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Issue 35 Library e-newsletter 18 October 2019

2 further measles cases in Greater Wellington Region

Published Tuesday 15 Oct 2019
Regional Public Health (RPH), Wellington has been notified of two confirmed cases of measles and is asking people who may have been in contact with these people to watch out for symptoms. The infected people visited several public places before they were diagnosed. At these times the people did not know they had measles.

Books – Available from the NZNO library collection

These books are available for loan for a period of 4 weeks
We courier them out to you, so please provide a physical address when you request items


1. Endometriosis and pelvic pain – 2015
Dr Susan Evans with Deborah Bush QSM
This book answers the questions you have always wanted to ask. What is endometriosis? Will I be able to have children? Do I need an operation? How can I help myself?

2. Handbook of anger management
Ronald T. Potter-Efron
This book provides therapists and counsellors with a comprehensive review of anger and aggression management techniques. It offers straightforward solutions to the complicated problem of anger, detailing core treatment options and intervention methods.

3. Health promotion in nursing practice [6th edition]
Nola Pender., Carolyn Murdaugh & Mary Ann Parsons
An essential resource for health promotion and disease prevention.

4. The unfortunate experiment: The full story behind the inquiry into cervical cancer treatment
Sandra Coney
This revealing book by Sandra Coney tells the full story behind the inquiry into the treatment of patients with carcinoma in situ at Auckland’s National Women’s Hospital.

Articles – Sleep apnea

5. Traffic risk work with sleepy patients: from rationality to practice.
By Iversen, Clara; Broström, Anders; Ulander, Martin.
Health, Risk & Society. Feb/Mar 2018, 20 ( Issue ½), 23-42. DOI: 10.1080/13698575.2017.139998
In this article, we aim to contribute to the emerging field of risk-work studies by examining the relationship between risk rationality and risk practices in nurses’ conversations with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea patients about traffic risks. Legislation in Sweden towards traffic risk involves clinicians making risk assessment of patients prone to falling asleep while driving. In contrast to an overall care rationale, this means that the health of the patient is not the only risk object in treatment consultations.

6. Obstructive sleep apnea: A better Dx model for primary care.
By Grover, Michael; Mookadam, Martina; Yu-Hui Chang; Parish, James M.; Chang, Yu-Hi.
Journal of Family Practice. Nov 2018, 67(11), E1-E7

This study identified a method that provides a truer assessment of disease probability than has been achieved with history and physical exam evaluation.

7. Implementation of an Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening Program at an Overseas Military Hospital.
By Williams, Riley.
AANA Journal. Feb 2017, 85(1), 42-48

Anesthesia providers and surgeons do poorly at consistently identifying patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) without use of screening tools. Aims of this evidence-based-practice project were to determine whether educating nurses about OSA and incorporating the STOP-BANG Questionnaire into preoperative forms was associated with an increased identification of patients with suspected OSA and an increased frequency of nurse-generated anesthesia consultation for OSA.

Articles –  Nursing Specialties/ Clinical Nurse Specialist/ Nurse Practitioner

8. Pulmonary Embolism Response Teams: Coordinating Care Beyond the Hospital.
By Harmon, Diana.
MEDSURG Nursing. Jan/Feb 2019, 28 (1), 63-65.

The Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Board (MSNCB™) is a professional organization whose mission is to validate excellence in medical-surgical nursing and care coordination and transition management. MSNCB administers the Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse (CMSRN®) and Certified in Care Coordination and Transition Management (CCCTM®) certification programs because certification is the recognized path for registered nurses to build and demonstrate commitment, confidence, and credibility.

9. Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Unknown APRN.
By Ward, Cynthia.
MEDSURG Nursing. Nov/Dec 2018, 27(6), 347-348.

The author offers information on clinical nurse specialists (CNSs). They are described by the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists as expert clinicians with advanced training in a specialized area of nursing practice. The Office of Management and Budget classify CNSs as general registered nurses in the 2018 revision to the Standard Occupation Classification System. They are said to be the only advanced practice registered nurses who practice in the three spheres of influence.

10. Nurse Practitioners filling in the gaps in care delivery.
By: Lowe, Grainnie; Tori, Kathy; Jennings, Tash.
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Apr-Jun 2019, 26(6), 40-41.

The article features the Nurse Practitioner Locum Solutions (NPLS) service model founded by three nurse practitioners with different backgrounds in Australia in 2019. Topics covered include the initial NPLS aim to fill gaps in the delivery of high-quality care for all patients in rural healthcare settings, and its promotion of continuity and of individual organisations to rethink their delivery of care to meet people's needs.

11. Nurse practitioners: Barriers to practice
Beadnell, Cathy.
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Jan-Mar 2019, 26(5), 14-16
The article reports on the barriers faced by Australian nurse practitioner Jo Perks in giving optimal care to her patients due to restrictions imposed on her practice. Perks was one of the first 100 nurse practitioners to be authorised in Australia. She says that a lot of the women who visit her clinic do not want to go to male general practitioners due to cultural issues.

12. Implementing a Nurse Practitioner-Led Delivery Model for Continence Care within Community Fitness Facilities.
By Cera, Jennifer L.
Urologic Nursing. Jan/Feb 2019, 39(1), 17-27.
DOI: 10.7257/1053-816X.2019.39.1.17.

An innovative nurse practitioner-led continence education program with referral pathways within a community fitness facility increased willingness to seek care at a primary level, knowledge of urinary incontinence (UI), self-efficacy of both health promotion behaviors and pelvic muscle exercises, and quality of life, with an overall decrease in UI severity.

13. The Perspectives of Nurse Practitioners and Physicians on Increasing the Number of Registered Nurses in Primary Care.
By Norful, Allison A.; Dillon, Jennifer C.; Ye, Siqin & Poghosyan, Lusine.
Nursing Economic$. Jul/Aug 2018, 36(4), 182-188.

The article discusses a study on the increased staffing of registered nurses (RN) within primary care in the U.S. The study obtained perspectives of primary care providers (PCPs) about the use of RNs in primary care. It examined the implementation of team-based care models to expand the access to primary care, reduce cost and improve health care quality.

14. Introducing the nurse practitioner into the surgical ward: an ethnographic study of interprofessional teamwork practice.
By Kvarnström, Susanne; Jangland, Eva & Dahlgren, Madeleine Abrandt.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Jun 2018, 32(2), 765-771. DOI: 10.1111/scs.12507
The first nurse practitioners in surgical care were introduced into Swedish surgical wards in 2014. Internationally, organisations that have adopted nurse practitioners into care teams are reported to have maintained or improved the quality of care. However, close qualitative descriptions of teamwork practice may add to existing knowledge of interprofessional collaboration when introducing nurse practitioners into new clinical areas.

Journal –  Registered Nurse Journal, March/April 2019

15A. Editor’s Note: Exciting new chapter for RNJ
15B. Advocating for healthy public policy: Our collective duty
15C. Revisiting the past to improve the future
15D. From revulsion to love [RN escapes war-torn Iran and a repressive marriage to find salvation in nursing]
15E. Nursing in the News: Learning about concussions; Call for more focus on immunization; Stroke survivor helps others; New mobile app for youth mental health patients; High turnover a small blip for Bluewater
15F. Nursing Notes: Golden Girls Act to help seniors access shared housing; Hoskins’ Interim pharmacare report; Studying the science of cannabis
15G. A celebration of success in LTC (Long-term care]
15H. Queen’s Park Day 2019
15I. Faith, fear and flight. [Eight Canadian nurses evacuate Haiti but not their quest to help an impoverished community]
15J. BPG Corner: Francophone first; Ostomy guideline marks milestone
15K. Discover digital [RNAO launches its renewed and revitalized RNJ]
15L. What nursing means to me….


16. The Ministry of Health Forum 2019
Date: 29 – 30 October 2019
Venue: TSB Bank Arena and Shed 6 Wellington

17. Standards and Accreditation Seminar for Health and Disability Sector agencies
IANZ, JAS-ANZ, MBIE and Standards New Zealand
: Wednesday 13 November 2019
Time: 3-4.30pm
Venue: Ground floor, MBIE, 15 Stout St, Wellington

18. Goodfellow Symposium
“Skills for next Monday”
Date: March 28-29 2020
Venue: Vodafone Events Centre
More Information:

News – National

19. Staff at Christchurch's Hillmorton Hospital taking time off due to attacks
Newshub – 16 October 2019
Staff at Christchurch mental health facility Hillmorton Hospital are being forced to take time off due to attacks from patients, figures released to Newshub reveal. In five years, staff have taken more than 300 months of leave associated with around 140 ACC claims.

20. Breast cancer patient faces burning skin from radiation - unless she pays
The Press - Oct 15 2019
Peer-reviewed research has found a protective dressing called Mepitel film reduces skin-burning side effects for most people receiving radiation treatment. Mepitel is provided for free to all breast cancer patients in Wellington and Dunedin hospital, as well as those in private hospitals across the country. But Shona, who lives in Christchurch, she was facing a bill of $74 – or going without.

21. Problems with vape flavourings are ''a tragedy waiting to happen'', asthma researcher Prof Julian Crane warns
Otago Daily Times – 16 October 2019
Previous tests on the flavourings had been related to human food consumption, but were not directly relevant to their use within the lung. ''We don't know what these flavourings are doing.

22. Reviewed Health and Wellbeing qualifications now approved by NZQA
Over the last 6 months, Careerforce has been undertaking a major Qualifications Pathway Review. We have now received confirmation from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) that the recommended changes have been approved
Healthcentral - October 14, 2019

News – International

23. Your jet lag is worse than it should be, Qantas research claims
Travellers suffering jet lag are often their own worst enemies, avoiding methods proven to remedy the condition while exacerbating the punishment on body and mind by drinking too much booze during their flights

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