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Issue 28 Library e-newsletter 31 July 2018

Key definitions used by Safe Staffing Healthy Workplaces Unit


Available for issue for 4 weeks to current NZNO members. Please provide your address so the books can be couriered to you.

1. The Raupō book of Māori proverbs = Te kohikohinga whakataukī a Raupo
A.E. Brougham & A.W. Reed
Revised by Timoti Karetu
Several hundred proverbs are contained in this book, categorised under a large number of diverse headings, with translations and explanations in English.

2.  Caring matters most: The ethical significance of nursing
Mark Lazenby
Explanations of moral theory with real-life examples to guide nurses through the cultivation of five habits: Trustworthiness, imagination, beauty, space, and presence.

3. Wild words
Nelson mail columnist, Teresa O’Connor
Published in 2000
Whatever her subject – and she’s touched on everything from international politics to the intricacies of family life – she always writes with conviction and often passion. Her columns are frequently funny, always entertaining and sometimes surprisingly warm.

4. The hope circuit: A psychologist’s journey from helplessness to optimism
Martin Seligman
The author tells the human stories behind some of his major findings, like CAVE, an analytical tool that predicts election outcomes (with shocking accuracy) based on the language used in campaign speeches, the international spread of positive education and the canonical studies that birthed the theory of learned helplessness.

Articles  - Safe Staffing

5. Why is safe staffing taking so long?
McKelvie, Rhonda
Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, Dec2017/Jan2018; 23(11): 20-21. 2p
: Its been a long time – more than 10 years – since nurses and midwives, during negotiations with district health boards, first asked for a sustainable solution to short staffing. A researcher wants to find out why it’s taking so long

6. Wales adopts safe staffing laws while the rest of the UK watches
Dean , Erin.
Nursing Standard,  Vol. 32, Iss. 30,  (Mar 21, 2018): 12. DOI:10.7748/ns.32.30.12.s10
: Joanna Doyle, manager of the All Wales Nurse Staffing Programme at Public Health Wales, said in early March that implementation of the law was going well. Ms Doyle, who is helping NHS Wales prepare for and meet the new requirements, told the National Safe Staffing Summit in London: ‘The data we are using to drive this act are becoming more reliable and more robust. The staff have confidence in the data to provide an accurate picture of the ward where they work.

7. Safety first, nurses and midwives tell Ramsay: Nurses and midwives continue to press for safe staffing standards at NSW hospitals owned by Ramsay Health Care.
Lamp, Apr 2018; 75(3): 16-17. 2p
: The article reports that the members of the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives' Association (NSWNMA) have asked the trade union to prioritize solving understaffing issues at private hospitals run by operator Ramsay when negotiating for an enterprise agreement (EA) that will replace the old one which expired on March 31, 2018. Topics discussed include the impact of understaffing on the quality of patient care at Ramsay and the strategies allegedly employed by Ramsay to increase its revenue.

8. Safe staffing: Critical to care
Carrigan, Cate
Australian Nursing Journal: ANJ, Vol. 20, No. 10, Apr 2013: 26-29
: Cate Carrigan looks at the growing evidence of the importance of adequate nursing levels and moves to have standards put in place across the country.

Articles – Resilience

9. Building Moral Resilience
By Stutzer, Karen
Critical Care Nurse. Feb 2018, Vol. 38 Issue 1, p77-79. 3p
: The article discusses how organizations can enhance the environment to ensure ethical practice. Topics mentioned include a panel of acute and critical care nurses at the National Teaching Institute that discussed moral distress in May 2017, how organizations can build moral resilience, and the role of nursing leaders to influence ethical practice through their words and deeds

10. Ethics, Law, and Policy. Moral Resilience: Managing and Preventing Moral Distress and Moral Residue.
By Lachman, Vicki D.
MEDSURG Nursing. Mar/Apr2016, Vol. 25 Issue 2, p121-124. 4p
: The article discusses the practice of nursing, dealing with morally complex situations, and preventing moral injury, moral distress, and burnout. Topics include the importance of self-confidence among nurses, the definition of resilience and its application to the term Moral Resilience, and the magnitude of harm done by moral injury. Other topics include the transformational coping strategies of understanding and contextualizing the circumstances of a situation.

11. Ramp up your resilience!
Harvard Health Letter. Nov 2017, Vol. 43 Issue 1, p4-4. 1p.
: The article focuses on the management of mental stress. Topics discussed include health problems associated with the stress; health benefits resilience and practicing meditation; statement of Laura Malloy, Aging program director at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine on the same; and tips for managing the same such as positive thinking.

12. How to Bounce Back from Anything.
By Dunn, Jancee.
Health. Sep 2017, Vol. 31 Issue 7, p96-96. 1p
: The article offers suggestions related to techniques for developing resilience in order to deal with emotional stress and come out successfully from adverse and tough situations of life.

13. Family Communication Styles and Resilience among Adolescents.
By Acuña, M. Alejandra; Kataoka, Sheryl.
Social Work. Jul 2017, Vol. 62 Issue 3, p261-269. 9p
: Some adolescents manage to be resilient, whereas others develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms after experiencing trauma, but the mechanisms underlying these differences are unclear. Public secondary school students (N = 98) referred for counseling completed questionnaires assessing exposure to stressful events, family communication, and PTSD.

14. Relational Resilience in Māori, Pacific, and European Sole Parent Families: From Theory and Research to Social Policy.
By Waldegrave, Charles; King, Peter; Maniapoto, Maria; Tamasese, Taimalieutu Kiwi; Parsons, Tafaoimalo Loudeen; Sullivan, Ginny.
Family Process. Dec 2016, Vol. 55 Issue 4, p673-688. 16p
: The study was carried out to provide an evidence base for the development and implementation of policies and interventions to both support sole parent families who have achieved resilience and assist those who struggle to do so.

15. Measuring resilience in palliative care workers using the situational judgement test methodology.
By Pangallo, Antonio; Zibarras, Lara; Patterson, Fiona.
Medical Education. Nov 2016, Vol. 50 Issue 11, p1131-1142. 12p
: Relatively little research has been directed toward the assessment of resilience in the health care context. Given the stressors associated with the provision of health care, the present study describes the development and evaluation of a situational judgement test ( SJT) designed to assess resilience in palliative care health care workers

Journal - Table of Contents

Midwifery News -  New Zealand College of Midwives, June 2018

16A. From the president: Why we must stick together [Deb Pittam]
16B. Mixed messages how we hate them! Ups and downs… the roller coaster of midwifery [Karen Guilliland, Chief Executive]
16C. Midwives leading the way with quality care
16D. What is the College’s structure and how does it work for members?
16E. Representing the interests of midwives [Lesley Dixon, Midwifery Advisor]
16F. Colleague to colleague feedback: constructive feedback is useful feedback
16G. MERA’s new co-leader has wide experience as advocate for women’s causes and women workers. [Jill Ovens]
16H. New graduate midwives exonerated by new research
16I. Antibiotic resistance, antibiotic stewardship and midwifery care
16J. Bipolar disorder in the perinatal period
16K. Victories for some in staffing battles
16L. Reflections on a year in a midwifery hot seat [Maria Scott]; Colleagues pay tribute to tireless breastfeeding advocate, Sue Pace
16M. New Zealand midwife taking midwifery to the world [Sue Bree]
16N. Hot topic on the phones from the Midwifery Advisors – Induction of Labour
16O. “You’re in my heart” [Ann Yates – Lead Midwife Advisor to the International Confederation of Midwives]
16P. Pasifika Midwives Aotearoa update [Hope on the horizon – growing the workforce]
16Q. Reflection – how to take a (real) holiday from midwifery
16R. Breastfeeding corner – Midwives, BFHI and the International Code of marketing of breast milk substitutes
16S. Research briefs: Administration of oxytocin by midwives during spontaneous labour; A qualitative exploration of techniques used by expert midwives to preserve the perineum intact; A qualitative study looking at the enablers and barriers for women with gestational diabetes mellitus to achieve optimal glycaemic control; The relationship between intimate partner violence reported at the first antenatal booking visit and obstetric and perinatal outcomes


17. To all nurses working in Primary and Community
Please come and hear from the College, grow your networks, and share your experiences, all welcome (NGOs, Corrections; District Nurses; Practice Nurses; Public Health Nurses; Well Child Tamariki Ora; Plunket; Aged Care; Home and Community Support Services; NASC; PHOs; Rural Nurses etc)
Date:    Thursday 23rd August 2018
Time:   6.00PM - 8.30 PM
Venue:       Nurse Maude Ballroom, 35 Mansfield Avenue, St Albans, Christchurch

18. CultureShift 2018 (Strategies to Combat Workplace Bullying)
Hosts world-renowned expert Dr Gary Namie
Founder and Director of the American Workplace Bullying Institute

Date: 24/25 October 2018
Venue: Te Papa, Wellington
More information:

19. Employment Law Update 2018
A 1-day insight to ensure that you comply and are prepared for the negotiating table
Auckland: 24 September

Wellington 26 September

20. Tackling Diet-related Disease in New Zealand
: Tuesday, 4 September 2018, 9.00am – 4.30pm
Venue: Nordmeyer Lecture Theatre, University of Otago Wellington, 23A Mein St, Newtown, Wellington

News - National

21. Minister brokers Accord on safe nurse staffing
The Beehive - 27 July 2018
Health Minister Dr David Clark has announced a joint accord between District Health Boards, the Nurses Organisation and the Ministry of Health to ensure safe staffing levels in public hospitals. “The Government is committed to making sure we have enough nurses in our public hospitals to ensure both their own safety and their patients’ safety,” David Clark says.

22. Calls to beef up reporting of adverse drug side effects
From Nine To Noon, 9:08 am 30/7/2018
Research has shown that throughout the world, the side effects of medications are significantly under reported. In New Zealand the monitoring system relies on voluntary reports by GPs or patients to the Centre for Adverse Monitoring .But with the rapidly advancing field of new drugs, and drug formulations - health experts are highlighting a need for more active pharmacovigilance

23. New Zealand has highest skin cancer rate in the world - report
Newshub – 30/7/2018
New Zealand and Australia have - by far - the highest susceptibility to skin cancer in the world, according to new statistics. The 2018 skin cancer index published by German medical analyst group reveals almost 2500 new melanoma cases are diagnosed in New Zealand every year

24. We aren't eating enough fruit and vegetables, and half of adult Kiwis aren’t exercising for the recommended two-and-a-half hours every week, a study by the Ministry of Health has revealed
One News – 30/7/2018

News – International

25. The women working behind the scenes to shed light on Australia's endometriosis epidemic
Sydney Morning Herald, 28 July 2018
There’s a disease that afflicts one woman for every 10 in your life. To say it causes pain is simplistic. The mothers, daughters, sisters, partners and friends with this disease say it makes them feel “incomplete and broken”, “like [their] body is [their] worst enemy”, “like [they’ve] failed as a woman”.

26. NHS Improvement
Safe Staffing resources

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