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12 October 2020, Issue 17 - Racism/Discrimination; Assaults on Nurses; Handovers; Journal of Infection Prevention September 2020


The following books can be borrowed by current NZNO members, for a period of 4 weeks.  Please provide a physical address so that the books can be couriered out to you.

1. Tooth and veil: The life and times of the New Zealand dental nurse [WA 350 OHA]
O'Hare, Noel
Massey University Press, 2020
Backgrounds the post-World War 1 formation of the School Dental Service and details nurses' experiences on the front line of dental health.  Reveals what their experiences imply about NZ society's attitudes to women, work and children's health.

2. Medical cannabis: A brief guide for New Zealanders [QV 766 HOL]
Holt, Shaun & Dalton, Emma
Published 2019
Provides an overview of its history and summarises the latest research into potential benefits and risks of using cannabis as a medicine.

3. Measuring capacity to care using nursing data [WY 26.5 HOV]
Hovenga, Evelyn J.S. & Lowe, Cherrie
Academic Press, 2020
Presents evidence-based solutions to safe staffing principles and health delivery strategies.  Teaches how to use informatics to collect, share, link and process data to meet health service demands.  Includes measurement of nursing care demand and nursing models of care.

4. Communication in palliative nursing: The COMFORT model [WY 152 WIT]
Wittenberg, Elaine., Goldsmith, J. V. & Ragan, S. L.
Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 2020
Outlines the components of the COMFORT model of palliative care communication: C -- Connect, O -- Options, M -- Making Meaning, F -- Family Caregivers, O -- Openings, R -- Relating, T -- Team.  Teaches nurses to consider a universal model of communication that aligns with the holistic nature of palliative care.

5. Role development in professional nursing practice [WY 16 MAS]
Masters, Kathleen
5th ed. 2020
Addresses the themes of teamwork and collaboration, communication, leadership, quality improvement and safety, evidence-based practice and informatics, maintaining the focus on professional role socialisation.  Integrates the Nurse of the Future Competency Model.

6. Relative strangers: A mother's adoption memoir [WZ 100 MUR]
Murdoch, Pip
Gives a nurse's first-hand account of what it was like to become pregnant while training to become a nurse, and having to surrender the baby for adoption.  Follows her story throughout the intervening years as she traces her son and becomes a part of his adult life.
Fern Publishing, 2019

Articles – Racism/Discrimination/Ageism in the workplace

7. How you can tackle casual racism and microaggression in the NHS
Jennifer Trueland
Nursing Management, September 2020. 27(5), 14-17. doi: 10.7748/nm.27.5.14.s6

The steps every nurse can take to confront unconscious bias and be an authentic ally. A toy monkey being left on top of the locker of a black member of staff, a comment from a passing consultant that if a black colleague had been on television it must have been Crimewatch, being passed over for jobs or promotions because of the colour of your skin – or conversely, being told you had got the job to fulfil a diversity quota.

8. Exploring health and social care professionals’ initial perceptions of caring for trans patients Martina Inessa Kirlew., Helen Lord & Joey Weber
Nursing Standard, May 2020. doi: 10.7748/ns.2020.e11383

Aim: To investigate the initial perceptions that health and social care professionals have when caring for trans patients.
Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest there is a need to develop trans awareness training for staff working in areas of practice that are likely to provide care for trans people, such as acute care, emergency departments and mental health services.

9. Is racism in the NHS being tackled effectively – or is it getting worse?
Stephanie Jones-Berry
Nursing Standard. 34 (10), 19-21. doi: 10.7748/ns.34.10.19.s10

Trivialising racism as a ‘minority issue’ ignores its wider impact on staff, organisations and patients. The NHS was built on, and continues to depend on, a diverse workforce. Yet the proportion of staff from black and minority ethnic (BME) backgrounds in England who reported incidents of discrimination rose from 13.8% to 15% between 2017 and 2018.

10. Developing cultural competence in caring for LGBTQI+ patients
Matthew Grundy-Bowers & Max Read
Nursing Standard, June 2019. doi: 10.7748/ns.2019.e11390

This article encourages nurses to reflect on their unique position to champion the rights of vulnerable people, as well as their role in improving the healthcare experience of LGBTQI+ patients in the future. It also discusses safety issues and special considerations for LGBTQI+ patients, including those related to sexual health, mental health and intellectual disabilities.

11. No place for ageism in health care
Nina Mitchell, Second-year mental health nursing student, Birmingham City University
Nursing Standard, March 2017. 31, 29, 36-36. doi: 10.7748/ns.31.29.36.s41

A clinical placement working with older people opened Nina Mitchell’s eyes to how ageist attitudes affect patients. Ageism was not something I thought about during my training, but I became aware of it on a clinical placement working with older people, some of whom had dementia.

Articles –  Nursing handovers

12. Tips for successful nursing handovers on every shift
Maria Jennings
Nursing Management, September 2020. 27 (5), 13-13. doi: 10.7748/nm.27.5.13.s5

To make the most of handovers clear communication between staff is critical, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on my experience of working as a nurse at various levels, these are some of my tips for making handovers as effective as possible.

13.  Making handovers more effective
Lynne Pearce
Nursing Standard, December 2018. 33 (9), 42-44. doi: 10.7748/ns.33.9.42.s16

Handovers after a busy shift can be stressful and rushed, but improving the process is important to improving care and optimising patient outcomes. Handovers are an essential part of everyday nursing practice and a key part of ensuring patient safety, yet many happen at the end of a shift when staff are tired and waiting to go home.

14. Why bedside handovers can be better for patients
Lynne Pearce
Nursing Standard, March 2018. 33 (1), 20-22. doi: 10.7748/ns.33.1.20.s11

Bringing the handover to the bedside gives patients the chance to ask questions and be heard – but only if they are viewed as an active participant. ‘A handover is one of those nursing rituals that seems to work very differently depending on the ward and the person who is doing it,’ says Christine Norton, professor of nursing at the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, King’s College London.

Articles – Violence Against Nurses


15. Tougher law is only part of the solution
Nursing Standard, 01 May 2019. doi: 10.7748/ns.34.5.5.s1

Editorial: ‘Staff do not come to work to be assaulted, abused, spat at or attacked, and we will not tolerate any such behaviour.’

16. Violence against nurses: tougher penalties are just the first step
Nursing Standard, 03 October 2018. doi: 10.7748/ns.33.7.35.s16

In emergency departments, mental health wards and in the community, nurses go to work every day at risk of assault by those they care for.

17. Nurses abused over COVID-19 fears
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal, Jul-Sep2020. 26(11), 17-17

The article talks about the abuses that healthcare workers in Australia have experienced as cases of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) grew nationally. Topics covered include the fear among the public that healthworkers may be spreading the disease, reports received by the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives' Association (NSWNMA) from members who had been abused, and the introduction of laws to protect frontline workers during COVID-19.

Journal – Table Of Contents

Journal of Infection Prevention, Volume 21 Issue 5, September 2020

18A. Editorial: WHO Year of the Nurse and Midwife: More clean and educated hands for all
Alexandra Peters, Victor Cegarra Palao, Nasim Lotfinejad & Didier Pittet
18B. The average peak time and intensity of seasonal influenza may vary by age: a study of laboratory confirmed influenza
Bhikhari P Tharu
18C. Comparing national point prevalence surveys of healthcare-associated infection and antimicrobial prescribing: a methodological approach to adjust for differences in case-mix
Cheryl L Gibbons, Shona Cairns, Aynsley Milne, Melissa Llano, Jennifer Weir, Chris Robertson & Jacqui S Reilly
18D. Diagnosis, prevention and control of urinary tract infections: a survey of routine practices in Belgian nursing homes
Katrien Latour, Jan De Lepeleire, Béatrice Jans, Frank Buntinx & Boudewijn Catry
18E. Outbreak investigation of Candida auris at a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan
Joveria Q Farooqi, Asad S Soomro, Mirza A Baig, Shamoona F Sajjad, Kamran Hamid et al.
18F. What are acute NHS trusts in England doing to prevent the cross-border spread of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae?
Sharon Mawdsley
18G. How to save time in surveillance without losing quality: comparison of two methods of surgical site infection surveillance in orthopaedic prosthetics in a French university hospital
Elisabetta Kuczewski, Elodie Munier-Marion, Sélilah Amour, Thomas Bénet, MD, Frédéric Rongieras, Olivier Monneuse & Philippe Vanhems


19. HiNZ Networking Events - November 2020
To give the HiNZ community an opportunity to meet in-person before the end of 2020, HiNZ is running three networking events.
The guest speaker at the event is Shayne Hunter, Deputy Director General of Data and Digital, Ministry of Health

AUCKLAND - Thursday 19 November 2020, 5-7pm
CHRISTCHURCH - Monday 23 November 2020, 5-7pm
WELLINGTON - Wednesday 25 November 2020, 5-7pm
Register here:

News – National

20. COVID-19 can last almost a month on smartphones and ATMs, CSIRO finds
Melbourne Age, October 12, 2020 — 8.30am
The virus that causes COVID-19 can last up to 28 days on surfaces like mobile phone and ATM screens, much longer than previously thought, but lasts for much less time on softer surfaces, new CSIRO research shows. On glass, stainless steel and paper banknotes, the virus lasted for up to 28 days at 20 degrees.
The Age - COVID can last almost a month on smartphones

21. New clues on who gets mild or severe Covid-19 symptoms
NewztalkZB - 1 October 2020
One of Covid-19′s scariest mysteries is why some people are mildly ill or have no symptoms and others rapidly die — and scientists are starting to unravel why. An international team of researchers found that in some people with severe Covid-19, the body goes rogue and attacks one of its own key immune defenses instead of fighting the coronavirus. Most were men, helping to explain why the virus is hitting men harder than women.
NewztalkZB-New clues on who gets mild or severe COVID19

News – International

22. Amid the chaos of COVID-19, heartwarming text messages remind us of the value of friendship
ABC Radio Melbourne, Friday 25 September 2020
COVID-19 - Value of Friendship

23. Europe must go beyond science to survive Covid crisis, says WHO
The World Health Organization has said European countries will need to “move beyond biomedical science” to overcome Covid-19 as “pandemic fatigue” and new infections rapidly rise across the continent.
The Guardian-Go Beyond Science to survive COVID

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