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Issue 126 - 5 March 2010


Contemporary Nurse
1. Editorial: Who says we’re all equal?: Gender as an issue for nurses and nursing care. Contemporary Nurse, Volume 33, Number 2, October 2009: p98-102
Welcome to this special collection of papers about gender and nursing. Developing this collection has not been an easy task. Nurses currently seem remarkably reluctant to address gender, either as an issue in patient care or within their own profession. This seems rather strange considering the number of reports about health inequalities in which gender plays a well-documented part (see for example Longinotto & Ayisi 2005; UNICEF 2008, 2009; WHO 2008a). Despite the many advances in health care, there remain marked differences in the ways in which men and women experience their health and the extent to which services meet their particular needs.

2. Resisting gender-bias: Insights from Western Australian middle-level women nurses. Contemporary Nurse, Volume 33, Number 2, October 2009: p103-119
Abstract: An integrated feminist postmodernist ethnography was applied to explore the experiences of eight women nurses working in the corporate sector and/or management in public hospitals in Western Australia. Data were collected through participant observation, the researcher's field notes and journal and through semi-structured critical conversations. Data were analysed by the application of a trifocal analytic method (Glass & Davis 2004; Savage 2000b). This approach, consistent with the methodology, examined the data at multiple levels by applying realist, feminist and feminist postmodern lens which allowed the data to remain relevant to each participant, avoided objectifying the participants and uncovered knowledge relevant to the nursing profession.

3. Men in nursing: Re-evaluating masculinities, re-evaluating gender. Contemporary Nurse, Volume 33, Number 2, October 2009: p120-129
Abstract: This paper critically interrogates and re-evaluates the notion that it is somehow difficult being a man in nursing and suggests some ways forward which will allow us to gain a more politically astute purchase on gender, nursing and the socio-political context in which the profession operates. Men appear to be well served by a career in nursing. Despite their lesser numbers they are likely to earn more and be promoted into leadership roles more readily.

4. Condom use in men who have sex with men: A literature review. Contemporary Nurse, Volume 33, Number 2, October 2009: p130-139
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present a review of the literature on the key issues impacting on the decisions, by men who have sex with men, to use, or not use, condoms for anal intercourse. 250 publications were accessed, reviewed, read and sorted; 200 of these were research based and 50 were opinion pieces of work. In addition, 240 of the 250 had undergone a peer review process. The review presented here shows that men who have sex with men communities are a heterogeneous group and their reasons for engaging in unprotected anal intercourse are inter-related and diverse.

5. Building a responsive network of support and advocacy for older African American homeless women through developmental action research. Contemporary Nurse, Volume 33, Number 2, October 2009: p140-160
Abstract: This paper describes the Leaving Homelessness Intervention Research Project (LHIRP), a multimodal intervention that
addresses the structural barriers and personal issues older African American women face in overcoming homelessness in a large mid-western city of the United States. The project incorporates a developmental action research design in partnership with homeless and formerly homeless women. Through developmental testing of interventions, LHIRP identifies promising practices at the individual, group life, intentional community, and city levels. The paper offers a rationale for the integration of both developmental research and action research, particularly community-based participatory inquiry.

6. Birthing on country: An elusive ideal? Contemporary Nurse, Volume 33, Number 2, October 2009: p161-162
The concept of birthing on country for Aboriginal people means having babies born on traditional lands, and more recently the term is used to indicate the desire of Aboriginal communities to have our babies born in our communities. Being born on country connects an Aboriginal person to the land and community in a deeply cultural way and affords life-long privileges such as hunting and fishing rights, as well as lifelong responsibilities for looking after country, both land and people. For Aboriginal women, birthing has moved from the personal to the political as governments provide policies about what is 'best' for Aboriginal women and their babies.

7. Epilogue: Nursing, gender, aporia. Contemporary Nurse, Volume 33, Number 2, October 2009: p163-165
As my co-editor Paula McGee (2009) rightly notes, this collection of papers on gender and nursing was difficult to assemble. Despite the fact that our call for abstracts was catholic in its scope and had to be extended a number of times to increase the possibility that papers would eventually amass to form a special issue of Contemporary Nurse, alas this was not to transpire; both Paula and I pondered and vexed over this problem during the many, many months of this collection's gestation. To be honest neither of us could muster a plausible theory as to why the issue of nursing and gender failed to grab the individual and collective imaginations of our colleagues.

8. Stigma reported by nurses related to those experiencing drug and alcohol dependency: A phenomenological Giorgi study. Contemporary Nurse, Volume 33, Number 2, October 2009: p166-178
Alcohol and drug dependency is a widespread health and social issue encountered by registered nurses in contemporary practice. A study aiming to describe the experiences of registered nurses working in an alcohol and drug unit in South East Queensland was implemented. Data were analysed via Giorgi's phenomenological method and an unexpected but significant finding highlighted the frustration felt by registered nurses regarding experiences of stigma they identified in their daily work encounters.

9. A good beginning: The long-term effects of a clinical communication programme. Contemporary Nurse, Volume 33, Number 2, October 2009: p179-190.
Abstract: Nursing students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds play a valuable role in meeting the health care needs of multi-ethnic and multi-lingual societies. However, such students may not succeed during clinical placements due to difficulties with spoken communication. This paper presents the long-term effects of a language programme that aimed to improve students' spoken communication on clinical placements.

10. Problem based learning (PBL): A conundrum. Contemporary Nurse, Volume 33, Number 2, October 2009: p191-201
Problem Based Learning (PBL) using minimal guided instruction is used as an educational strategy across a broad variety of disciplines in the tertiary sector. This paper includes some of the strengths and weaknesses of PBL, both in general and in relation to the health care setting, encompassing some of its philosophical underpinnings and its methodological approach.

11. Ethics of pharmaceutical company relationships with the nursing profession: No free lunch….and no more pens? Contemporary Nurse, Volume 33, Number 2, October 2009: p202-209
Abstract: In recent years, nurses have increasingly become recipients of pharmaceutical company gifts, funding and sponsorship
There has been little discussion in the nursing literature, however, of the ethical and professional implications of nurses' acceptance of such sponsorship. This article examines ethical issues related to the issue of nurses' accepting benefits from pharmaceutical companies (and other commercial enterprises).

12. Experiences of graduate registered nurses in aged care: A case study. Contemporary Nurse, Volume 33, Number 2, October 2009: p210-223
The number of Registered Nurses (RNs) working in aged care is declining, with few new RNs choosing aged care in their graduate year. This paper describes a study exploring 11 female graduate RNs' experiences of working in an aged care setting in Victoria, Australia to assist in informing recruitment and retention strategies in aged care. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken and thematically analysed using open coding Journals - Table of Contents

13. From Canadian Nurse, January 2010, Volume 106, Number 1
A shot in the arm for collaboration (Health care providers, organizations and sectors coming together in the spirit of co-operation - H1N1 flu pandemic)
. A team approach to better care
13C. Nursing leaders among Canada's most powerful women (Judith Shamian; Sally Thorne; Christine Power; Connie Clerici)
13D. Development, diplomacy and eliminating health disparities
13E. Chronic disease by the numbers
13F. IDF and Canadian diabetes guidelines in step
The Women's healthy heart clinic
13H. Delegates study "start-to-finish" care
13I. Make good on Infoway promise, Harper told; Raise your voice in support of research
13J. Certification application made easy; Members encouraged to submit resolutions
13K. Supporting your practice: CNA's new tools and resources
13L. Chronic illness is one part of a life story
Socio-Economic status and rates of hospital admission for chronic disease in urban Canada
13N. Managing arthritis from a position of strength

14. From TQN The Queensland Nurse, Vol 28, No. 6, December 2009
14A. Well placed at the national level
What the community needs and deserves [Comments on the government's amendment to the Health Legislation Amendment Bill
14C. Anchoring action with our values
QNU helps members win ATO appeal; New laws give assistance dogs access; New domestic violence program supports
people and pets
14E. New patient safety legislation for Queensland; Nurses driving while sleepy; Aged care nurses older than their  colleagues
14F. Queensland refers IR powers to Commonwealth; Survey on computer support for medication processes
14G. Search for the Centaur to begin; Indigenous Queenslanders urged to speak up; Union membership up
14H. Calls for super reform to reduce poverty among women; Women workers losing out
14I. Unions support humane treatment of asylum seekers; Super good for economy; Australians continue to work more; Aged care matters
14J. Thousands support day of Action for aged care; Aged care nurses talk the talk
14K. Professional nursing judgement - keeping the system safe
14L. Let them eat fish [In an attempt to tackle workforce 'problems' some employers have implemented motivational tools which they claim create a positive working environment]
No easy fix for alcohol problem
14N. You and your new nurses' award
14O. What you need to know about national registration and accreditation
14P. Unions hope for better health and safety laws
14Q. Continuing competency requirements for RN midwives
14R. The quiet achiever [Biggenden Hospital nurse Linda Fuller, who was recently upgraded to an Enrolled Nurse Advanced Practice(ENAP) position]
14S. Support for nurses in the bush; 2010 QNU Training; Members raise issues with Health Ministers
14T. Queensland's emerging nurse leader; Congratulations Judy! - Judy Matthews was honoured last month at the 2009 Emma Miller Awards in Brisbane
14U. QNU members star in upcoming film
14V. Balanced option; How to protect your pay packet

Conferences, Training and Seminars

15. 6th annual international conference of The Telemedicine Society of India ( Telemedicon '10)
14-16, November 2010
Venue:  Bhubaneswar, Telemedicine Center, SCB Medical College, Cuttack under the aegis of the Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Orissa. 
Theme of the conference: Bridging Knowledge Divide through Distance Medical Education.
Content: The first day will be exclusively dedicated to CME program and the other two days will cover all other issues relating to application, innovation and audit in the field of telemedicine. This is the first such event in Telemedicine being organized in the eastern region of India. About 500 delegates from inside and outside the country are expected to participate in the conference.
More information:

16. Innovation in Action: The Power of Nursing
Canadian Nurses Association Annual Meeting and Biennial Convention 2010
June 7-9, 2010
Venue: World Trade and Convention Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia
To register:

News – National

17. Stretched staff fear for patients
Nelson Mail - 4 March 2010
Nelson Hospital staff are worried that cost cutting will harm services and patient safety. Government pressure is going on the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board over its deteriorating deficit, and its heads have already had to front up to Health Minister Tony Ryall to explain its recovery plan.

18. Telecom scrambles to appease DHBs
Dominion Post - 5 March, 2010
Telecom is scrambling to offer health providers alternatives to its beleaguered XT network as a third district health board confirms it is considering dropping its contract. The Dominion Post reported yesterday that Hutt Valley and Capital & Coast district health boards had asked to switch to another network, saying the problems with XT were putting patients at risk if on-call doctors could not be contacted.

19. Bid to reinstate nurse rejected
A senior Canterbury mental-health nurse has lost a bid to return to work after being dismissed over a relationship with a patient. The nurse, who has name suppression, had been employed by the Canterbury District Health Board for 27 years before being fired on February 5.

News - International

20. Top bureaucrat casts doubt on hospital overhaul 
The Age - March 5, 2010
One of Australia's most distinguished health bureaucrats has cast doubt on the ability of Kevin Rudd to deliver his hospitals plan, saying it would be ''extraordinarily difficult'' to implement key proposals. The warning came as Health Minister Nicola Roxon said she could not rule out tax increases to pay for the hospitals funding overhaul, which is still facing resistance from several states, including Victoria.

21. Last-ditch bid for US health bill
The Age - 5 March, 2010
US President Barack Obama has called for an end to America's bitter and divisive debate over healthcare reform, committing Democrats to a last-ditch effort to pass laws expected to extend health insurance cover to an extra 30 million Americans. To do so, Mr Obama confirmed the use of a parliamentary tactic known as reconciliation, but shrugged off Republican charges that its use would amount to an abuse of power

22. FDA recalls some foods with flavor enhancer HVP
(CNN) -- Federal health authorities announced Thursday the recall of a commonly used flavor enhancer after samples of the product were found to contain salmonella. "I would say it's likely to be in thousands of food products," said Dr. Jenny Scott, senior adviser to the director at the Office of Food Safety at the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, about the product, called hydrolyzed vegetable protein, also called HVP.

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