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Issue 16 Library e-newsletter 28 May 2019

The New Zealand Sexual Health Society (NZSHS - Sexual Health Guidelines


1. Economics for everyone: A short guide to the economics of capitalism
Jim Stanford
Published 2008
Jim Stanford's book is an antidote to the abstract and ideological way that economics is normally taught and reported. Key concepts such as finance, competition and wage labor are explored, and their importance to everyday life is revealed.

2. Health activism: Foundations and strategies
Glenn Laverack
Published 2013
Health activism is a growing area of interest for many who work to improve health at both national and international levels because it offers a more direct approach to achieve lasting social and political change. This book, for the first time, provides a clear foundation to the theory, evidence-base and strategies that can be harnessed to bring about change to improve the lives and health of others.

3. The rise and fall of National Women’s Hospital: A history
Linda Bryder
Published 2014
In this major history, Linda Bryder traces the rise and fall of National Women’s over half a century in order to tell a wider story of reproductive health. She uses the varying perspectives of doctors, nurses, midwives, consumer groups and patients to show how together their dialogue shaped the nature of motherhood and women’s health in twentieth-century New Zealand

4. One small candle: Te Omanga Hospice. The first twenty five years
Jo Lynch; edited by Ali Carew
Published 2009
A history of the first 25 years of the Te Omanga Hospice

Articles – Sexual Health

5. The International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health Process of Care for the Identification of Sexual Concerns and Problems in Women
Parish, Sharon J, Hahn, Steven R,; Goldstein, Sue W,; Giraldi, Annamaria, & Kingsberg, Sheryl A; et al. Mayo Clinic Proceedings; Rochester Vol. 94, Iss. 5,  (May 2019): 842-856.
: A survey showing women's engagement in sexual activity over the previous 3 months revealed 65% to 70% at ages 18 to 49 years, 46% at ages 50 to 59 years, and 20% at ages 60 to 94 years.

6. “It’s not a time spent issue, it’s a ‘what have you spent your time doing?’ issue…” A qualitative study of UK patient opinions and expectations for implementation of Point of Care Tests for sexually transmitted infections and antimicrobial resistance.
Fuller, Sebastian S; Pacho, Agata; Broad, Claire E; Nori, Achyuta V; Harding-Esch, Emma M; et al.
PLoS One; San Francisco Vol. 14, Iss. 4, (Apr 2019): e0215380.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to be a major public health concern in the United Kingdom (UK). Epidemiological models have shown that narrowing the time between STI diagnosis and treatment may reduce the population burden of infection, and rapid, accurate point-of-care tests (POCTs) have potential for increasing correct treatment and mitigating the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

7. What do cost-effective health behaviour-change interventions contain? A comparison of six domains
Beard, Emma; West, Robert; Lorencatto, Fabiana; Gardner, Ben & Michie, Susan; et al.
PLoS One; San Francisco Vol. 14, Iss. 4,  (Apr 2019): e0213983. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0213983
: To help implement behaviour change interventions (BCIs) in practice it is important to be able to characterize their key components. This study compared broad features of cost-effective BCIs that addressed smoking, diet, physical activity, alcohol and sexual health. It also assessed the association of these with the magnitude of the cost-effectiveness estimates

Articles – Nursing Older People, May 2019 [RCN journal]

8. Approaches to managing older people using opiates and their risk of dependence
Ian Hamilton & Gerri Kaufman
Nursing Older People, 23 May 2019, Vol 31, Issue 3. doi: 10.7748/nop.2019.e1100
: There is little doubt that opiates have transformed healthcare, particularly in relation to pain management. However, many patients prescribed this type of drug develop problems such as dependency. It is important for nurses to understand the context in which opiates are used, as well as the specific needs of older people and how to respond to them.

9. Using the Relating to Older People Evaluation tool to measure ageism in higher education
Camille Cronin & Joanne Brooke
Nursing Older People, 23 May 2019, Vol 31, Issue 3. doi: 10.7748/nop.2019.e1127
: To explore the use of the Relating to Older People Evaluation (ROPE) questionnaire in different student populations in higher education, including nursing students.

10. Development of a capability-based training programme for an advanced nurse practitioner Clifford Kilgore
Nursing Older People, 23 May 2019, Vol 31, Issue 3. doi: 10.7748/nop.2019.e1088
: This article explores how a capability-based training programme was developed for one advanced nurse practitioner (ANP) in the care of older people in a community healthcare NHS trust. It also considers whether the programme could be replicated for other clinicians wishing to train for a specific advanced practice role.

11. How do I treat pain appropriately in a person with dementia?
Julie Willoughby
Nursing Older People, 23 May 2019, Vol 31, Issue 3, 21
: A tool to help staff understand the management of pain in dementia care comprises four simple steps to recognise pain and treat it effectively. Pain is common in people with dementia but is often under-recognised and poorly managed (Sampson et al 2015, Closs et al 2016). One of the reasons for this is a patient’s inability to communicate verbally despite experiencing pain (McAuliffe et al 2012).

12. NHS Improvement guidance on pressure ulcer definition and measurement
Erin Dean
Nursing Older People, 23 May 2019, Vol 31, Issue 3, 11
doi: 10.7748/nop.31.3.11.s11
: Almost 1,300 new pressure ulcers are reported each month in the NHS in England, according to NHS Digital. Treating pressure damage costs the NHS more than £3.8 million every day, but the recording of pressure ulcers and their severity can vary within and between trusts. Finding ways to improve the prevention of pressure damage is therefore a priority for policymakers, managers and healthcare staff.

13. Spotlight on ageism in the health service
Nick Evans
Nursing Older People, 23 May 2019, Vol 31, Issue 3, 8-9
: Research suggests some NHS staff are ageist and should review their approach to older people. The ageing population has had a remarkable effect on NHS care, including a rise in hospital admissions and the need to coordinate services for people with multiple long-term conditions.

Articles – Ageism

14. Recent developments in Australian and New Zealand age discrimination law: A comparative perspective
Blackham, Alysia
New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, Vol. 43, No. 2, Jun 2018: 66-82
: This article draws on comparative legal analysis of recent developments in age discrimination law in Australia and New Zealand, focussing particularly on developments in 2016, to consider emerging issues in the two jurisdictions. It argues that recent developments in age discrimination law in Australia and New Zealand reveal problematic tensions in the prohibition of age discrimination, that are likely to recur in years to come.

15. Equality and non-discrimination
Sleap, Bridget
Human Rights Defender, Vol. 27, No. 1, Apr 2018: 8-11
: Older people themselves must be part of the growing discussion on their human rights. This is the only way to ensure the debate at the UN Open-ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWGA) and its outcomes truly reflect their experience of human rights

16. Identifying institutional elder abuse in Australia through coronial and other death review processes
Mitchell, Bill
Macquarie Law Journal, Vol. 18, 2018: 35-56
: This analysis involves examining coronial and other death review processes, and in particular the 'triggers' that initiate those processes. The analysis involves considering what we already know about deaths in RACS. We also need to understand how our systems' response to deaths by institutional elder abuse is potentially impacted by other factors including constitutional confusion and entrenched ageism.

Journal - Table of Contents

The Dissector: Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation, June 2019, Vol. 47, No. 1

17A. Editorial: Infections must be controlled
17B. Table Talk: Best clinical practice
17C. News: PN conference registration open; Update on anti-staphylococcal bundle using acollaborative approach; Breath test for gastro illness; Obituary Judith Anne Miles; Perioperative trauma care courses
17D. Surgery in the age of multi drug resistant organisms: What have we learnt from history?
17E. Hand hygiene in the operating room: It’s in your hands
17F. Hospital privacy curtains: What’s hanging around?
17G. Cleaning and disinfecting of ultrasound transducers
17H. Organisational culture and its impact on medication safety
17I. Industry news: Terumo gets Pharmac listing; Defries Industries offers new single-use cordless retractor; INVIRTU alcohol free foam hand sanitiser; Alternative orthopaedic fixation; Cleancase smart sterile covers on sale; Opritech’s high-tech infection control solution; Jackson Allison offers new retractor system; Stryker showcases new Sonopet iQ Ultrasonic Aspirator System
17J. Surgical wound healing


18. Quality Improvement Scientific Symposium 2019
: 10 Oct 2019
Venue: Te Papa
More information:

19. SOCCON 2019: New Zealand Social Sciences Conference
Theme: ‘A Sense of Place’
Date: 30 Sept – 2 October 2019
Venue: Waipuna Hotel
More information:

20. 11th Health Services and Policy Research Conference
: 4 to 6 December, 2019
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand

21. 34th Industrial and Employment Relations Summit
Date: 3 - 4 Mar 2020
Venue: Crowne Plaza, Auckland

News – National

22. Experts urge businesses to prioritise employees' wellbeing
Radio New Zealand – 27 May 2019
Analysis - Mental health is a growing and costly problem in New Zealand, but it is gaining recognition. As the government prepares to reveal its 'Wellbeing Budget', businesses are making their own changes.

23. Teens go without phones to highlight danger of driving while distracted
Catherine Groenestein12:25, May 27 2019
Teenagers voluntarily giving up their cell phones sounds like the beginning of a fantasy story - but this week it is happening in South Taranaki. Three students from Hāwera High School's Students Against Dangerous Driving (SADD) group are joining a nationwide effort to highlight the danger of being distracted by technology while driving.

24. Public warned as Auckland faces a syphilis outbreak
The Auckland District Health Board is warning people of the increased danger of the transmission of syphilis amid an outbreak of the disease. The Auckland District Health Board deputy chief medical officer, Dr Richard Sullivan, said there is a concerning pattern emerging as numbers continue to rise, both in the Auckland region and globally

News – International

25. How does exercise support health later in life?
Medical News Today, Saturday 25 May 2019
New research shows that older adults who exercise regularly can perform everyday tasks more easily and gain independence. Swimming is a great way to stay fit in older age. Insufficient physical activity causes around 3.2 million deaths worldwide each year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

26. Weighing yourself every day could prevent weight gain
Medical News Today 25 May 2019
New research tests a novel strategy for preventing holiday weight gain and proposes a psychological mechanism that explains why the strategy may work

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