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8 June 2020, Issue 8: Infection Control; Respiratory Health; Pain Management and more.....

Grants for good ideas that support New Zealand

Apply for a TSB Good Stuff grant to get it off the ground.

It could be anything from developing a new product, service or app, to creating new employment opportunities in the community.

Open access (free) news and evidence based resources on COVID19

American Psychological Association (APA) Journals - COVID-19

Elsevier – Coronavirus Information Center
Free health and medical research on the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and COVID-19

Nursing Times - Coronavirus open access resources
This zone collates essential clinical content to help nurses refresh skills and knowledge they may need to work in unfamiliar settings or to support students and those returning to practice

RCN - Nursing Standard
A collection of free news and evidence-based resources relevant to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic

Research Letter: Postmortem Examination of Patients With COVID-19
Tina Schaller., Klaus Hirschbühl., Katrin Burkhardt., et al
JAMA. Published online May 21, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.8907

Articles – Infection Control


1. What bacteria are present on the mobile phones of students?
Tailor, Bhumi; Nikita, Neha et al.
New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. Nov 2019. 73(3), 98-102

Mobile phones are an essential component of modern life and used by almost everyone. They are increasingly being used in the hospital setting by health care workers and come in contact with various surfaces around the hospital. Thus, they are likely to get contaminated by a variety of organisms.

2. Minimising risks 
Egan, Natasha.
Australian Ageing Agenda, May/June 2019, Jul 2019, 48-49

Giving knowledge is a must, but facilitating its uptake through leadership, role modelling and contextual cues can further help infection control practices, an expert tells Natasha Egan.

3. One health - its importance in helping to better control antimicrobial resistance
Collignon, Peter J & McEwen, Scott A
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, Mar 2019. 4(1), 1-21

Approaching any issue from a One Health perspective necessitates looking at the interactions of people, domestic animals, wildlife, plants, and our environment. More importantly, the spread of resistant bacteria and resistance determinants within and between these sectors and globally must be addressed. Better managing this problem includes taking steps to preserve the continued effectiveness of existing antimicrobials such as trying to eliminate their inappropriate use, particularly where they are used in high volumes.

4. Infection prevention and control in healthcare settings: Recommendations for practice change
Madan, Diva.
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Sep 2018. 26 (3), 40.

Infection prevention and control is currently recognised as a number one national priority and a grave concern in healthcare organisations.

Articles – Respiratory Health

5. Baker, E. & Fatoye, F. (2017). Clinical and cost effectiveness of nurse-led self-management interventions for patients with copd in primary care: A systematic review.
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 71, 125–138.

Evaluates nurse-led self-management for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in primary care.

6. Chambers, R., Talbot, M., Hatfield, R. (2019).  Adoption of technology-enabled care for patients with respiratory conditions in primary care.
Primary Health Care, 29(4), 22-27.

Gathers comments and perspectives from hundreds of delegates at workshops on upskilling in clinical management and digital provision of care, and from general practice nurses who participated in digital-upskilling-action learning sets.

7. Pinchera, B., Dellolacono, D., & Lawless, C.A. (2018).  Best Practices for Patient Self-Management: Implications for Nurse Educators, Patient Educators, and Program Developers. 
Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 49(9), 432-440.

Identifies the best-practice strategies and interventions across heart failure (HF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) chronic illnesses.

8. Weldman, S.W.M., Lammers, J-W. J., Zwakman, M., & Schuurmans, M.J. (2017). Nurses' perspectives of a new individualized nursing care intervention for COPD patients in primary care settings: A mixed method study.
Applied Nursing Research, 33, 85-92.

The nurse-led COPD-Guidance, Research on an Illness Perception (COPD-GRIP) intervention translates the evidence concerning illness perceptions and Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) into a practice nurse intervention.  Explores nurses' experiences with applying the  COPD-GRIP intervention.

Articles – Pain Management Nursing [Journal]

9. Editorial: Partnering with Family Caregivers in Pain Management
Elaine L. Miller & Dania Abu-Alhaija
Pain Management Nursing, 2020-06-01, 21(3), 223-224

Given the long-term nature of their relationships to patients, family caregivers provide valuable information to the healthcare team regarding the patient's functional abilities, preferences, and responses to care, while offering emotional and psychological support during stressful situations. It is readily apparent that the presence of family caregivers in most instances complements the healthcare team's actions, decreases the burden placed upon professional caregivers, and enhances the achievement of targeted healthcare outcomes.

10. Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback to Treat Fibromyalgia: An Integrative Literature Review
Marcelaine Reneau
Pain Management Nursing, 2020-06-01, 21(3), 225-232.

Fibromyalgia (FM) is associated with debilitating pain and a reduced heart rate variability (HRV), reflecting decreased emotional adaptability and resistance to stress. Common pharmacological treatments are ineffective, and opioids are highly addictive and cause an estimated 15,000 overdose deaths per year.

11. A Retrospective Review of School Nurse Approaches to Assessing Pain
Brenna L. Quinn., Seung Eun Lee et al.
Pain Management Nursing, 2020-06-01, 21(3), 233-237

When students with intellectual disability (ID) experience pain, the pain may limit the extent to which they may engage in school activities. Although school nurses are primarily responsible for addressing students’ pain, there are many barriers to identifying pain in students with ID.

12. Barriers to Effective Pain Management in Cancer Patients From the Perspective of Patients and Family Caregivers: A Qualitative Study
Suhair Hussni Al-Ghabeesh., Ibraheem Hassan Bashayreh et al.
Pain Management Nursing, 2020-06-01, 21(3), 238-244

Pain is one of the most common and undesired symptoms in cancer patients, affecting patients’ physical and psychological well-being. Barriers to effective pain management in cancer patients need to be identified and addressed by clinicians.

13. Patient Trade-Offs Related to Analgesic Use for Cancer Pain: A MaxDiff Analysis Study
William E. Rosa., Jesse Chittams et al.
Pain Management Nursing, 2020-06-01, 21(3), 245-254

Many patients with cancer pain deviate from prescribed analgesic regimens. Our aim was to elicit the trade-offs patients make based on their beliefs about analgesic use and rank utilities (importance scores) using maximum difference (MaxDiff) scaling. We also investigated if there were unique clusters of patients based on their analgesic beliefs


14. Webinar: NZ Regulation and Legislation
In this webinar, we will start to explore the regulation and legislation relevant to telehealth in New Zealand. Guests will discuss a broad range of topics including privacy, consent, medicolegal, prescribing and many more topics.
Date/Time: Thursday 11th June 7:00-8:00pm
Panellists include:
Dr Ruth Large - Clinical Director IS & Virtual Healthcare, Waikato DHB
Dr Sam Murton - President, Royal NZ College of General Practice
Rommel Anthony - Medication Management Digital Services Lead, Ministry of Health
Kanny Oi - Senior Policy Adviser & Researcher, Medical Council of NZ
Diana Aquilina - Senior Legal Counsel, Waikato DHB
Dr Samantha King – GP and Advisor Medical Protection Society

15. Webinar: AI driving clinical decision making
Webinar facilitated by Rebecca McBeth, HiNZ News Editor
Date/Time: Thursday 18 June 2020, 12.30pm to 1.30pm
Panel participants are:
Pieta Brown, Senior Data Science Consultant, Orion Health
Genevieve Dawick, Product Director, Orion Health
Amanda Oakley, Dermatologist, Waikato DHB
More information:

16. Webinar: Telehealth: Ensuring Effective Communication: Building Health Literacy
In partnership with Health Navigator
Date/Time: Jun 25, 2020 07:00 PM in Auckland, Wellington

News – National

17. Coronavirus: Airlines playing down Covid-19 transmission risk, public health doctor says
Stuff – 6 June 2020
A top public health doctor says airlines are playing down the risk of in-flight transmission. A leaked email, from a New Zealand medical officer of health, said it was hard to pin down Covid-19 transmission to what happened in-flight.

18. Concern over DHBs' reluctance to use Government's contact tracing system
One News – 4 June 2020
Half of the country's district health boards are not using the government's national contact tracing system for Covid-19 and experts are warning this could make it harder to control a future outbreak of the virus.

19. Heart doctor urges Kiwis to stay away from high-fat, low-carb diets
Newshub – 4 June 2020
Rich countries - including New Zealand - have reduced the amount of damaging cholesterol in their citizens' diets over the past 40 years, a global study has found, despite the popularity of high-fat, low-carb diets.

20. Mobile health care clinics set for whānau Māori
Te Ao Maori News - Wednesday 3 June 2020
Te Whānau o Waipareira is trialling pop-up container health clinics that can take services into Māori communities in west Auckland.  Chief Executive of the trust, John Tmaihere says that they have learned during lockdown that a “drive-through” type health care service was effective, and hopes that success continues with these mobile services.

News – International

21. Is it safe to go to a pool, the beach or a park? A doctor offers guidance as coronavirus distancing measures lifted
CNN - Updated 3rd June 2020
As a physician who has practiced for over 30 years, I find myself facing the decisions about safe outdoor recreation with some trepidation. The decision about whether to go to a beach, a pool or a park was previously pretty simple -- now, not so much.

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