Review provides valuable insights into funding model for aged residential care
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1. False economy: New Zealanders face the conflict between paid and unpaid work
Anne Else
Published 1996
What happens to families when paid work hours become too long, too short, or too erratic for parents to cope? What happens to communities when they must meet increasing demands with shrinking resources? Who bears the load – how can it be shared?
2. A guide to good survey design
Statistics New Zealand, 1995
This book is aimed at those who undertake surveys or commission surveys. Its objective is to identify the issues associated with the planning, undertaking, commissioning, management and processing of a survey, but not to deal exhaustively with ways of addressing these issues.
3. Mindset: How you can fulfil your potential
Dr Carol S. Dweck
Published 2012
World-renowned Stanford University psychologist carol Dweck, in decades of research on achievement and success, has discovered a truly groundbreaking idea – the power of our mindset.
4. What patients teach: The everyday ethics of health care
Larry R. Churchill., Joseph B. Fanning & David Schenck
Published 2014
This book answers two basic questions: As patients see it, what things allow relationships with healthcare providers to become therapeutic? What can this teach us about healthcare ethics?
Articles – Quality Improvement
5. Exploring the sustainability of quality improvement interventions in healthcare organisations: a multiple methods study of the 10-year impact of the ‘Productive Ward: Releasing Time to Care’ programme in English acute hospitals
Glenn Robert., Sophie Sarre., Jill Maben., Peter Griffiths & Rosemary Chable
BMJ Qual Saf 2019;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009457
Objective: To explore how timing of adoption, local implementation strategies and processes of assimilation into day-to-day practice
relate to one another and shape any sustained impact and wider legacies of a large-scale QI intervention.
6. Patient experience feedback in UK hospitals: What types are available and what are their potential roles in quality improvement (QI)?
Marsh, Claire; Peacock, Rosemary; Sheard, Laura; Hughes, Lesley; Lawton, Rebecca.
Health Expectations. Jun 2019, 22(3), 317-326.
The comparative uses of different types of patient experience (PE) feedback as data within quality improvement (QI) are poorly understood. This paper reviews what types are currently available and categorizes them by their characteristics in order to better understand their roles in QI. Methods: A scoping review of types of feedback currently available to hospital staff in the UK was undertaken.
7. Healthcare Reform Requires Self-Regulation for Competence in Quality Improvement.
Jones, Terry L.
MEDSURG Nursing. May/Jun2019, 28(2), 143-144.
The author discusses two reports by the Institute of Medicine that outlined core competencies for the health professions related to quality improvement and called for focused self-regulation in the area. Highlights include competencies identified as essential to prepare the workforce to change the healthcare system, two components of professional development (PD) for registered nurses, and progress toward adoption of associated changes for pre-licensure PD.
8. Quality Improvement Initiative to Decrease Lab Draws for Hospitalized Pediatric Patients. Geaman, Molly E.; Brennan, Katherine M.; Vanderway, Joy A.
Pediatric Nursing. May/Jun2019, 45(3), 115-141
Frequent blood lab testing within the hospitalized pediatric population can have undesirable consequences, including patient pain and anxiety, increased healthcare costs, and decreased caregiver satisfaction. Nurses on an inpatient unit at a large, urban, academic pediatric hospital recognized the need for quality improvement (QI) to decrease the frequency of lab draws when their patients were experiencing multiple lab draws each day
9. Co‐ designing for quality: Creating a user‐driven tool to improve quality in youth mental health services.
Hackett, Christina L.; Mulvale, Gillian & Miatello, Ashleigh.
Health Expectations. Dec 2018, 21(6), 1013-1023
Although high quality mental health care for children and youth is a goal of many health systems, little is known about the dimensions of quality mental health care from users' perspectives. We engaged young people, caregivers and service providers to share experiences, which shed light on quality dimensions for youth mental health care.
Articles – Primary Healthcare [RCN Journal], July 2019
10. Smoking cessation should be every nurse’s business
Julie Penfold
Primary Health Care, 26 July 2019, 29(4), 15-17. doi: 10.7748/phc.29.4.15.s14
Community practitioners – practice nurses, midwives and health visitors – are in ideal positions to actively encourage patients to stop smoking. Government cuts to public health budgets have led to only half of local authorities offering all smokers the best support to quit, a recent report from Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) and Cancer Research UK (CRUK) revealed.
11. Why don’t patients want to see nurse practitioners?
Lucy Archer
Primary Health Care. 29 (4), 11-11. doi: 10.7748/phc.29.4.11.s12
Nurse practitioners have been working with GP receptionists on how they can implement care navigation in their practices. Part of this work involved clarifying the variety of clinical roles in general practice to ensure that patients can access the right clinician or service at the right time. It also involved examining the variety of nursing roles in general practice and what each could offer the patient.
12. Parkrun promotes physical activity and community spirit
Sue Davies
Primary Health Care. 29 (4), 10-10. doi: 10.7748/phc.29.4.10.s11
Focusing on three papers exploring the benefits of Parkrun – a free 5km running event held weekly in parks around the UK that has seen an increase in popularity
13. Nurse consultations raise quality of outcomes in general practice
Vari Drennan
Primary Health Care. 29 (4), 9-9. doi: 10.7748/phc.29.4.9.s8
Higher rates of consultations by general practice nurses raise quality of outcomes, but not patient satisfaction.
Journal - Table of Contents
WIN: Journal of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation, July/August 2019
14A. Editorial: Climate crisis firmly on INMO agenda
14B. Your priorities with the President
14C. News: NJC staff panel wins equality on bereavement leave for health sector; More staff needed to roll out HPV vaccine to boys; Summer trolley figures now akin to mid-winter figures of five years ago
14D. News: Key appointments in Cork/Kerry EDs; WRC called in over St Patrick’s Centre, Kilkenny; Regrading of night nurse manager posts secured; Talsk ongoing on structure changes in UHL wards; maternity pay system clarified and simplified at Bon Secours, Limerick; Labour court award for delay in investigation
14E. Opinion: Democracy in crisis across the globe
14F. Unions must pursue social justice
14G. Section news: Retired section enjoys day trip to Athlone; INMO Public Health Nurse section
14H. Spotlight on: Ciaran McHugh
14I. Taking pride in supporting our LGBTQ members
14J. Regulation Reform: The INMO has taken a firm stance on the reform of the regulation governing nursing and midwifery
14L. Roundup of recent literature: the library looks at new papers and research relevant to nurses and midwives in Ireland.
14M. Resolving issues the right way: The steps involved in the HSE grievance procedure
14N. Introducing the ‘Know, Check, Ask’ medication safety campaign
14O. Mapping out ways to support breastfeeding
14P. Do mobile phones cause nosocomial infections?
14Q. making the right choice: Effective and cost-effective use of home glucose monitoring
14R. Focus on psoriasis
14S. Gender-related barriers stifle nurses’ leadership potential – ICN survey
14T. HSE launches new ‘Health Passport’ which aims to improve disability care; Irish Skin Foundation warns against reliance on self-management apps; Changing attitudes towards dementia.
15. Mental Health Awareness Concert
The Newtown Collective
Free entry to the public
Date: 28 September 2019
Time: 4:00pm to 7:00pm
Venue: Salvation Army Auditorium, Normanby Street Newtown, Newtown, Wellington
There will be a number of youth bands, the Salvation Army Brass Band, a percussion band of local community members who have lived experience of mental health issues, and more!
16. Delivering Mental Health Transformation in New Zealand: Improving mental health access, equity and outcomes
Featuring leaders from across the spectrum of mental health services, sharing their vision and plans
Date: 4 - 5 Dec 2019
Venue: Te Wharewaka Tapere, Wellington
17. 34th Annual Industrial and Employment Relations Summit
Programme includes:
- Your responsibilities as an employer to protect against sexual harassment and providing safe workplaces
- Navigating social media and workplace relations
- How to manage medical incapacity issues
- Ensuring Health and Safety compliance
Date: 3 - 4 Mar 2020
Venue: Crowne Plaza, Auckland
News – National
18. More Māori midwives needed to handle rising demand
One News – 5 September 2019
Māori midwives are too few and spread too thin across the country to handle rising Māori birth rates, and say a workforce strategy is desperately needed. Nga Maia, an organisation for Māori midwives, said there has been no Māori workforce strategy for the last two decades. It said only 9 per cent of all midwives were Māori, despite Māori babies making up over 20 per cent of those born every year.
19. Measles outbreak: New Zealand cases rise above 1000
A Ministry of Health spokesman told Newshub there are now 1051 cases of the infection - 877 of which are in Auckland.
20. Men should put health before ego, cancer support group members say
Timaru Herald - Sep 03 2019
Men need to overcome "male ego" and get checked more regularly for prostate cancer, Prostate Cancer Foundation Timaru Support Group members say.
News – International
21. Working mothers 'struggling with pressure to provide healthy meals'
The Age – 6 September 2019
A study seeking to understand the challenges of food provision in families has found working mothers feel stressed and are struggling with the added pressure of preparing healthy meals
22. 'Super overwhelming': what is endometriosis and how is it treated?
The Age – 29 August 2019
It's painful, debilitating and can land you in hospital – and one in nine Australian women suffer from it by their early 40s. What is endometriosis?