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Issue 38 - Library e-newsletter 30 Nov 2018

Articles – Caring for the Carer

1. Making Self-Care a Priority: Caring for the Carer
Smit, Charmaine
Whitireia Nursing & Health Journal, 2017; (24): 29-35. 7p

Abstract: The multilayered demand of caring for palliative clients and their families requires that professionals make self-care a priority. A good starting point involves having a self-care plan that addresses individual strengths and challenges, including physical, emotional, cognitive, relational and spiritual.

2. Caring for the carer: The lessons of research
Progress in Palliative Care, Jun 2014; 22(3): 150-154. 5p

Abstract: There is a cost to persons who counsel or work with individuals who are ill, dying, or bereaved. Frequently, they can experience grief reactions that can negatively affect a personal sense of well-being, and relationships with others both within and outside of their workplace. This paper explores the phenomenon of carer grief.

3. The impact of volunteering on the volunteer: findings from a peer support programme for family carers of people with dementia.
Charlesworth, Georgina; Sinclair, James B.; Brooks, Alice; Sullivan, Theresa; Ahmad, Shaheen; Poland, Fiona
Health & Social Care in the Community, Mar 2017; 25(2): 548-558. 11p

Abstract: With an ageing population, there are increasing numbers of experienced family carers (FCs) who could provide peer support to newer carers in a similar care situation.

4. Working with informal caregivers: advice for nurses.
Barber, Christopher
British Journal of Nursing, 10/18/2018; 27(19): 1104-1105. 2p

Abstract: The article offers advice for nurses on cooperating with informal caregivers. Topics include the demographics of informal caregivers in Great Britain, the role of community nursing teams in supporting informal caregivers, and the work of community mental health and learning disability teams in helping informal caregivers.

5. The role and supportive care needs of the partners and carers of women with breast cancer
Girgis, Afaf;   Levesque, Janelle V;   Smith, Allan;   Durcinoska, Ivana;   Gerges, Martha
Cancer Forum, 41(1), Mar 2017: 67-74

Abstract: There is ample evidence that taking on the role of carer has significant impacts on carers' physical and mental health and many carers feel ill prepared for that role, especially if the care requires them to address complex medical needs while also supporting their loved one with the psychological challenges experienced following a cancer diagnosis.

Articles – Nursing Older People [RCN Jnl], 30(7), 29 Nov 2018

6. Maintaining skin health in older people
Lawton S
Nursing Older People, 29 November 2018, 30(7). doi: 10.7748/nop.2018.e1082

Abstract: Skin changes associated with age are inevitable. Ageing is associated with structural and functional changes of the skin that result in increased vulnerability. The most common functional skin changes are dryness (xerosis), which causes itching and discomfort, and skin fragility, increasing patients’ vulnerability to skin damage

7. Challenges of implementing and embedding a programme to improve care for older people with dementia on hospital wards
Ann Skingley, Joy Marshall
Nursing Older People, 29 November 2018, 30(7). doi: 10.7748/nop.2018.e1120
: The authors took part in a national research project that evaluated an intervention to enhance person-centred care for people with dementia in hospital

8. Developing a holistic, multidisciplinary community service for frail older people
Amanda Featherstone
Nursing Older People, 29 November 2018, 30(7). doi: 10.7748/nop.2018.e1064
: This article explores the development of an ambulatory community service that demonstrates multidisciplinary working to meet the diverse needs of frail older people and their carers. The service comprises advanced nurse practitioners, a pharmacist, a community navigator, consultants, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, a nurse, rehabilitation assistants, a healthcare assistant and an administrator.

9. Improving the identification of patients with delirium using the 4AT assessment
Amelia Bearn, William Lea, Jennie Kusznir
Nursing Older People, 29 November 2018, 30(7). doi: 10.7748/nop.2018.e1060
: Delirium is a common neuropsychiatric disorder that all those working with older people will have encountered at some stage. Delirium is often poorly identified in hospital settings and therefore not optimally managed

10. Keep it clear to engage your readers
Nursing Older People, 29 November 2018. 30 (7),16-16.
: Your article has a single purpose: to communicate. Effective written communication takes practice. You may need to write several drafts before you feel your work is ready to submit, and even then the journal editor may require further changes. Your overarching aim is to be clear, and every paragraph, every sentence, every word must contribute to this goal

11. How can advance care planning enhance end of life care for nursing home residents?
Sue Lyne, Elena Mucci
Nursing Older People, 29 November 2018, 30(7), 17-17. doi: 10.7748/nop.30.7.17.s15
: The process can guide nursing home staff and community nursing teams. Nursing home residents with complex comorbidities, including frailty, often have unplanned hospital admissions (McGlade et al 2017). These admissions are associated with a decline in functional status or problems unrelated to the reason for admission, and mortality rates rise during admission and after discharge (Graverholt et al 2011).

Journal - Table of Contents

Whitireia Nursing & Health Journal, Issue 25 2018

12A. Editorial: Twenty-five years of publication: Has anything changed? [Kerri Arcus]
12B. Stretchers & Stories: The importance of stories in paramedic education
12C. Factors contributing to lifelong learning for support workers who have completed a national certificate in mental health and addiction support programme
12D. The place of Rangahau Maori in Nursing Practice
12E. Medication simulation: Enhancing nursing students’ clinical environmental awareness through self-care and promotion of patient safety
12F. A big life [Poem by Sheena Smith]
12G. Access to palliative care services in prison: Who cares?
12H. The use of simulated patients in undergraduate nursing programmes: A review of the literature
12I. Rangahau Tapuhi Maori: Maori nursing research
12J. Understanding the mental health support worker role in Aotearoa New Zealand: A literature review
12K. Out-of-hospital resuscitation of obese patients: Myths, challenges and the evidence
12L. Reflective Poetry: Beautiful baby and reflection


13. Cancer care at a crossroads conference
Date: 31 January - 1 February 2019
Venue: Te Papa, Wellington
The University of Otago (Wellington) and Cancer Society of New Zealand, in partnership with the Ministry of Health and New Zealand Society for Oncology.
More information: Cancer Care at a Crossroads Conference

News – National

14. Cultural app to raise awareness among staff and community
Date: 02/10/2018 1:00pm
Pronunciation of te reo Māori, cultural protocol and waiata are the main focus of a new mobile app, Āke Āke, launched this week by Auckland and Waitematā District Health Boards. Āke Āke, available now on iOS and Android, took a year to develop and includes an interactive user-friendly guide to Māori customs and traditions.
Download from the Play Store Āke Āke Kiwi Digital

15. Progressive Thinking: ten perspectives on the future of work
- Collective voice in a freelance world by Andrew Pakes
- Ngā kaupapa and the future of work by Paula Davis and Te IwiNgaro Dunn with Kirsten Windelov
- Employee voice by Laura Harvey
- Work - the future - are we prepared by Margaret Wilson
- Low wages and our weak industrial relations law by Bill Rosenberg
- Fair pay agreements: are we ready for them? by Laila Harre
- Work in a world of climate change by Sam Huggard
- Normalising flexible work by Dr Noelle Donnelly
- NZ Businesses role in addressing human rights issues by Dr Jackie Blue
- An employers’ guide to manage the revolution by Lisa Heap

16. US crackdown on sale of e-cigarettes
ODT 16 November 2018
The Juul e-cigarette is one of the most popular devices in the US. Photo: Reuters  The US Food and Drug Administration has announced sweeping new restrictions on flavoured tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes popular among teenagers in an effort to prevent a new generation of nicotine addicts.

News - International

17. Aged Care Quality Standards
31 October 2018
The new Aged Care Quality Standards are contained in the Quality of Care Amendment (Single Quality Framework) Principles 2018.
Providers will continue to be assessed against the current standards until 30 June 2019, with assessment and monitoring against the new Aged Care Quality Standards starting from 1 July 2019

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