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Issue 24 Library e-newsletter 2 August 2019

Road to Zero: A New Road Safety Strategy for NZ

The Government is inviting feedback on a proposed new approach to road safety. Share your views and make a submission.


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1. The elements of style, 4th edition
William Strunk Jr.
Published 2000
With revisions and a chapter on writing. A style guide for writers. It concentrates on fundamentals, the rules of usage and principles of composition.

2. How the way we talk can change the way we work: Seven languages for transformation
Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey
Published 2001
Why is the gap so great between our hopes, our intentions, even our decisions—and what we are actually able to bring about? Even when we are able to make important changes—in our own lives or the groups we lead at work—why are the changes so frequently short-lived and we are soon back to business as usual?

3. Learning through storytelling: Using reflection and experience in higher education contexts
Janice McDrury and Maxine Alterio
Published 2002
This book explains and demonstrates how formalised storytelling processes can be used by educators, students and practitioners to inform, develop and advance professional practice. It links the art of storytelling to reflective learning processes and provides a storytelling model that has five stages: story finding, story telling, story expanding, story processing, and story reconstructing.

Helen Margaret Waaka
Published 2015
With a cast of lively characters, this collection of 18 short stories cracks open the image of rural tranquillity, to reveal the heartbreak and kindness of everyday lives. Helen Waaka was the winner of the 2011 Pikihuia Award for Best Short Story Written in English

Articles – New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, May 2019

5. An empirical examination of the gender pay gap in New Zealand
Pacheco, Gail; Li, Chao; Cochrane, Bill
New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 44 (1), May 2019
: New Zealand has often been described as a leader in the field of gender equality. Yet, while women have achieved substantial gains in a range of outcomes (education and labour force participation for example), the gender pay gap has changed very little. This study uses confidentialised microdata from Statistics New Zealand to examine the gap in a multitude of ways.

6. Service sector employee insights into the future of work and technological disruption
Brougham, David; Haar, Jarrod M; Tootell, Beth
New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 44 (1), May 2019
: The present study aims to provide employee insights into their perceptions of the future of work, specifically around their job and career. These insights are important, as the respondents show how they plan to adapt (or more importantly, not plan or not adapt) to new jobs and careers in a rapidly changing world

7. Psychological autonomy and well-being of employees in low-skilled occupations
Yong, Amy Pei Chuin; Roche, Maree & Sutton, Anna
New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 44 (1), May 2019
: Psychological autonomy and the impact it has on employees' well-being has seldom been examined for those employed in low-skilled occupations. Using self-determination theory (SDT) as the theoretical grounding, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between supervisors' support for psychological autonomy and employee outcomes such as well-being, stress, and job performance, for those in low-skilled occupations.

8. Another swing of the pendulum: Rhetoric and argument around the Employment Relations Amendment Act (2018)
Skilling, Peter
New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 44 (1), May 2019
t: 2018's Employment Relations Amendment Act (ERAA) reversed many of the employment relations (ER) regulatory changes introduced by the preceding National-led administration
The article notes the moments where the parties to this dispute failed or engage meaningfully with the arguments and evidence presented by the other side, and suggests that the "talking past each other" nature of the debate is related to the institutional forms and structures within which the debate took place.

9. Talking, listening and acting: Developing a conceptual framework to explore 'worker voice' in decisions affecting health and safety outcomes
Farr, Deirdre; Laird, Ian; Lamm, Felicity & Bensemann, Jo
New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 44 (1), May 2019
: The aim of this article is to identify a conceptual framework for exploring how new statutory provisions for worker engagement, participation and representation (EP and R) in workplace health and safety (WHS) are contributing to 'worker voice' in the high-risk construction industry.

Articles – Drugs and Driving

10. Viewpoints: Stoned at the wheel: Is there a problem?
Arnold, Naomi
Matters of Substance, 30 (1), Mar 2019: 33-35
t: Will legal cannabis compound the carnage on our roads? Naomi Arnold examines proposals for dealing with establishing whether drivers are high or not and questions whether cannabis is a significant impairment anyway

11. Drug driving - a zero tolerance approach?
Ey, Andrew
Bulletin (Law Society of South Australia), 41 (2), Mar 2019: 22-23
t: In 2016 approximately the same number of people were caught drug driving as those caught drink driving, being a little over 5000 in each case. Whilst our alcohol related road fatalities had decreased by an average of 8.9% since 2006 the same could not be said for illicit substances, which remained steady, and indeed in 2016 showed a marked increase in the proportion of fatal crashes testing positive to illicit substances

12. Roadside drug testing: Incoherent policy or uncertainty by design?
Ricketts, Aidan
Alternative Law Journal, 43 (1), Mar 2018: 30-34
: The conflation of road safety and prohibition as the jurisprudential rationale for penalty by legislators is producing significant negative side effects for the criminal justice system and for the social legitimacy of the roadside testing process generally. Genuine impairment testing for drivers is important but it is not being achieved by the current procedures in place around Australia.

13. Impact of medical conditions and medications on road traffic safety
Chitme, Havagiray R;   Al-Kashmiri, Ammar;   Al-Thehli, Hosn Mohammed;   Al-Qanoobi, Manal Juma;   Al-Mushefri, Marwa Mohammed;   Venuvgopal, Jayalakshmi
Oman Medical Journal, 33 (4), Jul 2018: 316-321
: Many medical conditions and medicines with therapeutic importance have been shown to impair driving skills, causing road traffic accidents, which leads to great human and economic suffering in Oman. The primary purpose of this study was to assess retrospectively the extent of medical conditions and medications influencing road traffic safety among drivers involved in road accidents.

14.: Driving impairment due to propofol at effect-site concentrations relevant after short propofol-only sedation
Telles, JL;   Agarwal, S;   Monagle, J;   Stough, C;   King, R &  Downey, L
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 44 (6), Nov 2016: 696-703
: Australian guidelines state "Following brief surgery or procedures with short acting anaesthetic drugs, the patient may be fit to drive after a normal night's sleep. After long surgery or procedures requiring longer lasting anaesthesia, it may not be safe to drive for 24 hours or more". The increasing use of the short-acting anaesthetic drug propofol as a solitary sedative medication for simple endoscopy procedures suggests a need to review this blanket policy.

Articles – Australian Ageing Agenda [Journal], Mar/Apr 2019

15. Addressing the pain point
Egan, Natasha
Australian Ageing Agenda, Issue Mar/Apr 2019
: The royal commission will hopefully lead to policy change in the treatments allied health professionals are funded to provide in aged care, Alwyn Blayse tells Natasha Egan.

16. Tuning in with residents
Cheu, Sandy
Australian Ageing Agenda, Issue Mar/Apr 2019
: Choir conductor Dorothy Ebel is motivated by seeing the positivity singing and music creates for older people, she tells Sandy Cheu.

17. Securing your workforce
Australian Ageing Agenda, Issue Mar/Apr 2019  
Cheu, Sandy
t: Ensuring staff feel valued, holding inspiring conversations and addressing the areas workers find unsatisfactory are among recommended strategies to make the workplace more attractive to employees.

18. Adapt and align to new thinking
Australian Ageing Agenda, Issue Mar/Apr 2019
: Emerging trends in data science, quality and compliance, as well as workforce technologies, are presenting providers with the opportunity to adapt and align o the changing consumer and legislative landscapes. These challenges will be in focus at the 2019 Health Metrics World Conference.

Journal – Table of Contents

Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal, Volume 26, No. 7, JUL–SEP 2019 JUL–SEP 2019 Jul - Sept 2019

19A. Editorial: After the recent federal election, we have been considering how to move forward working with a government that has made no commitment to aged care
19B. Newsbites: Skipping breakfast and late dinners recipe for heart attack; QLD phases out junk food ads in hospitals; Report uncovers gender barriers to leadership within nursing; Nurses and midwives hailed in Queen’s birthday list; ‘Night owls’ can retrain body clock to improve health and performance
19C. Australian children with mental health disorders not assessing care; Victoria’s voluntary assisted dying laws take effect; ICN condemns deaths of nurses and midwives in conflict zones; Coffee not harmful to heart; The future face of poverty should not be female: the barriers to superannuation equity women face
19D. Going green [Green crusader and anaesthetic nurse Darren Bradbrook has been on a  sustainability campaign in the operating room at Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) in South Australia since 2017]
19E. Returning to the fold: Re-entry to nursing practice
19F. In harm’s way [A series of drug overdoses at music festivals last summer triggered growing calls for the introduction of pill testing trials]
19G. Nurses, gun control and why we have a stake: an update
19H. The Coroner’s Court: extracting tips for improved documentation
19I. Industrial: Manslaughter – Moving towards a national regime
19J. Nurses on the beat [Registered nurse Hugo Chatwin-Smith was drawn to the diversity of custodial nursing]
19K. Aseptic technique tutorial
19L. Nurse and carer experiences of working in aged care: Research for policy impact
19M. What Australian nurses need to know about voluntary assisted dying
19N. Presentation during and ‘out of hours’ at three emergency departments for hyper-acute stroke patients
19O. Accessibility: A pivotal factor in maternal and neonatal outcomes
19P. Reducing catheter associated urinary tract infections
19Q. Age friendly communities – achieving positive outcomes by working together; The referral – Please fix this out of control, dementing aged diabetic; Listening to older people and valuing their personhood; Diagnostic accuracy of delirium assessment tools in critical ill patients; Evaluation of the implementation of the gerontological nursing competencies; Trialling an option for the frail elderly to attend
19R. Let’s reflect on the fall; Solving the delirium puzzle; Early career researchers in aged care – international connection and support; Understanding the practice of specialling older people with cognitive impairment in hospital by using concept analysis; What Assistant in Nursing (AIN) employment in aged care can teach our nursing students; is it pain?


20. Wellbeing at Work Conference
A unique platform for New Zealand employers and executives to network and discuss the current opportunities and challenges when creating and implementing a healthy and inclusive workplace
Date: 14 - 15 Oct 2019
Venue: Grand Millennium , Auckland
More information:

21. PCNNZ Conference 2019
Mahi Tahi: Working together: Palliative care without borders
Date: 21 & 22 October 2019
Venue: James Cook Hotel, Wellington
More information:

22. New Zealand Society for Oncology Conference
held in conjunction with Cancer Nurses College (NZNO)
: 25-26 October 2019
Venue: Harbourside Function Centre, Wellington
More information:

News – National

23. Tax 'junk food', not just sugar to improve healthy eating, study finds
Stuff – 1 August 2019
A world-first study has found a "junk food" tax could be more effective in encouraging healthy eating than an excise only on sugar.
The research, led by the University of Auckland and published on Thursday in The Lancet, used virtual reality to investigate how price changes could affect consumers' grocery shopping habits

24. Diabetes war going wrong way
ODT – 31 July 2019
The fight against diabetes has gone backwards in crucial areas and a total revamp of official strategy is needed, ground-breaking analysis has found.
Alarming findings from 25 years of medical data will be presented tonight to a crisis summit of clinicians, health managers and politicians

25. Infant immunisation rate in wider Manawatū continue to drop
Manawatu Standard - Jul 30 2019
Connecting young families to GP clinics earlier is being targeted as a crucial step toward curbing a decline in infant vaccination rates

26. A cure for what ails
ODT - Monday, 29 July 2019
A new treatment for hepatitis C is being hailed a miracle cure. But about 25,000 New Zealanders have the deadly disease and not know it

News – International

27. Binge drinking affects 1 in 10 older adults in the US
Binge drinking can be harmful for older people because it increases the risk of injuries and falls and the chances of developing chronic health problems.
The new Journal of the American Geriatrics Society study analyzed recent national survey data on alcohol use.

28. 'It can kill, it nearly did': researchers uncover clue to deadly flu in healthy people
Sydney Morning Herald – 31 July 2019
Despite being a fit and healthy 32-year-old, Amanda Nix said she is lucky a bout of influenza did not kill her. “I generally don't get sick very often at all,” she said. “I’m still in shock actually, I had no idea it could happen like that to someone like me.”

29. Health workers to strike as last-ditch talks fail over patient assaults
Sydney Morning Herald – 31 July 2019
NSW patients will get a free ambulance ride on Thursday when more than 22,000 Health Service Union members go on strike and paramedics work but refuse to bill patients. Health workers including cleaners, security guards and administration staff will partake in a four-hour rolling industrial action to demand safer workplace conditions in light of assaults and abuse they face at work.

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