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17 June 2020, Issue 9: Nurse Leadership; Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing and more....

2020 - New Zealand Health and Disability System Review

The Final Report – Pūrongo Whakamutunga has now been released.
Download the report or view the Executive Overview.

Open access (free) evidence based resources on COVID19

American Society for Microbiology
ASM is providing free access to nearly 50 research articles published over the last year in ASM’s 16 scholarly journals to support research efforts and communications about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). ASM has also committed to making all of its COVID19 and coronavirus related publications, and the available data supporting them, immediately accessible in PubMed Central (PMC) and other public repositories.
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources (ASM)

Annual Reviews
Annual Reviews is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to synthesizing and integrating knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society. Annual Reviews has set up a resource center for articles that are freely available.
Research Support: Coronavirus primer (Annual Reviews)

British Medical Journal - BMJ
This page collects all BMJ coverage of the coronavirus outbreak from across the BMJ's journals and learning resources. All articles and resources are freely available.

Cambridge University Press
Free COVID-19 collection from Cambridge University Press. Some of this content is open access anyway, the rest has been made freely available:

2 COVID-19 Special Collections published: critical care & infection control and prevention, plus other Cochrane resources.

Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource center with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19. Coronavirus information center here

Emerald research on COVID-19 and the management of epidemics and pandemics free for anyone to accessalso made this available with full text and data mining rights to PubMed Central and the World Health Organisation repository.

Articles - Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Mar-May 2020, Vol. 37 (2)


1. COVID-19 – nurses and midwives impact on global security
Eckert, Marion.
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Mar-May 2020, 37(2), 1-2.

At the commencement of 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) designated this year as the Year of the Nurse and Midwife in recognition of the contribution nurses and midwives make to peoples lives everyday. April 7, 2020 was World Health Day and deliberately coincided with the release of the first publication of the WHO The State of the World's Nursing Report to mark The Year of the Nurse and Midwife.

2. The organisational socialisation of new graduate nurses and midwives within three months of their entrance into the health workforce
Ohr, Se Ok, Holm, Doreen & Giles, Michelle.
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Mar-May 2020, 37(2), 3-10. DOI:10.37464/2020.372.102

Organisational socialisation is critical for new employees as it is a learning and adjustment process that enables an individual to assume an organisational role that fits both organisational and individual needs.

3. Registered nurses as role models for healthy lifestyles
Heidke, Penny, Madsen, Wendy L, & Langham, Erika M. 
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Mar-May 2020, 37(2), 11-18. DOI:10.37464/2020.372.65

Nurses are well positioned to contribute to providing health and patient education regarding modifiable health risk factors. However, some studies report that nurse's personal adherence to healthy lifestyle recommendations is decreasing. Furthermore, nurses' own behaviours and values are believed to impact on the quality and amount of health education they provide to their patients.

4. Nurses' documentation of falls prevention in a patient centred care plan in a medical ward
Yasan, Caglayan, Burton, Trish, & Tracey, Mark.
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Mar-May 2020, 37(2), 19-24. DOI:10.37464/2020.372.103

The findings show that there is a significant gap in the identification of high falls risk patients and the documentation and implementation of falls prevention strategies, between nursing staff records on the Patient Centred Care Plan and the audit conducted by the principal investigator for patients who are identified as high falls risk.

Articles - Nurse Leader [Jnl], April 2020, Vol. 18 (2)

5. Interview With Susan Grant, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Spitzer, Roxane
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 100-102

Susan Grant, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, is Executive Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer at Beaumont Health in Michigan. RS: Susan, please share your background and journey in nursing for our readers.

6. Will I Fit In?
Brooks, Beth A
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 103-105

The first time I learned about person-environment (PE) fit was during the mid-1990s while a doctoral student enrolled in college of business macro- and micro-organizational behavior electives.

7. Are You Ready?
Anderson, Rhonda
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 106-106

Workforce discussion, research, and issues have always been and continue to be a part of the nurse leaders’ everyday lives. Sometimes our current workforce challenges are so overwhelming that we are slow to strategically plan.

8. An interview with Mary Ann Fuchs, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Anderson, Rhonda
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 109-115

Mary Ann Fuchs, is Vice President of Patient Care and System Chief Nurse Executive, Duke University Health System, and Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs, Duke University School of Nursing, in Durham, North Carolina. Discusses her leadership challenges, opportunities, and goals in her role at Duke and AONL.

9. Scrub the Hub: The AONL Nurse Manager Fellowship
McBeth, Cheryl L.
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 116-119

The AONL Nurse Manager Fellowship is a year-long program designed to target the unique leadership development needs of nurse managers through an in-depth environment of learning.

10. Speed Dating Interdisciplinary Rounds
Wright, Keara, Loudermilk, Ryan A. & Martin, Benjamin A.
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 120-121

The AONL Nurse Manager Fellowship is a year-long program designed to target the unique leadership development needs of nurse managers through an in-depth environment of learning.

11. Addressing Workforce Needs in Skilled Nursing Facilities
O’Rourke, Pam & Caramanica, Laura
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 122-125

Skilled nursing centers are changing from providing custodial/palliative care to providing medically complex care administered by interdisciplinary teams. Higher patient acuity demands an exponential increase in the number and qualifications for the workforce in post-acute care setting.

12. Generational Complexities Present New Challenges for Nurse Leaders
Douglas, Kathy & Gray, Sarah
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 126-129

We are in the midst of generational changes that are unprecedented and may have far reaching implications for the future of our health care workforce. These are driven by the rapid expansion of technology and artificial intelligence.

13. Keeping the Human in Health Care Human Capital
Edmonson, Cole, Marshall, June, & Gogek, Jim
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 130-134

Nurse leaders in today’s health care settings bear the onerous responsibility of driving care outcomes despite evolving consumer demands, economic influences, scarce resources, and workforce challenges.

14. Learnings From an Academic Medical Center in Hiring New RN Graduates Successfully Into Hospital Care Management
Mensik Kennedy, Jennifer S., Nielsen, Ann & Leitch, Jennifer
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 135-138

Although care management departments have been able to hire more case managers, there is still a shortage of experienced case managers. An academic medical center and school of nursing began with an academic practice partnership.

15. CNO Jitters Reduced With Support of the AONL New Nurse Executive Fellowship
Marken-George, Sandra 
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 139-141

This article explores how a novice chief nursing officer learns foundational skills and competencies via participation in the American Organization of Nurse Leaders (AONL) new nurse executive fellowship program.

16. Virtual Nursing, Virtual Learning
Sanderson, Carla D., Cox, Karen & Disch, Joanne
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 142-146

The purposes of this paper are to share best practices in effective virtual learning based on the experiences of Chamberlain University, and to introduce findings on the role social factors play in achieving learning effectiveness.

17. Virtual Care Nursing
Cloyd, Beth & Thompson, Julia
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 147-150

There is a need to create new and innovative models of care to meet the growing demands of patients and nurses. New technologies bring about novel and flexible ways of working. One innovative strategy is the use of virtual care nursing delivery.

18. The Challenges With Pre-Employment Testing and Potential Hiring Bias
Scepura, Richard C
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 151-156

The hiring process for some organizations includes pre-employment personality testing. The testing screens for desirable personality traits and are designed to meet a business need for cultural fit when filling a specific job.

19. Understanding FTEs and Nursing Hours Per Patient Day
Welch, Teresa D. & Smith, Todd.
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 157-162

The personnel budget is the largest line item on a hospital’s general budget and often consumes the majority of an organization’s financial resources. It is also the most challenging to develop and difficult to manage.

20. Leading With the Soul of a Warrior
Prestia, Angela S.
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 163-166

Although warrior conjures up the image of a battle-scarred soldier, it should not. A warrior is one who combats the enemy of self-ignorance, or a lack of wisdom.

21. Call Me Bob: Patient Safety
Connors, Robert H.
Nurse Leader, April 2020, 18 (2), 167-171

Patient safety is the highest goal in any health care environment. However, individual practitioner efforts are not enough; high-functioning, collaborative teams are required to achieve desired results.


22. WEBINAR: Aged care goes digital
Facilitated by Becky George, HiNZ board chair
- Gillian Robinson, Director of Healthcare, Healthcare Compliance Solutions Ltd
- Swithin Foote, Head of Integration, Middleware NZ
- Karen Lake, Operations Clinical and Quality Manager, Ryman Healthcare
Date: Afternoon - 12.30pm to 1.30pm, Thursday 2nd July

23. Biennial Health Services and Policy Research Conference
Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand (HSRAANZ)
Date: 1 to 3 December, 2021
Location: Sydney, Australia
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News – National

24. Dr Ashley Bloomfield on two new Covid-19 cases in NZ
Radio New Zealand – 16 June 2020
The Ministry of Health has confirmed two new cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus in New Zealand

25. Government aims to slash DHBs, create Māori health authority in overhaul of health system
Radio New Zealand – 16 June 2020
District health boards will be slashed and new government health agencies created in a massive overhaul of the health system.

26. Bobby Friedman: 'I've recovered from Covid 19 coronavirus but lost my sense of smell'
NZ Herald - 16 Jun, 2020
It's been 68 days since I lost my sense of taste and smell, not that I'm counting. In late March, just when I thought I was recovering from a thankfully mild bout of Covid, I spent a brief couple of minutes marvelling at the fact that my pan-fried fish hadn't caused the kitchen to smell at all. Reality soon kicked in.

27. Coronavirus: Crematorium data indicates China was lying about Covid-19
NZ Herald - 14 Jun, 2020 
Discrepancies in Beijing's Covid-19 reporting have been raising suspicions since January. Now a new study of Chinese medical, media and bureaucratic reports points to a massive cover-up of the outbreak's severity. A new study accuses Beijing's reported number of infections and deaths from the pandemic of lacking any credibility. And that will have had a severe impact on how the world responded to the outbreak.

News – International

28. New Zealand's first Covid cases in 24 days came from UK
New Zealand has confirmed two new cases of coronavirus, ending a 24-day streak of no new infections in the country. Both cases had recently travelled from the UK and are connected, with local media reporting they had been given special exemption to attend a funeral.

29. Third primary school forced to close after child tests positive to COVID-19
Melbourne Age – 16 June 2020
A third Melbourne school has been forced to close this week after a child tested positive to coronavirus, while a cluster in a Melbourne family has now been linked to a dozen cases. The year 5 student, who attends Strathmore Primary School in the city's north-west, was among nine new cases in Victoria in the past day.

30. Coronavirus: Your lockdown stories revisited
BBC News - 15 June 2020
Bit by bit, countries are starting to emerge out of lockdown, some more quickly than others. When the world began to shut down to try and control coronavirus, we interviewed many of you to see how you were coping. Now, we've gone back to ask: how did you change during lockdown, and what did you learn?

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