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Issue 22 - Library e-newsletter 19 July 2019

Opportunity for New Zealand men and women who have been injured and harmed after undergoing a surgical mesh procedure to share their experiences.
Four main centres – Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin – and across a range of times and days


1. The Good Doctor: Breaking the rules, making a difference
Lance O’Sullivan
Published 2015
Passionate, brave and free-thinking, Lance stood up when no one else would.  The Good Doctor charts his inspirational and captivating story – and offers hope in the face of New Zealand’s many health-related social issues

2. To Sark and Beyond
Chris Davies Curtis
Published 2014
Starting dramatically with her experiences as a district nurse in the early 1960s, we then move to Sark. In this tiny feudal British Channel island, she and husband Ken open a guest house and open a smallholding with 200 hens, goats, bees and the donkey, Pedro.

3. Early Stage Dementia Reassurance for sufferers and carers: Understanding and dealing with memory loss, emotional and personality changes
Lorraine West
Published 2001
This book addresses the need for information for people involved with the early stages of dementia, starting with the first thoughts that something may be wrong, through to diagnosis and dealing with the changes of lifestyle.

4. Bully at work: What you can do to stop the hurt and reclaim your dignity on the job
Gary Namie & Ruth Namie
2nd edition, 2009
Those being bullied at work are more than merely overworked and under appreciated. The fear, shame, humiliation, and loss of dignity that originate at work can creep into every other aspect of life.

Articles – Drug Abuse and Pregnancy

5. Drug Use During Pregnancy
Motherhood is an exciting and challenging experience filled with opportunities for growth and learning. For some women however, motherhood is complicated by personal struggles like drug or alcohol addiction.

6. 'Policing' pregnant women during the opioid epidemic Getting to good medicine and good law: Should ob/gyns police their pregnant patients as part of the battle against the opioid epidemic?
Wolfson, Jay & Lockwood, Charles J.
Contemporary OB/GYN, Mar 2019; 64(3): 6-9. 3p
: The article discusses how the government should protect the interest of pregnant mothers, their fetuses and newborn children in the light of opioid epidemic among pregnant women. Topics covered include consequences of opioid dependence, laws and regulations governing drug use during pregnancy, and the need of obstetricians/gynecologists (ob/gyns) to follow the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommendations.

7. The Opioid Crisis on Our Caseloads: Babies born addicted to opioids can show immediate neurological problems, difficulties with feeding and failed hearing screenings. Studies also point to longer-term effects on development, including speech and language difficulties.
Proctor-Williams, Kerry
ASHA Leader, Nov 2018; 23(11): 42-47. 6p
: The article reports that babies born addicted to opioids can show immediate neurological problems, difficulties with feeding and failed hearing screenings, according to several studies. Around 91.8 million U.S. adults used opioids in 2015, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The best-practice position as of November 2018 is that pregnant women should not discontinue opioids suddenly during pregnancy. Infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome increased from 2009 to 2013

Articles – Surgical Mesh

8. UGSA response to the Senate inquiry into the use of transvaginal mesh in Australia
King, Jenny
Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal, The, Vol. 24, No. 2, Winter 2018: 32-35
In February 2017, the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee commenced an inquiry into number of women in Australia who have had transvaginal mesh implants and related matters. This was largely instigated by Senator Derryn Hinch after lobbying by women who had reported complications following such surgery. The inquiry report was released midway through March 2018 and contains 13 recommendations for changes in product registration, training, clinical pathways, patient consent mechanisms and audit.

9. What you need to know about vaginal mesh surgery.
By Jones-Berry, Stephanie.
Nursing Standard. Sep 2018, Vol. 33 Issue 6, p67-69. 3p. DOI: 10.7748/ns.33.6.67.s26.
: The article offers information about vaginal mesh surgery (VMS) and discusses why the British government has decided to put a temporary ban on its use for women with stress urinary incontinence. Topics mentioned include the adverse effects of VMS including pain, urinary problems and infections, and the alternatives to VMS including physiotherapy.

10. Ultrasonographic Assessment with Three-Dimensional Mode of the Urethral Compression Effect following Sling Surgery with and without Mesh Surgery.
Lin, Kun-Ling; Juan, Yung-Shun; Chou, Shih-hsiang; Long, Cheng-Yu
BioMed Research International, 1/6/2019; 1-6. 6p
: The aim of this study was to assess anatomical changes in the urethra at rest and during straining following sling surgery with and without transvaginal mesh surgery (TVM) in women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) with or without pelvic organ prolapse (POP) using three-dimensional ultrasonography.

11. Predictors of persistent stress urinary incontinence after transvaginal mesh repair.
Kawaguchi, Shohei; Narimoto, Kazutaka; Urata, Satoko; Takeyama, Masami; Kadono, Yoshifumi; Mizokami, Atsushi
BMC Women's Health, 10/25/2018; 18(1): N.PAG-N.PAG. 1p
: We evaluated the effect of transvaginal mesh (TVM) surgery for voiding function and continence using noninvasive examination and questionnaire. The present study aimed to ascertain which categories of patients need concomitant mid-urethral sling (MUS) after TVM surgery.

12. Removal of Perigee® total vaginal mesh
Melon, J.; Chao, F.; Ow, L.; Chan, W.; Rosamilia, A.; Lo, C.
Australian & New Zealand Continence Journal, Winter 2018; 24(2): 58-59. 2p
: The article discusses the case of 43-year-old woman having history of a Perigee vaginal mesh five years prior referred to pelvic floor unit outpatient department. It is mentioned that Chronic pelvic pain may be side effect of use of vaginal mesh repair for primary management of pelvic organ prolapse which may sometimes be cured using removal of total vaginal mesh.

13. NHS mesh report pays lip service to women suffering.
Operating Theatre Journal, Aug 2017; (323): 17-17. 1p
: Women are furious after a major NHS mesh report was published recently. Women say it pays lip service to patients and never intended to investigate mesh implant safety – despite taking three-years, hundreds of hours and costing thousands of pounds.

Articles – Conflict Management

14. Interpersonal Communication Competence and Conflict Handling Styles of Nurses in Intensive Care Units
Fang-Hsiu KUO; Hui-Man HUANG; Fan-Ko SUN; Wan-Ju LIN
Journal of Nursing, Apr 2019; 66(2): 67-76. 10p.
: Nurses in intensive care units (ICUs) must be capable of employing appropriate conflict handling styles in order to communicate with medical teams, patients, and patient family members effectively. There is a current lack of research on the interpersonal communication competence and conflict handling styles of ICU nursing staffs in Taiwan.

15. Ask the Experts: Generational Differences and Multigenerational Teamwork
Stutzer, Karen
Critical Care Nurse; Feb 2019; v.39. n.1, 78-81. 4p. (Question & Answer)
: The article provides an answer to a question on how to encourage teamwork and collaboration despite generational differences to prevent some nurses from making disrespectful comments about nurses based on their age.

16. Overcoming workplace interpersonal conflict.
Kennison, Monica
Reflections on Nursing Leadership, 2019; 45(1): 1-6. 6p
: When unacceptable individual or group behavior goes unchallenged for years, changing the
status quo becomes an uphill battle for a new leader. The author offers a battle plan.

17. Embracing generational diversity: Reducing and managing workplace conflict
André, Shelley
ORNAC Journal, Dec 2018; 36(4): 13-35. 22p.
: The phrase "Nurses Eat Their Young" is an expression that is all too familiar within the nursing profession. Intergenerational differences can exacerbate pre-existing tendencies to put new nurses through their paces or orientate them using 'trial by fire methods' that were experienced by older nurses experienced when beginning their careers.

18. Mediation: A guide for midwives.
Golden, Paul
British Journal of Midwifery, Aug 2018; 26(8): 550-551. 2p
When conflicts arise, support from a trained mediator can prevent disputes being escalated to the regulatory body. Paul Golden outlines what midwives can expect from mediation


19. Digital Health Week NZ 2019
Date: 18-22 November 2019
Venue: Claudelands, Hamilton
More information:

20. 11th Health Services and Policy Research Conference
Theme: Addressing health service inequities to improve health system performance
Date: 4-6 December 2019
Venue: The Pullman, Auckland

News – National

21. Oysters, vitamins and the good health puzzle to get you through winter
Maggie Radich 09:29, Jul 19 2019
There are positives to the colder months. I'm thinking winter sports, how the mountain looks, warm duvets, hot drinks, crockpots and snuggling up on the couch to watch a movie. This is all good stuff. If you can capitalise on these factors you're doing well

22. Another measles case (after a flight from Auckland) in Wellington
Scoop - July 7, 2019
Regional Public Health (RPH) Wellington has been notified of a case of measles and is asking people who may have been in contact with that person to watch out for symptoms. The infected person visited several public places, including taking a domestic flight from Auckland to Wellington, before they were diagnosed. At these times the person did not know they had measles.

News – International

23. More women suffering ‘deaths of despair’ but wealthiest are shielded, study shows
Sydney Morning Herald – 19 July 2019
Women are increasingly suffering “deaths of despair”, a new study shows, with only the wealthiest shielded from the rise in suicides, overdoses, and deaths from potentially preventable causes. The alarming findings confirmed women’s health was “utterly determined by their social circumstances”, said the Australian study’s senior author Professor Stephen Robson

24. Up to one in three kids have tooth decay, and sugar is to blame: experts
Sydney Morning Herald – 19 July 2019
“If we are talking about dental care, we need to talk about sugar.” That’s according to Professor Marco Peres, lead author on a paper about the global public health challenge of oral diseases published in Lancet on Friday.

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