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Issue 33 - Library e-newsletter - 4 October 2019

Feedback on the New Zealand Cancer Action Plan 2019–2029 (PDF, 1.5 MB) (the Plan).
Opened 1 Sep 2019; Closes 13 Oct 2019
Provide feedback via the Ministry of Health consultation hub using the online survey.
You can also print out the form below and email this to [email protected] or post it to The Cancer Team, Ministry of Health, PO Box 5013, Wellington 6140.

Books – Available from the NZNO library collection

These books are available for loan for a period of 4 weeks
We courier them out to you so please provide a physical address

1. Plunket Pioneers: Recollections of Plunket nurses from 1940 to 2000
Joyce Powell
Heritage Press, 2003
Milking cows were just some of the everyday challenges faced by our early Plunket Nurses.  In this story they recall the momentous task they were set, to “Help save the mothers and save the babies”.

2. Preventing patient falls
Janice M. Morse
Sage publications, 1997.
Preventing patient falls is the culmination of Janice Morse’s eight years of research about patient falls and their prevention.

3. Te Marae: A guide to customs and protocol
Hiwi and Pat Tauroa
Published 2009
Do women have the right to speak on a marae? How should one respond to the wero? Who speaks first and last during whai korero? When do the manuhiri present their koha to the tangagata whenua? These and many other questions are answered in this invaluable introduction to Māori protocol.

4. Why Marx was right
Terry Eagleton
Yale University Press, 2018
In this combative, controversial book, Terry Eagleton takes issue with the prejudice that Marxism is dead and done with. Taking ten of the most common objections to Marxism—that it leads to political tyranny, that it reduces everything to the economic, that it is a form of historical determinism, and so on—he demonstrates in each case what a woeful travesty of Marx's own thought these assumptions are. In a world in which capitalism has been shaken to its roots by some major crises

Articles – Intensive & Critical Care Nursing [Journal], June 2019

5. ‘I cried too’ – Allowing ICU nurses to grieve when patients die
Endacott, Ruth.
Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 52, Jun 2019, 1-2

For those patients who are unlikely to survive, there is also increasing evidence of more open discussions about priorities of care, as reflected in scientific and conceptual papers (Coombs et al 2015; Van den Bulcke et al., 2018). Despite this progress towards more explicit communication about death and dying with patients and families in ICU, studies conducted by Jang et al. (2019) and Betriana and Kongsuwan (2019) illustrate that this open-ness stops short of acknowledging the impact of a patient’s death on health care professionals.

6. Exploring nurses’ end-of-life care for dying patients in the ICU using focus group interviews
Jang, Sun Kyeong; Park, Won Hee; Kim, Hyo-In; Chang, Sung Ok.
Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 52, Jun 2019, 3-8
The aim of this study is to illuminate how nurses working in an intensive care unit perceive their professional duties regarding end-of-life care based on their end-of-life care experience.

7. Microbiological colonization of healthcare workers’ mobile phones in a tertiary-level Italian intensive care unit
Galazzi, Alessandro; Panigada, Mauro; Broggi, Elena; Grancini, Anna; Adamini, Ileana; et al.
Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 52, Jun 2019, 17-21.

Careful hand hygiene of healthcare workers is recommended to reduce transmission of pathogenic microorganisms to patients. Mobile phones are commonly used during work shifts and may act as vehicles of pathogens.

8. To assess patients pain in intensive care: developing and testing the Swedish version of the Behavioural Pain Scale
Hylén, Mia; Alm-Roijer, Carin; Idvall, Ewa; Akerman, Eva.
Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 52, Jun 2019, 28-34

The Behavioural Pain Scale has previously been translated into Swedish and psychometrically tested. One of the domains- ‘compliance with ventilation’- did not show equally as good psychometric proprieties as the other domains, which led to the question whether a development of that domain would be beneficial. This study aimed to develop the domain of ‘breathing pattern’ in the Swedish version of the Behavioural Pain Scale and then test the instrument for discriminant validity, inter-rater reliability and criterion validity.

9. Intensive care nurses fail to translate knowledge and skills into practice – A mixed-methods study on perceptions of oral care
Andersson, Maria; Wilde-Larsson, Bodil; Persenius, Mona.
Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 52, Jun 2019, 51-60

To identify intensive care nurses’ perceptions of oral care according to Coker et al.’s (2013) conceptual framework and to contribute to the knowledge base of oral care in intensive care.

Articles – Medical Errors/Patient Safety

10. Medical Errors and Negligence
Latner, Ann W, JD.
The Clinical Advisor : For Nurse Practitioners, 22, 8,  (Sep 2019): 39-40

A series of medical errors and negligence in a nursing home lead to an elderly man's death. This month we look at a case involving several errors that led to the death of a patient. The case went to trial and resulted in a verdict for the plaintiff that included punitive damages.The defendants appealed, and the Court of Appeals was asked to decide whether punitive damages were appropriate

11. The impact of hospital harm on length of stay, costs of care and length of person-centred episodes of care: a retrospective cohort study
Tessier, Lauren, Guilcher, Sara J T, Bai, Yu Qing, Ng, Ryan, Wodchis, Walter P
Canadian Medical Association Journal: CMAJ, 191, 32, Aug 12, 2019, E879-E885
We found that experiencing harm in hospital significantly affects both in-hospital and postdischarge use of health services and costs of care, and constitutes an enormous expense to Ontario's publicly funded health system.

12. Measuring the cost of adverse events in hospital
Lapointe-Shaw, Lauren, Bell, Chaim M
Canadian Medical Association Journal: CMAJ, 191, 32, Aug 12, 2019, E877-E878
linked study provides estimates of the health system impact of “hospital harm,” as identified using CIHI’s algorithms.6 Using health administrative data for almost half a million patients in Ontario over a 1-year period (2015–2016), Tessier and colleagues estimated that hospital harm occurred in 5.9% of admissions.

Journal – Midwifery News [NZ College of Midwives], Issue 94 September 2019

13A. Nicole Pihema welcomed as College’s first Maori president
13B. 30 years on, looking back and looking forward
13C. Communicating with members – what did you say?
13D. Newborn transitional physiology – practice update
13E. MMPO update – A new start but the same sense of purpose
13F. MERAS update – partnership in action
13G. Negotiating the new rules on multi-agency information sharing legislation: What this means for midwives
13H. Midwives play leading role in pregnancy education for Maori by Maori
13I. How midwives can ease the pain of miscarriage
13J. New Zealand’s midwifery messages for the world
13K. Midwifery autonomy – early findings from the NZ MidWOW study
13L. Practice makes perfect: The Cottage Midwives; Bloom maternity
13M. Breastfeeding connection – Update on HIV and breastfeeding
13N. Midwives’ positive response to smokefree pregnancy incentive programme
13O. Pasifika Midwives Aotearoa update [Enablers for Pasifika midwifery students]
13P. Update on practice – Maternal vaccinations during pregnancy
13Q. Research briefs: Maternal plasma levels of oxytocin during physiological childbirth; Comparison of women at ‘low obstetrical risk’ who plan to give birth in hospital and perinatal and neonatal mortality outcomes; Understanding the experiences, perspectives, and values of indigenous women around smoking cessation in pregnancy
13R. Resources available online from


14. Nga Maia Maori Midwives Aotearoa
Hui-A-Tau: “Ko Te Huringa o Te Ao”
Date: 21 October 2019 – 23 October 2019
Venue: Tumatauenga Marae, Otiria
More information:

News – National

15. Advocates frustrated after Pharmac stops funding two epilepsy drugs
29 Sept 2019 – 1 News
From Tuesday, Pharmac will stop funding two drugs affecting thousands of people with epilepsy. The decision to switch everyone onto the same drug has advocates frustrated and disappointed.

16. Obesity rates among Aucklanders have tripled in space of one generation – report
26 Sep 2019 – 1 News
Obesity rates in New Zealand have tripled in the space of one generation, with experts estimating two million Kiwis will be obese by 2030. A report released today by Healthy Auckland Together found more than a third of Auckland adults are now obese compared with just 10 per cent in 1977

17. The Healthy Auckland Scorecard: Wellbeing report on the health of Aucklanders 2019
The Healthy Auckland Scorecard brings together obesity, nutrition and physical activity data, giving a consolidated insight into the health of people living in New Zealand’s biggest city. It also considers environmental indicators such as community and transport infrastructure, and the supply and marketing of food.
Access the full report here:

News – International

18. New treatment extends life of advanced melanoma patients
The Guardian – 28 Sept 2019
Half of people live five years or more with combination immunotherapy treatment, study finds

19. Almost half young adults now overweight or obese, new ABS data shows
Sept 30, 2019 -  The Age
Australia's obesity problem is escalating, with new data showing almost half of young adults are overweight or obese. Public health advocates warn the nation's population of 12.5 million adults over a healthy weight will balloon further if action is not taken.

20. Australian National Health Survey[email protected]/Lookup/by%20Subject/4364.0.55.001~2017-18~Main%20Features~Key%20Findings~1

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