Article - Covid 19 Vaccines
- COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals
Articles – Vaping
- Association between E-cigarette use and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in non-asthmatic adults in the USA
- Scientists Still Don't Know the Long-term Effects of Vaping on Pulmonary Function. Here's What We Know So Far.
- Vaping education in baccalaureate nursing curriculum and effects on practice: A cross-sectional exploratory study.
- The Chronic Nature of Smoking and Vaping: A Comprehensive Analysis
- Current Practice to Address Adolescent Vaping in Primary Care
- E-Cigarettes Versus Adolescent Health: The Rise of Vaping
- Electronic Cigarette and Vaping-Associated Lung Injury: Basic Information for Nurses
Selected articles - Journal of Perioperative Nursing, Spring 2023
- Busting persistent myths about perioperative hypothermia.
- Exploring the feasibility of using virtual reality as a non-pharmacological intervention to alleviate patient fear of needles during medical treatment: A study protocol.
- Liquid gold: A discussion of the significance of using intra-operative cell salvage in hip and knee arthroplasty.
- Peripheral nerve catheter securement: A narrative literature review.
Articles – Telehealth
- Telehealth in the management of diabetes in regional and remote First Nations populations in Australia: where are the gaps?
- Offsite primary care providers using telehealth to support a sustainable workforce in rural and remote general practice: A rapid review of the literature.
- Clinical and cost-effectiveness of telehealth for Indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people: a scoping review.
Table of Contents
- The Dissector: Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation, January 2024
Table of Contents
- The Outlet: New Zealand Stomal Therapy Nurses, November 2023
- Stroke: Enhancing your day to day practice
National news
- Urgent action needed to prevent a measles epidemic in Aotearoa New Zealand
International news
- When my parents went into aged care, I helped clear out my childhood home - and realised that I need to live lighter
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Article - Covid 19 Vaccines
1.COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals
The Global COVID Vaccine Safety (GCoVS) Project, established in 2021 under the multinational Global Vaccine Data Network™ (GVDN®), facilitates comprehensive assessment of vaccine safety. This study aimed to evaluate the risk of adverse events of special interest (AESI) following COVID-19 vaccination from 10 sites across eight countries.
Articles – Vaping
2. Association between E-cigarette use and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in non-asthmatic adults in the USA
Godfred O. Antwi, Darson L. Rhode
Journal of Public Health | Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 158–164 |
Concern about the health impacts of e-cigarette use is growing; however, limited research exists regarding potential long-term health effects of this behavior. This study explored the relationship between e-cigarette use and COPD in a sample of US adults.
3. Scientists Still Don’t Know the Long-term Effects of Vaping on Pulmonary Function. Here’s What We Know So Far.
RT: The Journal for Respiratory Care Practitioners (RT), May/Jun2022; 35(3): 15-17
The article presents the discussion on potential risks of e-cigarettes and screening early with pulmonary function testing. Topics include emerging research showing that many of the lung irritants found in e-cigarettes being far from harmless and some e-cigarettes in circulation coming with unexpected additives; and experiencing a decrease in lung function detectable on pulmonary function testing. Clinicians agree that counselling patients on the potential risks of e-cigarettes and screening early with pulmonary function testing can reduce harm, but there is still a lot to learn about the health consequences of e-cigarettes.
4. Vaping education in baccalaureate nursing curriculum and effects on practice: A cross-sectional exploratory study
Heather Ferrillo., Sherylyn Watson & Julia Saglimbeni
Nurse Education Today, 2022-05-01, Volume 112, Article 105339.
Vaping has become increasingly more prevalent, and nurses need to understand the risks, assess health effects, and provide education on vaping cessation and avoidance. The purpose of the study was to evaluate nursing students' vaping behaviors and knowledge as well as the extent that vaping education is integrated into curriculum and clinical practice.
5. The Chronic Nature of Smoking and Vaping: A Comprehensive Analysis
Larider Ruffin., Brenda Ross Swilley., Judith A. Berg., Brenda Douglass., Widlyne Ruffin & Mary Padden-Denmead
Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 2024-02-01, Volume 20, Issue 2, Article 104903.
Smoking accounts for >16 million Americans living with chronic diseases. The chronic nature of smoking and vaping adverse effects on human health is addressed in this report. Through an in-depth exploration of the physiologic and psychological mechanisms involved, this report underscores the urgency of addressing the public health implications of these habits.
6. Current Practice to Address Adolescent Vaping in Primary Care
Nicole Ward., Fermin Renteria., Elizabeth Riley., Marilyn Faye Hughes., Teresa Whited & Jessica Binz
Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 2023-10-01, Volume 19, Issue 9, Article 104751
Adolescent vaping usage has grown exponentially over the last decade. Studies have demonstrated increased vaping use in adolescents because of the ease of concealment and the use of vaping and e-cigarette devices. The purpose of this article is to educate health care providers about the current practices surrounding screening and treatment for adolescents who vape.
7. E-Cigarettes Versus Adolescent Health: The Rise of Vaping
Suzan U. Graham & Heide S. Temples
Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 2020-09-01, Volume 34, Issue 5, Pages 442-445
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), introduced to the U.S. market in 2007, were a unique technology not subject to the same hard-fought restrictions placed on tobacco ( McBride, 2014 ). Whereas laws on tobacco products had appeared to reduce traditional cigarette use by high school students from 15.8% to 9.3% between 2011 and 2015, e-cigarette use increased to 16% at the same time (Jenssen & Wilson, 2017 ). This article reviews policies regarding tobacco and e-cigarettes, the resulting adolescent health concerns, and recommendations for advocating changes in policy.
8. Electronic Cigarette and Vaping-Associated Lung Injury: Basic Information for Nurses
Schuetz, Eric
Journal of Radiology Nursing, Published May 31, 2021. Volume 40, Issue 2. Pages 152-156
Electronic cigarette and vaping-associated lung injury (EVALI) is a more recent type of lung injury. Initial complaints of presenting patients include respiratory, gastrointestinal, and constitutional symptoms. Chest x-ray imaging studies show bilateral opacities, and computed tomography scans show diffuse, ground-glass opacities often with subpleural spacing. Through rigorous public health surveillance, ultimately, it was determined to be highly associated with the vaping of black-market THC liquid containing vitamin E oil. This article will address the types of devices used, the chemistry involved in vaping, the possible adverse effects, and the circumstances that led to this phenomenon.
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Selected articles - Journal of Perioperative Nursing, Spring 2023
9. Busting persistent myths about perioperative hypothermia.
Duff, Jed
Journal of Perioperative Nursing, Spring 2023. 36(3), e-1-e-2. 3p
Perioperative hypothermia occurs when a patient’s core temperature drops below 36 °C during their surgical journey. Perioperative hypothermia prevention is a classic example of an evidence–practice gap. Despite proven prevention methods, as many as half of all surgical patients continue to experience perioperative hypothermia.
10. Exploring the feasibility of using virtual reality as a non-pharmacological intervention to alleviate patient fear of needles during medical treatment: A study protocol.
Gilbertson, Craig J., Rasekaba, Tshepo & Blackberry, Irene
Journal of Perioperative Nursing, Spring2023. 36(3): e-12-e-18. 9p
An extreme fear of needles results in patients avoiding procedures that involve needle exposure, potentially compromising their health outcomes. Virtual reality is a simulated three-dimensional environment created using an audio-visual headset that may reduce patients' level of anxiety during needle exposure. The primary aim of the study is to determine the feasibility of using virtual reality to manage anxiety and reduce fear during intravenous cannulation.
11. Liquid gold: A discussion of the significance of using intra-operative cell salvage in hip and knee arthroplasty.
Hilario, Irene & Foran, Paula
Journal of Perioperative Nursing, Spring 2023. 36(3), e-19-e-23. 6p
Blood management is a vital component of a patient's journey in the perioperative environment. There is a call to incorporate intra-operative cell salvage (ICS) into blood management protocols across hospitals in Australia where invasive and major surgeries have the potential to result in massive blood loss.
12. Peripheral nerve catheter securement: A narrative literature review.
Wiesel, Joshua M.; Findlay, Bernadette R.; Li Ching Ooi; Stevens, Jennifer A. & Hadzic, Renata.
Journal of Perioperative Nursing, Spring 2023. 36(3), e-36-e-42. 9p
Peripheral nerve catheters are commonly used to provide analgaesia and improve patient outcomes. Catheter dislodgment, displacement or leakage can result in premature cessation of analgaesic effect. There are currently no published guidelines for how to secure peripheral nerve catheters. This narrative review explores and integrates the available research into the efficacy of peripheral nerve catheter securement products and techniques to reduce catheter dislodgement and displacement.
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Articles – Telehealth
13. Telehealth in the management of diabetes in regional and remote First Nations populations in Australia: where are the gaps?
Tseng, Brenda; Vanniasinkam, Thiru
Australian Journal of Medical Science, Feb 2023. 44(1), 20-26. 7p
First Nations Australians in regional areas diagnosed with diabetes can face challenges such as difficulty accessing health care, leading to poor health outcomes. This study aimed to review the literature on the use of telehealth to manage diabetes in these populations. A systematic review of the literature based upon PRISMA guidelines was conducted from 2010 to 2021 using keywords relevant to the management of diabetes via telehealth, with a focus on First Nations communities.
14. Offsite primary care providers using telehealth to support a sustainable workforce in rural and remote general practice: A rapid review of the literature.
Calleja, Zoe; Job, Jennifer & Jackson, Claire
Australian Journal of Rural Health, Feb 2023. 31(1): 5-18. 14p
Rural and remote general practices face increasing demands for care without the workforce required to meet patient needs. The coronavirus pandemic has created an opportunity to explore sustainable, telehealth?driven solutions to this chronic and complex problem. Objective: This review examined interventions using offsite primary care providers to deliver ongoing patient care via telehealth to support rural and remote general practices. We aimed to understand the impact of such interventions on the Quadruple Aim (patient experience, provider experience, health care costs, and health outcomes).
15. Clinical and cost-effectiveness of telehealth for Indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people: a scoping review.
Cardona, Magnolia; Fien, Samantha; Myooran, Jananee; Hunter, Carol; Dillon, Anne; Lewis, Ebony; Browning, Melissa; Lewis, Lou & Ní Chróinín, Danielle.
Ethnicity & Health, Jan 2023. 28(1), 114-135. 22p
Health inequalities for Indigenous people and culturally diverse patients or remote area dwellers are well established. Models of care such as telehealth might have the potential to reduce the disparity of access to health services for Indigenous and culturally diverse ethnic groups. To examine the modalities and clinical and non-clinical effectiveness of telehealth services available to people from Indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD).
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Table of Contents
Copes of these articles can be requested from the NZNO Library. [email protected]
16. The Dissector: Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation, January 2024
16A. Editorial-Bron Taylor: This is it [Welcome to the final issue in print format]
16B. TableTalk: Embracing the future [Dissector going digital; 2024 PNC Conference]
16C. News: Finau Fakai joins editorial committee; 2024 PNC Conference Wellington October 17-19; First editorial The Dissector, September 1974
16D. Perioperative Nurses College NZNO 2023 Awards
16E. Life Membership: Leigh Anderson (RN, MN)
16F. Regional Reports: PNC Wellington; Central North Island
16G. Perioperative Nurses College NZNO Chairperson’s Annual Report 2022-23
16H. The Dissector Annual Report
16I. Friends of Fiji Heart Foundation (FOFHF) Mission Colonial War Hospital, Suva – 2023
16J. Trans-catheter aortic valve implantation: The keys to best practice outcomes [Murray Hart]
16K. Providing ultrasound-guided peripheral access training in a regional hospital [Catherine Freebairn]
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Table of Contents
Copes of these articles can be requested from the NZNO Library. [email protected]
17. The Outlet: New Zealand Stomal Therapy Nurses, November 2023
17A. Your executive committee members
17B. Chairperson’s report [Emma Ludlow]
17C. Editor’s report [Preeti Charan & Marie Buchanan]
17D. Nurse profile: Mary Vendeti, Clinical Nurse Specialist (Ostomy)
17E. Do I need a multivitamin? [Teresa Mitchell-Paterson]
17F. Emma McCutcheon testimonial [My experience with having a fistula and what it was like using my refeeding device]
17G. Writing in The Outlet [Guidelines]
17H. Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Stomal Therapy Services Contact Details – Feb 2023
17I. Awards and grants – available to all members of NZNOCSTN
17J. Policy for Bernadette Hart Award
17K. Application for Bernadette Hart Award
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18. Stroke: Enhancing your day to day practice
Date: 19 March 2024
Venue: Avon Room, Christchurch Town Hall, Kilmore Street, Christchurch Central City, Christchurch, New Zealand
Stroke study day for Health Professionals from across the continuum of care focused on improving the quality of care we provide.
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National news
19. Urgent action needed to prevent a measles epidemic in Aotearoa New Zealand
PHCC – 22 February 2024
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International news
20. When my parents went into aged care, I helped clear out my childhood home – and realised that I need to live lighter
After sifting through monuments of childhood, Margaret McNally realised it was time to confront her own belongings – and those of her late husband
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