the International Journal of Nursing Practice, February 2013
. Spontaneous vaginal delivery or caesarean section? What do Turkish women think? (pages 1–7)
16B. Paediatric nurses' experience with death: The effect of empathic tendency on their anxiety levels (pages 8–13)
16C. Effect of anxiety and depression on self-care agency and quality of life in hospitalized patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A questionnaire survey (pages 14–22)
16D. An exploration of graduate nurses' perceptions of their preparedness for practice after undertaking the final year of their bachelor of nursing degree in a university-based clinical school of nursing (pages 23–30)
16E. Factors affecting health status in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (pages 31–38)
16F. The relational model of spiritual engagement depicted by palliative care clients and caregivers (pages 39–46)
16G. Knowledge about anti-tuberculosis treatment among nurses at tuberculosis clinics (pages 47–53)
16H. The feasibility, acceptability and sustainability of nurse-led chronic disease management in Australian general practice: The perspectives of key stakeholders (pages 54–59)
16I. Venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk assessment: Rural nurses' knowledge and use in a rural acute care hospital (pages 60–64)
16J. Determination of the use of traditional practices to ease labour among Turkish women (pages 65–73)
16K. Burden experienced by community health volunteers in Taiwan: A qualitative study (pages 74–80)
16L. Evaluation of nursing documentation on patient hygienic care (pages 81–87)
16M. Intervention for ineffective airway clearance in asthmatic children: A controlled and randomized clinical trial (pages 88–94)
16N. Improving the safety of continuously infused fluids in the emergency department (pages 95–100)
16O  Developing scale for colleague solidarity among nurses in Turkey (pages 101–107)

Conferences & Exhibitions    

17. From Apprentice to Graduate
50 Years of Pharmacy Education at the University of Otago, 1963-2013
In 2013 the School of Pharmacy at the University of Otago celebrates its 50th Jubilee, a milestone that also represents 50 years of a degree qualification for New Zealand pharmacists and the first four-year pharmacy degree in Australasia. The School started life as the Department of Pharmacy in 1960, but at the end of 1962 became the joint Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy. The first three students completed their degree in 1965, graduating with a Bachelor of Pharmacy. In marked contrast, in December 2012, 138 students graduated.
To celebrate the 50th Jubilee an exhibition titled From Apprentice to Graduate, 50 Years of Pharmacy Education at the University of Otago, 1963-2013 will start on 5 April at the de Beer Gallery, Special Collections. It will run through to 25 June 2013.
The exhibition coincides with the School of Pharmacy 50th Jubilee being held from 12-14 April 2013. More details:
Hours: 8.30 to 5.00, Monday to Friday
Venue: de Beer Gallery, Special Collections, 1st floor, Central University Library

18. Privacy Workshop
Data breaches - how to avoid them and how to clean up if you have one
1 May 2013
Venue: half-day workshop in Wellington at the Intercontinental
To register:

News - National

19. NZ scientists test for deadly flu virus
ODT - Tue, 9 Apr 2013

Scientists in Wellington are testing for a new strain of the influenza virus which has caused six deaths in China. The World Health Organisation National Influenza Centre (WHO NIC) in Wellington is monitoring the spread of A (H7N9) and planning New Zealand's response.

20. Poor home heating linked to asthma rise
ODT - Tue, 9 Apr 2013

Reduced home heating because of increasing power prices is being linked to a growing number of hospital admissions for asthma. A study by University of Canterbury found asthma admissions and a lack of home heating are strongly connected, particularly for young children. "Increasing electricity prices increase asthma admissions by reducing the level of home heating. Since asthma is such a prominent problem in developed countries, these findings may have important implications for public health policy," said economics and finance researcher Dr Andrea Menclova.

News - International

21. Milestone hailed as nurses quota is finally met
Sydney Morning Herald - March 31, 2013

NSW hospitals have recruited an extra 4000 nurses since the O'Farrell government was elected, fulfilling an agreement the former Labor government struck with nurses to lighten their workloads. NSW Minister for Health Jillian Skinner said the increase brought the total number of nurses to 47,500, compared with 43,400 when Labor was in power, and hailed it a ''huge milestone''. The Nurses and Midwives' Association acting general secretary Judith Kiejda said while the increase was welcome, it had not gone far enough to improve conditions for overworked nurses.

22. Costly re-entry course keeps nurses out of a job
Sydney Morning Herald - March 24, 2013

Nurses looking to rejoin the workforce have accused the health hierarchy of holding them to ransom over a re-entry course that costs $10,000 to attend. As the NSW government continues to search for a solution to its statewide hospital staffing crisis, hundreds of qualified nurses are being driven away because they cannot afford the $10,000 fee that the Australian College of Nursing charges for its re-entry program.

23. Too many beeping hospital alarms linked to dozens of deaths in U.S.
Calgary Herald -  8 April 2013

CHICAGO - Constantly beeping alarms from devices that monitor the vital signs of the critically ill have "desensitized" hospital workers who sometimes ignore the noise, leading to at least two dozen deaths a year on average, a hospital accrediting group said Monday. And these cases are probably vastly underreported, said the Joint Commission in an alert to hospitals calling attention to the problem. The beeping devices include those that measure blood pressure and heart rate among other things. Some beep when there's an emergency, and some beep when they're not working. That can lead to noise fatigue and the delay in treating a patient can endanger lives, the accreditation commission says.

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