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Issue 23 Library e-newsletter 25 July 2019

DHB/NZNO Pay Equity Update – July 2019


1. Communication for nurses: How to prevent harmful events and promote patient safety
Pamela McHugh Schuster & Linda Nykolyn
Published 2010
Builds on the theoretical foundations of communication to develop effective skills step by step. Explores the use of therapeutic communication in patient-client relationships, in health promotion and education. as well as in interactions with colleagues.

2. Mental health: A person-centred approach
Edited by Nicholas Procter., Helen P. Hamer., Denise Mcgarry., Rhonda L. Wilson & Terry Froggatt
Cambridge University Press, 2014
This book adopts a storytelling approach, which encourages engagement with the lives and needs of consumers and carers in mental health. Each chapter features learning objectives, reflective and critical thinking questions, extension activities and further reading.

3. Nursing: Out from under the bushel
Lindsay Duncan; Foreword by Jane Lawless
Published 2016
This book is more than just a story of nursing. It is the story and chronology of a professional life, intermingled with the telling of personal accounts and experiences. It also includes some special thoughts on nursing now and into the future. Nursing in the present day, presents many new challenges and opportunities

4. Nursing delegation and management of patient care
Kathleen Motacki & Kathleen Burke
Published 2011
This dynamic resource is your guide to the latest information on the roles and responsibilities of the manager of patient care, core competencies required of nurses caring for patients, and a wide range of management concepts that nurses need to know before entering practice. With an emphasis on patient safety and evidence-based practice, it provides complete coverage of patient care management, leadership, information management, organizational planning, and human resources.

Articles – Medicinal Cannabis

5. Cannabis sativa L. and Nonpsychoactive Cannabinoids: Their Chemistry and Role against Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Cancer.
Pellati, Federica; Borgonetti, Vittoria; Brighenti, Virginia; Biagi, Marco; Benvenuti, Stefania
& Corsi, Lorenzo
BioMed Research International, 12/4/2018; 1-15.
: In the last decades, a lot of attention has been paid to the compounds present in medicinal Cannabis sativa L., such as Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), and their effects on inflammation and cancer-related pain. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) currently recognizes medicinal C. sativa as an effective treatment for providing relief in a number of symptoms associated with cancer, including pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, and anxiety

6. Medical Cannabis: The oncology nurse's role in patient education about the effects of marijuana on cancer palliation
Clark, Carey S.
Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, Feb 2018; 22(1): E1-E6. 6p
: This article aims to discuss the human endocannabinoid system as a basis for better understanding the palliative and curative nature of cannabis as a medicine, as well as review cannabis delivery methods and the emerging role of the oncology nurse in this realm

7. Understanding Medicinal Cannabis in Cancer Care
By Pirschel, Chris.
ONS Voice. Jan 2018, Vol. 33 Issue 1, p18-22. 5p.
: Medical cannabis, a topic that remains largely unstudied in human trials in the United States, is slowly becoming introduced in areas of health care and oncology in states that have legalized it for medical and adult recreational use

Articles – Fatigue and Shiftwork

8. Fatigue and nurses’ work patterns: An online questionnaire survey
Philippa Gander,*, Karyn O’Keeffe, Edgar Santos-Fernandez, Annette Huntington, Leonie Walker, Jinny Willis
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 98 (2019) 67–74
: Fatigue resulting from shift work and extended hours can compromise patient care and the safety and health of nurses, as well as increasing nursing turnover and health care costs. Objectives: This research aimed to identify aspects of nurses’ work patterns associated with increased risk of reporting fatigue-related outcomes
9. Is it shift length or working practices that most affect midwives' wellbeing and ability to safely deliver care?
Dent, Jackie
British Journal of Midwifery, Dec 2018; 26(12): 812-817. 6p
: Midwives continue to experience high levels of work-related stress. Challenges in staffing and demands on services may contribute, but there are also indications that shift length or working practices may also be a factor, especially if midwives regularly work beyond their contracted hours or miss rest breaks. In the nursing literature, longer shifts have been associated with higher levels of fatigue, yet this has also been found in nurses working 8-hour shifts, due to the high number of consecutive shifts worked, suggesting that working practices also contribute to fatigue.

10. Nursing Overtime: Should It Be Regulated?
Wheatley, Cathleen
Nursing Economic$, Jul/Aug 2017; 35(4): 213-217. 5p.
: The article discusses the negative impact of overtime on nurses and patients due to nurse fatigue from long work hours, inadequate sleep, and inadequate recovery time between shifts. Topics covered include prevalence of nursing overtime in the U.S. and Europe, an overview of published literature on nurse overtime, and the association between overtime and nurse outcomes such as needlestick and musculoskeletal injuries

11. Impact of shift work on critical care nurses.
Pryce, Cheryl
Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing, Winter 2016; 27(4): 17-21. 5p
Shift work is a common practice in the health care field to maintain 24-hour patient care. The purpose of this article is to recognize the negative impact of shift work on critical care nurses, and identify strategies to mitigate these effects

12. A Hard Day's Night.
Gruenberg, Bonnie U.
Midwifery Today, Autumn 2016; (119): 36-38. 3p
: The article discusses the harmful effects of sleep deprivation on midwives. Topics covered include the increased risk of work-related injuries, medical errors and traffic accidents associated with sleep deprivation, the vulnerability to night-shift fatigue of people whose circadian rhythms are genetically programmed to be alert in the morning, and the risk of diabetes, cancer and obesity, among other diseases, linked with sleep deprivation

Articles – Nursing Older People, July 2019 [RCN journal]

13. Approaches to managing older people using opiates and their risk of dependence
Ian Hamilton, Gerri Kaufman
Nursing Older People, 23 May 2019 / Vol 31 issue 3. doi: 10.7748/nop.2019.e1100
: Although we do not know how many older people have developed such problems due to opiate use we know that some will. It is important for nurses to understand the context in which opiates are used, as well as the specific needs of older people and how to respond to them.

14. Development of a capability-based training programme for an advanced nurse practitioner
Clifford Kilgore
Nursing Older People, 23 May 2019 / Vol 31 issue 3. doi: 10.7748/nop.2019.e1088
: This article explores how a capability-based training programme was developed for one advanced nurse practitioner (ANP) in the care of older people in a community healthcare NHS trust. It also considers whether the programme could be replicated for other clinicians wishing to train for a specific advanced practice role.

15. How do I treat pain appropriately in a person with dementia?
Julie Willoughby Nurse consultant in Dementia services, Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, Wolverhampton
Nursing Older People. 23 May 2019 / Vol 31 issue 3. doi: 10.7748/nop.31.3.21.s15
: A tool to help staff understand the management of pain in dementia care comprises four simple steps to recognise pain and treat it effectively. Pain is common in people with dementia but is often under-recognised and poorly managed (Sampson et al 2015, Closs et al 2016). One of the reasons for this is a patient’s inability to communicate verbally despite experiencing pain (McAuliffe et al 2012).

16. Spotlight on ageism in the health service
Nick Evans
Nursing Older People. 23 May 2019 / Vol 31 issue 3, 8-9. doi: 10.7748/nop.31.3.8.s7
: Research suggests some NHS staff are ageist and should review their approach to older people
The ageing population has had a remarkable effect on NHS care, including a rise in hospital admissions and the need to coordinate services for people with multiple long-term conditions.

17. Three decades of older people’s nursing reflected in our pages
Daniel Allen
Nursing Older People. 23 May 2019 / Vol 31 issue 3, 16-19. doi: 10.7748/nop.31.3.16.s13
: The story of this journal seen through a dip into the archives along with the recollections of two former occupants of the editor’s chair You will not all agree, but it had to be done.’ With those words, in June 1989, the editor, Linda Thomas, kick-started a new era for this journal, which until then had gone by the name Geriatric Nursing and Home Care.

18. NHS Improvement guidance on pressure ulcer definition and measurement
Erin Dean
Nursing Older People. 23 May 2019 / Vol 31 issue 3, 11-11. doi: 10.7748/nop.31.3.11.s11
: Almost 1,300 new pressure ulcers are reported each month in the NHS in England, according to NHS Digital. Treating pressure damage costs the NHS more than £3.8 million every day, but the recording of pressure ulcers and their severity can vary within and between trusts. Finding ways to improve the prevention of pressure damage is therefore a priority for policymakers, managers and healthcare staff.

Journal – Table of Contents

American Journal of Nursing, July 2019, Volume 119, Number 7

19A. Guest Editorial: A new future of nursing report [Nurses have a historic opportunity to address social determinants of health in America]
19B. Viewpoint: Assisted death: A call to action to improve end-of-life care [Can we do more to address underlying reasons for this irrevocable choice?]
19C. News: Health care workers continue to be targeted in conflict zones; Some young adult e-cigarette users report seizures; Patient load per RN decreases in New Jersey over seven-year period; Women benefit from the Affordable Care Act; NYSNA Members reach deal with three major health systems to avoid strike
19D. Mental health care is lacking in children and adolescents [Integrating mental health consultants and providers into schools and primary care could help]
19E. Increase in reports of tick-borne rickettsial diseases in the United States [New resources for diagnosis and treatment from the CDC]
19F. DrugWatch: New nasal spray for treatment-resistant depression; Two new drugs approved for multiple sclerosis
19G. Helping health care providers and staff process grief through a hospital-based program
19H. Poem: Going Under
19I. Addressing implicit bias in nursing: A review
19J. Communication skills training for health care professionals who work with cancer patients
19K. Rising to the challenge: Re-embracing the Wald Model of Nursing
19L. The National Library of Medicine [Free, evidence-based resources for health care providers, patients, and consumers]
19M. Surviving your first code [What new nurses can expect during a resuscitation]
19N. Journal watch: Daily cannabis use adversely affects mental health; Stricter state gun laws improve school environment and perceptions of safety; Benefits of screening ultrasonography for breast cancer may not outweigh harms; Educational intervention improves vaccination rates in older patients
19O. Legal Clinic: The elements of a nursing malpractice case, Part 1: Duty
19P. Helping students see the realities of addiction and recovery [Nancy Labov’s non-profit gives young adults in recovery a platform at local schools]
19R. What Joanna would have wanted [To help health care proxies with end-of-life decisions, ask about patients’ former selves]

Privacy Good Research Fund

20. The Privacy Good Research Fund -open for applications from 15 July to 9 September 2019.
Applications are welcome for research projects that develop new privacy-related knowledge, provide practical solutions, or promote innovation
For more information: [email protected].


21. WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2020
Jointly hosted by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners and the New Zealand Rural General Practice Network, WONCA 2020 will combine the strengths of both the Conference for General Practice and the Rural General Practice Conference, making it one of the leading primary care conferences in New Zealand in 2020
Venue: Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand
Date: 23 - 26 April 2020
More information:

22. Information sessions on Medicinal Cannabis Scheme
The first sessions take place in Auckland on Monday and Tuesday next week, Christchurch on Tuesday 30 July and Wellington on Thursday 1 August
The deadline for submissions on the Medicinal Cannabis Scheme closes at 5pm on 7 August 2019.
Consultation document and online submission template: Medicinal Cannabis Scheme consultation.

23. 2020 Tripartite Colorectal Meeting
In partnership with The NZ College of Stomal Therapy Nursing and The Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses Inc.
Date: 9–12 November 2020
Venue: Aotea Centre, Auckland
More information:

News – National

24. Kiwi women living with complications from surgical mesh describe day-to-day struggles
OneNews – 23 July 2019
Hundreds of people have registered with the Ministry of Health to speak out about the harm caused by surgical mesh complications

25. Stage 1 report of Health Services and Outcomes Kaupapa Inquiry released
Health Research Council - 17 July 2019
The Waitangi Tribunal recently released the results from stage one of its inquiry into Māori grievances relating to health services and outcomes of national significance. Stage one's hearings ran from October to December 2018 and focused on aspects of primary health care, which includes services provided in the community by general practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, counsellors, dentists and others. The report addresses claims concerning the way the primary health care system in New Zealand has been legislated, administered, funded and monitored by the Crown since the passing of the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000, and explores whether the persistent inequitable health outcomes of Māori are indicators of a breach of the Treaty of Waitangi.
Read more:

26. Emojis are creative but can cause workplace confusion
One News – 17 July 2019
Emojis are creative but can cause workplace confusion, linguistics professor says
In the occasion of World Emoji Day, a lingustics professor says emojis are creative but can be chaotic and cause confusion in a workplace.

27. Professor Michelle Glass on cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids
From Saturday Morning, 9:35 am on 20 July 2019
In less than two years, the deaths of up to 80 New Zealanders have been attributed to synthetic cannabis (known more accurately as synthetic cannabinoids). Yet currently little is known about why they are so dangerous and how to treat users presenting at emergency departments

28. Waikato University survey to further help understand postnatal depression
Jo Lines-MacKenzie12:31, Jul 22 2019
Immigrants are nearly twice as likely to get postnatal depression than New Zealand-born parents and a Waikato University student wants to know how to get those rates down.

29. Clinical psychologists to strike amid staff shortages in Southland
Damian Rowe16:50, Jul 21 2019
Southland clinical psychologists are joining a nationwide strike in protest at staff shortages seen as particularly bad in their region.  Psychologists nationwide who belong to the Association of Professional and Executive Employees  [APEX] will participate in a five-week strike, imposing a ban on all overtime work from July 30 to September 3 for a pay rise to improve staff retention.

News – International

30. How common causes of death among Australians have changed over the past 40 years
The Age - July 21, 2019 — 8.39pm
Australians are dying at their lowest rate on record, but data shows more people are dying of dementia and Alzheimer’s than ever before

31. Aged care residents turned into 'zombies' on antipsychotics for more than 200 days at a time
People living with dementia in aged care facilities are being unnecessarily sedated with antipsychotic drugs for more than 200 days at a time, twice as long as the maximum time recommended, a study has found. Some were sedated for their entire stay, according to Australia's first large longitudinal study to review nursing home's medication records by Macquarie University's Kimberly Lind, to be published on Wednesday in Alzheimer's Disease and Associated Disorders.







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