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Issue 25 Library e-newsletter 9 August 2019


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1. A beginner’s guide to critical thinking and writing in health and social care
Helen Aveyard., Pam Sharp & Mary Woolliams
Published 2015
Ever wondered what critical thinking actually is and how you can apply it in your academic work and practice? This bestselling guide takes you through every stage of becoming a critical thinker, from approaching your subject to writing your essays or dissertation in health and social care.

2. Euthanasia, ethics and public policy: An argument against legislation
John Keown
Cambridge University Press, 2002
Whether the law should permit voluntary euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide is one of the most vital questions facing all modern societies.

3. Members’ Meetings: All you need to know about New Zealand meeting procedure
Mark von Dadelszen
2nd edition, 2004

4. The quest for health equity
Health care issues, costs and access
Angela Sauaia
Published 2014

Articles – Prison Nursing

5. Working Life. Nurses on the beat
Fedele, Robert.
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Jul-Sep 2019, 26(7), 22-23
: The article describes the working life of registered nurse Hugo Chatwin-Smith at Victoria Police' Custodial Health Service. Topics discussed include members of the health care team at the Custodial Health Service, working experience of Chatwin-Smith before joining the service, and some of the biggest health concerns at the service. Characteristics that should be possessed by custodial nursing according to Chatwin-Smith are also mentioned.

6. Imagine if I'm not here, what they're going to do?"—Health‐care access and culturally and linguistically diverse women in prison.
Watt, Kelly., Hu, Wendy., Magin, Parker & Abbott, Penny.
Health Expectations. Dec 2018, 21(6), p1159-1170.
: Women in prison have complex medical needs and poorer health status than the general population. Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) women in prison, particularly those with limited English proficiency (LEP), have distinct needs and risk additional isolation, discrimination and marginalization when they are in prison.

7. Nurses Teaching Prison Officers: A Workshop to Reduce the Stigmatization of Prison Inmates With Mental Illness.
Melnikov, Semyon., Elyan‐Antar, Tamar., Schor, Razia., Kigli‐Shemesh, Ronit & Kagan, Ilya.
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. Oct 2017, 53(4), 251-258
t: This report describes and evaluates the effectiveness of a nurse-led workshop designed to improve correctional officers' stigmatizing attitude toward inmates with mental illness.

8. Cognitive Behavioral and Family Psychoeducational Therapies for Adolescent Inmates Experiencing Anxiety in a Narcotics Correctional Facility.
Mulia, Madepan; Keliat, Budi Anna; Wardani, Ice Yulia.
Comprehensive Child & Adolescent Nursing. 2017 Supplement, 40, 152-160.
: Illicit substance use is becoming a major global issue. In Indonesia, inmates imprisoned for illicit substance offences accounted for 40% of the total inmate population. This study aimed to identify the effects of cognitive behavioral and family psychoeducational therapies on inmates’ anxiety in the narcotics correctional facility.

9. Nurse-Led Trauma-Informed Correctional Care for Women.
Mollard, Elizabeth & Brage Hudson, Diane.
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. Jul 2016, 52(3), 224-230
: Incarcerated women are a vulnerable and unique population of special concern to nurses as they have high rates of mental illness. In this article, the authors discuss how trauma exposure contributes to mental illness in incarcerated women through abuse, socioeconomic factors, and the prison environment, how this trauma exposure manifests in the inmate survivor, and the related implications for practice.

10. Staying together: mothers and babies in prison.
Mulligan, Carly
British Journal of Midwifery, Jul 2019; 27(7), 436-441.
: Many women in prison are mothers and an increasing number are pregnant. These women face the harsh reality of potentially being separated from their babies or children, which can have detrimental effects on both the mother and the child.

Articles – Public Health

11. What happens once a program has been implemented? A call for research investigating strategies to enhance public health program sustainability
Wolfenden, Luke; Chai, Li Kheng; Jones, Jannah; McFadyen, Tameka; Hodder, Rebecca; et al.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 43 (1), Feb 2019, 3-4. DOI:10.1111/1753-6405.12867

12. Growing Evidence for Barbershop-Based Interventions to Promote Health and Address Chronic Diseases
Linnan, Laura A
American Journal of Public Health; Washington, 109(8),  (Aug 2019), 1073-1074.
t: Because customers attend barbershops on a regular basis (with most men frequenting a barbershop every two to three weeks), these shops represent a unique setting for reaching men with ongoing health information and services.

13. Twenty years of capacity building and partnership: A case study of a health promotion scholarship program
Crawford, Gemma, Hallett, Jonathan, Barnes, Asha, Cavill, Jamie-Lee, Clarkson, Jo, et al.
Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 30(2), Apr 2019, 281-284.
: Building health promotion workforce capacity and infrastructure is critical to ensure a strong evidence base for effective interventions, sustainability and ultimately positive health outcomes for the community.

14. Assessing the strength of secondary school tobacco policies of schools in the COMPASS study and the association to student smoking behaviours
Cole, Adam G., Aleyan, Sarah., Qian, Wei & Leatherdale, Scott T.
Canadian Journal of Public Health, 110(2), Apr 2019, 236-243
: The school environment is an ideal setting to introduce policies to prevent smoking behaviour. However, there may be variability in the strength of school board and secondary school tobacco policies, which may affect student smoking behaviours. This study assessed the strength of a sample of school board and secondary school tobacco policies and examined the association with student smoking behaviours.

15. A National Network of Public Health and Faith-Based Organizations to Increase Influenza Prevention Among Hard-to-Reach Populations
Kiser, Mimi & Lovelace, Kay
American Journal of Public Health, 109(3) (Mar 2019), 371-377.
: We studied a national collaboration to prevent the spread of 2009 H1N1 and seasonal influenza, and highlighted how a partnership among the Interfaith Health Program (IHP) at Emory University, the Department of Health and Human Services Partnership Center, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) leveraged the distinctive capabilities of local public health, health care, and faith-based organizations in 10 communities around the country

16. Framework, principles and recommendations for utilising participatory methodologies in the co-creation and evaluation of public health interventions
Leask, Calum F; Sandlund, Marlene; Skelton, Dawn A; Altenburg, Teatske M; Cardon, Greet; et al.
Research Involvement and Engagement; London Vol. 5,  (2019).
: Society has to cope with a large burden of health issues. Individual needs and circumstances vary greatly and one size fit all solutions do not tend to work well. More tailored solutions centred on individuals’ needs and circumstances can be developed in collaboration with these individuals. This process, known as co-creation, has shown promise but it requires guiding principles to improve its effectiveness. The aim of this study was to identify a key set of principles and recommendations for co-creating public health interventions.

Articles – Nursing Competencies

17. Developing a Universal Nursing Competencies Framework for Registered Nurses: A Mixed-Methods Approach
Lièen, Sabina, & Plazar, Nadja.
Journal of Nursing Scholarship; Indianapolis, 51(4) Jul 2019, 459-469.
: The research in this article entails a combination of different methodological approaches, namely the Delphi technique and an empirical quantitative nonexperimental study.

18. Evaluation of the implementation of the Gerontological Nursing Competencies
Britten, Nicole., Traynor, Victoria., Stokes, Jolan & Chenoweth, Lynn.
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal: ANJ, 26(7),  (Jul-Sep 2019), 44.
: The paper presents the results of implementing the Gerontological Nursing Competencies (GerNurs Competencies) with registered nurses (RN’s) working in residential care. The development of the GerNurs Competencies was previously discussed in the February 2018 issue

19. Developing and integrating nursing competence through authentic technology-enhanced clinical simulation education: Pedagogies for reconceptualising the theory-practice gap
Weeks, Keith W., Coben, Diana., O'Neill, David., Jones, Alan; Weeks, Alex; et al.
Nurse Education in Practice, 37, (May 2019), 29-38.
: The aim of this review and discussion paper is to advance the debate on competence in nursing, simulation education, and literacy in simulation education pedagogy.

20. Nurse competence in the interface between primary and tertiary healthcare services
Ann‐Chatrin Linqvist Leonardsen; Bjerkenes, Annette; Rutherford, Inga.
Nursing Open, 6(2),  (Apr 2019), 482-492
: (a) To explore nurses’ self‐assessed competence and perceived need for more training in primary and tertiary healthcare services; and (b) to investigate the factors associated with these issues.

21. Effective Factors for Development of Gerontological Nursing Competence: A Qualitative Study
Purfarzad, Zahra; Bahrami, Masoud; Keshvari, Mahrokh; Rafiei, Mohammad; Sivertsen, Nina; et al.
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 50 (3), (Mar 2019), 127-133
: Many nurses working in hospitals are not prepared to provide appropriate care for older people. This qualitative study aimed to identify factors influencing the development of gerontological nursing competence in Iranian hospitals.

22. Nursing competency and educational needs for clinical practice of Korean nurses
Sun-Ok, Kim; Yun-Jung, Choi.
Nurse Education in Practice, 34, (Jan 2019), 43-47.
: The purpose of this study was to investigate the nursing competency and educational needs of nurses on clinical nursing practice in order to provide basic evidences for a developing nursing education program. Participants of this study were 211 nurses working at a general hospital in Seoul, Korea.

23. Developing professional competence among critical care nurses: An integrative review of literature
DeGrande, Heather; Liu, Fuqin; Greene, Pamela; Stankus, Jo-Ann.
Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 49, (Dec 2018), 65-71
: An integrative review of the literature using the methodology of Whittemore and Knafl. The guiding question was: What is the extent and nature of the published literature on intensive care nurses developing professional competence?

24. An innovative approach to educating nurses to clinical competence: A randomized controlled trial
Lengetti, Evelyn; Kronk, Rebecca; Ulmer, Karen W; Wilf, Karen; Murphy, Diane; et al.
Nurse Education in Practice, 33, (Nov 2018), 159-163.
: This study examined the effect of mastery learning on new graduate nurses’ skill and self-regulation practices for indwelling urinary catheter insertion in a simulated learning environment.

Articles – Clinical Supervision

25. The art of clinical supervision: Strategies to assist with the delivery of student feedback
Russell, Kylie
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36(3), Mar/Jun 2019, 6-13
: The Art of Clinical Supervision (ACS) seminar was developed to provide health professionals with the essential knowledge, skill and attitude to support student clinical learning. This paper provides an outline of the strategies provided to participants to support the delivery of feedback to students on clinical placement.

26. Clinical supervision for nurses and midwives
Australian Midwifery News, 19(2), Jun 2019: [40]-[42]
: Clinical Supervision is increasingly recognised as a core component of professional support for contemporary nursing and midwifery practice. There is consistent evidence that effective Clinical Supervision impacts positively on the professional development as well as the health and wellbeing of supervisees.

Journal – Table of Contents

Journal of Infection Prevention, Vol. 20, Issue 3, May 2019

27A. Invited editorial: Universal health coverage – an infection prevention and control imperative
27B. “Clean care for all – it’s in your hands”: The 5 may 2019 World Health Organization SAVE LIVES: Clean Your hands Campaign
27C. Disinfectants: The role of standardised testing to aid selection: Part 2
27D. Hand hygiene expectations in radiography: A critical evaluation of the opportunities for and barriers to compliance
27E. Hand hygiene practices among healthcare workers in a newborn unit of a tertiary referral hospital in Kenya
27F. A cost analysis of active surveillance culture in a neonatal intensive care unit
27G. A cross-sectional study to describe and explore factors associated with measles immunisation and recording among cases linked to an outbreak, South West England, 2016.


28. Wellbeing at Work Conference
A unique platform for New Zealand employers and executives to network and discuss the current opportunities and challenges when creating and implementing a healthy and inclusive workplace
Date: 14 - 15 Oct 2019
Venue: Grand Millennium , Auckland
More information:

29. PCNNZ Conference 2019
Mahi Tahi: Working together: Palliative care without borders
Date: 21 & 22 October 2019
Venue: James Cook Hotel, Wellington
More information:

30. New Zealand Society for Oncology Conference
held in conjunction with Cancer Nurses College (NZNO)
Date: 25-26 October 2019
Venue: Harbourside Function Centre, Wellington
More information:

News – National

31. Call for action over needless Pacific cancer deaths
Radio New Zealand – 6 August 2019
Thousands of Pacific people are dying from a lack of cancer treatment, New Zealand medical researchers say. They say there is little or no treatment available in many Pacific countries for what are easily treatable cancers. The problems are apparent right across the Pacific, from Papua New Guinea to Tokelau, said one of the co-authors of the research, Otago University's Aiono professor Alec Ekeroma. It is not just a lack of treatment facilities, professor Ekeroma said, but also a lack of diagnoses.

32. Fight against cancer shouldn't focus only on treatment
Stuff - Aug 06 2019
Thousands of people are diagnosed with cancer in New Zealand every year. But many New Zealanders live lives free of the disease. A key focus of many cancer researchers, like myself, is understanding who is most vulnerable to developing cancer, and why, so we can stop the disease before it takes hold

33. First aid workshops help unmask the pain of mental health
Stuff - Aug 05 2019
When I had the chance to meet with a Wellington-based social enterprise which offers workshops throughout New Zealand on mental health first aid, I jumped at it.

34. Tobacco company targeting Māori for money – minister
Radio New Zealand 12 July 2019
A tobacco company is targeting Māori with its new e-cigarette because it wants to make money and not because it's concerned about public health, Associate Health Minister Jenny Salesa says.

News - International

35. Opinion: If we get rid of private health insurance, what happens next?
“Hey, hey, ho, ho, private health insurance has to go!” This is the relentless chant being sung in opinion pages and on talkback radio across the country. But what comes next if we dispose of this much-loathed part of our health system? Because, as many a revolution has shown, what comes next can be a lot worse than the most maligned status quo

36. New charter of healthcare rights aims to empower patients
8 August 2019
Healthcare advocates will launch a revised Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights on Thursday, aimed at empowering patients to take an active role in their own medical care. The charter, developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare, outlines what rights people have when going through the healthcare system and what they should expect when receiving treatment.

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