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Issue 146 - 4 August 2010


1. Sharing and presenting international nursing history research
By Boschma, Geertje. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2009, Vol. 16 Issue 2: p93
The article discusses the International Nursing History Conference held in Toronto, Canada. National and international scholars in nursing history attended the conference which addressed social, political, and cultural themes in nursing and health-care. The author comments on the need for nursing history scholarship that explores issues such as gender and class in diverse international contexts.

2. Nursing and the issue of ‘party’ in the Church of England: The case of the Lichfield Diocesan Nursing Association.
By Wildman, Stuart. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2009, Vol. 16 Issue 2: p94-102
In recent years, there has been increased interest in the role of religion in the reform of nursing during the mid-nineteenth century. However, less is known about how ‘party’ disputes between evangelicals and followers of the ‘Oxford Movement’ may have affected nursing. This study examines a proposal to create a nursing association for the Diocese of Lichfield in 1864, which leads to a public dispute concerning the ‘ecclesiastical’ nature of the organisation. Leading evangelicals in Derby campaigned against the idea of nurses belonging to a ‘sisterhood’. This resulted in two rival organisations being created in 1865. This paper reports upon the nature and origins of the dispute within the diocese, unsuccessful attempts to draw Florence Nightingale into the dispute and the relative success of the two institutions. The results of this research indicate that the importance of context and of place must be recognised when studying the history of nursing. This research is based mainly, upon newspaper reports, correspondence and miscellaneous sources, including biographies as there are few surviving records from the two organisations under scrutiny. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

3. The National Socialist Sisterhood: an instrument of National Socialist health policy. By Schweikardt, Christoph.
Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2009, Vol. 16 Issue 2: p103-110
When Adolf Hitler (1889–1945) came to power in 1933, the new Nazi government focused the German health system on their priorities such as the creation of a racially homogeneous society and the preparation of war. One of the measures to bring nursing under their control was the foundation of a new sisterhood. In 1934, Erich Hilgenfeldt (1897–1945), the ambitious head of the National Socialist People’s Welfare Association Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt), founded the National Socialist (NS) Sisterhood (Nationalsozialistische Schwesternschaft) to create an elite group that would work for the goals of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, NSDAP). Hilgenfeldt proclaimed community nursing as a priority for NS Sisterhood nurses. Catholic and Protestant sisters, who were traditionally dedicated to community nursing, were to be gradually replaced. However, other competing priorities, such as hospital service for the training of junior nurses and work in conquered regions, as well as the lack of NS nursing personnel, hampered the expansion of community nursing. The paper also addresses areas for future research: everyday activities of NS nurses, the service of NS Sisterhood nurses for NSDAP organisations such as
the elite racist paramilitary force SS (Schutzstaffel, Protective Squadron), and involvement in their crimes have hardly been investigated as yet. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

4. The nurse’s odyssey: the professional folktale in New Zealand backblocks nurses’ stories, 1910–1915
By Wood, Pamela J. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2009, Vol 16 Issue 2: p111-121
Nurses have a long tradition of storytelling. Nurses in the New Zealand government’s Backblocks Nursing Service, established in 1909 for settlers in remote rural areas, related narratives of personal experience in articles, conference papers and letters to their chief nurse that were published in the country’s nursing journal Analysis of the 16 stories published between 1910 and 1915 revealed 14 had a common storyline and structure. Structural elements included a call, arduous journey, arrival and reconnaissance, trial (difficult case or circumstance), resolution and homily. Using a literary folkloristics approach, this article argues that repetition of the story by nurses in different regions traditionalised it as a professional folktale, ‘The nurse’s odyssey’. It enabled nurses to debrief from difficult cases and write-into-being this new role and practice. Striking differences in the practice setting ensured the story’s reportability, while clinical details connected writer and readers through a common professional aesthetic context and strengthened the story’s credibility. For the chief nurse who was also a journal editor, publishing the stories allowed her to potentially attract nurses to the service while alerting them to its harsh realities, and show policy-makers the profession’s value in meeting new health service needs. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

5. Institutionalised isolation: tuberculosis nursing at Westwood Sanatorium, Queensland, Australia 1919–55
By Kirby, Stephanie & Madsen, Wendy. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2009, Vol 16 Issue 2: p122-132
From the mid nineteenth to mid twentieth century sanatoria loomed large in the popular consciousness as the space for the treatment of tuberculosis (TB). A review of the historiography of sanatoria at the beginning of this paper shows that the nursing contribution to the care of TB patients is at best ignored and at worst attracts negative comment. Added to this TB nursing was not viewed as prestigious by contemporaries, leading to problems attracting recruits. Using a case study approach based on surviving archival material, this paper sets out to provide a glimpse of the work of TB nurses in a rural sanatorium at Westwood, Queensland, Australia. For the nurses geographical isolation was compounded by professional stagnation, which created a working environment influenced by friction and discord among the staff. It reveals how despite this, nurses coped with working in hostile conditions, to make the long stay of their patients, separated from their families and familiar life style more bearable. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

6. Shifting boundaries: religion, medicine, nursing and domestic service in mid-nineteenth-century Britain
By Helmstadter, Carol. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2009, Vol. 16 Issue 2: p133-143
The boundaries between medicine, religion, nursing and domestic service were fluid in mid-nineteenth-century England. The traditional religious understanding of illness conflicted with the newer understanding of anatomically based disease, the Anglican sisters were drawing a line between professional nursing and the traditional role of nurses as domestic servants who looked after sick people as one of their many duties, and doctors were looking for more knowledgeable nurses who could carry out their orders competently. This prosopographical study of the over 200 women who served as government nurses during the Crimean War 1854–56 describes the status of nursing and provides a picture of the religious and social structure of Britain in the 1850s. It also illustrates how religious, political and social factors affected the development of the new nursing. The Crimean War nurses can be divided into four major groups: volunteer secular ladies, Roman Catholic nuns, Anglican sisters and working-class hospital nurses. Of these four groups I conclude that it was the experienced working-class nurses who had the greatest influence on the organization of the new nursing. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

7. Dying at home: nursing of the critically and terminally ill in private care in Germany around 1900
By Nolte, Karen. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2009, Vol. 16 Issue 2: p144-154
Over the last twenty years, ‘palliative care’ has evolved as a special nursing field in Germany. Its historic roots are seen in the hospices of the Middle Ages or in the hospice movement of the twentieth century. Actually, there are numerous everyday sources to be found about this subject from the nineteenth century. The article at hand deals with the history of nursing the terminally ill and dying in domestic care in the nineteenth century. Taking care of and nursing the dying was part of everyday routine in the nursing care as practiced by the deaconesses and sisters in those days. The article takes a look not only at the actual nursing activities but also at the relationship between the sisters and their patients and their relatives and the family doctor. On the basis of the recorded letters which the nurses wrote to the deaconess motherhouse in Kaiserswerth, it is also possible to analyze how the deaconesses communicated and reflected their actions at the deathbed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

8. In their own words: nurses’ discourses of cleanliness from the Rehoboth Mission
By Lagerwey, Mary D. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2009, Vol. 16 Issue 2: p155-170
In their own words: nurses’ discourses of cleanliness from the Rehoboth Mission For nurses of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, cleanliness was often seen as a virtue next to godliness. For missionary nurses, this analogy took on multiple meanings. This study focuses on discourses of cleanliness at one site of missionary nursing in the early twentieth century: the Rehoboth Mission and its hospital, which provided health-care to the Navajo in the southwestern USA from 1903 to 1965. Data sources included denominational publications, institutional records, correspondence, questionnaires and interviews of the Dutch–American missionary nurses who practiced at the Rehoboth Mission. Discourse analysis was conducted on references to cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation in these texts. Secondary discourses of embodiment in daily practice, initiation and assimilation, caring, ignorance, environmental factors and gendered work were identified and analyzed. The study interrogates the whiteness of the nurses’ dominant culture and sheds light on nurses’ relationships with normative discursive frames that reflect and perpetuate inequalities, discredit non-dominant practices, and leave little room for competing discourses. It also illustrates a blurring of religion and health-care, and the need for a reflective and informed stance as a basis for cultural competence.

9. Teaching nursing history: The Santa Catarina, Brazil, experience
By Padilha, Maria Itayra & Nelson, Sioban. Nursing Inquiry, Jun 2009, Vol. 16 Issue 2: p171-180
Nursing history has been a much debated subject with a wide range of work from many countries discussing the profession’s identity and questioning the nature of nursing and professional practice. Building upon a review of the recent developments in nursing history worldwide and on primary research that examined the structure of mandated nursing history courses in 14 nursing schools in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, this paper analyzes both the content and the pedagogical style applied. We postulate that the study of history offers an important opportunity for the development of student learning, and propose that more creative and dynamic teaching strategies be applied. We argue the need for professors to be active historical researchers, so they may meaningfully contribute to the development of local histories and enrich the professional identities of both nursing students and the profession. We conclude that historical education in nursing is limited by a traditional and universalist approach to nursing history, by the lack of relevant local sources or examples, and by the failure of historical education to be used as a vehicle to provide students with the intellectual tools for the development of professional understanding and self-identity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

10. EDITORIAL: The Past Defines the Present.
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p169-170
The International Society of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (ISPN) held another thought-provoking, professionally stimulating annual meeting in St. Louis this past week.One of the most interesting and thought-provoking presentations was given by Dr.Roberta Waite of Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Waite is in the preliminary phase of analyzing her clinical data pertaining to adverse childhood experiences and mental health outcomes.

11. Anticipatory Pleasure Skills Training: A New Intervention to Reduce Anhedonia in Schizophrenia
By Favrod, Jérôme et al. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3: p171-181
. Anhedonia is a challenging symptom of schizophrenia and remains largely recalcitrant to current pharmacological treatments. The goal of this exploratory pilot study was to assess if a cognitive–sensory intervention could improve anticipatory pleasure.
DESIGN AND METHODS. Five participants meeting the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edition, Text Revision) criteria for schizophrenia, presenting severe anhedonia and stabilized on atypical antipsychotic medication, received between 10 hours and 25 hours of training.
FINDINGS. Results show that the patients improved on the anticipatory scale of the Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale. Daily activities of the patients were also increased.
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. These preliminary data need to be interpreted with caution given the small sample of the study, but they offer promising paths to develop new interventions to alleviate anhedonia in schizophrenia. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

12. Women With ADHD: It Is an Explanation, Not the Excuse Du Jour
By Waite, Roberta. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3: p182-196
To call attention to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as a psychiatric disorder that can limit women's potential and overall well-being.
CONCLUSION. ADHD, a legitimate neurobiological disorder that is
often hidden, ignored, or misdiagnosed among women, causes them to struggle in silence. Proper interventions for women with ADHD that provide significant attention to context mitigate challenges across psychological, academic, occupational, and social domains. This should amend the diagnosis du jour concept, thereby supporting mechanisms to improve early intervention and positive outcomes.
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. Primary care practitioners play a
central role in recognition, intervention, and recovery of women with ADHD. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

13. Beliefs, Suffering, and Healing: A Clinical Practice Model for Families Experiencing Mental Illness
By Marshall, Amy et al. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3: p197-208
Mental illness often changes families' lives and relationships forever. A Family Systems Nursing framework is proposed for working collaboratively with families.
CONCLUSIONS. The Illness Beliefs Model (Wright & Bell, 2009 ) offers clinicians ways to target illness beliefs that may perpetuate or, alternatively, soften suffering.
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. We have learned from families that it is often not the family member with the illness who is suffering most, but rather, other family members. The complexity of “relational
suffering” challenges mental health nurses to acquire knowledge and skills to work with families to soften physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual suffering. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

14. A Study of the Situations, Features, and Coping Mechanisms Experienced by Irish Psychiatric Nurses Experiencing Moral Distress.
By Deady, Rick & McCarthy, Joan. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3: p209-220
The purpose of this study was to investigate moral distress in Irish psychiatric nurses.
DESIGN. A qualitative descriptive methodology was used.
FINDINGS. The study confirmed the presence of moral distress and the situations that gave rise to moral distress within psychiatric nurses working in acute care settings.
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. The findings indicate that while multidisciplinary teams appear to function well on the surface, situations that give rise to moral distress are not always acknowledged or dealt with effectively. Furthermore, unresolved moral conflict impacts upon the quality of clinical decision-making by not allowing open and transparent discussions that allow clinicians the opportunity to address their concerns adequately.

15. Post-Seclusion Debriefing: A Core Nursing Intervention
By Needham, Heather & Sands, Natisha. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, Jul 2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3: p221-233
The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency and type of post-seclusion debriefing provided by nurses at a psychiatric unit in Melbourne, Australia.
DESIGN AND METHODS: The study employed an exploratory research design. An analysis of the seclusion register was undertaken to identify the total number of seclusions over a 1-year period. A file audit tool was developed to identify seclusion debriefing interventions documented in consumer case files. FINDINGS: Post-seclusion debriefing is not routinely performed following an episode of seclusion.
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: A post-seclusion debriefing framework needs to be developed to support best practice in managing seclusion. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

16. Clinical Supervision for the Treatment of Adults With Severe Mental Illness: Pertinent Issues When Assisting Graduate Nursing Students
By Buck, Kelly D.& Lysaker, Paul H. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, Jul 2010, Vol 46 Issue 3: p234-243
There is little to guide advanced practice nurses to provide supervision for graduate students conducting psychotherapy with persons with serious mental illness. This article provides concrete suggestions for clinical supervision. CONCLUSIONS. Supervision should focus on assisting students to conduct recovery-based psychotherapy in terms of the therapeutic alliance, methods to provide empathy, collaborative goal setting, the management of countertransference, and the development of self-awareness.
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. In providing clinical supervision, preceptors should assist students to become more aware of their own thoughts and feelings as well as stigmatizing beliefs in order to help clients move toward recovery.

Journals Table of Contents

17. From LOGIC, Vol 9 - No.2, July 2010 [The official journal of the New Zealand College of Practice Nurses, NZNO]
Chair's Comment

17A. A fascinating Practice Nurse Cost Analysis Report [NZ Dr., May 2010)
In My Opinion
17B. Providing a pathway for the success of the new graduate
Feature - Men's Health
17C. John Kirwan: Example of a healthy man [National depression Initiative]
17D. The enigma of men's health: research into health inequalities for men
17E. Understanding pharmacology in males: A pharmacist explains
17F. M.E.N.: Must eat nutritionally
17G. Smoking cessation: Nurses lead the way; Young Maori smokers paying price
Website Reviews
17H. A review of useful and interesting online resources; New online networking site for clinicians
17I. Take your own pulse first: Dealing with the unexpected
17J. Medical outreach: Making a difference
17K. Conference report: Australian Practice Nurse Association (APNA)
Maori Health
Disparities in Maori Health: A way forward
17M. The use of rongoa Maori in health: Traditional Maori treatments
17N. Surviving postgraduate study - 5 survival tips

18. From Nursing Times, 20-26 July 2010, Vol 106, No. 28
18A. CNO tells nurses to carve out a role in GP-led NHS
18B. Warning over social enterprises; Council shift for public health staff; Urgent care role likely for nurses; Universities may close courses, warn academics
White paper reforms Equity and excellence: liberating the NHS
18D. Children and Young people; Maternity and Neonatal; Long term conditions; Acute Care; Mental Health; Public Health
18E. TV dramas must tune in to the truth to prevent misconceptions
18F. Detecting problems after Gastrostomy
18G. The high impact actions for nursing and midwifery 2: fit and well to care
18H. Spirituality 1: Should spiritual and religious beliefs be part of patient care?
18I. Offering spiritual support to dying patients and their families through a chaplaincy service
18J. After death 2: Exploring the procedures for laying out and preparing the body for viewing
18K. The NHS pension scheme is hardly a tax guzzling monster
18L. The good, the bad, and the ridiculously busy

Conferences, Training, seminars

including the New Zealand Health Professionals in Rheumatology (NZHPR)
19th – 22nd August 2010
Venue: Millennium Hotel, Christchurch
More information:

20. Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
Date: 9-10 September 2010
Venue: Centre for Global Action, L2 James Smith building, 49-55 Cuba Street, WELLINGTON

21. New Zealand Association Of Occupational Therapists Conference 2010
"Shifting Sands - Creating our Place"
Date: Wednesday 8th - Friday 10th September 2010
Venue: Rutherford Hotel, Nelson

22. 4th Australian & New Zealand Falls Prevention Society Conference
21-23 November, 2010
Venue: Dunedin, New Zealand
Programme available:

23. Connecting People and Technologies - Innovation in Rehabilitation
2011 New Zealand Rehabilitation Association Biennial Conference

Date: 3 – 6 March 2011
Venue: Hyatt Regency Auckland, New Zealand
More information:

24. NZCOSS Conference 2010: Coming of age - reaching sustainability
(New Zealand Council of Social Services)

This three-day conference will be the forum in which to learn about in the ways and means to more sustain families and communities within New Zealand society in general.
There will be two main themes for the programme:
The Family & Community Sustainability stream will be an opportunity to reflect supporting our most vulnerable but most important community institution, the family. What happens when they fall through the cracks? How can families survive economic hardship? How do we support those families with special health or financial needs? How is the family sustained? The Organisation & Sector Sustainability stream will look at the current environment - global environment, local environment and sector environment. How will organisations and community groups survive into the future? How do sector and community groups adapt to changing political environments? What is government's role in supporting the most vulnerable citizens?
More information:

News – National

25. District nurse thriving on 'very different' role now
Waikato Times - 31/7/2010
Heather Tucker believes district nursing has come a long way from bathing old men and cleaning out the local nurse's car. "That was nearly 35 years ago during my training days, but the job is very different now," she laughs. Ms Tucker is one of 270 district nurses working for Health Waikato and after 23 years in the job she said it was still a "fantastic and rewarding" role. "Not a day goes by that I don't get up and look forward to going to work," she said.

26. Minister looks at midwife training  
Waikato Times - 24/07/2010
Health Minister Tony Ryall has asked midwifery regulators to look at how graduate midwives can get more training before becoming lead maternity carers. "I have asked the Midwifery Council to look at how student and graduate midwives can gain more time attending births in secondary and tertiary hospitals," Mr Ryall said. This could see the currently optional Midwifery First Year of Practice programme made compulsory for all new graduates, who would be placed with a trained mentor and undergo training designed to ease them into practice

News - International

27. Recovery Sleep can makeup for lost ZZZ's
Let's be honest: Sleeping eight blissful hours every night is nothing but a dream for most people, especially during the hectic workweek. Weekends and vacations provide the few opportunities our chronically sleep deprived population has to catch up on some missed hours of shut-eye. Thankfully a new study just published in the journal Sleep has found that those periods of "recovery sleep" are good for us and can actually undo some of the damage caused by sleep deprivation

28. Energy drinks fuel dental epidemic
Sydney Morning Herald - August 3, 2010
Soft drinks and energy drinks are fuelling a silent epidemic of tooth erosion among Australian teenagers, dentists say. The Australian Dental Association (ADA) said recent research conducted in Australian schools found 68 per cent of students had at least one tooth showing signs of erosion. Association South Australian president Sharon Liberali said the problem with most soft drinks and energy drinks was their high acid levels.

29. No health deal with WA before poll 
Sydney Morning Herald - August 2, 2010
Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon has all but ruled out coming to an agreement with Western Australia over the federal government's national health reform plan before the election. But she says it will be "one of the first things" the Labor government will address if re-elected. WA was the only state not to sign up to COAG's health agreement in April, spearheaded by former prime minister Kevin Rudd.

30. Low-carb diet trumps low-fat on 'good' cholesterol
Monday, August 2, 2010 - in Health & Medicine
NEW YORK (AP) -- Over the long term, a low-carb diet works just as well as a low-fat diet at taking off the pounds - and it might be better for your heart, new research suggests. Both diets improved cholesterol in a two-year study that included intensive group counseling. But those on the low-carbohydrate diet got a bigger boost in their so-called good cholesterol, nearly twice as much as those on low-fat. In previous studies, low-carb diets have done better at weight loss at six months, but longer-term results have been mixed. And there's been a suggestion of better cholesterol from low-carb eating.

31. Hands-only CPR, pushy dispatchers are lifesavers
Wednesday, July 28, 2010 - in Health & Medicine
ATLANTA (AP) -- More bystanders are willing to attempt CPR if an emergency dispatcher gives them firm and direct instructions - especially if they can just press on the chest and skip the mouth-to-mouth, according to new research. The two new studies conclude that "hands-only" chest compression is enough to save a life. They are the largest and most rigorous yet to suggest that breathing into a victim's mouth isn't needed in most cases. The American Heart Association has been promoting hands-only CPR for two years, though it's not clear how much it's caught on. The new studies should encourage dispatchers and bystanders to be more aggressive about using the simpler technique.



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