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23 March 2020, Issue 5 - Epidemics, infection and COVID-19

In this issue

Topical books from the collection

  • Black November: The 1918 influenza pandemic in New Zealand by Geoffrey Rice, 2005: Documents NZ’s experience of the post-war pandemic that swept the world, when returning soldiers brought a new strain of influenza back to New Zealand from the Western Front.
  • Antibiotic resistance: The end of modern medicine? by Siouxsie Wiles, 2017: Predicts a return to the pre-antibiotic world in NZ due to the odds that in a decade current antibiotics will no longer be effective.
  • Infection Prevention and Control Clinical Governance in New Zealand District Health Boards [Thesis] by Jo Stodart, 2017: Evaluates which clinical governance factors facilitate or hinder IPC best practice in DHBs. Download a copy of this dissertation (PDF, 1.3MB)

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Official information sources

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Topical journal articles

  1. Fear, explanation and action – the psychosocial response to emerging infections [Editorial], by Heather Loveday, Journal of Infection Prevention 2020, vol 21(2): 44-46
  2. Improving children’s and their visitors’ hand hygiene compliance, by Dina Lary et al., Journal of Infection Prevention 2020, vol 21(2): 60-67
  3. The neglected element of hand hygiene – significance of hand drying, efficiency of different methods, and clinical implication: a review, by John Gammon and Julian Hunt, Journal of Infection Prevention 2019, vol 20(2): 66-74
  4. Policies on the use of respiratory protection for hospital health workers to protect from Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), by Chughtai, Abrar et al., International Journal of Nursing Studies 2020 [Journal Preproof]
  5. Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks against influenza:  a systematic review and meta-analysis, by Long, Youlin et al., Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine 2020: 1-9
  6. COVID-19 for nurses: skip the rumors and stick to the basics [Blog], by Betsy Todd, American Journal of Nursing 2020: 1-13
  7. Persistence of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces and their inactivation with biocidal agents, by Kampf, G. et al., Journal of Hospital Infection 2020 vol 104: 246-251

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COVID-19 Information links

Google Scholar's home page currently hosts links to free, full-text articles from these organisations:

And these journals:

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Radio New Zealand News

Useful information for the public on how to wash hands properly, and answers to questions about self-isolation as distinct from home detention follows:

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