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Issue 162 - 26 Nov 2010

Articles on Alzeheimers 
Request from the NZNO Library

1. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Syndromes in a Large Cohort of Newly Diagnosed, Untreated Patients With Alzheimer Disease
By Spalletta, Gianfranco M.D., al.
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: November 2010, Volume 18, Issue 11: p1026-1035

2. Nonstroke Cardiovascular Disease and Risk of Alzheimer Disease and Dementia
By Eriksson, Ulrika K. MSc
Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders: July/September 2010, Volume 24,Issue 3: p213-219

3. Practice parameter: Risk of driving and Alzheimer's disease(an evidence-based review)
By Richard M. Dubinsky, Anthony C. Stein and Kelly Lyons
Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology
Note: This information is current as of November 21, 2010
Neurology 2000;54: p2205

4. Cholesterol in Alzheimer’s Disease: Unresolved Questions
By Massimo Stefani and Gianfranco Liguri
Current Alzheimer Research, Volume 6, Number 1, February 2009
The role of cholesterol as a susceptibility factor or a protective agent in neurodegeneration and, more generally, in amyloid-induced cytotoxicity is still controversial. Epidemiological studies on the hypercholesterolemia-AD risk relation and some reports indicating a beneficial effect of statin therapy suggest cholesterol as a susceptibility factor in AD. The ApoE4 genotype as a prevalent genetic risk factor for AD and the function of ApoE as main cholesterol carrier in the brain also underlie a close cholesterol load-AD risk relation. Finally, cell biology evidences support a critical involvement of lipid raft cholesterol in the modulation of ß- and ?-secretase cleavage of APP with altered Aß production.

5. Anesthesia, Calcium Homeostasis and Alzheimer’s Disease
By Huafeng Wei and Zhongcong Xie
Current Alzheimer Research, Volume 6, Number 1, February 2009: p30-35
While anesthetics are indispensable clinical tools generally safe and effective, in some situations there is grown concern about selective neurotoxicity of these agents; the clinical significance is unclear as of yet. The mechanisms for inhalational anesthetics mediated cell damage are still not clear, although a role for calcium dysregulation has been suggested. For example, the inhaled anesthetic isoflurane decreases endoplasmic reticulum (ER) calcium concentration and increases that in the cytosol and mitochondria. Inhibition of ER calcium release, via either IP3 or ryanodine receptors, significantly inhibited isoflurane neurotoxicity. Neurons made vulnerable to calcium dysregulation by overexpression of mutated presenilin-1 (PS1) or huntingtin (Q-111) proteins showed enhanced apoptosis upon isoflurane exposure. Sevoflurane and desflurane were less potent than isoflurane in altering intracellular calcium, and produced less apoptosis. Short exposures to inhalational anesthetics may provide neuroprotection by preconditioning via a sublethal stress, while prolonged exposures to inhalational anesthetics may induce cell damage by apoptosis through direct cytotoxic effects.

6. DNA Damage and Repair in Alzheimer’s Disease
By Fabio Coppedè and Lucia Migliore
Current Alzheimer Research, Volume 6, Number 1, February 2009
The vast majority of the studies performed so far and aimed at elucidating DNA repair mechanisms has been performed in mitotic cells, such as transformed or cancer cell lines. Therefore, our understanding of DNA repair mechanisms in post-mitotic cells, such as neurons, remains one of the most exciting areas for future investigations. Markers of DNA damage, particularly oxidative DNA damage, have been largely found in brain regions, peripheral tissues, and biological fluids of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients. Moreover, recent studies from our and other groups in individuals affected by Mild Cognitive Impairment provided evidence that oxidative DNA damage is one of the earliest detectable events within the progression from a normal brain to dementia.

Journals - Table of Contents

7.  From Emergency Nurse New Zealand, Spring 2010 (The Journal of the College of Emergency Nurses New Zealand NZNO)
7A. Minor head injuries: exploring the evidential base
7B. Green light for $65m Whakatane Hospital project
7C. What's in a name? Emergency Nursing over the years - do things change?

Conferences, Seminars, Training courses

8. 1st Regional Health Sciences & Nursing Conference 2011
Caring Professionals Towards Excellent Health Care
Date: 22-24 February 2011
Venue: Shah Alam Convention Centre (SACC), Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
More information:

News - National

9. New DHB chairs announced
TVNZ - 22 November 2010
Ten new chairs have been appointed to District Health Boards(DHBs) among positions announced today by Health Minister Tony Ryall. Ryall said vacancies came up because of statutory term limits, retirements and bereavement and he was using the opportunity to "refresh the leadership and skill mix" on the boards.In Auckland, Lester Levy would continue as chairman of Waitemata DHB but would also chair the Auckland DHB. In Wellington, public health physician Virginia Hope would chair the Capital and Coast and the Hutt Valley DHBs.

10. Midday sun 'risky way' of getting vitamin D
TVNZ - 22 November 2010
New Zealanders get enough vitamin D without deliberately exposing themselves to the midday sun, skin cancer prevention groups say. The Cancer Society, Health Sponsorship Council and the Melanoma Foundation today warned sunseekers to avoid deliberately exposing themselves to midday sun after a speaker at a recent health symposium suggested it was a good way to increase vitamin D levels.

News - International

11. Let market forces into health reform, business 
Sydney Morning Herald - November 25, 2010
BIG business is planning to step up pressure on the federal government for a radical rethink of health reforms,
arguing for more competition to boost patient services and, it is claimed, save billions of dollars in inefficient health spending. At a forum presented by the Business Council of Australia in Sydney yesterday, speakers voiced disappointment with the limited scope of the Rudd-Gillard reforms and the failure to put more focus on tailored care for patients to improve health outcomes and reduce costs.

12. Canadian boomers set to prove McCartney wrong when they turn 64: Survey
Calgary Herald - 23 November 2010
The Beatles song, When I’m Sixty-Four, doesn’t accurately reflect the retirement lifestyle Canadian baby boomers expect to be living, a new survey suggests. Knitting by the fire and Sunday drives might have seemed like a reasonable way to spend one’s twilight years when Paul McCartney first sang about it more than 40 years go. However, survey results released Tuesday by the Investors Group suggest the boomer generation — the older ones of which are 64 right now — have bolder plans. A clear majority, 59 per cent of boomers in this poll, conducted by Harris/Decima on behalf of Investors Group, said the song does not accurately portray their idea of retirement. Instead, the poll found that 61 per cent of those between the ages of 45 and 64 view retirement as “an exciting new stage in life.”


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