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Issue 41 - 27 Nov 2012

Books Available for Borrowing

1.  I've had it up to here: From stress to strength
Published in 2008
Top stressbusting tips from consumer. Learn how to:
- Take charge of your thinking to banish negative thought patterns
- Create stronger social networks
- Crack the work-life balance equation

2.  Managing to nurse: Inside Canada's health care reform
By Janet M. Rankin & Marie L. Campbell
Published in 2006
How does the restructuring of health care in Canada affect nursing practice? Increasingly since the 1970s, and especially under recent reforms, a new style of information-supported, professionally based management has been implemented in Canadian health care. In Managing to Nurse, the authors probe the operation of this new managerialism in the hospital setting and its effect on nurses and nursing practice.

3.  Tradition & Reality: Nursing and politics in Australia.
By Brigid McCoppin and Heather Gardner
Published in 1994
This book analyses and explains the gains Australian nurses have made, the pressures for and against change, and possible future directions. While the main focus is the period 1960 - 1990, the structure, status, and image of the profession are seen as deriving from its historical roots, and as reflecting the social and political context within which nursing is practised.

4. The Zen of groups: A handbook for people meeting with a purpose
By Dale Hunter, Anne Bailey & Bill Taylor
Published in 1992
The Zen of Groups is arranged in two sections. The first nine chapters contain the essence of effective work in groups highlighted by "Thinking Points" which help summarise the authors' informative text. The second part of the book is a "Toolkit" giving 96 techniques and exercises to assist any group to move through the processes and stages to make group "synergy" a reality.

Articles - Rheumatoid Arthritis

5. Are people with rheumatoid arthritis who undertake activity pacing at risk of being too physically inactive?
By Cuperus, Nienke; Hoogeboom, Thomas J; Neijland, Yvette; van den Ende, Cornelia HM; Keijsers, Noël LW; Clinical Rehabilitation, 2012 Nov; 26 (11): p1048-52
Abstract:  To gain insight into the relationship between activity pacing and physical inactivity.
A cross-sectional study.
Setting: Outpatient clinic of a rheumatology department.
Subjects: Men and women diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis
Main measures: Physical activity was assessed using self-reported measures and an accelerometerbased
activity monitor. An occupational therapist and specialized nurse analysed the self-reported physical activity data and classified on the basis of consensus the pacing of activities of all patients as ‘adequate’ or ‘not adequate’.
Results: Thirty rheumatoid arthritis patients participated in this study of whom nine were categorized as adequate activity pacers. None of these nine undertook sufficient exercise whereas 6 of the 20 people who did not pace activity appropriately did. Physical activity levels assessed by self-reported measures were significantly higher than when assessed by an accelerometer-based activity monitor.
Conclusions: Activity pacing was associated with lower levels of physical activity. Since patients with rheumatoid arthritis are already at risk for inactivity, further inactivation by activity pacing might potentially be harmful

6. Rheumatoid Factor Levels Predict Risk Of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
PT in Motion, 2012 Nov; 4 (10): 11 
High levels of rheumatoid factor in healthy middle-aged
individuals predicted their risk of rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
throughout the following 3 decades, a Danish study has found

7. A joint effort to fight arthritis.
By Collier R; CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2012 Oct 16; 184 (15): E787-8
Ensuring that people are no longer forced to organize their own care through trial and error is one the primary goals of the initiative led by the Arthritis Alliance of Canada.

8. ‘My feet – visible, but ignored . . .’ A qualitative study of foot care for people with rheumatoid arthritis
By Williams, Anita E; Graham & Andrea S. Clinical Rehabilitation, 2012 Oct; 26 (10): 952-9
 To explore patients’ experiences of foot problems associated with rheumatoid arthritis, from onset of symptoms to being provided with foot health interventions.
Design: A qualitative design was used with an interpretive phenomenological approach to the data collection and analysis.
Setting: University of Salford, School of Health Science.
Subjects: Sixteen female and six male adults with rheumatoid arthritis-related foot problems and experience of receiving foot health interventions.
Method: Data were collected through digital recordings of three focus groups which were conducted by an experienced researcher. An observer made field notes. Transcribed data were analysed using a thematic framework. Data were verified with randomly selected participants and agreement achieved with the participants, researcher and observer.
Results: The results were organized into five themes: the significance of foot symptoms in relation to diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis; knowledge of and explanation about foot symptoms; accessing foot health interventions; the effectiveness of foot health interventions; and improvements to foot health interventions. Despite foot problems being of concern to the participants, they were often ignored by practitioners from before diagnosis through to foot management.
Conclusions: This study has highlighted a polarity between what these participants need in relation to their foot symptoms and the management of them. That foot problems are often ignored is of concern at multiple levels. These range from the implications of ignoring foot symptoms that may aid diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, to ignoring the need for effective foot health interventions.

9. Claim check. Does Joint Juice help against arthritis?
Consumer Reports, 2012 Oct; 77 (10): 10

The claim ."My joints have gotten a little stiff lately, and at first I thought I had to live with it because of pro football and Just getting older, but then my doctor told me aboutjoint Juice," says former quarterback Joe Montana in a recentTVcommercial for the berry-flavored drink.
The check. We looked at results of the Glucosamine/chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT), which involved two studies.

10. Focus on... Tofacitinib: A novel oral Janus kinase inhibitor for rheumatoid arthritis
By O'Dell, Kate M. & Rummel, Ashley E. Formulary, 2012 Oct; 47 (10): 350-8
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory disease characterized by synovial inflammation and destruction of joint cartilage, which afflicts mainly the elderly and women of northern Europe and North America. Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), which are further subdivided into nonbiologic and biologic types, are the mainstay of RA therapy. A new drug application for tofacitinib, an orally administered Janus kinase inhibitor for treatment of RA, was submitted to FDA with anticipated action date in November 2012. In clinical studies, tofacitinib was administered twice daily, had rapid absorption, and required dosage adjustments for patients with renal or hepatic impairment and for those taking concomitant potent inhibitors of CYP3A4. Five clinical studies for tofacitinib, called the "ORAL Trials," tested tofacitinib as mono- therapy, in combination with nonbiologic DMARDs, and in patients with inadequate response to both nonbiologic and biologic DMARDs. The studies showed significant improvements in RA as measured by the American College of Rheumatology scores increase by 20%, 50%, and 70%, disease remission scores, self-reported functional status measurements, and radiographic changes. Serious adverse effects associated with tofacitinib were infections and malignancies. For patients who have already tried 1 or more therapies for RA with inadequate response, tofacitinib may offer an alternative treatment option..

Articles - Nursing Older People [Journal]

11. Tapping into the web
By Berry, Lisa; Nursing Older People, 2012 Nov; 24 (9): 3
More than one million people will have dementia in the UK by 2021. Nurses in all settings will therefore need to improve their understanding of the disease and the variety of services available to support patients, families and carers. The internet offers one way of increasing knowledge and has the advantage of being accessible at anytime.

12. Government outlines values vital for its new vision of care
By Blakemore, Sophie. Nursing Older People, 2012 Nov; 24 (9): 6-7
An action plan for the delivery of high quality and compassionate nursing care has been published by England’s chief nursing officer Jane Cummings and Department of Health nursing director Viv Bennett. The document, Developing the Culture of Compassionate Care: Creating a New Vision for Nurses, Midwives and Caregivers, focuses primarily on older people and is based on six values (see panel) identified by nurses across England at a series of workshops.

13. How to use web-based information to support people with dementia
By Cook, Margaret; Cook, Glenda & Hutchinson, Fiona. Nursing Older People, 2012 Nov; 24 (9): 14-20
The growing number of people living with dementia has created a need for all healthcare professionals to enhance their understanding of the condition and of the services that people with dementia and their supporters can be directed to for help. Being able to signpost people to other community-based resources and specialist services is a supportive activity that all nurses can fulfil when providing care that is not necessarily related to dementia. This article provides advice on how to advise patients and their supporters who want to access websites for information relating to dementia..

14. Caring for older people with dementia in hospital Part two: strategies
By Baillie, Lesley; Merritt, Jane & Cox, Janet. Nursing Older People, 2012 Nov; 24 (9): 22-6
Nursing students often care for patients with dementia during practice placements and the quality of their experience is important. Aim To explore adult nursing students' experiences of caring for older people with dementia in acute hospital settings. Method Four focus groups were conducted at one university in England. The data were analysed thematically and this article presents the care strategies that students adopted. Findings The students' strategies were: getting to know the person and building a relationship, involvement of families, flexible and creative care approaches, use of comfort and communication. Conclusion The strategies were congruent with person-centred care but students often had to negotiate these approaches to fit in with hospital routines

Journal - Table of Contents

15. From Registered Nurse Journal; September/October 2012
Presidents View

15A. Membership: a force for positive change [I am issuing a challenge that we each bring at least one new member to RNAO by telling colleagues who are not members why we belong to our professional association]
CEO Dispatch
. Registered nurses shape the whole-system change [Part 3 of 3]
. Restraints as an effective care strategy; Welcome review of the impact of restraints; Restraints: a necessary part of nursing
. Caring for cancer survivors; Nurses sues police after G20 arrest; Report finds poor are less healthy
Diabetes education on the web supports self care; Student loan forgiveness for nurses; ottawa RN continues clean water crusade; Remembering Sonia Varaschin
. New country, no care [Nurses express outrage at the federal government’s decision to roll back health-care services for refugees]
RN Profile
Advocating a healthy start in life [Windsor RN represents nursing on provincial panel to address childhood obesity]
. Students and faculty team up to promote the benefits of RNAO membership, and the value of active involvement
. What will the profession look like in 2030? How will the RN role grow?
Accessing patient records [If you are not in the patient's circle of care, don't even go there]
What nursing means to me...

News - National

16. Great progress on new national health targets
Tony Ryall - 27 November, 2012
The latest national health target results, released today, show district health boards (DHBs) have made great progress on the new increased immunisation and shorter waits for cancer treatment targets. “This is the first time chemotherapy wait times have been included in the cancer target,” says Health Minister Tony Ryall.

17. Southern Cross says it has nothing to fear
NZ Herald - 27 November 2012
The country's biggest health insurer has dismissed the arrival of an Australian competitor, saying it has nothing to fear and took a swipe at it for being a company rather than a friendly society.
Peter Tynan, Southern Cross Health Society chief executive, said the arrival of NIB, soon to own New Zealand's Tower Medical, would not result in any changes for his members.

18. Pay impasse could cause council strike
Waikato Times - 24 November 2012
Industrial action is among responses unionised city council workers will consider at meetings on Monday after collective contract talks stalled over pay. The Public Service Association wants the right to negotiate pay on their rising membership's behalf added to the expired agreement, which management has refused, creating an impasse on top of already strained workplace relations

19. Call for more funds to stop violence
ODT - 26 Nov 2012
Domestic violence could be costing the country up to $3 billion a year and agencies and organisations dealing with the problem urgently need more funding, the "Stop violence towards women" rally and concert in Dunedin heard yesterday. The four-hour event, part of the 21st anniversary of the international White Ribbon Day which aims to eliminate violence against women, attracted hundreds of people, including families.

News - International

20. Eating grapefruit with some prescription drugs 'can be deadly'
The Telegraph - 26 Nov 2012
It was known that grapefruit can cause adverse reactions when combined with certain drugs, but now doctors say the risks are greater than previously thought. The fruit can cause death, acute kidney failure, respiratory failure, gastrointestinal bleeding, bone marrow suppression in immunocompromised people, renal toxicity and other serious side effects because of its interactions with drugs.

21. Mental health report card 'confronting'
The Age - 27 Nov 2012
Australia's inaugural "report card" on mental health services has been described by the chair of the National Mental Health Commission as "confronting" after it found services need a major overhaul. Professor Allan Fels said Australia had failed in its delivery of mental health services and the situation needed urgent attention. "The statistics related to physical illness and early death among people with a mental health difficulty are appalling," he said.

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