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Issue 6 - 8 March 2013

NZNO Library e-Newsletter


1. Blood Pressure Screenings Through Community Nursing Health Fairs: Motivating Individuals to Seek Health Care Follow-Up
By Lucky, Daniel; Turner, Barbara; Hall, Melissa; Lefaver, Scott; de Werk, Art. Journal of Community Health Nursing. Jul-Sep 2011, Vol. 28 Issue 3: p119-129
Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of blood pressure [BP] screenings through community-based health fairs. Effectiveness was measured by those with high BP readings who either made an appointment with or actually followed up with their primary care provider [PCP] in person following post-screening referral. Data sources: Anonymized data were provided for 958 individuals who obtained BP screening through a three-day health fair provided by the Ceres Police Department Nurse Program.

2. Evaluation of an Intervention Designed to Recruit Canadian Women to Mammography Screening
By Hanson, Kim; Montgomery, Phyllis; Bakker, Debra; Conlon, Michael. Journal of Community Health Nursing. Jul-Sep 2011, Vol. 28 Issue 3: p130-143
: Mammography screenings have the potential to reduce mortality; unfortunately, participation rates remain below federally established targets. To increase screening, the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) implemented a mammography recruitment intervention that involved a locally designed postcard. The first phase of this descriptive study involved the distribution of a questionnaire to determine how attendees became aware of the OBSP. Semistructured telephone interviews were conducted in the study's second phase to describe breast screening attendees' perceptions of the postcard campaign. Although the participants positively appraised the postcard initiative, it played a minor role in comparison to typical OBSP recruitment methods.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

3. Single Mothers' Views of Young Children's Everyday Routines: A Focus Group Study
By Koulouglioti, Christina; Cole, Robert; Moskow, Marian. Journal of Community Health Nursing. Jul-Sep 2011, Vol. 28 Issue 3, p144-155
Consistent daily routines have been associated with children's well-being, but children of single parents are less likely to engage in regular family meals or bedtime routines. This study explored routines and the challenges of maintaining routines as experienced by single mothers with a preschool age (3-5) child. Four focus groups (N = 12) were conducted and qualitative content analysis was used. Mothers described routines as an integral part of their parenting role and a reflection of successful parenting but maintaining routines around bedtimes and mealtimes were major concerns. Difficulties managing their child's behavior and their own fatigue were major challenges but mothers described a wide range of helpful strategies as well.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

4. Factors Influencing Health-Related Quality of Life Among Minority Elders in Southwest China
By Dan Luo; Jie Hu. Journal of Community Health Nursing. Jul-Sep 2011, Vol. 28 Issue 3: p156-167
This study described health-related quality of life and examined the relationship of factors influencing health-related quality of life among minority elders in southwest China. A descriptive correlational study was conducted with a convenience sample of 105 community-dwelling minority elders in Southwest China. The participants reported poor physical health-related quality of life. Depression, chronic diseases, and body mass index were predictors of health-related quality of life among the minority elders. Community health care providers need to assess chronic diseases, mental health and nutrition among minority elders, and consider interventions to assist minority elders to enhance their health-related quality of life.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

5. Homeless Youth: A Concept Analysis
By Washington, Philisie Starling. Journal of Community Health Nursing. Jul-Sep 2011, Vol. 28 Issue 3: p168-178
: Introduction. A variety of terms have been used to describe the homeless youth population.
Purpose. The purpose of this article is to analyze the conceptual meanings of the term homeless youths by examining the evolution of the concept and its related terms in the current literature.
Method. Online databases from 1990-2010 were analyzed using the Rodgers evolutionary approach. Results. The 6 attributes relating to homeless youth were physical location, age, health, behavior, choice, and survival. Conclusion. The analysis provided insight and clarification of homeless youth from a variety of related terms in the literature.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Articles on:  School Nursing

6. School Nursing in a Contemporary Society: What are the Roles and Responsibilities??
By Krause-Parello, Cheryl A.; Samms, Kimika. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing. Mar 2011, Vol. 34 Issue 1: p26-39
The foundation studies cited in this manuscript was funded by the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Healthcare. This study was funded by Kean University's Release Time for Research (RTR) Award and the manuscript developed through Kean University's Center for Nursing Research, The principal investigator wishes to thank the school nurses who participated in this research as well research assistants Kimika Samms (second author) and Michelle Proudfoot (graduate assistant).[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

7. School Nursing
By Taylor, Julia. Australian Nursing Journal. Feb 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 7, p22-23
: The article reports on a 2012 pilot project which was initiated at the Wynyard High School in Tasmania as a result of a collaboration between the Tasmanian Health Organisation (THO)-North West’s Youth Health Service and Wynyard High School. A discussion of the outcomes of the project, which was created to enhance students’ health and well being by increasing access to sexual education services from health professionals and decrease the stigma attached to such access, is presented

8. School Nursing on the Iron Range in a Public Health Nursing Model
By Hawkins, Joellen W.; Watson, John C. Public Health Nursing. Nov/Dec2010, Vol. 27 Issue 6: p571-578
: Frontier nursing in the public health model might invoke images of school nurses on horseback in rural Kentucky or the wilds of the western prairies. Northern Minnesota was a frontier in the last decade of the 19th century, due to the discovery of one of the richest seams of iron ore on the North American continent. Immigrants from Europe responded to the opportunities this discovery created. Among the many Finns arriving on the Iron Range of Minnesota, as it came to be named, were the parents of Lillian Augusta Wilhelmena Beck, John and Hulda Beck. Over her more than nine decades of life, their daughter became one of the most well known school nurses on the Iron Range. Her story evokes memories of the creation of school nursing in the public health model by nurses at the Henry Street Settlement in New York City.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

8. School nursing understaffed.
Primary Health Care. Mar 2012, Vol. 22 Issue 2, p4-4 {3/4p}
The article reports on a study from the British Royal College of Nursing (RCN) which emphasizes the need for governments to invest in school nurses. The study highlights the range of school nurses' responsibilities, but also warns of school nurses being lured to work as health visitors to meet the English government recruitment target of 4,200 by 2015. A survey by RCN reveals that recruitment of school nurses had been put on hold in most areas, while staffing levels have been reduced in others..

9. An uncertain future for school nursing
By Duffin, Christian. Primary Health Care. Sep 2011, Vol. 21 Issue 7: p7-8
The article analyzes various approaches to enhance health care services to children in Great Britain. Northern Ireland has launched its Healthy Child, Healthy Future with a focus on prevention, early intervention and mental health promotion. The decline in teenage pregnancy in Wales is attributed to the presence of a nurse in every secondary school. The Scottish government has introduced schemes to improve the capability of nurses to provide care to school children and young people

Articles on:  Practice Nursing

10. Compassion in practice nursing
By Howard, Hilary. Primary Health Care. May 2012, Vol. 22 Issue 4:p21-23
This article explores a way of combining standard nursing practice and parish nursing skills. It explains how spirituality can be integrated with practical support in the community. In this case, brightly coloured blankets were donated to a local chaplaincy department and offered to families as part of end of life care. The blankets are simple, individually made and appear to enhance spiritual care to a wide range of individuals. As well as the practicality of the lightweight bed cover, the tactile nature of the fabrics led to 'stories' being told and listened to about end of life experiences and how individuals value compassion.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

11. Time to clarify - the value of advanced practice nursing roles in health care
By Lowe, Grainne; Plummer, Virginia; O'Brien, Anthony Paul; Boyd, Leanne. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Mar 2012, Vol. 68
Issue 3, p677-685
: This article presents a discussion of the importance of providing meaningful advanced practice nursing role definition and clarity to improve international standards of nursing titles and scopes of practice. Background. A plethora of international literature exists discussing advanced practice nursing roles and their contribution to healthcare delivery in various countries. However, lack of consistency around title, role definition and scope of practice remains.

12. A Delphi study to validate an Advanced Practice Nursing tool
By Chang, Anne M.; Gardner, Glenn E.; Duffield, Christine; Ramis, Mary-Anne. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Oct2010, Vol. 66
Issue 10, p2320-2330
This paper is a report of a study conducted to validate an instrument for measuring advanced practice nursing role delineation in an international contemporary health service context using the Delphi technique. Background. Although most countries now have clear definitions and competency standards for nurse practitioners, no such clarity exists for many advanced practice nurse roles, leaving healthcare providers uncertain whether their service needs can or should be met by an advanced practice nurse or a nurse practitioner

Journal - Table of Contents

13. From Neonatal, Paediatric and Child Health Nursing (NPCHN) Journal, Volume 15, Number 3, November 2012
Understanding child mental health consultation  from the perspective of primary health care professionals
13B. Talking to and being with babies: the nurse–infant relationship as a pain management tool
13C. Surviving postnatal depression: the male perspective
13D. Perinatal mental health, antidepressants and neonatal outcomes: findings from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children

Conferences & Training   

14. 1st Australasian Mental Health and Addiction Nursing Conference
This is the first time that mental health and addiction nurses have hosted a joint conference in Australia or New Zealand. We are excited about the opportunity to share common concerns, pool specialist knowledge and profile innovative practice in our respective but interrelated fields.
: 19-21 June 2013
Venue: Auckland
More information:

15. New Zealand Society for Oncology Conference 2013
: 1st -  3rd of July 2013
Venue: Dunedin
More information:

News - National

16. Red wine molecule could fight ageing
TVNZ - Friday March 08, 2013

Grab a glass of red - it seems to be a rejuvenating drink again. Red wine goes in and out of health fashion, but now it's back as a possible preventer or fighter of ageing diseases.

17. Research shows muscle health improved by eating kiwifruit
TVNZ - Thursday March 07, 2013

Eating two kiwifruit each day could help keep muscles in top form, according to new research. A University of Otago study, which was recently published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, looked into what role vitamin C played in the body.

News - International

18. Countries must stop stigmatizing countries that report new diseases: WHO
By Helen Branswell, The Canadian Press March 6, 2013

19. Green cleaning products can still sicken pets, experts warn
By Sue Manning, The Associated Press. March 5,2013

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