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Issue 165 - 12 January 2011

Beat the back-to-work blues
The holiday is over and that sinking feeling has set in - it's back to work, back to reality.
Solace Counselling Service owner Leith Thompson suggests that rather than feeling too depressed, start planning your next holiday instead.
Tauranga clinical psychologist Hans Laven also stressed looking at the positives, and recommended easing yourself back into the swing of things.
NZ Herald - Thursday 6 Jan, 2011

Articles on Rhinitis

1. Intermittent allergic rhinitis
By Sussman, Gordon; Sussman, David; Sussman, Arthur.
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 6/15/2010, Vol. 182 Issue 9: p935-937
The article focuses on the clinical management of a patient with intermittent allergic rhinitis. It states that a patient who shows symptoms of allergic rhinitis should undergo skin prick testing for the allergens and may use endoscopy as well as computed tomography. It mentions that allergen immunotherapy offers long-term modulatory treatment for allergic rhinitis. It adds that reaction to allergens or birch/ragweed-food syndrome can prolong allergic rhinitis

2. Time Interval and the Factors Associated with the Development of Asthma in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis
By Mahesh, P. A. et al.
Lung, Dec 2009, Vol. 187 Issue 6: p393-400
Rhinitis and asthma commonly coexist and studies have shown a positive association between rhinitis and asthma in both atopic and nonatopic adults. Longitudinal studies have shown that in many cases rhinitis precedes the onset of asthma. The aims of this study were to study the time interval for the development of asthma after the onset of rhinitis, to determine the proportion of patients in whom rhinitis precedes asthma, and to study the factors associated with the development of asthma in patients with allergic rhinitis compared to patients who continue to have allergic rhinitis alone. This was a cross-sectional study done at a tertiary care allergy center in Mysore, South India. It included consecutive patients between 2004 and 2006 with allergic rhinitis and/or asthma. We used a structured questionnaire, clinical evaluation, spirometry, and skin-prick testing. A total of 1,141 subjects were included in the study. Among them, 700 had allergic rhinitis for varying intervals before developing asthma and 355 had rhinitis without asthma. In subjects aged 20 years or younger, logistic regression analysis confirmed an independent association with a family history of allergic rhinitis and sensitization to house dust mites as risk factors and ever-used nasal steroids as protective against developing asthma in subjects with allergic rhinitis. In subjects older than 20 years, a family history of allergic rhinitis, atopy, and sensitization to house dust mites and trees were risk factors and ever-user of nasal steroids was protective. Rhinitis often preceded asthma and a high proportion of patients, both children and adults, developed asthma within 2 years after the onset of rhinitis. A family history of allergic rhinitis, atopy, and sensitization to house dust mites and trees are associated with the development of asthma in patients with allergic rhinitis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

3. Allergic rhinitis
By Chantrell, Jan.
Practice Nurse, 6/26/2009, Vol. 37 Issue 12: p28-32
The article presents an overview of allergic rhinitis, which is a medical condition caused by an IgE-mediated inflammatory response following exposure to an allergen in the nose. A discussion of the proper diagnosis and treatment of the condition is presented. The role that patient education plays in the management of the condition is discussed..

Articles on Methredrone

4. Users report unwanted effects from mephedrone
Nursing Standard, 11/24/2010, Vol. 25 Issue 12: p17
The article presents a reprint of the article "Britain moves to curtail new drug craze," by Allison Elwell, which appeared at on April 26, 2010. It reports that the British government has acted to make the use of mephedrone illegal on April 16, 2010 under the Misuse of Drugs Act, sentencing five years in prison to those who posses it and 14 years for trafficking. It says that the drug is from the African shrub khat which has amphetamine-like substance cathinone

5. Britain moves to curtail new drug craze
By Elwell, Allison.
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 6/15/2010, Vol. 182 Issue 9: pE393-E394

Articles - International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications

6. Concept Analysis of Similarity Applied to Nursing Diagnoses: Implications for Educators Concept Analysis of Similarity Applied to Nursing Diagnoses: Implications for Educators
By Falan, Sharie.
International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications, Oct-Dec2010, Vol. 21 Issue 4: p144-155
This philosophical inquiry examined similarity using the concept analysis methodology by ). Data were obtained from Google, CINAHL, PsychINFO, and PubMed using keywords 'similarity,''concept analysis,' and 'similarity concept analysis.' Various definitions, uses, and defining attributes of similarity were identified; model cases were presented along with antecedents, consequences, and empirical referents. The concept analysis of similarity identified five defining attributes, antecedents, consequences, and different ways to measure the concept. Representing nursing care involves similarity and when applied can promote or enhance shared understanding. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

7. Decreased Cardiac Output: Clinical Validation in Patients With Decompensated Heart Failure Decreased Cardiac Output: Clinical Validation in Patients With Decompensated Heart Failure
By Martins, Quenia Camille Soares et al.
International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications, Oct-Dec2010, Vol. 21 Issue 4: p156-165
Clinically validate (using Fehring's model) characteristics of the nursing diagnosis (ND) of decreased cardiac output (DCO) in 29 patients with decompensated heart failure. Cross-sectional study conducted in a Brazilian university hospital. According to the reliability rate (R) between the experts, the major characteristics (R = 0.80) were fatigue, dyspnea, edema, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and elevated central venous pressure, and the secondary characteristics were weight gain, hepatomegaly, jugular vein distension, palpitations, crackles, oliguria, coughing, clammy skin, and skin color changes. Characteristics with R > 0.50 and =1 were valid in the ND of DCO. Implications for the nursing practice: Clinical validation studies are necessary to determine the adequacy of this diagnosis and its determining characteristics with Taxonomy

8. Core Elements of U.S. Nurse Practice Acts and Incorporation of Nursing Diagnosis Language Core Elements of U.S. Nurse Practice Acts and Incorporation of Nursing Diagnosis Language.
By Jarrín, Olga F.
International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications, Oct-Dec 2010, Vol. 21 Issue 4: p166-176
This paper describes the core elements of U.S. nurse practice acts and provides an update of Lavin, Meyer, and Carlson (1999) Review of the Use of Nursing Diagnosis in U.S. Nurse Practice Acts. Nurse practice acts from all states and the District of Columbia were collected and analyzed using qualitative content analysis with the software NVivo8. Major themes identified were nursing 'care,' nursing process, supervision/delegation, executing the medical regimen, health maintenance/prevention, and teaching nursing. The concept 'diagnosis' was a subtheme in 86% of practice acts; however, only 63% utilized 'diagnosis' language. The number of practice acts utilizing nursing 'diagnosis' language has remained nearly constant over the past decade. Consensus on the use of nursing diagnosis language may be facilitated through linkages with nursing theory and revision of the model Nurse Practice Act. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR

9. My First Patient as a Nurse Practitioner: A Man With Low Literacy My First Patient as a Nurse Practitioner: A Man With Low Literacy.
By Reyes, Darcel.
International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications, Oct-Dec 2010, Vol. 21 Issue 4: p177-181
The purpose of this case study is to demonstrate the use of the nursing process and the standardized nursing languages of NANDA-I, the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), and the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) to assist a man with low literacy to self-manage his medication regimen. The data sources for this article are clinical nursing practice, research evidence related to helping people with low literacy, and the books that explain NANDA-I, NOC, and NIC. This case study demonstrates nurses' clinical decision making in providing care for a person with low health literacy. Low health literacy should be considered when nurses identify the nursing diagnosis of Ineffective Self-Health Management. After trust is established, a screening tool should be used to evaluate the person's literacy level. Active partnership of the nurse and the person supports interventions to assist the person implement the medication regimen. Inadequate evaluation of health literacy may result in mislabeling a person as 'nonadherent' or 'noncompliant' to a medication or treatment regimen. Low literacy is often an unrecognized barrier to effective self-health management. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

10. Moving Forward With NANDA-I Nursing Diagnoses With Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health
(HITECH) Act Legislation: News Updates NANDA International News
By Brokel, Jane.
International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications, Oct-Dec2010, Vol. 21 Issue 4: p182-185
The article reports on the initiatives of NANDA International (NANDA-I) in relation to the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act signed into law in the U.S. in 2009. NANDA-I has affiliated with the Alliance of Nursing Informatics, which identifies nurse leaders to serve on federal committees that formulate recommendations and promote involvement in public comment periods and public hearings. Efforts by NANDA-I to submit concept names for inclusion in the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical terms are cited

Journals - Table of Contents

11. From Journal of Law and Medicine, Vol 18/2, December 2010

11A. Ian Freckleton - regulation of health practitioners: National reform in Australia
11B. Economic impact of Wicks v State Rail Authority (NSW) (2010) 84 ALJR 497 (Plaintiffs are entitled to recover damages for pure mental harm under s 30 if their psychistric injury arose "wholly or partly from" a "series of shocking experiences" in the form of "a sudden and disturbing impression on the mind and feelings" in connection with witnessing at the scene "another person being killed, injured or put in peril by the act or ommission of the defendant").
11C. DNA evidence in jury trials: The "CSI effect"
11D. Vitamin C: Ascerbic ethical discussions
11E. What you see may not be what you get: Beware of patients bearing gifts
11F. The High Court's lost chance in medical negligence: tabet v GETT (2010) 240 CLR 537
11G. Legal regulation of the drug khat in Australia
11H. Recovering fraudulent claims for Australian federal expenditure on pharmaceuticals and medical devices
11I. The strengths and limitations of empirical bioethics
11J. Proof of causation in informed consent cases: Establishing what the plaintiff would have done
11K. Compensation for workplace injury leading to suicide in Australia
11L. Privacy of bodily samples
11M. Law, autonomy and advance directives
11N. Queensland general practitioners' applications of the "maturity minor" principle: The role of patient age and gender
11O. The role of coronial autopsies in a context of decreasing hospital autopsies: An investigation of the issues


12. NZPSS Annual Conference 2011
Peoples, Places, Paradigms: Growing and Changing
Hapori, Wahi, Anga Tauira: Rere a Tipunga

Date: 20-23 August 2011
Venue: Rydges Resort Hotel in Queenstown

13. 17th International Conference of the Nursing Network on Violence Against Women
Stopping Violence: Innovations & Partnerships for Sustainable Change
Heritage Hotel, Auckland
Date: 16-18 February 2011

News - National

14. 90-day trial promises empty - Labour MP
The Government is being accused of making empty promises after saying the 90-day trial period for new workers would be voluntary, and then asking all public sector employers to include it in all contracts. But the State Services Commission is defending an email sent to government agencies, which said that they were expected to implement Government policy, including the 90-day trial.

15. Facebook stirs up new row with nursing mothers
NZ Herald - 9 Jan 2011
Facebook has sparked a fresh row with nursing mothers by deleting a page for a breastfeeding support group followed by thousands. The social networking giant removed the page for The Leaky B@@b - an online support group where mothers can swap tips and which provides an emotional crutch for anyone struggling to cope with the demands of a nursing child.

16. Fitness and finances on 2011's hit list
NZ Herald - 30 Dec 2010
Twelve times as many New Zealanders want to lose weight next year than have children - and only one in five had a great 2010, a poll says. Body and money worries topped a list of issues picked for New Year's resolutions in the Fly Buys poll, pushing family and career goals to bottom.

17. DHBs want access to migrant details
NZ Herald - 10 Jan 2011
Health chiefs are demanding faster action on improved access to state immigration records, so they can stop haranguing patients to prove they are New Zealanders. A data-sharing system is being developed to check if patients are eligible to be enrolled in state-funded primary health organisations, but no decisions have been made on a similar set-up for district health boards' own patients.

News - International

18. NSW govt to work through health pay issues January 9, 2011
The NSW government says it will work through pay issues with highly-skilled paramedics who have threatened to quit over changes that would carve up to $40,000 from their annual salaries.
The position of extended care paramedic (ECP) was introduced on a trial basis three years ago under a temporary but set salary of $105,000
Sydney Morning Herald - 9 January 2011

19. Psychosocial Support in Disasters portal 
Lessons, guidelines and materials were drawn from existing resources or developed anew in the period following the Victorian bushfires. The Psychosocial Support in Disasters portal was developed to share these resources with health professionals working with people threatened by, or affected by, disasters.
These resources are designed primarily for people affected by an emergency or disaster, or supporting someone who has been affected. These resources will assist people in understanding common stress reactions and help them to cope.

20. Miriam O'Reilly set to return to BBC after winning tribunal case
Miriam O'Reilly, the former Countryfile presenter who has today won her case against the BBC in a tribunal case brought on grounds of ageism, is set to work for the corporation again.
21.  Statins may do more harm than good in stroke victims
People who have suffered a certain kind of stroke may be more likely to have a recurrence if they are taking statins to lower their risk of heart disease, a study has found. A team at Harvard Medical School in Boston, America, found that patients who had had a haemorrhagic stroke, or a bleeding on the brain stroke, as opposed to a clot or blocking stroke, may increase their chances of having another if they were on statins 

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