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Issue 5 Library e-newsletter - 11 Mar 2019


These books are avialable for borrowing by NZNO current members for a period of 4 weeks. Please supply a street address so items can be couriered out to you.

1. Nurse on board: Planning your path to the boardroom
Connie Curran
Published in 2016
With years of board leadership to her credit, author Connie Curran expertly provides the tools you need to attain and succeed in your first board role.
- Best practices, data, and advice from seasoned board leaders
- Explanations of different types of boards, how they work, their required skills and experiences, how they recruit new board members
- How to develop, nurture, and leverage your personal and professional networks to ensure you are on the radar careen when board roles become available

2. Spirituality in nursing: Standing on holy ground
Mary Elizabeth O’Brien
6th edition, 2018
The text focuses on relevant topics in contemporary nursing such as the spiritual history of nursing, assessment of patient's spiritual needs, the nurse's role in spiritual care as well as the the nurse patient relationship and spiritual needs.

3. Rural nursing: Concepts, theory, and practice
Edited by Charlene A. Winters
4th edition, 2013
The book presents a wealth of new information that expands upon the rural nursing theory base and greatly adds to our understanding of current rural health care issues. It retains seminal chapters that consider theory and practice, client and cultural perspectives, response to illness, and community roles in sustaining good health. Authored by contributors from the United States, Canada, and Australia, the text examines rural health issues from a national and international perspective.

Articles – Measles

4. Measles Outbreak in an Era of Stricter Immunization Requirements - California, March 2018
Han, George, MD; Batra, Neale, MSc; Vallejo, Alvin; Schechter, Robert, MD; Zipprich, Jennifer, PhD; et al.
MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; Atlanta,  Vol. 68, Iss. 8, (Mar 1, 2019).
: This article reports the measles outbreak in an era of stricter immunization requirements in California, March 2018. On Mar 4, 2018, an unvaccinated adolescent boy (patient A, aged 15 years) who had recently returned from England and Wales, where measles outbreaks were occurring, was evaluated by a physician for fever, cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, Koplik spots, and rash

5. The impact of supplementary immunization activities on routine vaccination coverage: An instrumental variable analysis in five low-income countries
Chakrabarti, Averi; ⨯ Karen A Grépin; ⨯ Stéphane Helleringer.
PLoS One; San Francisco Vol. 14, Iss. 2,  (Feb 2019): e0212049
: Countries deliver vaccines either through routine health services or supplementary immunization activities (SIAs), usually community-based or door-to-door immunization campaigns. While SIAs have been successful at increasing coverage of vaccines in low- and middle-income countries, they may disrupt the delivery of routine health services. We examine the impact of SIAs on routine vaccine coverage in five low-income countries.

6. Interventions to help people understand community immunity: A systematic review
Hakim, Hina; Provencher, Thierry; Chambers, Christine T; Driedger, S Michelle; Dube, Eve; et al.
Vaccine; Kidlington Vol. 37, Iss. 2,  (Jan 7, 2019): 235-247
: Herd immunity, or community immunity, occurs when susceptible people in a population are indirectly protected from infection thanks to the pervasiveness of immunity within the population. In this study, we aimed to systematically review interventions designed to communicate what community immunity is and how community immunity works to members of the general public.

7. Measles vaccines: WHO position paper, April 2017 – Recommendations
Vaccine; Kidlington Vol. 37, Iss. 2,  (Jan 7, 2019): 219-222
: This article presents the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendations on the use of measles vaccines excerpted from the WHO position paper on Measles vaccines: WHO position paper – April 2017, published in the Weekly Epidemiological Record [1]. This position paper replaces the 2009 WHO position paper on measles vaccines [2]. The position paper summarizes the most recent developments in the field of measles and includes removal of introduction criteria for the routine second dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV2), guidance on when to vaccinate infants from 6months of age, and guidance on re-vaccination of HIV-infected children receiving highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART).

Articles – Nursing Management, January 2019 [RCN Journal]

8. Evaluation of matron ward rounds to enhance patient experience and improve staff morale
Debbie Mennim, Charlotte Moen
Nursing Management, 28 January 2019. 26(1)
: In September 2015, LWFT introduced daily matron ward rounds (MWRs) following a directive from the trust’s chief executive to provide assurance that comfort rounds were completed and that patient feedback was acted on in a timely manner. This article presents findings from an evaluation of the initiative and describes how daily MWRs improve patient experience and staff morale but are resource intensive.

9. Always Events: finding out what is important to service users
Helen Lee
Nursing Management, 28 January 2019. 26 (1), 16-19. doi: 10.7748/nm.26.1.16.s9
: Defining what should happen whenever care is provided Four years ago, NHS England was inspired by the work of Kate Granger and the effects of the #hellomynameis campaign, which highlighted the importance of understanding what matters to people and how small acts such as introducing yourself can have a huge effect on someone’s experience of care.

10. Managing transitions to palliative care for older people in acute hospitals
Elaine Maxwell
Nursing Management. 26, 1, 13-15. doi: 10.7748/nm.26.1.13.s8
: The fourth article in our six-part series drawing on research funded by the National Institute for Health Research and included in NIHR Dissemination Centre publications. The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Dissemination Centre helps clinical staff, commissioners and patients to make informed decisions about best practice and treatment in health and social care. In our themed review, Better Endings (NIHR 2015), we look at the evidence on best practice in caring for people who are dying.

Articles – British Journal of Community Nursing, March 2019

11. Assessment and management of eczema in adults in the community setting
Burr, Sara
British Journal of Community Nursing, Mar 2019; 24(3): 110-115. 6p
: This article outlines the different presentations of eczema in adulthood and how to recognise and treat them. For community prescribers, it is important that they are knowledgeable about local formularies and the first-line therapies available, as well as when it is appropriate to suggest over-the-counter products.

12. Alternative to antibiotics for managing asymptomatic and non-symptomatic bacteriuria in older persons: a review.
Duncan, Debbie
British Journal of Community Nursing, Mar 2019; 24(3): 116-119. 4p
Abstract: This article reviews the literature and recommendations for the treatment of UTIs particularly in the older population (>65 years). It considers the question: is there an alternative for antibiotics for asymptomatic and non-symptomatic bacteriuria in older adults? D-mannose powder has been recommended for the treatment of UTIs, as when applied locally, it reduces the adherence of Escherichia coli.

13. Establishing a structured plan to provide high-quality end-of-life care in community settings.
Ramplin, Charlotte
British Journal of Community Nursing, Mar 2019; 24(3): 120-127. 8p
: The purpose of this project was to explore how registered community nurses experienced providing holistic end-of-life care and how having a structured end-of-life care pathway plan would help develop their knowledge and skills, particularly in respect of communication and their ability and confidence in providing evidence-based compassionate care.

14. Alcohol use by people in their seventies is not an exception: a preliminary prospective study.
Michel, Lenaig; Conq, Estelle; Combs, Emmanuelle; Cholet, Jennyfer; Bodenez, Pierre; Le Reste, Jean Yves; Landreat, Morgane Guillou
British Journal of Community Nursing, Mar 2019; 24(3): 128-133. 6p
: The ageing population is rapidly increasing worldwide, and the alcohol-related disease burden in most Western countries is on the rise. However, very few studies assess alcohol use in older people. Here, a self-reported questionnaire was administered to all individuals aged 70 years or more who visited a social centre for older people in western France.

Journal - Table of Contents

American Journal of Nursing, Feb 2019, Volume 119, Number 2

15A. Editor’s Miscellany: Looking back often brings fresh insights
15B. Viewpoint: Truth, Voice, and Resiliency [Reflections from a nurse and survivor on Christine Blasey Ford’s recent testimony]
15C. News: Massachusetts voters reject nurse staffing standards; Proposed changes to the hospital improvement rule; New advice on antibiotics for hospitalization children; Vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids don’t lower rates of cancer or CVD
15D. Is labor induction at 39 weeks linked to adverse outcomes?: A new study says no, although concerns remain
15E. Cochrane corner: Lower vs. standard blood pressure targets in people with hypertension and CVD
15F. Drug watch: Approval of new opioid raises concerns; FDA approves new antiviral for influenza
15G. Midlife hypertension and hypercholesterolemia in relation to cognitive function later in life in black women
15H. Caring for survivors of Hodgkin Lymphoma: An evidence-based review of common late effects of HL treatment
15I. Poem: Numeric
15J. A nurse-driven oral care protocol to reduce hospital-acquired pneumonia: using evidence-based practice to create a high-priority, high-impact daily intervention
15K. The American Public Health Association’s annual meeting: Fostering dialogue and action on health equity
15L. Integrating peer review into nursing practice: Clinical nurses develop a program to strengthen professional relationships and practice
15M. Acute flaccid myelitis: An ongoing investigation: This polio-like illness typically affects children
15N. Ethical considerations when dismissing patients for noncompliance: APRNs remain guided, first of all, by the ANA Code of Ethics
15O. Journalwatch: Antihypertensive treatment doesn’t reduce mortality in patients with mild hypertension; Parental efforts to change adolescents’ sexual orientation linked to adverse mental health outcomes, NICU nurse workload associated with missed care; Patient safety still of serious concern to nurses and patients
15P. From the AJN archives: Nursing in pneumonia, AJN, September 1903
15Q. The language of kindness: An immersive experience [ Christie Watson’s memoir locates nursing’s emotional core
15R. Little sparrow: Discovering the healing value of a garden sanctuary


16. Council of International Neonatal Nurses Conference
Venue: SkyCity Auckland Convention Centre, Auckland
Date: 5 - 8 May 2019
More information:

17. Goodfellow Symposium
: 22- 24 March 2019
80 presentations over two days. The programme includes: what's new in joint replacement with Kevin Karpik, early detection of skin cancer with Chris Boberg, exploring new paradigms for depression with Giresh Kanji, as well as everything you need to know about ear infections with Melanie Collins
More information and to register:

News – National

18. Measles cases 'continue to climb' as patients recover from intensive hospital care
The Press - Mar 11, 2019
Canterbury's measles outbreak has taken two more casualties as the number of confirmed cases reaches 22. Canterbury medical officer of health Dr Alistair Humphrey is calling for diligence as the disease affects people all over the city and "several" recover from time in intensive care

19. Oamaru Hospital services will stay, says CEO
ODT - 6 March 2019
Waitaki District Health Services has given further assurance that services at Oamaru Hospital will not be cut, at the first of a series of community meetings called by the company that owns and operates the hospital yesterday.

20. Select committee confirms inquiry into how health system treats Māori
6 Mar, 2019 3:10pm
Why Māori suffer worse health than other New Zealanders will be investigated by Parliament. The Māori affairs select committee will hold an inquiry into Māori health inequalities, its chairman and Labour MP Rino Tirikatene confirmed.
News – International

21. How Facebook's anti-vaccination movement is kept in check by these Aussie volunteers
ABC Science – 7 March 2019
The anti-vaccination movement was not invented by the internet, but its spread has been aided by the controversy-addicted algorithms of digital platforms like YouTube and Facebook. Social media companies have been slow to act — Facebook continues to accept paid ads from vaccination sceptic groups such as the Australian Vaccination-risks Network — and in the vacuum, volunteers log on during lunch breaks to make a point: there is no established link between vaccines and autism

22. 'It was a feeling of defeat': the real signs of workplace burnout
By Karla Arnall for The Pineapple Project
When Melbourne veterinarian Dr Nicola* told her boss she was struggling in the face of an unrelenting caseload, she said her concerns weren't taken seriously. Dr Nicola said overtime was frequent and expected. The constant pressure to bill clients resulted in rushed consults and every shift became a race against the clock

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