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Issue 17 Library e-newsletter 31 May 2019


1. Coping with violence: A guide for the human services
Vaughan Bowie
This guide teaches practical, common sense principles for the prevention and diffusion of violence against human service workers in a variety of institutional and community-based settings
Published 1989

2. Effective leadership & management in nursing
Eleanor J. Sullivan & Phillip J. Decker
6th edition, 2005
Using case studies with a managers checklist, critical thinking questions, key terms, an easy-to-read format, and a link to online instruction for professionals in the field, complete coverage is provided for nurses in the ever-changing health care field—and they have never needed this information more. Targeted to both practicing nurses and those in management, this book provides the tools for using the skills presented in each chapter

3.  A handbook for the interpretation of laboratory tests
Edited by Michael Gill
Diagnostic Medlab Auckland, August 2000
This handbook is for doctors, nurses, laboratory staff, paramedics and other workers in the field of health care

4. Social determinants approaches to public health: From concept to practice
Editors Erik Blas, Johannes Sommerfeld & Anand Siva
World Health Organisation, 2010
The thirteen case studies contained in this publication were commissioned by the research node of the Knowledge Network on Priority Public Health Conditions (PPHC-KN), a WHO-based inter-departmental working group associated with the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health. The case study project was overseen and managed by the WHO Department of Ethics, Equity, Trade and Human Rights (ETH) of the World Health Organization, in collaboration with the the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), the Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP), and the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR)

Articles – Abortion

5. Euthanasia and abortion
Margaret J Sparrow
New Zealand Medical Journal, 19th January 2018, Volume 131 Number 1468
Grant Gillett in his Report on Euthanasia for the New Zealand Medical Association suggests that it is a permissive law change which has seen abortion change from being a stigmatised, backroom activity to being an acceptable alternative for a woman with an unwanted pregnancy, and uses this example to warn of the risks that permissive legislation may bring to societal moral standards.

6. Reproductive justice: A framework for abortion law reform
Galloway, Kate;   McGrath, Jemima
Alternative Law Journal, Vol. 43, No. 4, Dec 2018: 295-301
: This article uses the framework of questions in the Queensland Law Reform Commission consultation paper to reprise the need for abortion law reform in Queensland specifically, and Australia generally. While answering the Queensland Law Reform Commission questions, we frame our inquiry around empowering women's self-determination to make decisions about their reproductive health as a hallmark of their equality as citizens.

7. Abortion protests and the limits of freedom of political communication: 'Clubb v Edwards'; 'Preston v Avery'
Morris, Shireen;   Stone, Adrienne
Sydney Law Review, Vol. 40, No. 3, Sep 2018: [395]-409
: Two cases currently before the High Court of Australia - 'Clubb v Edwards' and 'Preston v Avery' - raise the validity of state laws that seek to prohibit certain communication and protest outside abortion clinics. The laws are justified on the basis that they protect the 'safety', 'dignity', 'well-being' and 'privacy' of those seeking abortion services

Articles – Climate Change and Health

8. Addressing Climate Change: We Can't Afford Not To.
By Schenk, Elizabeth C.
Nursing Economic$. Jan/Feb 2019, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p6-8. 3p
: The author conveys her concerns about the role of nurses in addressing climate change. The author said that nurses should be aware of the risks and challenges associated with a warming planet. Nurse leaders can ask facilities staff to achieve energy efficiency goals measured by tracking greenhouse gas emissions.

9. Climate Change and Health-Related Environmental Risks: A Nursing Leadership Perspective.
By Stone, Patricia W.
Nursing Economic$. Jan/Feb 2019, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p7-8. 2p
t: An introduction to the journal is presented that focuses on issues related to climate change and health, including an overview of nursing's role in climate change, some of the challenges that nurses and nursing leadership may face if a disaster took place in their region, and the importance of emergency department services in weather-related events.

10. Climate Change, Climate Justice, and a Call for Action.
By Travers, Jasmine L.
Nursing Economic$. Jan/Feb 2019, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p9-12. 4p
t: It is time for nurses to step up and see themselves as a part of the solution to climate change. Propelling our efforts in policy, research, scholarship, clinical practice, and service as nurses and engaging our interprofessional colleagues are critical efforts as we move ahead in our call to action.

11. The Economics of Climate Change and the Intersection with Conflict, Violence, and Migration: Implications for the Nursing Profession.
By Nicholas, Patrice K.
Nursing Economic$. Jan/Feb 2019, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p23-34. 12p
: Climate change in the 21st century due to greenhouse gas emissions from anthropogenic activity represents a looming emergency. Warming of the planet with changes in temperature, precipitation, sea level rise, hurricanes, droughts, wildfires, and other environmental impacts are accelerating and contributing to deleterious health consequences including respiratory and cardiovascular effects due to air pollution, vector-borne and infectious diseases, food and water insecurity, and mental health disorders.

Journal - Table of Contents

AJN, American Journal of Nursing, April 2019, Volume 119, Number 4

12A. Editorial: Improving the work environment, step by step
12B. The small talk matters: Improving patient care with multilingual health care providers
12C. News: U.S. women’s health falls behind that of other high-income countries; Study of reported sexual misconduct by nurses finds gaps in disciplinary action; Black lung disease resurges in Appalachian coal miners; The number of uninsured Americans is on the rise again; Win-Loss scoreboard – Recent U.S. Health care trends
12D. America’s problem with opioid abuse takes its toll on nursing, too
12E. Drugwatch: New warning for fluoroquinolone antibiotics; Implantable pumps require specific medications to prevent pump failure and risks to patient safety
12F. Errors in postoperative administration of intravenous patient-controlled analgesia : A retrospective study
12G. Poem: Cat-a-tonic
12H. A historical review of nurse-physician bedside rounding
12I. Sustaining nursing grand rounds through interdisciplinary teamwork and interorganizational partnership
12J. Prosthetic mesh for the prevention of parastomal hernias
12K. EBP 2.0: From strategy to implementation: A new series showcases exemplars of evidence-based practice change
12L. Reexamining resilience
12M. Nurses and climate action: Opportunities to lead national efforts
12N. Journalwatch: Radical prostatectomy has substantial benefit for otherwise healthy men; Evaluate penicillin allergy before deciding against penicillin use; Tele-triage may be a safe and effective approach for patients with chest pain; Nursing empowerment intervention reduces inpatient sleep disruptions
12O. Finding joy in the workplace: Four steps to restoring purpose and meaning in health care
12P. Another day in the OR: Collapsing the insulting distance of global health


13. Quality Improvement Scientific Symposium 2019
: 10 Oct 2019
Venue: Te Papa
More information:

14. SOCCON 2019: New Zealand Social Sciences Conference
e: ‘A Sense of Place’
Date: 30 Sept – 2 October 2019
Venue: Waipuna Hotel
More information:

15. 11th Health Services and Policy Research Conference
4 to 6 December, 2019
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand

16. 34th Industrial and Employment Relations Summit
: 3 - 4 Mar 2020
Venue: Crowne Plaza, Auckland

News – National

17. Denying the right to an abortion is a form of tyranny
May 30 2019

18. Mild winter could be in the cards, NIWA says - 'It's been warm, full stop, no matter how you slice it
One News – 30 May 2019
After a slow start, Kiwis are finally starting to say goodbye to autumn and cranking up the heat. This has been the third-warmest May on record, and the country is "pretty unlikely" to see a "colder-than-average winter", NIWA weather forecaster Chris Brandolino said on TVNZ1's Breakfast this morning.

19. Abortion: 66% of NZers agree that a woman should have the right to choose
National Council of women (NCWNZ) on 29 October 2018

20. Time to change outdated abortion laws
29 October 2018
Faculty of Education and Social Work, Politics and law, Health and medicine, Human rights
Opinion: Current New Zealand abortion law disregards the human rights of women and puts us out of step internationally, writes Associate Professor Liz Beddoe

News – International

21. Ultraprocessed foods are easy, cheap and could be killing you
CNN – 30 May 2019
Two separate studies published Wednesday in The BMJ link eating the popular factory-made fare with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and an increased risk of early death. While a direct cause-effect relationship has yet to be established, the researchers of both studies note that previous studies have associated highly processed food consumption with higher risks of obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even some cancers.







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