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Issue 20 Library e-newsletter 21 June 2019

Elder Abuse Awareness Week  - 15-22 June 2019
Take our quick ELDER ABUSE QUIZ to test your knowledge
For research into elder abuse and neglect please click here.


1. Nursing in action: Strengthening nursing and midwifery to support health for all
Edited by Jane Salvage, Regional Adviser for Nursing and Midwifery, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Published 1993
A practical, step-by-step guide to the introduction of changes intended to strengthen the role and status of nurses in Europe. Emphasis is placed on changes that lead to improved patient care in line with the principles of health for all. Noting that nurses are uniquely placed to perceive the need for change and then take the initiative, the book aims to help readers think through weaknesses in health care, understand how to introduce change, and take the appropriate action, whether to improve practices on a hospital ward or to change the way nurses are trained

2. Nurses and politics: The impact of power and practice
Chris Hart
Published 2004
The book is the first to make a clear link between violence to nurses, bullying, stress and whistleblowing, while addressing other issues such as nurse education, clinical practice, policy and service development within the NHS and funding.

3. Life Support: Three nurses on the front lines
Suzanne Gordon
Published 1997
In this book, Suzanne Gordon describes the everyday work of three RNs in Boston―a nurse practitioner, an oncology nurse, and a clinical nurse specialist on a medical unit. At a time when nursing is often undervalued and nurses themselves in short supply, Life Support provides a vivid, engaging, and intimate portrait of health care's largest profession and the important role it plays in patients' lives.

Articles – Elder Abuse

4. Elder law: Equality before the law for older people
Judicial Officers Bulletin, Vol. 31, No. 5, Jun 2019: 45-47
: This month, the Commission published a new chapter in the 'Equality before the Law Bench Book' on Older people. The chapter provides information and practical guidance for judicial officers about demographics, elder abuse, barriers to accessing justice, capacity and competence, and issues that might arise in the courtroom when older people appear as plaintiffs, defendants or witnesses, including best practice in communication.

5. Elder abuse: The journey so far: Elder abuse, much like domestic and family violence, is often a hidden, shameful scourge in the community
Raassina, Mel
The Proctor, Vol. 39, No. 4, May 2019: 18-[21]
: It is widespread and takes many forms, such as physical, emotional, sexual and financial.

6. When powers of attorney go wrong: Preventing financial abuse of older people by enduring attorneys
Ries, Nola M
Precedent (Sydney, N.S.W.), No. 148, Oct 2018: 9-13
t: Enduring powers of attorney (POAs) are valuable, but risky, legal instruments. Research reveals several common problems that underlie abuse of the POA role: Inadequate knowledge; family conflicts; attitudes of entitlement; secrecy about money; and lack of planning and preparation for financial decision-making.

7. The first step in a major endeavour to protect seniors
Gardiner, Christie;   Webb, Eileen
Australian Ageing Agenda, May/June 2018, Jul 2018: 18-19
: The announcement of the plan to address elder abuse must not encourage us into a false sense of security that something is being done, write Christie Gardiner and Professor Eileen Webb.

8. Elder abuse: The role of general practitioners in community-based screening and multidisciplinary action
Ries, Nola M;   Mansfield, Elise
Australian Journal of General Practice, Vol. 47, No. 4, Apr 2018: 235-338
: There are growing calls for elder abuse screening to be conducted by a range of community-based service providers, including general practitioners (GPs), practice nurses, home care workers and lawyers. Improved screening may be a valuable first step towards improving elder abuse detection and response; however, practitioners need evidence-based strategies for screening and follow-up.

9. Global prevalence of elder abuse: A metaanalysis and meta-regression
Ho, Cyrus SH;   Wong, Siow-Yi;   Chiu, Marcus M;   Ho, Roger CM
East Asian Archives of Psychiatry, Vol. 27, No. 2, Jun 2017: 43-55
: Elder abuse is increasingly recognised as a global public health and social problem. There has been limited inter-study comparison of the prevalence and risk factors for elder abuse. This study aimed to estimate the pooled and subtype prevalence of elder abuse worldwide and identify significant associated risk factors.

Articles – Nursing Management (RCN), 28 May 2019
Vol 26, Issue 3


10. Action learning: staff development, implementing change, interdisciplinary working and leadership
Gemma Stacey-Emile & Alison Heulwen James
Nursing Management, 28 May 2019 | Vol 26, Issue 3. doi: 10.7748/nm.2019.e1841
: Initially developed to support organisational change, AL is now recognised as a motivating and influencing process for team development, individual goal setting, change initiatives, quality improvement and leadership development.

11. Technology combined with expert, relationship-based care
Robert Moore
Nursing Management, 28 May 2019 | Vol 26, Issue 3. doi: 10.7748/nm.2019.e1853
: In his Systems, Not Structures report, minister for health in Northern Ireland (NI) Raphael Bengoa notes: ‘Advances in telecare, telemonitoring and electronic assistive technologies are making a significant difference to the way services are delivered.

12. Effects of the Care Certificate on healthcare assistants’ ability to identify and manage deteriorating patients
Sandie Michelle Haigh & Joanne Garside  
Nursing Management. 28 May 2019 | Vol 26, Issue 3 doi: 10.7748/nm.2019.e1798
: The Care Certificate, launched in England in 2015, safeguards patients by ensuring all new healthcare assistants (HCAs) undertake a structured educational programme so that they can provide appropriate, safe and high standards of care in clinical settings. This article describes a service evaluation that aimed to identify the effects of the Care Certificate on HCAs’ confidence and ability to identify, and initiate management of, unwell patients independently.

13. Interprofessional teamwork in stroke care
Elaine Maxwell  
Nursing Management. 28 May 2019 | Vol 26, Issue 3, 10-12. doi: 10.7748/nm.26.3.10.s8
: This is the third in a series of six articles that aim to encourage nurse leaders to explore the application of research findings in improving practice and services where they work. The NIHR Dissemination Centre aims to assist practitioners, managers and policymakers by summarising, contextualising and analysing research findings and presenting them as dependable, accessible, actionable information for those who need it.

14. Shocking’ data on nursing workforce equality should serve as a wake-up call for managers Stephanie Jones-Berry
Nursing Management. 28 May 2019 | Vol 26, Issue 3, 8-9. doi: 10.7748/nm.26.3.8.s7
: Analysis of race equality figures for nurses sets out strategic approaches and operational interventions. A new overview of data on workforce race equality for the nursing profession in England should leave senior nurses ‘shocked to their core’, says one of the country’s highest-ranking nurse leaders.
Articles –

15. Why Health and Social Care Support for People with Long-Term Conditions Should be Oriented Towards Enabling Them to Live Well.
Entwistle, Vikki A.; Cribb, Alan & Owens, John
Health Care Analysis, Mar 2018; 26(1): 48-65. 18p
: There are various reasons why efforts to promote “support for self-management” have rarely delivered the kinds of sustainable improvements in healthcare experiences, health and wellbeing that policy leaders internationally have hoped for. This paper explains how the basis of failure is in some respects built into the ideas that underpin many of these efforts.

16. Examining the Social Benefits Principle in Research with Human Participants.
Resnik, David B.
Health Care Analysis, Mar 2018; 26(1): 66-80
: The idea that research with human participants should benefit society has become firmly entrenched in various regulations, policies, and guidelines, but there has been little in-depth analysis of this ethical principle in the bioethics literature. In this paper, I distinguish between strong and weak versions and the social benefits principle and examine six arguments for it.

17. Individualised Claims of Conscience, Clinical Judgement and Best Interests.
Smith, Stephen W.
Health Care Analysis, Mar 2018; 26(1): 81-93
Conscience and conscientious objections are important issues in medical law and ethics. However, discussions tend to focus on a particular type of conscience-based claim. These types of claims are based upon predictable, generalizable rules in which an individual practitioner objects to what is otherwise standard medical treatment (for example, the objections recognised in the Abortion Act). However, not all conscience based claims are of this type. There are other claims which are based not on an objection to a treatment in general but in individual cases.

18. How Much Care is Enough? Carer’s Guilt and Bergsonian Time.
Johncock, Will
Health Care Analysis, Mar 2018; 26(1): 94-107.
: Despite devoting their time to another person’s needs, many carers paradoxically experience guilt during their caregiving tenure concerning whether they are providing <italic>enough</italic> care. When discussing the “enough” of anything, what is at stake is that thing’s quantification. Given that there are seemingly no quantifiable units of care by which to measure the role, concerns regarding whether enough care is being provided often focus on what constitutes <italic>enough time</italic> as a carer.

Health Promotion Agency Publications

19. Second-hand smoke exposure among 14 and 15-year-olds - Fact Sheet
HPA - 17 Jun 2019

20. Māori women's perspectives and experiences with smoking and vaping
HPA - 30 May 2019
HPA commissioned a qualitative research project to explore young Māori women’s attitudes towards vaping, their vaping behaviour, and the relationship between smoking and vaping.

21. 2018 Youth Insights Survey Methodology Report
HPA - 17 May 2019
The Youth Insights Survey (YIS) is a nationwide paper-based survey of Year 10 students (predominantly 14 to 15-year olds) conducted in schools every two years. The YIS collects data on smoking-related knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and their responses to tobacco control initiatives

Journal – Table Of Contents

WIN: World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery, Vol. 27 No.4 May 2019

22A. Editorial: hard won progress for our professions
22B. Your priorities with the president
22C. INMO members vote by 62% to accept labour Court proposals
22D. News: University hospital limerick needs to heed the lessons of Mid Staffordshire; Nursing Now launched in Ireland; Trolley crisis plums new depths; Limerick sees 81 on trolleys – highest ever daily count; Parental leave reinstated for member
22E. Opinion: 100 years of progress
22F. Section News: INMO celebrates two pioneering international section members; Retired section visits JFK homestead
22G. International: INMO leading and influencing European policy agenda
22H. Focus: Celebrating our professions
21I. 100 years of the INMO [Mark Loughrey, author of a new book looking at the past 100 years of the INMO, explains his passion of the project]
22J. Legal Focus: Statement writing and defending your practice [Before completing an incident form or writing a statement, stop, think, ask questions and seek advice from the INMO]
22K. Introducing Executive Council members [Marie O’Brien; Ann Noonan; Sean O’Shaughnessy]
22L. INMO Professional Development Learning Centre; Schedule of education programmes
22M. Finding the right information [The library offers advice on how to find relevant information to support your work or study]
22N. Interview skills for internship students
22O. More information on using ‘good information practices’
22P. Warning signs [The application of clinical governance to the Home Service Support provision in Ireland is flawed and an imminent risk to patient safety]
22Q. Caring for the homeless
22R. Informed consent [The process of obtaining informed consent and assent in children’s clinical research]
22S. Supporting role [The role of a specialist nurse is key in the ongoing care and support of patients with IBD]
22T. Major deficits in diabetes services
22U. Childhood atopic eczema [A stepwise approach to manging atopic eczema – from emollients to effective application of topical steroids]
22V. AVCs for SPSPS employees [How the single public service pension scheme could affect you at retirement]


23. 2nd World Congress - Organ Transplantation and Artificial Organs
Theme: Exploring New Dimensions in Organ Transplantation
Date: November 12-13, 2019
Venue: Brisbane, Australia
More information:

24. 2020 Tripartite Colorectal Meeting
In partnership with The NZ College of Stomal Therapy Nursing and The Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses Inc
Theme: “Looking Forward, Looking After - Ma Muri Ki Mua”
Date: 9–12 November 2020
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand
More information:

News – National

25. Elder abuse 'rampant' and 'all-hidden' in New Zealand
Stuff - Jun 18 2019
Age Concern Elder Abuse response advisor Farishta Peterson-Ihaka wants to raise awareness for Elder Abuse week.

26. Warnings as Victoria gears up for euthanasia
ODT - Tuesday, 18 June 2019
As Victoria counts down to a legalised assisted dying scheme, Catholic bishops have issued a last-ditch warning against the controversial laws. From Wednesday, terminally ill Victorian adults who meet 68 criteria will be able to ask their doctor for a lethal combination of medication.

News – International

27. Gout: Why the stigma?
Medical News Today – 31 May 2019
To some, gout sounds like a medieval condition consigned to the history books; the name has an almost comical ring to it. In reality, gout is incredibly painful and surprisingly common. Here, we ask why no one is talking about gout.

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